Glossary of Meeting Terms "E"

The Glossary of Meeting Terms describes terms and acronyms related to meetings and all the activities we do at them. We've collected this information, so enjoy!"

Experiential Learning

Experiential Learning in the context of online meetings refers to an interactive and hands-on approach to learning that engages participants directly in the process. Unlike traditional lecture-based learning, experiential learning in virtual settings might involve simulations, role-playing, interactive exercises, or real-time problem-solving activities. This approach is particularly effective in online training sessions, workshops, and educational courses. For example, in a virtual sales training session, participants might engage in role-playing exercises to practice sales pitches. Experiential learning is highly valued for...

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Exclusive Session

Exclusive Sessions in online meetings are designed to create a controlled and private environment, often necessary for sensitive discussions, executive meetings, confidential business strategies, or specialized training sessions. The exclusivity of these sessions ensures that only invited or authorized individuals can participate, thereby maintaining the confidentiality and integrity of the information shared. For instance, a company may hold an exclusive session for its board members to discuss strategic business plans, or a training organization might conduct a specialized workshop for...

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Event Countdown

An Event Countdown is a digital feature commonly found in online meeting platforms and event websites. It displays the time remaining until the start of a meeting or event, often down to the exact second. This countdown can create a sense of urgency and excitement, reminding participants of the upcoming event and potentially increasing attendance rates. For organizers, it's a tool to encourage timely participation and to ensure that attendees are adequately prepared. In the context of large-scale events or...

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Error Detection

Error Detection in online meeting platforms is a critical process that ensures the stability and reliability of virtual meetings. It involves a systematic approach to identifying and resolving technical problems that participants may encounter. This process can range from simple issues like troubleshooting audio problems or connectivity disruptions to more complex challenges like software glitches or security vulnerabilities. Effective error detection often requires a combination of automated system checks and user feedback. Quick and efficient error detection is vital because...

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Entry Point

The Entry Point is the method or link through which participants access an online meeting. This can be a URL link, a meeting ID, or a secured invitation. The entry point is crucial in controlling access to the meeting and ensuring that only authorized individuals can join.

Enterprise-Class Security

Enterprise-Class Security for online meetings includes high-level security features designed to protect sensitive corporate information. This encompasses strong encryption, secure user authentication, and data protection measures. Such security is critical in corporate settings where confidentiality and data integrity are paramount.

Engaging Content

Engaging Content in online meetings is designed to capture and maintain the attention of participants. This might include interactive elements, multimedia presentations, and dynamic discussion formats. Engaging content is crucial for keeping participants interested and focused, especially important in virtual settings where distractions are more common.

Engage Distant Participants

Strategies to involve participants who are remotely located. This can include addressing them directly, inviting their input, and using interactive tools such as polls or chat features to encourage their participation. The goal is to ensure that remote participants feel equally involved and valued in the meeting.

End Session

The End Session action or option is used to formally conclude an online meeting. This signifies the official closure of the meeting, ending the session for all participants and often disabling further communication within the meeting platform. Ending a session cleanly helps in maintaining meeting structure and clarity.

Encrypted Chat

Encrypted Chat within online meeting platforms offers secure messaging options that ensure the privacy and confidentiality of communications. Encryption means that the messages are only readable by the intended recipients, protecting sensitive information from unauthorized access and interception, a critical feature in maintaining confidentiality in professional settings.

Empowerment Strategies

Empowerment Strategies in online meetings involve techniques used to give participants a sense of ownership and active involvement. This can include encouraging open discussions, allowing participants to lead segments of the meeting, and giving them autonomy in decision-making processes. Empowerment strategies enhance engagement, boost confidence, and foster a more collaborative environment.

Emotional Intelligence

Emotional Intelligence is the ability to understand, interpret, and manage one's own and others' emotions. This skill is crucial for leading or participating effectively in virtual meetings, as it helps in navigating complex interactions, resolving conflicts, and creating a positive and productive meeting atmosphere.

Emergency Plan

An Emergency Plan for online meetings outlines procedures for handling emergencies or technical issues. This could include backup communication channels, alternative meeting platforms, or steps to quickly address common technical problems. Having an emergency plan ensures minimal disruption and quick resolution of issues, maintaining the continuity of the meeting.

Email Notifications

Email Notifications are messages sent via email to inform participants about upcoming online meetings or follow-up actions. These notifications can include meeting reminders, agenda details, post-meeting summaries, or action items. They are essential for ensuring participants are well-informed and prepared for meetings.

Eloquent Presentation

An Eloquent Presentation in an online meeting context involves delivering clear, persuasive, and engaging presentations. Eloquent presenters effectively use digital tools to aid their presentation, articulate their points clearly, and engage their audience, ensuring that the message is not only conveyed but also resonates with the participants.

Electronic Boarding

Electronic Boarding involves using digital tools for planning, organizing, and executing online meetings. This process includes setting up the meeting in a digital platform, inviting participants, preparing agendas, and organizing any necessary digital resources. Electronic boarding streamlines the meeting preparation process and enhances organization.

Elasticity of Services

Elasticity of Services in online meeting platforms denotes the ability to scale services up or down based on user demand. This flexibility is crucial for accommodating varying numbers of participants, different levels of resource usage, and fluctuating bandwidth requirements, ensuring that the platform can handle diverse meeting needs efficiently.

Effortless Sharing

Effortless Sharing refers to the ease with which participants can share content during an online meeting. This could include screen sharing, sending files through chat, or using collaborative platforms. Effortless sharing is important for a smooth meeting flow and ensures that all participants can easily access and view relevant materials.

Effective Communication

Essential communication skills that enhance the quality of online meetings. This includes clear articulation, active listening, appropriate non-verbal cues, and the ability to use digital communication tools effectively. Good communication is vital for ensuring that the meeting's objectives are met and that all participants have a shared understanding of the discussed topics.

Educational Webinar

An Educational Webinar is an online seminar primarily focused on delivering educational content. These webinars are often used for training, lectures, or professional development and feature presentations by subject matter experts. They provide an accessible way for individuals to learn and engage with content remotely, often with interactive elements like Q&A sessions or polls.

Edit Access

Permission levels in online meeting tools that allow for editing shared documents or presentations. This feature is important for collaborative work where multiple individuals need to contribute to or modify a document. Managing edit access ensures that only authorized participants can make changes, thereby maintaining control over the document's content and integrity.


Economize in the context of online meetings refers to strategies aimed at making these meetings more cost-effective. This includes optimizing meeting duration to reduce platform costs, using free or low-cost meeting tools, minimizing the use of high-bandwidth resources, and ensuring meetings are focused and productive to avoid wasted time. Economizing helps in reducing operational costs while maintaining the effectiveness of online communication.

Ease of Use

Ease of Use refers to how user-friendly and intuitive an online meeting platform is. This includes the simplicity of joining a meeting, navigating the platform's features, and the overall user experience. A platform with high ease of use reduces technical barriers for participants, leading to smoother meetings and greater participation.

Early Join

The Early Join feature allows participants to enter an online meeting before the scheduled start time. This can be useful for ensuring technical setups are correct, providing an opportunity for informal networking or conversation, and helping the meeting to start promptly. It also offers a buffer for participants to resolve any potential connection issues before the meeting begins.

Extrapolation Exercise

An Extrapolation Exercise in an online meeting is an activity where participants extend known data or trends to predict future outcomes. This analytical exercise is useful in strategic planning and forecasting discussions, helping participants to identify potential future scenarios and plan accordingly.

External Link Sharing

External Link Sharing during an online meeting involves sharing hyperlinks from sources outside the meeting platform. This can be used to provide access to additional resources, reference materials, or supportive documentation. Sharing external links can enrich the meeting content and provide a broader context to the discussion topics.

External Collaboration

External Collaboration in online meetings involves working with individuals or groups outside of one's own organization. This could include partners, clients, experts, or other stakeholders. Such collaboration through virtual meetings can broaden perspectives, bring in new expertise, and create opportunities for networking and partnership, essential for projects requiring diverse input and cross-organizational cooperation.

Extended Reality (XR)

Extended Reality (XR) refers to the use of Virtual Reality (VR) or Augmented Reality (AR) technologies in online meetings. XR can transform the meeting experience by providing immersive, interactive environments that simulate physical presence. This technology is particularly useful in fields like design, training, and education, where a three-dimensional, interactive experience can greatly enhance understanding and engagement.

Exploratory Discussion

An Exploratory Discussion in an online meeting is an open-ended dialogue aimed at exploring a range of ideas or topics. It encourages free-flowing conversation and brainstorming, allowing participants to delve into various aspects of a subject without predefined constraints. This type of discussion is valuable for generating new ideas, solving complex problems, and understanding diverse perspectives, making it a key component of creative and strategic meetings.

Expert Panel

An Expert Panel in an online meeting is a group of individuals with specialized knowledge or expertise who discuss or present on a specific topic. These panels are often a feature of webinars, conferences, or educational sessions, providing attendees with in-depth information, diverse viewpoints, and the opportunity to engage with leading experts in the field.

Experience Sharing

Experience Sharing in online meetings involves participants sharing their personal experiences or insights on a particular topic. This sharing can provide valuable perspectives, foster deeper understanding, and promote knowledge exchange among participants. It is a powerful tool for learning and engagement in a virtual meeting setting.

Exit Poll

An Exit Poll in the context of online meetings is a survey conducted as participants leave the meeting. This poll is designed to gather immediate feedback on the meeting's effectiveness, content quality, and participant satisfaction. Exit polls provide valuable insights for immediate evaluation and can guide improvements in future online meetings.

Exemplary Practices

Exemplary Practices in online meetings refer to the best practices or methods that have been proven effective in conducting online meetings efficiently. These practices might include clear communication, effective use of technology, engaging meeting formats, and proactive participant involvement. Adopting these practices can lead to more productive, engaging, and successful online meetings.

Event Scheduling

Event Scheduling involves the process of planning and arranging the date and time for an online meeting or event. This process often requires considering the availability of participants, time zone differences, and the scheduling of relevant content or speakers. Effective event scheduling is key to maximizing attendance and ensuring the smooth execution of the event.

Event Coordinator

An Event Coordinator in the context of online meetings is a person responsible for organizing and managing all aspects of virtual events. This includes planning the agenda, coordinating with speakers, managing the technology, and ensuring the event runs smoothly. The coordinator plays a crucial role in ensuring the success of the event, addressing any issues that arise, and providing a positive experience for participants.

Evaluation Form

An Evaluation Form is a tool used to collect feedback from participants after an online meeting. It typically includes questions about the effectiveness of the meeting, the quality of content presented, the interaction among participants, and suggestions for improvement. This feedback is valuable for organizers to assess the success of the meeting and to make necessary adjustments for future sessions.

Etiquette Guide

An Etiquette Guide for online meetings is a set of guidelines that outline proper conduct and communication norms for participants. This guide might include recommendations on when to mute microphones, how to effectively use video, the appropriate way to interrupt or ask questions, and general courtesy practices. Following an etiquette guide helps in ensuring respectful and productive interactions in a virtual meeting environment.

Error Reporting

Error Reporting is the process of identifying, reporting, and addressing technical issues in an online meeting system. This may involve providing feedback to IT support or the platform provider about issues like connectivity problems, audio-video malfunctions, or software bugs. Prompt error reporting is essential for the timely resolution of issues, maintaining the smooth operation of online meetings.

Ergonomic Setup

An Ergonomic Setup in the context of online meetings refers to arranging equipment and furniture in a way that ensures comfort and reduces strain during long sessions. This includes positioning the computer screen at eye level, using a supportive chair, and ensuring proper lighting. An ergonomic setup is crucial for maintaining good posture and minimizing the risk of discomfort or injury, especially during prolonged periods of sitting.

Environment Check

An Environment Check involves ensuring that the physical environment is suitable for participating in an online meeting. This includes checking for a quiet and distraction-free space, appropriate lighting, a stable internet connection, and ensuring that any necessary equipment is functioning properly. An effective environment check helps in minimizing disruptions and enhances the quality of communication during the meeting.

Entry Log

An Entry Log is a digital record that keeps track of participants entering and exiting an online meeting. This log typically includes timestamps, participant names, and potentially their email addresses or usernames. It serves as a useful tool for attendance tracking, security purposes, and understanding participant engagement, particularly in larger meetings or webinars.

Enterprise Solution

Enterprise Solutions in the context of online meetings refer to meeting solutions that are tailored for large organizations or businesses. These solutions often include advanced features like large participant capacity, enhanced security measures, integration with corporate systems, and scalability to meet the diverse and complex needs of large enterprises.

Engagement Index

The Engagement Index is a metric used to quantify the level of participant engagement in an online meeting. This index may consider various factors, including active participation, attentiveness, and interaction with meeting content, helping organizers understand how engaging their meeting was and how it could be improved.

End-to-End Encryption

End-to-End Encryption in online meetings is a security measure where only the communicating users can decrypt and read the messages. This ensures that the data transmitted during the meeting is secure from interception or access by unauthorized entities, providing a high level of security for sensitive communications.

Encryption Standards

Encryption Standards in online meeting platforms are security protocols used to protect data and communication from unauthorized access. These standards ensure that sensitive information shared during online meetings remains confidential and secure, an essential aspect of digital communication.

Empathy Exercise

Empathy Exercises in online meetings are activities designed to foster understanding and empathy among participants. These exercises can help build team cohesion, enhance communication, and create a more inclusive and supportive meeting environment, particularly important in diverse and distributed teams.

Emoticon Reaction

Emoticon Reactions are ways participants can use emoticons or emojis to express their reactions during an online meeting. These reactions can provide quick feedback, show agreement or disagreement, or simply add a level of engagement and expressiveness that is not always possible through text or speech in a virtual environment.

Elevator Pitch

An Elevator Pitch in online meetings is a brief and persuasive speech, often used during networking or meeting introductions. It's designed to quickly and effectively introduce an idea, individual, product, or service, capturing the attention of participants and conveying key messages in a short span of time.

Efficiency Analysis

Efficiency Analysis in the context of online meetings involves assessing how productive and effective the meeting was. This can include evaluating the meeting's duration versus its objectives, participant engagement, and the achievement of desired outcomes. Efficiency Analysis helps in identifying areas for improvement and in planning more effective future meetings.

Edit Rights

Edit Rights refer to the permissions granted to participants in an online meeting to edit shared documents or content. These rights can be adjusted by the meeting host to allow collaborative editing, viewing only, or commenting on shared documents. Edit Rights are essential for collaborative work and document management in a virtual meeting environment.

Echo Cancellation

Echo Cancellation is a feature in online meeting platforms designed to reduce or eliminate audio echo, ensuring clearer communication. This technology is vital in improving audio quality by filtering out noises that can cause feedback or echo during a call, especially when multiple devices are in use. It enhances the overall audio experience, making online conversations more natural and easier to understand.

Executive E-Meeting

An Executive E-Meeting is a high-level online meeting that involves the executive members of an organization. These meetings are crucial for strategic decision-making, discussing critical organizational issues, and planning future actions. They require a high degree of confidentiality and often utilize advanced meeting platforms that support secure communication and efficient collaboration among top-level management.

E-Workshop Facilitation

E-Workshop Facilitation involves leading and managing workshops in an online environment. This requires adapting traditional workshop techniques to a virtual setting, using digital tools to engage participants, share materials, and facilitate interactive and educational sessions.

E-Video Conferencing

E-Video Conferencing is the practice of conducting meetings or conferences through electronic means using video technology. This enables participants to communicate and collaborate in real-time, regardless of their geographical location, using video and audio feeds.

E-User Interface

The E-User Interface is the design and layout of an online meeting platform that users interact with. A user-friendly interface is crucial for ensuring ease of use, accessibility, and a positive user experience, allowing participants to focus on the meeting content without technical distractions.

E-Training Module

An E-Training Module refers to training content and programs conducted or discussed in online meetings. These modules are tailored for online delivery and are used for skill development, employee orientation, and professional education, providing an interactive and flexible learning experience.

E-Team Building

E-Team Building comprises activities conducted online aimed at enhancing team cohesion and collaboration. These activities are designed to build trust, improve communication, and foster a sense of community among team members in a virtual environment. The goal is to create an environment where team members can interact informally and get to know each other beyond their professional roles, leading to improved communication, better understanding, and a stronger sense of team identity. E-Team Building can also include virtual team workshops or...

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E-security in online meetings is a critical component that ensures the safe and confidential handling of information exchanged during virtual interactions. As online meetings become increasingly prevalent, the risk of data breaches and cyber threats grows correspondingly. Implementing robust e-security measures is essential to protect sensitive information from unauthorized access and cyber attacks. These security measures include end-to-end encryption of communications, which ensures that only the intended recipients can read the messages. Secure login processes, often involving multi-factor authentication, prevent...

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E-Resource Sharing

E-Resource Sharing in online meetings is a crucial aspect of virtual collaboration, enabling participants to share and access a variety of digital resources seamlessly. This practice greatly enhances the efficiency and interactivity of online meetings. Resources that can be shared include but are not limited to comprehensive reports, research papers, informative articles, instructional videos, and presentation slides. Advanced online meeting platforms often facilitate this sharing through integrated tools that allow for the uploading and downloading of files, sharing screen content,...

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An e-questionnaire is a digital tool used for collecting information, feedback, or opinions from participants in a structured format. Distributed during or after online meetings or events, e-questionnaires are effective for gathering valuable insights in a time-efficient and organized manner. They can be designed to include various types of questions, such as multiple-choice, rating scales, or open-ended responses, allowing for both quantitative and qualitative data collection. E-questionnaires are particularly useful for evaluating the effectiveness of meetings, gathering feedback on presentations...

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E-learning Module

E-learning modules are integral components of digital education, providing a structured and interactive learning experience that can be accessed remotely. These modules typically cover a specific topic or subject area and are designed to be self-contained units of learning. They often combine various multimedia elements, including instructional videos, animations, interactive simulations, and text-based content, to cater to different learning styles and preferences. Quizzes and interactive assessments are commonly included to gauge understanding and provide immediate feedback. E-learning modules are versatile...

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E-Green Meetings

E-Green Meetings represent a shift towards more environmentally sustainable practices in the corporate and organizational world. By opting for virtual meetings, entities can significantly reduce their carbon footprint, primarily by eliminating the need for travel, which is a major contributor to greenhouse gas emissions. This approach not only addresses environmental concerns but also offers cost savings on travel and accommodations. Additionally, E-Green Meetings often lead to a reduction in the use of paper and other physical resources, contributing further to...

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E-Collaborative Platform

An E-Collaborative Platform is a comprehensive online environment that facilitates various aspects of teamwork and project management in a virtual setting. These platforms are designed to replicate the dynamics of in-person collaboration, offering a range of functionalities that go beyond simple communication. Key features often include shared digital workspaces where team members can work on documents simultaneously, akin to a virtual office space. Chat functions enable real-time discussions, fostering a sense of immediacy and connection among team members. Additionally, these...

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E-Brainstorming Tool

E-brainstorming tools are digital applications specifically designed to facilitate brainstorming sessions in online meetings. These tools offer features such as mind mapping, idea boards, and collaborative editing, enabling participants to contribute and develop ideas in a virtual setting effectively.

E-Attendance Tracker

An e-attendance tracker is a digital tool used to monitor and record attendance in online meetings. This tool is useful for tracking participant engagement, especially in educational or corporate training settings. It helps in maintaining records for compliance, participation tracking, and assessing the effectiveness of the meeting or event.


An e-workgroup is a team that collaborates and communicates through an online meeting platform. These groups typically work on shared objectives or projects, utilizing digital tools to coordinate tasks, share information, and hold discussions. E-workgroups are essential in remote work environments, allowing for continued collaboration and productivity regardless of physical location.


E-whiteboarding involves using a digital whiteboard collaboratively during an online meeting. Participants can draw, write, and visually share ideas in real-time, mimicking the experience of a physical whiteboard. This tool is particularly useful for brainstorming, illustrating concepts, and facilitating interactive discussions. E-whiteboarding enhances engagement and creativity in virtual meetings.

Ethical Conduct

Ethical conduct is adhering to moral principles and professional standards during virtual interactions. This includes respecting confidentiality, ensuring honesty and transparency in communications, and avoiding discriminatory or harassing behavior. Ethical conduct in online meetings is crucial for maintaining professionalism, trust, and integrity among participants and is often guided by an organization's code of conduct or ethical guidelines.


An e-quiz is a quiz conducted during online meetings, often used for interactive learning or assessment. In educational settings, e-quizzes can provide a quick and efficient way to assess student understanding. In corporate settings, they can be used for training purposes or to make the meeting more interactive and engaging. E-quizzes are typically integrated into the meeting platform, allowing for real-time participation and immediate feedback.

Engagement Reports

Engagement Reports are analytical reports generated to assess and analyze the engagement level of participants in online meetings. These reports may include data on attendance duration, participation in polls or discussions, and engagement with shared content. They provide valuable insights for meeting organizers to understand how engaging their meetings are and to identify areas for improvement.

Email Discussion Thread

An email discussion thread is a series of email conversations related to topics discussed in online meetings. These threads allow for continued discussion, clarification, and collaboration on meeting topics outside of the scheduled meeting time. Email threads are useful for keeping a record of discussions and decisions made and for including individuals who were unable to attend the original meeting.


E-verify in the context of online meetings is the process of confirming the identity or attendance of participants. This can be important for security reasons, to ensure that only authorized individuals are participating, or for attendance tracking, particularly in educational or training settings. Verification methods can include sign-in procedures, password-protected access, or digital roll calls.


A scheduled pause or break during an online meeting. This is especially important in longer meetings to prevent screen fatigue and maintain participant focus and engagement. E-timeouts can include short rest periods, stretch breaks, or informal chat sessions, providing attendees with a necessary respite from the meeting's formal proceedings.


An e-survey is an electronic survey conducted online, often during or after online meetings, to gather feedback, opinions, or data from participants. This tool allows organizers to collect valuable insights about the meeting's effectiveness, participant satisfaction, and areas for improvement. E-surveys are convenient for participants to complete and can provide real-time data for hosts to evaluate and enhance future meetings.


E-readiness refers to the preparedness of individuals or organizations to participate effectively in online meetings. This encompasses having the necessary technological infrastructure, such as a stable internet connection, appropriate software, and hardware, as well as the skills and familiarity with digital tools and platforms required to engage in virtual meetings efficiently.


An e-presentation is a digital presentation conducted during an online meeting. Utilizing a variety of digital tools, presenters can share slides, videos, and other multimedia content to convey their message effectively. E-presentations are a fundamental aspect of online meetings, providing a visual and engaging way to communicate ideas, data, and information to attendees.


E-partnership is the formation of partnerships or collaborations facilitated through online meetings. This virtual approach to partnership building allows individuals and organizations to discuss, negotiate, and agree on collaborative projects or ventures regardless of their physical locations. E-partnerships are particularly useful in today's globalized business environment, offering a convenient and efficient way to form strategic alliances.


E-networking refers to the process of building and cultivating professional networks through online meeting platforms. This can occur in various virtual settings like webinars, conferences, and informal meet-and-greet sessions. E-networking provides an opportunity for professionals to connect, share ideas, and establish collaborative relationships beyond geographical constraints, leveraging technology to maintain and expand their professional network.


An e-handout is a digital version of traditional paper handouts, distributed to participants during an online meeting. These handouts can include meeting agendas, detailed information, graphs, charts, and other reference materials relevant to the meeting's content. The advantage of e-handouts is their accessibility and ease of distribution; participants can easily download or access them online during or after the meeting, facilitating better understanding and retention of information.

Engagement Strategies

Engagement strategies in online meetings are various techniques used to maintain and enhance participant involvement and interaction. These can include interactive elements like real-time polling, Q&A sessions, breakout rooms for small group discussions, and engaging activities like virtual icebreakers. The use of multimedia, such as videos and interactive presentations, also contributes to keeping attendees engaged. Effective engagement strategies are crucial for making virtual meetings more dynamic, inclusive, and productive.

E-Content Sharing

Sharing digital content during an online meeting. This can include sharing documents, presentations, videos, or links within the meeting platform. E-content sharing facilitates collaborative discussions, provides visual aids to enhance understanding, and ensures that all participants have access to relevant materials in real-time.

Email Integration

Email Integration with online meeting platforms involves incorporating email systems within these platforms for streamlined communication. This feature enables users to send invitations, meeting agendas, and follow-up communications directly from the meeting platform. Email Integration enhances efficiency by providing a centralized communication hub for all meeting-related correspondence.

E-Learning Platform Integration

E-learning platform integration involves combining online learning platforms with virtual meeting tools to enhance the educational experience. This integration allows for a seamless transition between instructional content, live lectures, and interactive discussions. It facilitates a more holistic learning environment where resources, live instruction, and collaboration are readily accessible in one unified platform.

Entry Notification

Entry notification in online meetings is a feature that alerts the host and sometimes other participants when someone joins the meeting. This notification can be an audible sound, a visual prompt, or a text display within the meeting interface. It helps in keeping track of attendance and ensuring the security of the meeting by monitoring who is entering the virtual meeting room.

E-Planning Tools

E-planning tools are digital applications and software used for the meticulous planning and organization of online meetings. These tools help in scheduling meetings, setting agendas, inviting participants, and managing pre-meeting communications. They often include features like calendar integration, automated reminders, and task assignments. E-planning tools streamline the meeting preparation process, ensuring that all logistical aspects are efficiently handled.

E-Brainstorm Session

An e-brainstorm session is an online meeting specifically focused on brainstorming ideas. This session typically involves collaborative tools such as virtual whiteboards, shared documents, and idea-mapping software to facilitate creative thinking and idea generation among participants. E-brainstorm sessions are effective for collaborative problem-solving and innovation in a virtual setting.


The act of moderating discussions and content in online meetings. An e-moderator ensures that the conversation stays on topic, manages participant interaction, and handles any technical issues that may arise. Effective e-moderation is crucial for maintaining a productive and respectful online meeting environment, especially in large or public meetings.


An e-delegate is a participant in an online meeting who represents a group, organization, or constituency. E-delegates are responsible for conveying the perspectives and interests of those they represent and for relaying information back to them. This role is important in larger meetings or conferences where direct participation by all members of an organization or group is not feasible.

Email Summaries

Email summaries involve sending a condensed version of meeting notes or outcomes via email after the meeting. This summary usually highlights key discussion points, decisions made, and action items. Email summaries are a useful tool for ensuring that all participants, including those who could not attend, are informed about the meeting's outcomes and are on the same page regarding future steps.


E-socializing pertains to the networking and social interaction that occurs in an online meeting environment. This can include informal chats before or after the formal meeting, breakout rooms for smaller group discussions, and virtual networking events. E-socializing helps in building and maintaining relationships, fostering a sense of community and collaboration among participants, which is especially important in remote and virtual work settings.

Event Technology

Event Technology refers to the range of technological tools and platforms used for managing and conducting online meeting events. This includes video conferencing tools, registration and ticketing systems, event management software, audience engagement tools, and virtual event platforms. Event Technology plays a crucial role in organizing, executing, and enhancing the overall experience of online events, making them more interactive, accessible, and efficient.

Ethernet Adapter

A device that enables a wired connection to the internet, often used for stable online meeting connections. An ethernet adapter is a device that connects a computer or other device to a wired network, often used to ensure a stable internet connection for online meetings. This is especially useful for devices that do not have built-in ethernet ports, such as some laptops and tablets. By enabling a wired connection, an ethernet adapter can provide a more reliable and faster internet...

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E-feedback refers to feedback collected electronically after a meeting. This can be done through digital surveys, emails, or feedback forms sent to participants post-meeting. E-feedback helps organizers gauge the effectiveness of the meeting, understand participant satisfaction, and gather suggestions for improvement. This method of feedback collection is convenient for participants and provides valuable insights for enhancing the quality of future meetings.

E-Interaction Analytics

E-Interaction analytics involves analyzing participant interactions within an online meeting. This analysis can track metrics such as who speaks and for how long, the usage of chat and polling features, and engagement in breakout rooms. These analytics help in understanding how participants are interacting with each other and with the meeting content. Insights gained from e-Interaction analytics can be used to improve the format and structure of future meetings, ensuring they are more engaging and collaborative.


Ensuring online meetings are accessible to all participants, including those with disabilities. This involves providing features like screen reader compatibility, closed captioning, sign language interpretation, and customizable display settings. E-accessibility is crucial for inclusivity, ensuring that everyone, regardless of their physical or sensory abilities, can fully participate in and benefit from online meetings. It's a key consideration in digital communication, aligning with broader goals of equity and accessibility in the digital space.


E-Notification involves digital notifications related to online meeting updates or reminders. These notifications can be sent via email, text messages, or meeting platform alerts. They serve to inform participants about upcoming meetings, changes in meeting details, or action items following a meeting. E-notifications ensure that participants are well-informed and can prepare or adjust their schedules accordingly.

Efficiency Tools

Efficiency Tools are software features or applications that improve the productivity and effectiveness of the meeting. These tools can include features for automated scheduling, time management, agenda setting, note-taking, and task tracking. They help in minimizing time wastage, keeping the meeting on track, and ensuring that all objectives are met efficiently.


An e-lecture is an educational or informative presentation delivered in an online meeting format. This can range from academic lectures to corporate training sessions. e-Lectures often use multimedia elements like slides, videos, and interactive quizzes to enhance learning. They provide a flexible and accessible way for participants to learn remotely.


E-documentation refers to the electronic documents that are shared, created, or referenced during online meetings. This includes presentations, reports, collaborative documents, and minutes of the meeting. E-documentation is easily accessible to all participants, can be interactively used during the meeting, and provides a digital record of the meeting’s proceedings.


An e-concierge is a virtual assistance service designed to manage and assist with the logistics of online meetings. This service can include tasks such as scheduling meetings, sending reminders, providing technical support, and facilitating participant engagement. An e-concierge ensures that the meeting runs smoothly, allowing hosts and participants to focus on the meeting's content rather than administrative details.

Engagement Analytics

Engagement Analytics are data analysis tools used to measure and assess participant engagement levels in online meetings. These tools analyze various metrics such as attendance duration, participation in polls or chats, and engagement in interactive elements. The insights gained from engagement analytics help organizers understand participant behavior, improve meeting formats, and make data-driven decisions to enhance the effectiveness of future meetings.

Ethernet Connectivity

Ethernet Connectivity pertains to the type and quality of internet connection used, which is crucial for uninterrupted online meetings. A stable Ethernet connection, as opposed to wireless connections, often provides a more reliable and consistent internet speed with lower latency. This is particularly important for video conferencing, as it requires high bandwidth to ensure clear audio and video quality without interruptions or lag.


E-workflows refer to automated processes designed to streamline various aspects of organizing and conducting online meetings. These workflows can automate tasks such as sending meeting invitations, reminders, follow-up emails, and managing meeting documentation. By automating these routine tasks, e-Workflows save time, reduce human error, and ensure that meetings are organized efficiently and effectively.


An e-signature is a legally recognized electronic means of signing documents or agreements during online meetings. This technology allows participants to sign contracts, forms, or official documents digitally, eliminating the need for physical paperwork. E-signatures streamline the approval process, making it faster and more convenient for remote signatories, and are secure and verifiable, ensuring the authenticity of the documents.


An e-Responder is an automated system used to respond to queries or provide assistance during or after online meetings. It can be programmed to answer frequently asked questions, provide technical support, or direct queries to the appropriate person or department. This tool ensures that participants receive timely responses, even outside of traditional working hours, improving the overall efficiency and responsiveness of the meeting organizers.


An e-lobby is a virtual space where participants can gather before being admitted to an online meeting. This feature mimics the physical experience of a lobby, providing a waiting area that can be used to display informational messages, instructions, or welcome videos. It also gives hosts the opportunity to manage attendance, ensuring only authorized participants join. The e-lobby can enhance security and provide a professional touch to the meeting experience.


The process of integrating various electronic tools and platforms for a seamless online meeting experience. This involves the integration of video conferencing software, collaborative tools like shared documents and whiteboards, scheduling systems, and communication platforms. The goal is to streamline the user experience, making it easier for participants to access all necessary tools in one place. This integration enhances productivity, reduces technical difficulties, and simplifies the process of organizing and participating in online meetings.


E-Convening is the act of organizing and bringing together participants in an online meeting or virtual event. It involves coordinating the logistics of the meeting, such as setting up the virtual meeting space, inviting participants, managing the technology, and facilitating the flow of the meeting. e-Convening requires skills in digital communication and organization, ensuring that the meeting objectives are met and that participants have a smooth and engaging experience.

Email Agenda

An Email Agenda involves sending the agenda or schedule of a meeting to participants through email. This practice helps in setting clear expectations for the meeting, allowing participants to prepare adequately. An effective Email Agenda includes topics to be discussed, timing for each segment, and names of speakers or presenters. It may also contain links to relevant documents or resources. Sending the agenda in advance ensures a more structured and efficient meeting.

Engagement Tools

Digital features or software functionalities designed to enhance interaction and participation. These tools include interactive polls, real-time surveys, chat functionalities, virtual whiteboards, and gamification elements. Engagement Tools help in breaking monotony, keeping the audience attentive, and making the meetings more dynamic and inclusive. They are key in transforming a one-way presentation into a two-way interactive session.


E-Participation refers to active involvement in an online meeting or event. It goes beyond mere attendance, encompassing activities like engaging in discussions, asking questions, participating in polls, and providing feedback. Effective e-Participation is facilitated by user-friendly technology and interactive meeting formats. It's a critical component for the success of virtual meetings, as it ensures that participants are not passive viewers but active contributors to the discussion.


An e-Symposium is a formal and structured online meeting or conference, often centered around a specific academic, scientific, or professional topic. It typically includes a series of presentations, discussions, and workshops, conducted virtually through video conferencing platforms. e-Symposiums enable experts and enthusiasts from around the world to share knowledge, collaborate, and network without the constraints of physical travel. They often feature interactive elements like Q&A sessions, virtual networking rooms, and digital resource sharing.

Ethernet Cable

An Ethernet Cable is a type of network cable used for wired connections to the internet or local networks. It's particularly useful for ensuring stable and reliable internet connectivity during online meetings, reducing the likelihood of connection issues like lag or disconnection. Ethernet cables come in various categories, with different speed capacities and shielding types, allowing users to choose one that best fits their network requirements. For professionals whose work relies heavily on uninterrupted online communication, having a wired connection...

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E-Interaction refers to the interactive components within an online meeting, designed to facilitate engagement and communication among participants. This may include features like chat boxes, polls, screen sharing, virtual hand-raising, and breakout rooms. e-Interaction tools help in replicating the dynamics of in-person meetings, allowing for real-time discussions, feedback, and collaborative activities, thereby enhancing the overall effectiveness and interactivity of online meetings.


E-Notice is an electronic notification sent to inform or update individuals about meeting details, changes, or relevant information. It serves as a formal way of communicating key information in a timely manner. An e-Notice is typically concise, highlighting essential points such as the meeting agenda, time adjustments, or any preparatory material required for the meeting. This method ensures efficient dissemination of information and aids in effective meeting preparation.


An e-Invitation is a digital invitation sent for meetings or events via email or other electronic messaging platforms. Unlike traditional paper-based invitations, e-Invitations are cost-effective, eco-friendly, and can be easily customized and distributed to a large number of recipients quickly. They often include important details like the event's purpose, date, time, and a link to join the online meeting. e-Invitations can also track RSVPs and offer interactive elements like calendar integration, making them a convenient tool for event organization.


E-Voting is an electronic mechanism for casting votes, commonly utilized during online meetings and elections. It provides a secure and efficient way for participants to vote on various issues or elect representatives from remote locations. e-Voting systems are designed to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of the voting process, often incorporating features like anonymity, one-time voting, and immediate tallying of results. This system facilitates decision-making in virtual meetings, ensuring a democratic and streamlined process.

Email Follow-up

Email Follow-up is a crucial component of professional communication, especially after meetings. It involves sending a concise and clear email to the participants of a meeting, summarizing the discussion points, decisions made, and the next steps or action items. This helps in maintaining clarity, ensures everyone is on the same page, and keeps a record of the meeting outcomes. It's an effective way to reinforce commitments, provide additional resources, or clarify any doubts that might have arisen during the meeting.

E-Panel Discussion

An e-Panel Discussion is a modern adaptation of the traditional panel discussion, conducted in a virtual environment. This format allows panelists from diverse locations to come together on a digital platform to discuss a specific topic or issue. Participants can engage through video conferencing tools, and audiences can join from anywhere in the world. The discussion is often moderated and may include Q&A sessions, enabling interactive participation from the audience. This format is particularly useful for global events, conferences, and...

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Exit Survey

An Exit Survey is a questionnaire distributed at the end of an online meeting to gather participants' feedback. It usually includes questions about the meeting's effectiveness, content, presentation style, and what could be improved. The feedback collected is invaluable for organizers to understand what worked well and what didn’t, helping in improving future meetings or events. Exit surveys also show participants that their opinions are valued, potentially increasing engagement in future meetings.

Entry Code

An Entry Code is a security measure used in online meetings, requiring participants to enter a specific code to access the meeting. This ensures that only authorized individuals can join. It's particularly important for meetings that handle sensitive or confidential information, as it adds an extra layer of security to prevent unauthorized access. Entry codes are typically distributed to intended participants via secure email or through a meeting invitation.


Brainstorming sessions conducted in an online meeting environment. This method leverages digital tools to facilitate idea generation and collaboration among participants, regardless of their physical location. Common tools used in e-Brainstorming include shared digital whiteboards, mind mapping software, and real-time document collaboration. e-Brainstorming can often lead to more diverse ideas as participants from varied backgrounds and locations contribute their thoughts.

Event Planner

Event Planner software or tools are designed for planning and organizing online meeting events. These tools help in scheduling the event, managing registrations, sending out invitations, and coordinating various logistical aspects. Advanced event planners may include features for marketing the event, handling ticket sales, managing virtual event spaces, and providing analytics post-event. They significantly streamline the process of event management, making it more efficient and effective, especially for large-scale online events.


An e-Forum is an online discussion forum that can either be a part of or a follow-up to a meeting. It provides a platform for extended discussions, Q&A sessions, and information sharing beyond the constraints of a scheduled meeting. e-Forums support ongoing collaboration and communication, allowing for deeper exploration of topics and ideas at a pace suitable for all participants.

Elapse Time Indicator

An Elapse Time Indicator is a feature in online meeting platforms that shows the duration of the current meeting. This helps in time management, ensuring that meetings stay on track and topics are covered within the allotted time. Typically displayed prominently on the meeting screen, it serves as a constant reminder to participants and facilitators of the meeting's progress.

E-Business Meeting

E-Business Meetings are online meetings focused specifically on business operations, decision-making, planning, and management. These meetings can take various forms, from formal board meetings and team check-ins to client presentations and stakeholder updates. Conducting business meetings online can save time and costs associated with travel and allows for greater scheduling flexibility and wider participation.


Encryption is a method of securing online meeting data and communications to protect them from unauthorized access or interception. It involves encoding the data transmitted during an online meeting so that only authorized participants can access and understand it. With the rise of cyber threats, encryption is critical in maintaining the confidentiality and integrity of business discussions, sensitive negotiations, and personal information shared in online meetings.


E-Facilitation involves guiding and managing online meetings or discussions to ensure they are productive and achieve their objectives. Effective e-facilitators need to be adept at using online meeting platforms, managing group dynamics, encouraging participation, and keeping discussions on track. Unlike in-person facilitation, e-facilitation requires navigating technical issues and ensuring engagement in a virtual environment.


E-Consultation involves consultative meetings held online, often used by businesses, healthcare providers, legal professionals, and various other sectors. They offer a convenient way for experts to provide advice, discuss issues, and offer solutions without the need for physical presence. E-Consultations are typically conducted via video conferencing platforms and are often integrated with tools for sharing documents and other relevant information.

Engagement Metrics

Engagement metrics are crucial data points that measure how engaged participants are during an online meeting. These can include the amount of time participants actively interact, the frequency of their contributions, attentiveness scores, and post-meeting feedback. These metrics help meeting organizers understand how effective the meeting was and identify areas for improvement to make future meetings more engaging and productive.


A type of network connection often used for stable internet access in online meetings. Ethernet is a common type of network connection used to provide stable internet access, which is crucial for the smooth running of online meetings. Compared to wireless connections, Ethernet connections are typically more reliable and less susceptible to interference, ensuring better video and audio quality during online meetings. It involves using an Ethernet cable to connect a computer directly to a network router or modem, providing...

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Working together electronically, often during online meetings. This can include joint project work, brainstorming sessions, problem-solving, or shared decision-making, all conducted over digital platforms. E-Collaboration allows teams, regardless of geographical location, to work together in real-time, enhancing productivity and fostering a more inclusive work environment. Common e-collaboration tools include video conferencing software, collaborative document editors, project management applications, and communication platforms.

Email Reminder

An Email Reminder is a notification sent via email to remind participants about an upcoming meeting. It typically includes key details like the meeting's time, date, agenda, and access links or location. Sending reminders at appropriate intervals (e.g., a week before, a day before, and an hour before) can significantly improve attendance rates. Many meeting and calendar applications have features to automate the sending of email reminders, reducing the manual effort and ensuring timely notifications.


Online learning sessions or courses often integrated with or following up on meetings. Include a range of formats like webinars, interactive courses, and instructional videos. E-learning allows for flexible and accessible education, enabling participants to learn at their own pace and from different locations. In a corporate setting, e-learning can be used to reinforce training, disseminate information, or provide continuous professional development post-meetings.


An electronic briefing, often circulated before a meeting to provide background information. It provides background information, context, and essential details to prepare participants for the meeting. By providing a pre-meeting briefing, participants can come better prepared, thus making the meeting more efficient and productive. E-Briefings can vary in format, from written documents to pre-recorded videos, depending on the nature of the meeting.


An E-Boardroom is a virtual boardroom setup designed for conducting online meetings, replicating the experience of a traditional executive boardroom. It typically includes high-quality video and audio capabilities, options for secure document sharing, and tools for collaborative decision-making. E-Boardrooms facilitate remote participation of board members, offering flexibility and convenience while maintaining the formality and structure of board meetings. Given the nature of discussions, e-boardrooms often incorporate enhanced security measures to protect confidential information.

External Meeting

A meeting that involves participants from outside the organization. These meetings are often crucial for networking, collaborations, negotiations, or building client relationships. Proper preparation for external meetings is key, as they can significantly impact business relations and organizational reputation. Clear communication and understanding of the meeting's objectives are vital to ensure that all parties derive maximum value from the meeting.


In the context of meetings, especially those focused on planning and strategy, to expedite means to speed up a process or project. This could involve streamlining procedures, delegating tasks more efficiently, or removing unnecessary steps in a workflow. Expedited processes are often critical in situations where time-sensitive decisions are required or to maintain competitive advantage. While expediting can lead to faster results, it's important to balance speed with quality to ensure that the hastened process does not compromise the project's...

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An E-Workshop is a workshop conducted online, either as a standalone event or as part of a larger meeting or conference. It often includes interactive elements such as live demonstrations, group activities, and Q&A sessions. E-Workshops can be accessed by participants from diverse geographical locations, making them a versatile tool for education and collaboration. Successful e-workshops require careful planning, clear instructions, and the use of effective online tools to facilitate interaction and learning.


An E-Participant is an attendee who joins a meeting electronically, typically via video or audio conferencing tools. This mode of participation has become increasingly common with the rise of remote work and the availability of advanced online meeting technologies. E-participation enables broader inclusivity, allowing individuals who cannot be physically present to contribute to the meeting.


Activities designed to invigorate or energize meeting participants, especially in long sessions. Energizers are activities designed to re-energize or invigorate meeting participants, especially useful in long sessions to prevent fatigue and loss of focus. These can include physical activities, brain teasers, interactive games, or even short, fun exercises. Energizers help in keeping the participants engaged and can foster team-building and a more relaxed meeting atmosphere.

Ex Officio

A person who is a member of a body (committee, board, etc.) by virtue of holding another office. Their authority and responsibilities in the committee are often tied to their primary role or position. This arrangement can provide valuable cross-functional insights and ensure coordination between different parts of an organization.

Elapsed Time

The actual time taken for the meeting from start to finish. Tracking the elapsed time of a meeting helps in understanding the efficiency of the meeting process and is essential for time management. It can also be used as a tool for better planning future meetings, ensuring that they stay focused and on schedule.


They are typically created using word processing software and can be easily distributed via email or shared through cloud storage, making them more accessible to attendees. E-Minutes offer the benefit of easy archiving and retrieval, which is essential for record-keeping and for those who wish to revisit the meeting discussions. They are also environmentally friendly, reducing the need for paper.


The process aimed at determining the effectiveness of the meeting or the performance of its participants. It may involve assessing how well the meeting's objectives were met, the quality of discussions, the efficiency of decision-making, and the level of participant engagement. Often, feedback forms or surveys are used to gather attendees' opinions on various aspects of the meeting. The insights gained from evaluations are crucial for making improvements in future meetings, enhancing productivity, and ensuring that meetings are valuable and...

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Executive Session

An Executive Session is a segment of a meeting that is closed to the general audience and is limited to key participants, usually top management or board members. This session is used to discuss sensitive or confidential matters such as legal issues, mergers and acquisitions, high-level personnel decisions, and strategic planning. The confidentiality of these sessions ensures that sensitive information is protected and that frank, open discussions can take place without the risk of external scrutiny or leaks. Minutes of...

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Etiquette in the context of meetings refers to the set of unwritten rules or norms of polite behavior expected of participants. These norms can vary depending on the cultural context, the nature of the meeting, and the group's dynamics. Common meeting etiquettes include arriving on time, being prepared, listening attentively, not interrupting others, and contributing constructively. In online meetings, additional etiquettes such as muting when not speaking, ensuring a distraction-free background, and being mindful of screen sharing are important. Observing...

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An e-Agenda is the digital version of a meeting agenda, distributed through email or via a meeting management tool. It outlines the topics to be discussed, the order of items, and allocates time for each segment or speaker. An effective e-Agenda is concise, clear, and structured, facilitating a more organized and focused meeting. It may also include links to relevant documents or pre-meeting readings, and details about the meeting logistics (like the link to the meeting room, dial-in numbers, etc.)....

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An e-vite, or electronic invitation, is a digital form of invitation sent for meetings or events. It is typically distributed via email or through specialized e-invitation platforms. e-Vites have become popular due to their convenience, cost-effectiveness, and environmental friendliness compared to traditional paper invitations. They can be customized with various designs, interactive elements, and important information about the event, including date, time, location (or online meeting link), and RSVP instructions. E-vites also often include functionalities like automatic reminders, calendar integrations,...

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Early Bird Registration

Early Bird Registration is a term used in the context of meetings and conferences to refer to a registration period set well in advance of the event, often at a discounted rate. This strategy encourages attendees to commit early, helping organizers to gauge interest and plan logistics more effectively. Early bird rates are typically lower than regular registration fees, offering a financial incentive for early commitment. This approach is beneficial for both attendees, who save money, and organizers, who gain...

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An E-conference, or electronic conference, is a large-scale online meeting, often involving numerous participants connecting from various locations worldwide. Unlike traditional conferences, which require physical venues and travel, e-conferences are hosted on digital platforms. These platforms facilitate keynote speeches, breakout sessions, panel discussions, and networking opportunities, much like a physical conference. E-conferences can be particularly beneficial for international gatherings, as they reduce travel expenses and make attendance more accessible. They also offer unique opportunities for interaction, such as virtual networking...

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An e-Meeting, or electronic meeting, is conducted over the internet using various software tools and platforms. It allows participants from different geographical locations to come together in a virtual space, thereby eliminating the need for physical travel and enabling more frequent and diverse participation. e-Meetings can range from simple audio-only calls to more complex setups involving video conferencing, screen sharing, real-time document collaboration, and interactive whiteboards. These meetings are pivotal in today's global business environment, as they support remote work...

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The degree of attention, interest, and participation that attendees exhibit during a meeting. High engagement is often a key indicator of a successful meeting, as it suggests that participants are actively listening, contributing ideas, and collaborating effectively. Engagement can be influenced by various factors such as the meeting's agenda, the relevance of the topics discussed, the facilitation style, and the interactive elements used during the meeting. Tools like real-time polls, Q&A sessions, and collaborative brainstorming can significantly enhance engagement. Additionally,...

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