It’s important to find inspiration for working effectively, and if you find yourself the right blog for freelancers, your freelancing journey will become easier.

Do you have burning questions about what it’s like being a freelance writer? Perhaps you wish to become a freelance blogger and leverage your passion for monetary income.

Do you want some moral support during your journey as a freelancer? Do you need regularly updated news and tips involving the freelance community?

Well, we have seven great publications that will help you maximize your earning potential as a freelancer. Even those with experience could find value in stopping by these blogs from time to time.

Sometimes it’s good to check in on the inner workings of the community, especially if you’re feeling demotivated or in need of actionable advice.

The freelance blogging community is healthy, contains a wealth of variety, and features numerous writers who have been able to make a living while working from… wherever they want to.

With the freelance community growing, there are a number of individuals promising newcomers that they will be able to make over $3,000 monthly in just three months.

This type of marketing builds unrealistic expectations as it will take time for freelancers to build the foundation of their business, find reliable clients, build a reputation, and become comfortable with their new workflow.

Freelance bloggers on the sites featured here will be those providing helpful information, not those selling promises or sketchy programs with the function of increasing their bank account and public profile.

Can you really gain that much from simply keeping up with various blogs? You would be surprised by how much valuable information is at your fingertips. So what are these helpful sites? 

Let’s take a look.

1. Copyblogger

Copyblogger blog for freelancers will help freelancers’ transition into the vertical by providing actionable tips which help them develop work strategies and by answering pressing questions relating to the world of freelance. 

copyblogger blog for freelancers

Copyblogger also offers the ‘Persuasive Copywriting 101’ and ‘Creative Foundations’ courses for freelancers seeking training on how to improve their copy. 

Aside from the courses, the Copyblogger blog offers numerous helpful additions (including podcasts and videos) which will provide helpful guidance for those seeking a little boost to their business.

The blog offers a lot of helpful information and is worth visiting several times per week for freelancers of all experience levels.

2. Freelancers Union

The Freelancers Union should be frequented by every freelancer who cares about their benefits, rights, and wants real actionable advice which can help them advance their careers. Sara Horowitz found Freelancers Union in 1995, which would go on to launch the Freelancers Insurance Company in 2008.


Yes, really.

The Union launched the National Benefits Program in 2014, which helps freelancers across the United States access benefits including: dental, disability, liability, and retirement insurance. All of this includes their blog which constantly offers information relating to advocacy, creativity, fun, health, lifestyle, and other categories important to the lives of freelancers.

The Freelancers Union is basically an almanac of information for those in the freelance community. Their blog is also open for submissions from all freelancers, never know you could end up being published there one day. There is a reason why Freelancers Union has a fantastic reputation within the freelance community.

3. Millo

Millo has been featured in numerous outlets from Adodbe, Inc., Lifehacker, and numerous others. The blog is popular for its podcast along with multiple entries which provide freelancers with tips on how they can transition into becoming full-time freelancers.

millo blog for freelancers

Much like Copyblogger, they also offer paid courses for freelancers to take — along with offering several free guides. Despite the monetary element, the blog does offer numerous helpful articles which help those in the community deal with the issues that directly help them.

Millo is definitely a good blog to frequent if you have a question or are curious concerning something related to the freelance industry.

4. Blogtrepreneur for freelancers

If you’re a freelancer who will grow their business through Search Engine Optimization (SEO) or social media, Blogtrepreneur is the perfect blog for you to visit. 


The blog features hundreds of helpful entries which offer helpful tips, business suggestions, and useful interviews for those who have succeeded in the vertical.

Blogtrepreneur also offers helpful tutorials for those who are curious. The blog is a useful source for those who are more focused on the business aspects of freelance.

5. Write To Done

Write To Done caters towards both fiction and non-fiction writers. If you are searching for tips on how to construct a better novel, world build, thrive in freelancing, or need creative inspiration — Write To Done is the perfect blog for you to read through.

write to done blog

The blog even offers creative writing exercises to help writers work on the various though exercises they need in order to thrive as writers.

For freelance writers and bloggers, there are few better outlets to help you thrive at your work than Write To Done.

6. Muckrack Blog for freelancers

The Muck Rack Blog is an important tool for freelance journalists who want to see what’s on the mind of other journalists, Public Relations professionals, and what the general mood is surrounding those in the industry.

muckrack blog for freelancers

While the blog could benefit from having better representation among independent journalists, it remains a quality source for those who cover or blog about the news and/or the news industry.

Anyone interested in breaking into the realm of journalism would find the Muck Rack Blog as a valuable source for information from industry insiders.

Freelance writers will be able to use it as a possible indicator of important news items the industry may be missing.

7. Krisp Blog for freelancers

Well, you’re already here, right?

The Krisp Blog offers insight into the freelance community, how to use various conference protocols, goes beyond the surface level when speaking about issues important to various remote work communities.

krisp blog productivity

The blog also dives into quality headphones, how remote workers can maximize productivity, ad the science of noise. We also keep you up to date on everything relating to the Krisp noise cancelling application, which eliminates all background noise from conferences — allowing freelancers to always put their best foot forward during meetings.