Glossary of Meeting Terms "V"

The Glossary of Meeting Terms describes terms and acronyms related to meetings and all the activities we do at them. We've collected this information, so enjoy!"

Visiting Expert

A visiting expert is an outside specialist who is invited to participate in a meeting to provide unique insights, knowledge, or expertise on a particular subject. Their presence adds significant value to the meeting by offering a fresh perspective, deepening the discussion, and contributing specialized information that may not be readily available within the organization. Visiting experts can enrich the meeting experience, enhance decision-making, and provide valuable guidance on complex issues.

Validation Process

Steps and procedures used to verify the authenticity of meeting participants. This process may involve confirming participants' identities, credentials, or permissions to attend specific meetings. Validation helps ensure that only authorized individuals are granted access, enhancing security, and safeguarding the integrity of the meeting. It is especially critical for confidential or sensitive discussions where participant validation is essential.

Vocal Projection

Vocal projection refers to the act of speaking clearly and loudly enough for all meeting participants to hear and understand. It is a fundamental aspect of effective communication, especially in larger meetings or when participants are located in different physical spaces. Vocal projection ensures that the speaker's message reaches all attendees, preventing miscommunication and fostering engagement. It is particularly important in online meetings where audio quality and volume can impact the overall meeting experience.

Visitor Registration

Visitor registration is the process through which non-members or external individuals register their attendance for a meeting. This typically involves providing contact information, credentials, and any necessary details requested by meeting organizers. Visitor registration serves several purposes, including tracking attendance, managing access to meeting materials, and ensuring that only authorized individuals participate. It helps streamline meeting logistics, enhance security, and create a well-organized environment for both members and visitors.

Voice Activation

Voice activation is a valuable feature that automatically activates a participant's microphone when they speak during a meeting. This functionality eliminates the need for participants to manually mute and unmute their microphones, making communication more efficient and reducing background noise. Voice activation enhances the convenience and fluidity of online meetings by automating microphone control based on participants' spoken words, ensuring that their contributions are clearly heard without unnecessary technical interruptions.

Visitor Access

Visitor access pertains to the permission granted to non-members or external individuals to attend a meeting. While some meetings may be restricted to members only, visitor access allows designated guests or external stakeholders to participate actively in discussions, share their insights, or contribute expertise on specific topics. Managing visitor access is essential for controlling meeting security and ensuring that external participants can seamlessly join and contribute to the meeting's objectives.

Viewing Options

Choices available to participants for customizing their meeting display. These options include selecting different layouts for video feeds and shared content, switching between speaker and gallery views, adjusting the arrangement of video windows, and modifying the size of displayed elements. Offering diverse viewing options empowers participants to tailor their meeting experience to suit their preferences, optimize their understanding of content, and focus on the aspects of the meeting that matter most to them.

Voice Chat

Voice chat is an essential component of online meetings, facilitating real-time audio communication among participants. It enables individuals to engage in conversations, discussions, and collaborations, replicating the experience of face-to-face interactions in a virtual environment. Voice chat enhances the richness of communication by allowing participants to convey nuances in tone, emotion, and emphasis, fostering more effective and engaging discussions. It is particularly valuable for sharing ideas, asking questions, and building rapport, as it enables participants to connect through their voices,...

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Voting System

A voting system is a tool used in meetings to allow participants to cast votes or express preferences on specific topics, proposals, or decisions. It serves as a democratic mechanism for reaching consensus or making choices collectively. Voting systems can take various forms, including hand-raising in physical meetings, or digital voting buttons in virtual meetings. They are valuable for quantifying opinions, making decisions, and prioritizing actions based on the majority or consensus of participants.


Visibility refers to how well participants can see or be seen during a meeting. It encompasses both physical and virtual aspects. In physical meetings, it relates to seating arrangements, lighting, and the layout of the meeting space to ensure all attendees have a clear view of the speaker or presentation. In virtual meetings, visibility pertains to the quality of video feeds, the use of webcams, and the clarity of shared content. Good visibility is crucial for effective communication, as it...

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Video Buffering

Video buffering refers to the temporary storage of video data to prevent interruptions in online meetings due to slow or unstable internet connections. It ensures a smooth and uninterrupted video playback experience by allowing the system to preload and store video data ahead of time. Video buffering helps mitigate the impact of network issues, reducing instances of freezing or stuttering in video feeds during online meetings, and ensuring a more seamless and enjoyable experience for participants.

Virtual Presenter

A virtual presenter is someone who delivers a presentation remotely during an online meeting. They may be located in a different geographic area from the audience and use virtual meeting technology to share their content, speak to the audience, and engage in discussions. Virtual presenters play a crucial role in delivering information, expertise, and insights to remote audiences without the need for physical presence.

Video Integration

Video integration involves the incorporation of video content from external sources into an online meeting. This can include streaming videos, prerecorded presentations, or live broadcasts from other platforms. Video integration enhances the richness of online meetings, enabling participants to access a wide range of multimedia content to support presentations, discussions, and demonstrations.

Voice Control

Voice control is a feature that allows participants to control certain meeting functions using voice commands. This technology is often integrated into virtual meeting platforms, enabling users to perform actions like muting or unmuting themselves, sharing screens, or navigating through presentation slides simply by speaking commands. Voice control enhances the accessibility and convenience of online meetings, especially for participants with mobility challenges or those who prefer hands-free interaction.

Video Moderation

Video moderation involves the monitoring and management of video content shared during online meetings to ensure compliance with guidelines and standards. This process is particularly important in large virtual events or conferences where participants may share videos, presentations, or screen shares. Video moderation helps prevent inappropriate or off-topic content from disrupting the meeting, maintaining a safe and productive environment for all attendees.

Video Chatting

Video chatting refers to real-time video communication between individuals or groups in online meetings. It allows participants to see and interact with each other through video feeds, creating a more immersive and personal connection compared to audio-only communication. Video chatting is widely used in both professional and social contexts, enabling virtual face-to-face interactions that enhance communication, build relationships, and convey non-verbal cues essential for effective conversation.

Visual Aids

Graphs, charts, and other visuals used to enhance presentations during online meetings are indispensable for conveying complex information effectively. Visual aids make presentations more engaging, facilitate understanding, and support data-driven decision-making. Integrating well-designed visuals into online meetings can elevate the quality of communication and help participants grasp key concepts more readily.

Video Recording

The capability to record an online meeting for later reference or sharing is invaluable. Video recordings allow participants to revisit discussions, capture important details, and share content with absent colleagues. This feature serves as a valuable resource for training, documentation, and ensuring that no critical information is lost after the meeting concludes.

Virtual Meeting Platform

The choice of virtual meeting platform or software significantly impacts the success of online meetings. These platforms offer a range of features, including video and audio conferencing, screen sharing, chat functions, and collaboration tools. Selecting the right virtual meeting platform ensures seamless communication, collaboration, and efficient organization of meetings, presentations, and events.

Video Conferencing Hardware

Physical equipment used to enhance the quality of video conferences, such as cameras and microphones, are essential components in achieving top-notch video and audio quality. High-quality hardware can significantly improve the meeting experience by providing better video resolution, noise reduction, and superior audio clarity, making it easier for participants to communicate effectively and engage in productive discussions.

Video Background

Customizable backgrounds that participants can use to hide their physical surroundings in online meetings enhance privacy and professionalism. Whether it's a professional office backdrop or a playful virtual background, this feature allows users to maintain a professional appearance or add a touch of personalization to their virtual meetings while concealing any potentially distracting or messy environments.

VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol)

VoIP technology revolutionizes online meetings by allowing voice communication over the internet. It replaces traditional phone lines with internet-based communication, offering cost-effective and efficient audio connections. VoIP is commonly used in online meetings, providing clear and reliable voice communication, and often includes features like call recording, voice encryption, and integration with video conferencing tools.

Voice Chat

Real-time audio communication among meeting participants in online gaming or virtual environments is essential for coordination, teamwork, and social interaction. Voice chat enables instant communication, enhancing the gaming experience or fostering more natural and efficient discussions in virtual environments where typing might be impractical or disruptive.

Virtual Lobby

A virtual lobby serves as a waiting area for participants before they are admitted to an online meeting. It offers a controlled entry point, allowing hosts to manage the flow of attendees and maintain security and order in large or sensitive meetings. Participants wait in the virtual lobby until the host or organizer grants them access, making it an essential feature for ensuring that only authorized individuals can join the meeting.

Video Quality

The resolution and clarity of video streams in an online meeting play a pivotal role in ensuring effective communication. High-quality video enhances the visual experience, allowing participants to see facial expressions, body language, and visual aids clearly. It fosters engagement and better understanding, making remote meetings feel more personal and connected. Adequate video quality is dependent on factors such as internet bandwidth, camera equipment, and video conferencing software capabilities.

Version Control

Managing and tracking different versions of documents discussed during online meetings is crucial for maintaining organized and efficient collaboration. Version control software allows multiple users to work on the same document simultaneously, ensuring that changes are tracked, revisions are documented, and previous versions can be accessed if needed. This system helps prevent confusion, minimizes the risk of data loss, and facilitates seamless collaboration by enabling participants to review, comment on, and edit documents without the fear of overwriting each other's...

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Virtual Hand Raise

In virtual meetings, a virtual hand raise is a digital way for participants to indicate their desire to speak, ask a question, or make a contribution to the discussion. By clicking a "raise hand" button or using a similar feature, participants signal their readiness to participate without interrupting the current speaker. This feature helps maintain order and fairness during online meetings by allowing the host or moderator to recognize and acknowledge participants in an organized manner.

Video Gallery

The video gallery is a layout commonly found in online meetings that displays participants' video feeds in a grid format. This visual representation allows attendees to see the faces of fellow participants, promoting a sense of connection and engagement. The video gallery layout enhances non-verbal communication cues, making virtual meetings feel more personal and interactive, especially in situations where visual feedback is valuable.

Voice Activation

Voice activation is a convenient feature in online meeting software that automatically activates a participant's microphone when they speak. This eliminates the need for manual microphone control, enhancing the fluidity of conversations and discussions during virtual meetings. Voice activation ensures that participants can be heard when they contribute, reducing the chances of missed input or awkward silences.

Virtual Breakout Room

A virtual breakout room is a feature within online meeting platforms that allows hosts to create separate virtual spaces where smaller groups of participants can collaborate independently. These breakout rooms are especially valuable for larger meetings, workshops, or training sessions, as they enable focused discussions and activities among specific subsets of participants. Breakout rooms facilitate more personalized engagement and brainstorming, fostering a more interactive and productive meeting experience.

View-only Mode

View-only mode is a feature found in online meeting software that allows hosts to restrict participants' ability to interact during the meeting. In this mode, attendees can see and hear the ongoing discussion but are unable to speak, share their screens, or utilize chat functions. It can be useful in situations where the host needs to maintain control over the meeting flow, minimize disruptions, or deliver presentations without interruptions.


A viewer is a participant who has limited interaction capabilities and can primarily observe and listen to the ongoing discussion. Viewers do not have the privileges to actively engage by speaking or sharing content. This role is often suitable for attendees who need to be present to receive information but do not need to actively contribute to the conversation.

VPN (Virtual Private Network)

A Virtual Private Network (VPN) is a secure network connection that grants participants the ability to access online meetings from remote locations while ensuring data privacy and security. By encrypting internet traffic and routing it through secure servers, a VPN shields sensitive information from potential threats or eavesdropping. VPNs are particularly crucial for remote workers or travelers who need to connect to virtual meetings securely, ensuring that confidential discussions and data remain protected from cyber threats.

Virtual Whiteboard

A virtual whiteboard is a versatile online collaborative tool that has become indispensable in virtual meetings and brainstorming sessions. It allows participants to draw, write, and share ideas in real-time, replicating the experience of a physical whiteboard. This digital platform facilitates creative thinking, problem-solving, and visual communication, making it an excellent resource for remote teams or individuals collaborating from different locations. Virtual whiteboards enable the free flow of ideas and visual concepts, fostering dynamic and interactive discussions.

Vision Statement

A vision statement serves as the compass guiding a company or organization towards its long-term goals and aspirations. Typically discussed in strategic meetings, this statement encapsulates the core values, purpose, and ambitions of the entity, providing a clear sense of direction. A well-crafted vision statement inspires employees, stakeholders, and partners by articulating what the organization aims to achieve in the future. It serves as a source of motivation and alignment, helping all involved to work collectively towards a common, meaningful...

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Vendor Meeting

A vendor meeting is a crucial interaction between a company and its suppliers or vendors, aimed at discussing products, services, or potential partnerships. These meetings play a vital role in maintaining business relationships, negotiating contracts, resolving issues, and ensuring the smooth flow of goods and services within the supply chain. Effective vendor meetings can contribute to the success and efficiency of a company's operations and collaborations within its ecosystem.

Video Presentation

A video presentation is a meeting format where information is conveyed through a pre-recorded video recording. This format is commonly used for sharing presentations, tutorials, product demonstrations, or promotional content. Video presentations enable presenters to deliver a consistent message while allowing viewers to access the content at their own pace, making it an effective tool for asynchronous communication.

Video Conferencing Software

Video conferencing software refers to the tools and applications designed to facilitate video conferences and online meetings. These software solutions offer a range of features, including video and audio communication, screen sharing, chat functionality, and document collaboration. Popular examples of video conferencing software include Zoom, Microsoft Teams, and Cisco Webex, which have become essential for remote work, education, and global communication.


Voting is the process during a meeting where participants express their preferences or decisions on specific matters through a formal vote. This democratic approach allows attendees to voice their opinions, make choices, or resolve issues collectively. Voting can take various forms, including electronic ballots, show of hands, or voice votes, depending on the meeting's format and the importance of the decisions being made.

Virtual Reality (VR) Meeting

Virtual Reality (VR) meetings take collaboration to a new level by conducting meetings in simulated 3D environments using VR technology. Participants don VR headsets to immerse themselves in a virtual space, where they can interact with others as avatars, explore virtual landscapes, and engage in discussions with a strong sense of presence. VR meetings offer a unique and engaging way to connect and collaborate, particularly useful for creative design sessions, training, or immersive experiences.


Verification is the process of confirming the identity of participants in a meeting, often employed in secure or private sessions. This crucial step ensures that only authorized individuals can access sensitive information or discussions. Verification methods may include password protection, two-factor authentication, biometric recognition, or other security measures to maintain confidentiality and integrity during the meeting.


A venue is the physical or virtual location where a meeting or event is held. It encompasses various settings, including conference rooms, auditoriums, online platforms, or even outdoor spaces, depending on the nature of the gathering. Selecting the appropriate venue is crucial for the success of any meeting, as it sets the atmosphere, provides necessary facilities, and influences the overall experience of participants.

Voice Call

A voice call refers to a conversation or meeting held over a phone or internet connection using voice-only communication. While it lacks the visual component of video conferences, voice calls remain an essential tool for quick discussions, interviews, or catching up with friends and family. They are characterized by real-time audio interaction, making them suitable for situations where a face-to-face connection is not necessary or practical.

Video Conference

A video conference is a modern communication method that allows individuals or groups to hold meetings, discussions, or presentations over the internet using video and audio communication tools. Participants can join from different locations, eliminating the need for physical presence, making it a flexible and convenient way to collaborate with colleagues, clients, or partners. Video conferences often involve the use of webcams, microphones, and dedicated software or platforms that enable real-time interaction, screen sharing, and document sharing.

Virtual Meeting

A virtual meeting is a gathering that occurs in an online or virtual environment without the need for physical attendance. Virtual meetings can take various forms, including video conferences, webinars, or even collaborative sessions within virtual workspaces. These meetings leverage technology to connect people from different geographical locations, fostering communication, collaboration, and decision-making without the limitations of physical proximity.