
Timekeeping in meetings involves the practice of managing and monitoring the duration of the meeting to ensure that it stays on schedule. Timekeepers help allocate time to agenda items, remind participants of time constraints, and ensure that the meeting remains efficient. Effective timekeeping is essential for respecting participants’ time commitments, maintaining focus, and achieving meeting objectives within the allocated time frame.

Track progress
Tracking progress in meetings involves assessing and documenting the advancement of tasks, projects, or goals discussed during the meeting. It ensures that objectives are met, milestones are reached, and timelines are adhered to. Tracking progress allows teams to stay on top of their commitments, identify potential roadblocks, and make necessary adjustments to achieve their desired outcomes.

Time zone coordination
Time zone coordination in meetings is essential when participants are located in different geographic regions with varying time zones. It involves scheduling meetings at times that accommodate the availability of all participants and taking time differences into account. Effective time zone coordination ensures that participants can attend meetings without undue inconvenience and that international collaboration runs smoothly, fostering inclusivity and global teamwork.