Navigating the Teams recording location is key for anyone using Microsoft Teams for meetings, as it empowers collaboration, training, and documentation efforts. As Teams emerges as the go-to platform for virtual gatherings, being adept at retrieving these recordings not only boosts efficiency but also ensures you make the most out of every meeting.

Where Do Microsoft Teams Store Recordings?

Since early 2021, Microsoft Teams has altered its recording storage practices. Recordings are now stored in OneDrive for non-channel meetings and SharePoint for channel meetings. This change aims to streamline access and improve security.

  • Channel Meetings: Recordings are saved to a SharePoint folder within the team’s channel, making them accessible to all channel members.
  • Non-Channel Meetings: Recordings go directly to the OneDrive of the user who initiated the recording, with viewing permissions extended to all invited meeting attendees.

How to Access Teams Recordings

Accessing your Teams meeting recordings requires a few simple steps, depending on the meeting type:

  • For Channel Meetings: Navigate to the channel in Teams, find the ‘Files’ tab, and select the ‘Recordings’ folder.
  • For Non-Channel Meetings: Open your OneDrive, and locate the ‘Recordings’ folder, where all meeting recordings initiated by you will be stored.

Troubleshooting Common Issues with Teams Recording Location

Encountering issues while trying to find or access your recordings? Ensure you’re checking the correct location based on the meeting type and that you have the necessary permissions. If problems persist, consulting Microsoft’s support documentation or your organization’s IT department can offer further assistance.

Integrating Krisp with Teams for Enhanced Meeting Productivity

Incorporating Krisp with Microsoft Teams meetings can significantly enhance your audio experience by filtering out background noise and providing clearer, more professional-sounding audio. Krisp also offers recording and transcription services, complementing Teams’ functionalities and making meeting management even more efficient.


Knowing where your Teams recordings are stored and how to access them is essential for effective meeting management. By following the simple steps outlined, you can easily find, manage, and leverage your recordings. And with Krisp’s added capabilities, your Teams meetings can reach new heights of productivity and clarity.



Frequently Asked Questions

Why can't I find my Teams recording?
You might not find your Teams recording if it’s stored in a different location than expected, you don’t have sufficient permissions, or the recording is still processing. Check both your OneDrive and the SharePoint of the respective team channel.
How do I change the location of Microsoft Teams recording?
The storage location for Teams recordings is predetermined by Microsoft to be in OneDrive or SharePoint and cannot be changed by users. However, you can manually move recordings after they’ve been saved.
Why can't I download recording from Teams?
Downloading issues can arise if you don’t have the proper permissions or if the organization’s policies restrict downloading. Ensure you’re the meeting organizer or the recording initiator, as these roles typically have download permissions.