Several years ago, stereotypes around remote work continued to thrive in the United States. I would hear individuals label those working from home as ‘lazy’ and not ‘actually working.’
The stereotypes would intensify when directed towards millennials who were beginning to transition more into remote work due to technological advances presenting further opportunities for those to work from home and outside of the stressful brick and mortar set up.
However, not every remote work experience is as fruitful as the next. Prior to becoming a journalist and before co-founding HeartStrong Media, I also had another remote work opportunity.
Without going too in-depth, let’s say being an off-site technician who is tasked with fixing various applied science for individuals across the United States isn’t the easiest of tasks.

When combined with a stressful setup, unrealistic performance metrics, and unqualified management you are left feeling burned out after every shift.
Unfortunately, some remote work experiences mirror the horror stories you’ll hear from the office environment.
This entry will focus on the positive and help those who are interested in ensuring their remote work experience is positive and grants them the opportunity to work on projects they are passionate about, start their own business ventures, be free from stresses associated with traditional work, and avoid stressful remote work jobs that don’t respect your time or talent.
My Remote Work Experience As A Journalist
Despite outsiders continuing to view journalism as a career which takes place in busy newsrooms with continually ringing phones, times have changed quite a bit since the 1976 drama All the President’s Men or the even more recent Spotlight movie.
Young and future journalists the Millennial and Z generations are performing a lot of their work remotely.
Traditional newsrooms are shutting down around the United States due to their lack of embracing the internet, combined with people not purchasing physical newspapers at nearly the same rates as pre-digital eras, and a lack of ad revenue coming from classifieds.
This new realization has led to news organizations to embrace a new approach to the industry.
Personally, I decided to make use of my university degrees and familiarity with the remote work experience to dive into journalism. There was a lot to get used to, but the experience has been far more rewarding than frustrating; at least on most days.
There is a need for talented and objective journalists who can thrive in the digital environment, especially the various applications like Krisp, Zoom, and Protonmail which help the remote journalist perform their job at an optimum level.
Krisp is a noise cancellation solution which removes background noise during calls. The software is easy to use, free to download and will ensure journalists will not have background noises during interviews or sensitive conferences with sources.
A source could lose their faith in a journalist if they believe the interaction is being recorded or if someone is listening in, Krisp could help avoid a situation like that from arising.
Working as a freelancer from a remote environment has allowed me the opportunity to perform field work without having to get the trip cleared by an Editor.
Along with the freedom of working on a variety of stories, I have also had the luxury of working on my own schedule. Since I prefer to write during the night, I’ve been able to produce higher quality work than if I were forced to write in a noisy office environment.
Overall, the experience has been great and has allowed me to begin working towards my true passion.
My Remote Work Experience As A Business Owner
Being able to work in a remote environment as a journalist gave me the time allotment and opportunity to work on several screenplays and novel. Over the past several years I dedicated time to working on the projects, but prior to becoming a remote worker, I didn’t have the necessary time to truly dive into either.
My remote work experience also allowed me time to properly network and meet other talented individuals with similar goals.
I would have never been able to be in this position if I were working over sixty hours a week in a traditional work environment which was completely detached from my personal goals.
It is possible to dive into entertainment and writing while working from a traditional environment; however, it comes with far more challenges and unneeded obstacles.
Freelance journalism gave me the perfect opportunity to work on my various projects on a schedule which was beneficial to me and my long-term goals.
While not everyone is going to have a situation where their remote work opportunities and goals are both centered on writing, there are numerous remote work opportunities which will give you the breathing room necessary to build something of your own.
Younger generations who are more focused on corporate social responsibility and spending money in an ethical fashion will find the possibilities welcoming.
Various remote work verticals also offer a way to maintain a stable standard of living, which will help you keep stress levels down and not second guess your career and life choices.
What This Means For You
For those in my generation, I hope my personal story motivates you to follow your true goals. Life has far more meaning when you are making a living doing something you love rather than only working to collect a paycheck. If you have goals, strive for them and build your own remote work experience.
For those who are looking for a career change or would like to open your own business; I hope my story was beneficial to you as well. If your current job allows for it, ask your boss if you can work several days from home. Your employer doesn’t need to be made aware of your personal objectives.
Feel free to let me know if you have any thoughts or questions believe. Never let fear hold you back from living your life, you only have one.