Glossary of Meeting Terms "U"

The Glossary of Meeting Terms describes terms and acronyms related to meetings and all the activities we do at them. We've collected this information, so enjoy!"

User Support Desk

A User Support Desk is a dedicated resource or service provided to participants to seek assistance with meeting-related issues and challenges they may encounter while using meeting software or attending virtual gatherings. User Support Desks are staffed by support professionals who can help participants troubleshoot technical problems, navigate the meeting platform, address connectivity issues, and provide guidance on using meeting features effectively.

Unified Threat Detection

The proactive process of identifying and addressing security threats within a meeting environment. In the context of meetings and virtual collaborations, it involves the continuous monitoring and analysis of network traffic, data exchanges, and user interactions to detect potential security vulnerabilities or malicious activities. Unified Threat Detection solutions utilize various security technologies, such as intrusion detection systems, firewalls, malware scanners, and behavior analysis, to identify and respond to threats promptly. The goal is to safeguard sensitive meeting data, prevent unauthorized...

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Unmanned Meeting

A meeting that operates without the presence of a designated leader or facilitator is often referred to as an unmanned meeting. In such meetings, there may be no individual responsible for guiding the discussion, maintaining order, or managing the meeting flow. Unmanned meetings can be informal or spontaneous, and participants may collectively take on roles to ensure that the meeting progresses smoothly. While unmanned meetings can promote open dialogue and collaboration, they may also lack structure and clear objectives, potentially...

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Upcoming Meetings

A list of scheduled meetings that are planned to occur in the near future. This list provides participants with visibility into upcoming meeting dates, times, and details, allowing them to prepare and organize their schedules accordingly. Meeting platforms often include features that display upcoming meetings, send reminders, and provide easy access to meeting resources and agendas. Keeping track of upcoming meetings ensures that participants can participate effectively and stay informed about their commitments and responsibilities within the meeting schedule.

Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS)

An Uninterruptible Power Supply, commonly known as UPS, is a backup power source designed to ensure that meetings can continue without disruption in case of electrical outages or power fluctuations. A UPS device typically consists of a battery backup and surge protection capabilities. When a power outage occurs, the UPS automatically switches to its battery power, allowing meeting equipment, such as computers, projectors, and networking devices, to continue functioning for a limited duration. UPS systems are crucial for maintaining the...

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Unified Workspace

A unified workspace is a digital environment that integrates various meeting tools, resources, and applications for participants. It serves as a centralized hub where participants can access documents, agendas, communication tools, collaboration platforms, and other meeting-related resources. A unified workspace aims to streamline the meeting experience, improve productivity, and enhance collaboration by providing a cohesive and organized digital space. This approach ensures that participants have easy access to all the tools and information they need to engage effectively in meetings,...

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Universal Remote

A universal remote is a device used to control various meeting equipment and devices from a single location. It consolidates the control of multiple devices, such as projectors, displays, audio systems, and video conferencing equipment, into one convenient remote control unit. Universal remotes simplify the operation of complex meeting setups, reducing the need for multiple remote controls and minimizing user confusion. They offer users a streamlined and user-friendly way to manage various meeting components, enhancing efficiency and ease of use...

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The process of improving or updating the software to a newer version or release. Upgrades often include enhancements, bug fixes, new features, and improvements in performance and security. Meeting software providers release upgrades periodically to ensure that users have access to the latest technology and capabilities, addressing user feedback and adapting to changing needs. Users are typically encouraged to upgrade their meeting software to benefit from improved functionality, increased stability, and a better overall user experience.

Unified Threat Management (UTM)

Unified Threat Management (UTM) refers to a comprehensive approach to security measures applied to protect meeting systems and the associated network infrastructure. UTM solutions combine various security technologies and features, such as firewall protection, intrusion detection and prevention, antivirus and malware scanning, content filtering, and virtual private network (VPN) capabilities. This integrated approach helps safeguard meeting platforms from a wide range of cyber threats, ensuring the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of meeting data and communications. UTM solutions are essential in...

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User Session

A single instance of a participant's interaction with a meeting platform. It begins when a participant joins a meeting or logs into the platform and continues until they leave or log out. During a user session, participants can engage in various activities, such as attending meetings, chatting, sharing content, and utilizing meeting tools and features. User sessions are essential to track participant activity, record attendance, and monitor engagement within the meeting platform. They help meeting organizers and administrators manage the...

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Unlimited Participants

Unlimited participants is a meeting configuration that allows for an unrestricted number of attendees to join a meeting. This feature is particularly valuable for large-scale virtual gatherings, webinars, or conferences where accommodating a significant number of participants is essential. Meetings with unlimited participants ensure inclusivity and enable organizations to engage with a broad audience, regardless of geographical locations. It eliminates the constraints of participant limits, fostering collaboration, knowledge sharing, and effective communication on a massive scale.


To unsubscribe means to opt out or withdraw from receiving meeting notifications, updates, or communications. This action allows participants to stop receiving unwanted emails, reminders, or notifications related to meetings or meeting software. Unsubscribing is typically a user-controlled option that respects user preferences for communication frequency and content. Meeting organizers and software providers often include an unsubscribe feature to ensure that participants can manage their notification settings and reduce email clutter, promoting a more personalized and user-friendly experience for meeting...

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User Persona

A user persona is a fictional representation of a typical meeting participant or user of a meeting platform. User personas are created based on research and data to characterize the needs, goals, behaviors, and preferences of different user groups or segments. They help meeting software designers and developers empathize with users, guiding the decision-making process during software development. User personas assist in tailoring features, interface design, and user experiences to better meet the specific requirements of different user types, ensuring...

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Usage Analysis

Usage analysis involves studying participant behavior and interactions within a meeting platform to gain insights into how the software is utilized. This analysis includes tracking metrics such as meeting frequency, attendance, feature usage, engagement levels, and user feedback. Usage analysis helps meeting organizers and software developers identify trends, areas for improvement, and user preferences, allowing them to make data-driven decisions for enhancing the meeting experience and optimizing platform functionality. It also aids in understanding how participants are leveraging the platform's...

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Unified Endpoint Management (UEM)

Unified Endpoint Management (UEM) is a comprehensive approach to managing and securing all devices and endpoints used for meetings within an organization. UEM solutions enable IT administrators to centrally manage and monitor various endpoints, including computers, smartphones, tablets, and other devices, ensuring they are compliant with security policies and meeting software requirements. UEM streamlines device provisioning, software updates, security configurations, and remote troubleshooting, enhancing the efficiency and security of meetings by maintaining a consistent and controlled endpoint environment.

User Authentication

User authentication is the process of verifying the identity of participants before granting them access to a meeting or a meeting platform. Authentication methods often include usernames and passwords, biometric data (such as fingerprints or facial recognition), two-factor authentication (2FA), or single sign-on (SSO). By requiring user authentication, meeting platforms enhance security, protect sensitive information, and ensure that only authorized individuals can participate in meetings. User authentication is a critical component in safeguarding meeting environments and ensuring that confidential discussions...

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Unresolved Issue

An unresolved issue is a problem, concern, or question raised during a meeting that has not been adequately addressed, discussed, or resolved by the end of the meeting. These issues can range from technical challenges to unresolved conflicts or unresolved action items. It is essential for meeting organizers and participants to document and track unresolved issues to ensure that they receive proper attention and follow-up after the meeting concludes. Effective issue resolution is vital for maintaining the productivity and effectiveness...

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Unconfirmed Attendance

Participants who have expressed interest in attending a meeting but have not yet formally confirmed their presence or RSVP'd. This situation often arises when meeting organizers send out invitations, and participants are expected to respond with their availability. Unconfirmed attendance can pose challenges for meeting planning, as organizers may need to make arrangements based on expected turnout. Effective communication and follow-up are essential to encourage participants to confirm their attendance, ensuring that the meeting proceeds with an accurate and manageable...

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Unlisted Participant

An unlisted participant is an individual who joins a meeting without official registration or an invitation. This can occur in virtual or physical meetings when access controls are not strictly enforced or when meeting links are shared inadvertently or publicly. Unlisted participants may attend meetings intentionally or accidentally, and their presence can impact the dynamics of the meeting. Meeting organizers often employ various measures to manage unlisted participants, such as password protection, waiting rooms, or attendee verification, to ensure that...

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Unplanned Interruption

Unexpected disruptions that can occur during a meeting, adversely affecting its flow and continuity. These interruptions can take various forms, such as technical glitches, network failures, background noise, or unexpected participant actions. Unplanned interruptions can disrupt communication, cause frustration, and impede the achievement of meeting objectives. Effective meeting management and technical support are essential in mitigating unplanned interruptions, allowing meetings to proceed smoothly and minimizing disruptions to ensure productive and successful outcomes.


Unicast is a data transmission method used in online meetings and communication, where data is sent from one sender to one specific recipient. Unlike broadcast or multicast methods, which involve sending data to multiple recipients simultaneously, unicast is a point-to-point communication approach. In online meetings, unicast is commonly used for private messages, ensuring that a message or data packet is delivered exclusively to the intended recipient without being shared with others.

User Permissions

User Permissions involve controlling and defining what actions participants can take within a meeting platform. Meeting organizers or administrators set these permissions to ensure that participants have appropriate access levels and privileges based on their roles and responsibilities. User permissions can encompass a wide range of actions, such as scheduling meetings, inviting participants, sharing content, muting or unmuting audio, recording sessions, and moderating discussions. Effective management of user permissions ensures that the meeting platform operates smoothly, maintains security, and aligns...

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Unified Presence

A feature in a meeting platform that indicates the availability status of participants in real-time. It allows users to see whether other participants are online, busy, away, or offline, similar to the presence indicators used in instant messaging applications. Unified Presence enhances communication and collaboration by providing visibility into the availability of colleagues or team members, helping participants make informed decisions about when and how to initiate interactions. This feature fosters more efficient communication, reduces unnecessary interruptions, and supports better...

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User Experience (UX)

User Experience, commonly referred to as UX, encompasses the overall satisfaction and perception of participants while using a meeting platform. It encompasses a range of factors, including the ease of use, intuitiveness of the interface, clarity of design, and the overall usability of the software. A positive user experience is crucial for ensuring that participants can effectively achieve their objectives during meetings, whether it involves attending, presenting, collaborating, or accessing resources. Meeting software developers and designers prioritize UX to create...

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Unstructured Data

Information that lacks a specific organization or categorization. This type of data does not adhere to a predefined format or structure, making it challenging to analyze and interpret systematically. Unstructured data can encompass various forms, such as free-text comments, open-ended responses, audio recordings, or images. While unstructured data may lack the consistency and structure of structured data, it often contains valuable insights, opinions, and qualitative information that can be crucial for decision-making and understanding participant sentiments. Meeting organizers and data...

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Unread Message

An unread message refers to a communication that has been sent but has not yet been opened or viewed by the intended recipient. It often appears as a notification or visual indicator, such as a bold or highlighted message, to alert users to the presence of new and unseen content. Unread messages play a crucial role in maintaining effective communication during meetings, ensuring that participants are aware of new information, updates, or discussions that may require their attention. Efficiently managing...

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User Profile

An individual's account and information within the system. User profiles typically contain personal details, contact information, preferences, and settings. They play a crucial role in personalizing the meeting experience, as users can customize their profiles to reflect their identities and preferences. User profiles also enable meeting platforms to manage permissions, track participation history, and provide personalized features or recommendations based on user data. Additionally, user profiles facilitate communication by displaying user names, avatars, and contact information to other participants, fostering...

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Uniform Resource Locator (URL)

A Uniform Resource Locator, commonly known as a URL, is a web address that can be shared to access online meetings or resources. URLs are a fundamental component of the internet and are used to specify the location of web pages, documents, or online services. In the context of meetings, URLs are often provided as links that participants can click on to join virtual meetings, webinars, or collaborative platforms. They simplify the process of accessing online meeting spaces and resources,...

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Unlisted Meeting

An unlisted meeting is a meeting that is not publicly listed or advertised. In contrast to public meetings that are openly promoted and accessible to a wide audience, unlisted meetings are typically intended for a specific group of participants who are granted access through invitations or private links. Unlisted meetings are often used for confidential discussions, internal team meetings, or exclusive events where controlled access is essential to maintain privacy and security. This approach ensures that only authorized participants can...

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Unmoderated Meeting

An unmoderated meeting is a gathering in which there is no designated moderator or facilitator to guide the discussion or manage the meeting's flow. Unmoderated meetings often rely on participants to self-moderate, which can lead to a more informal and flexible atmosphere. While they can encourage spontaneous conversation and idea exchange, unmoderated meetings may also risk becoming chaotic, unproductive, or sidetracked if participants struggle to maintain focus or resolve conflicts. Depending on the objectives and dynamics of the group, unmoderated...

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Universal Access

Universal Access is the commitment to ensuring that meeting platforms are accessible to all participants, regardless of disabilities or impairments. This entails designing and developing meeting software that accommodates individuals with diverse needs, such as visual or hearing impairments, motor disabilities, or cognitive challenges. Universal Access involves providing features like screen readers, captioning, keyboard shortcuts, and compatibility with assistive technologies to make meetings inclusive for everyone. Ensuring universal access not only aligns with legal requirements but also fosters a more...

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Unified Messaging

Unified Messaging is a comprehensive communication system that integrates various communication methods, including meetings, into a single platform or interface. This integration allows users to seamlessly switch between email, instant messaging, video conferencing, and other communication channels within one application. Unified Messaging streamlines communication, enhances collaboration, and simplifies the management of messages and meetings across different devices and platforms. It provides users with a unified experience, improving efficiency and reducing the need to switch between multiple applications for various communication...

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User Acceptance Testing (UAT)

User Acceptance Testing is a crucial phase in the development of meeting software where actual users or stakeholders of the software thoroughly test its functionality. This testing phase occurs after the software has undergone unit testing and system testing and is nearing completion. During UAT, users evaluate the software to ensure that it meets their specific requirements, works as intended, and is user-friendly. Testers may perform various scenarios to identify any bugs, glitches, or issues that need addressing before the...

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Usage Metrics

Data and statistics that measure how often and how long meetings occur within an organization or on a specific platform. These metrics provide valuable insights into meeting frequency, duration, and attendance, helping organizations assess the utilization of their meeting resources. By analyzing usage metrics, companies can optimize their meeting strategies, allocate resources more effectively, and improve overall productivity.


The process of transferring files or documents from a local device or storage location to a meeting platform. It allows participants to share relevant materials, presentations, or documents during a meeting, facilitating collaboration and information sharing. The ability to upload files is a fundamental feature in modern meeting technology, enabling seamless communication and data exchange among participants.

Usability Heuristics

Usability heuristics are a set of common principles or guidelines used to assess the usability of meeting interfaces and software. Developed by usability expert Jakob Nielsen, these heuristics help evaluate factors such as user interface design, navigation, consistency, and error prevention. Usability heuristics serve as valuable benchmarks for identifying usability issues and making improvements to enhance the overall user experience in meeting platforms.

Umbrella Meeting

An umbrella meeting refers to a gathering that covers a wide range of related topics or issues under a common theme or objective. These meetings are often used to provide comprehensive updates, brainstorm solutions, or coordinate efforts across various teams or departments. While umbrella meetings can be efficient in addressing multiple issues at once, effective facilitation and organization are essential to ensure that each topic receives adequate attention and resolution.

Utilization Rate

Utilization rate is a metric that measures the percentage of time participants actively engage in a meeting. It helps assess the level of engagement and effectiveness of meetings, identifying areas where improvements may be needed. A high utilization rate indicates that participants are actively involved and productive, while a low rate may suggest disengagement or inefficiency.

User Story

A user story is a concise description of how a participant intends to use a specific feature or tool within a meeting platform to achieve a particular goal. It provides context and guidance for developers and designers when creating or improving meeting software, ensuring that it aligns with the user's needs and expectations. User stories typically follow a template like "As a [user], I want to [do something] so that [benefit or goal]."

User Flow

User flow represents the path that participants follow while using a meeting platform. It encompasses the sequence of actions and interactions, from logging in and joining a meeting to engaging with features and concluding the session. A well-designed user flow ensures a seamless and intuitive user experience, reducing friction and facilitating efficient communication and collaboration during meetings.

Usability Evaluation

Usability evaluation pertains to the process of assessing the ease of use and effectiveness of meeting technology or software. It involves conducting user testing, gathering feedback, and analyzing user experiences to identify areas of improvement. Usability evaluations aim to enhance the user-friendliness of meeting tools, thereby enhancing productivity and user satisfaction. Common methods include usability testing, user surveys, and heuristic evaluations.

Urgency Matrix

The urgency matrix is a valuable tool utilized to prioritize the topics or issues discussed in meetings based on their level of urgency and importance. It typically involves categorizing agenda items into four quadrants: urgent and important, important but not urgent, urgent but not important, and neither urgent nor important. This matrix helps meeting organizers and participants allocate their time and resources effectively, ensuring that critical matters receive immediate attention while allowing for strategic planning and decision-making for less urgent...

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Unstructured Meeting

An unstructured meeting is a gathering that lacks a predefined agenda or a formalized framework. In such meetings, participants may convene to discuss topics informally or brainstorm ideas without strict guidelines or timeframes. While unstructured meetings can foster creativity and open dialogue, they can also be prone to inefficiency, as they may deviate from the intended purpose or fail to address critical issues. Proper facilitation and clear objectives are essential to ensure that unstructured meetings remain productive and valuable.

Unilateral Decision

The act of making a choice or reaching a conclusion within a meeting without seeking input or consensus from other participants. It can occur when a meeting organizer or a key decision-maker decides on a course of action independently, often bypassing collaborative discussions. While unilateral decisions can expedite decision-making in certain situations, they may also lead to resentment or misunderstandings within a team or organization, as they do not take into account the perspectives and expertise of other stakeholders.


A designated backup participant who is prepared to step in for the main presenter or facilitator in case they are unable to fulfill their role. Understudies are essential for ensuring the continuity and smooth execution of a meeting, especially in situations where the primary presenter is unavailable due to unforeseen circumstances. They are typically well-versed in the meeting's content and objectives and can seamlessly take over to keep the meeting on track and ensure that its goals are met.

Unscheduled Break

A break taken during a meeting that was not originally planned or included in the meeting's agenda. These breaks can occur for various reasons, such as addressing unexpected technical issues, allowing participants to take a brief pause, or accommodating urgent matters that require immediate attention. Unscheduled breaks provide participants with a brief respite from the meeting's proceedings and can help maintain focus and productivity by addressing unforeseen interruptions or needs that may arise during the meeting.

U-turn Meeting

A gathering where a previously made decision or plan is reversed, signaling a change in direction or strategy. These meetings are essential in acknowledging that circumstances, information, or priorities have shifted, prompting the need to reconsider and alter a previously established course of action. They often involve discussions, debates, and assessments to determine the best way forward in light of the new information or developments. U-turn meetings highlight the importance of adaptability and the ability to make decisions based on...

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Unplanned Meeting

An unplanned meeting, as the name suggests, is a meeting that occurs without prior scheduling. It typically arises spontaneously due to immediate needs or unforeseen circumstances that require immediate discussion or action. Unplanned meetings demonstrate the flexibility and adaptability of digital communication tools, allowing participants to come together quickly, regardless of their physical locations, to address emerging issues or opportunities. These meetings emphasize the real-time nature of virtual collaboration and the ability to respond swiftly to changing situations.


The period during which a meeting platform or service is operational and available for use. High uptime is essential to ensure that meetings can occur without interruptions or technical difficulties, enabling participants to have reliable and uninterrupted communication. Meeting platforms strive to maintain a high uptime to provide a seamless and dependable experience for users.


Action of expressing support or agreement with a particular idea, suggestion, or comment made during the meeting. This interaction often takes the form of a digital "thumbs up" or similar symbol, allowing participants to provide feedback and indicate their approval without the need for verbal communication. Upvoting is a valuable tool for gauging consensus and prioritizing ideas or solutions, especially in large virtual meetings where it may be challenging to capture everyone's input verbally.

Unified Communications

Integration of various communication tools and channels into a single, seamless platform. This approach allows participants in meetings to access a wide range of communication features, such as voice calls, video conferencing, messaging, and file sharing, all within a unified environment. Unified Communications enhances collaboration by simplifying communication and making it more efficient, enabling participants to switch between different modes of interaction seamlessly.

Utility Meeting

A utility meeting is a specific type of meeting that focuses on practical, operational matters. These meetings are often centered around routine tasks, updates, or administrative issues that are essential for the smooth functioning of an organization or team. Utility meetings play a vital role in ensuring that day-to-day operations run smoothly, providing a platform for discussing logistics, processes, and other operational details that contribute to overall efficiency.

Usability Testing

Evaluating the ease of use and user-friendliness of meeting software or platforms. It involves evaluating the ease of use and user-friendliness of these digital tools by conducting structured tests with real users. Usability testing helps identify any usability issues, obstacles, or inefficiencies within the meeting software, allowing developers to make necessary adjustments and enhancements to create a more intuitive and user-friendly experience for participants.

User Interface (UI)

The User Interface, often abbreviated as UI, represents the graphical elements, layout, and design that participants interact with during an online meeting. It encompasses everything from the visual appearance of the meeting platform to the arrangement of icons, buttons, menus, and navigation options. A well-designed UI can significantly enhance the user experience by providing intuitive controls, clear communication, and easy access to features and functions, ultimately ensuring that participants can navigate the virtual meeting space effortlessly and efficiently.

User Engagement

The level of involvement and interaction participants have during a meeting. It covers various aspects such as active participation, attentiveness, responsiveness, and collaboration. High user engagement is indicative of a successful meeting, where attendees are fully engaged, contributing ideas, asking questions, and interacting with one another constructively. It reflects the effectiveness of the meeting's content, format, and facilitation in capturing participants' interest and fostering a sense of community and shared purpose.


To activate the audio in a virtual meeting after being on mute. This functionality has gained significance as it allows participants to control when they want to speak and when they prefer to remain silent. Unmuting is essential for effective communication during virtual meetings, enabling attendees to contribute their thoughts, questions, or comments in a clear and timely manner. It symbolizes the power of individual engagement within the digital meeting space, as well as the importance of communication etiquette in...

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Urgent Meeting

A meeting that is convened on short notice, typically in response to a critical issue or an unforeseen circumstance that requires immediate attention and discussion. Such meetings are often marked by a sense of urgency and a focus on resolving pressing matters, making them a crucial tool for addressing emergencies or making rapid decisions. They highlight the adaptability and responsiveness of modern communication technology, which enables participants to come together quickly, regardless of their physical locations, to tackle critical issues...

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