Glossary of Meeting Terms "G"

The Glossary of Meeting Terms describes terms and acronyms related to meetings and all the activities we do at them. We've collected this information, so enjoy!"

Guest Account Management

Guest account management involves the administration and management of user accounts and access for external guests who regularly attend online meetings. Meeting organizers or administrators are responsible for maintaining guest accounts, ensuring that they have the appropriate permissions and access levels based on their role and affiliation. This management process includes tasks such as account creation, access control, security measures, and account deactivation when necessary. Effective guest account management streamlines the onboarding and ongoing participation of external guests, contributing to...

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Global Virtual Events

Global virtual events are large-scale online events that attract participants and audiences from around the world. These events leverage virtual platforms and technology to host conferences, seminars, trade shows, product launches, and other gatherings on a global scale. Global virtual events offer a wide range of features, including keynote speeches, breakout sessions, interactive networking, and exhibition halls, providing a comprehensive and immersive experience for participants. They eliminate geographical barriers, enabling attendees from diverse locations to connect, collaborate, and engage in...

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Google Meet Moderation

Process of monitoring and controlling participant behavior and content during online meetings hosted on the Google Meet platform. Meeting organizers or moderators have the ability to manage various aspects of the meeting, such as muting/unmuting participants, removing disruptive users, controlling screen sharing, and enforcing meeting rules and policies. Google Meet moderation ensures that meetings run smoothly, maintain a respectful and secure environment, and adhere to established guidelines. This feature is essential for managing large meetings, webinars, or virtual events where...

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Group Video Viewing

Group video viewing involves the collective activity of watching and discussing video content together with other participants during an online meeting. This feature enables meeting hosts or attendees to share video clips, presentations, or live streams with the entire group, promoting engagement and interaction. Group video viewing enhances the visual component of online meetings, making them more dynamic and informative. It allows participants to react, comment, and exchange ideas in real-time while viewing video content, making online meetings a platform...

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Guest Wi-Fi Access

Guest Wi-Fi access entails providing temporary Wi-Fi connectivity to guests during on-site meetings that involve online components. This service is typically offered in venues or locations where meetings or events are held, allowing attendees, visitors, and external guests to access the internet using a designated Wi-Fi network. Guest Wi-Fi access ensures that participants can connect their devices to the internet to access online meeting platforms, apps, and resources. It simplifies the process of joining online components of meetings, webinars, or...

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Google Workspace Mobile App

The Google Workspace Mobile App refers to a set of mobile applications provided by Google that offer access to Google Workspace tools, including Google Meet, on smartphones and tablets. These apps are designed to provide users with the flexibility and mobility to collaborate, communicate, and work on-the-go. With the Google Workspace Mobile App, users can access their emails, documents, calendars, and participate in Google Meet online meetings from their mobile devices, ensuring that they stay connected and productive regardless of...

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Group Video Transcript

A group video transcript is a written record of the spoken content in a group video call or meeting. It serves as a valuable tool for accessibility and reference purposes, allowing participants to follow along with the conversation more effectively, especially for individuals with hearing impairments or those who prefer written content. Group video transcripts can also be used for archiving and documentation, ensuring that the content and discussions held during the meeting are preserved for future reference. Additionally, transcripts...

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Group Video Streaming Platforms

Group video streaming platforms are specialized services or platforms that enable the live streaming of video content within online meetings. These platforms allow meeting hosts to broadcast live video feeds, presentations, webinars, or events to a broad audience of meeting participants in real-time. Group video streaming platforms enhance the reach and interactivity of online meetings, enabling participants to view live video content and engage with presenters or event hosts. They offer features such as chat, interactive polls, and Q&A sessions...

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Guest User Management

Guest user management involves the administration and management of roles and permissions for external guest users within online meeting platforms. Meeting organizers or administrators can define and control what actions guest users can perform, such as accessing specific meeting features, sharing content, or participating in discussions. Effective guest user management ensures that external guests have appropriate access and privileges while maintaining security and data privacy. It is essential for maintaining a well-structured and secure meeting environment when accommodating external participants.

Gamification Strategy

A gamification strategy is a planned approach to incorporating gamified elements into online meetings with specific goals in mind. Gamification involves integrating game-like elements such as challenges, rewards, leaderboards, and interactive activities to engage participants and motivate desired behaviors. A well-designed gamification strategy can enhance attendee participation, knowledge retention, and collaboration within online meetings. It is often used in training sessions, workshops, and team-building activities to make meetings more engaging and interactive, ultimately achieving meeting objectives more effectively.

Global Content Delivery Network (CDN)

A Global Content Delivery Network (CDN) is a network infrastructure that ensures efficient and reliable content delivery for online meetings to a global audience. CDNs utilize strategically distributed servers and caching mechanisms to minimize latency, reduce data transfer times, and enhance the overall performance of online meeting platforms. By optimizing content delivery, CDNs ensure that participants from various geographical locations can access meeting resources, including video streams, documents, and multimedia content, without experiencing delays or interruptions. CDNs play a critical...

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Group Video Sharing

Group video sharing allows participants in an online meeting to simultaneously share video content with others. This feature enables presenters or attendees to display videos from their devices, including recorded clips, live streams, or video presentations, for all meeting participants to view. Group video sharing enriches discussions, presentations, and training sessions, providing a visual context that enhances understanding and engagement. It fosters interactive communication, as participants can react, discuss, and analyze the shared video content in real-time, making online meetings...

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Guest Registration

Guest registration is the process of collecting information and registration details from external guests before granting them access to an online meeting. It involves gathering essential data, such as names, email addresses, affiliations, and roles, to verify guest identities and facilitate the meeting entry process. Guest registration helps organizers maintain control over meeting attendance, manage guest lists, and ensure a secure and organized meeting environment. It also enables hosts to communicate important meeting details and updates directly with registered guests,...

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Group Collaboration Software

Group collaboration software is designed to facilitate collaborative work and discussions during online meetings. These software solutions offer a range of tools and features, including document sharing, real-time editing, chat functionality, and project management capabilities. Group collaboration software promotes teamwork, enhances communication, and streamlines productivity within online meetings, enabling participants to work together seamlessly, whether they are co-authoring documents, brainstorming ideas, or managing tasks. These tools contribute to a more efficient and interactive meeting experience, fostering collaboration and innovation.

Guest Network Access

Guest network access involves providing temporary network access to external guests during online meetings. This access enables guests to connect to the meeting platform and participate in discussions or presentations. Organizations often implement guest network access with security measures in place to ensure that guest users have limited access to specific resources and data, safeguarding the organization's network and sensitive information. This feature is essential for accommodating external stakeholders, clients, or partners in online meetings, allowing them to engage without...

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Google Meet Recording

Google Meet Recording is a valuable feature that allows meeting hosts to record and save online meetings for future reference. With this feature, users can capture audio, video, screen sharing, and chat conversations from their meetings, creating an archive of valuable content. Google Meet Recording is particularly beneficial for documentation, training purposes, or for participants who may have missed the live meeting. It enables hosts to revisit discussions, share meeting highlights, and maintain a comprehensive record of important information, fostering...

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Group Video Playback

Group video playback involves the activity of sharing and watching videos together with other participants during an online meeting. This feature allows meeting hosts and attendees to seamlessly play videos for the entire group to view, enhancing presentations, training sessions, or collaborative discussions. Whether it's sharing instructional videos, product demonstrations, or multimedia content, group video playback adds a dynamic element to online meetings, making them more engaging and informative. It ensures that all participants are synchronized in their viewing experience,...

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Gaze Tracking

Gaze tracking technology is used to monitor where participants are looking during an online meeting. This technology can analyze eye movements and gaze direction to provide insights into participant engagement and attention. Gaze tracking is employed to assess the effectiveness of presentations, identify areas of interest, and optimize meeting content based on participant visual cues. It can be valuable in virtual meetings and presentations to tailor content and engagement strategies to better capture participants' attention and enhance the overall meeting...

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Growth Hacking

Innovative and creative strategies used to promote and expand online meetings and webinars. It involves leveraging unconventional marketing and user acquisition techniques to rapidly increase meeting attendance, engagement, and participation. Growth hacking tactics may include viral marketing campaigns, referral programs, social media strategies, and data-driven optimizations to attract a broader audience and achieve meeting growth goals. Growth hacking is particularly relevant for organizations and businesses seeking to maximize the impact and reach of their online meetings in a competitive digital...

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Groupthink Prevention

Strategies and techniques employed to avoid the negative effects of groupthink in online meetings. Groupthink is a phenomenon where participants in a group prioritize consensus and harmony over critical thinking and decision-making, potentially leading to suboptimal outcomes. To prevent groupthink, meeting organizers may encourage diverse perspectives, assign devil's advocates, promote open discussions, and provide opportunities for individual reflection. By implementing these strategies, online meetings can foster more robust and balanced decision-making processes and avoid the pitfalls associated with groupthink.

Google Workspace Admin

A Google Workspace admin is an administrator responsible for managing and configuring Google Workspace settings, including Google Meet. These administrators oversee user accounts, security settings, access controls, and other configurations to ensure that Google Workspace services align with the organization's needs and security standards. Google Workspace admins play a crucial role in maintaining the integrity and functionality of Google Meet, ensuring that it operates efficiently and securely for all users within the organization.


A geofilter is a location-based filter or effect that can be applied to video in online meetings. These filters allow participants to add context or visual enhancements to their video feeds based on their geographical location. Geofilters are commonly used in virtual meetings and social gatherings to add a fun or branded element to video appearances. For example, they can display city-specific landmarks or event logos as overlays on video streams, adding a personalized touch to online meetings and making...

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Group Video Messaging

Sending video messages to multiple participants within an online meeting. This feature allows meeting attendees to share recorded video content, presentations, or messages with a broader audience, enhancing communication and engagement. Group video messaging is particularly useful for conveying complex ideas, providing visual demonstrations, or delivering pre-recorded presentations during online meetings. It adds a multimedia dimension to meetings, enabling participants to share content more effectively and promote interactive discussions.

Global Web Conferencing

Online conferencing solutions that support international participants and enable global collaboration. These conferencing platforms offer features such as multi-language support, global dial-in numbers, and compatibility with various time zones. Global web conferencing fosters inclusivity and accessibility, allowing participants from around the world to join meetings, webinars, and virtual conferences seamlessly. It plays a vital role in breaking down geographical barriers and promoting international cooperation, making it a valuable tool for businesses, organizations, and institutions with a global presence.

Group Messaging Apps

Group messaging apps are applications specifically designed for group communication and collaboration within online meetings. These apps facilitate real-time text-based conversations among participants, allowing them to share messages, files, links, and engage in group discussions. Group messaging apps enhance teamwork, streamline communication, and provide a convenient means of exchanging information and updates during meetings. Popular examples include Slack, Microsoft Teams, and Discord, which integrate seamlessly with online meeting platforms to promote effective group communication and collaboration.

Guest Permissions

Practice of specifying the level of access and privileges granted to external guests in an online meeting. Meeting organizers or hosts have the ability to control what actions guests can perform during the meeting, such as screen sharing, chat, or the ability to mute participants. By defining guest permissions, organizers can strike a balance between collaboration and security, ensuring that guests can actively participate while also maintaining control over the meeting environment. This level of granularity in access control helps...

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Google Workspace for Education

Google Workspace for Education is Google's suite of educational tools, including Google Meet, designed to support online teaching and learning. It encompasses a range of applications and features tailored for educational institutions, enabling educators to conduct virtual classes, engage with students, share resources, and facilitate collaborative learning experiences. Google Workspace for Education is widely used in schools, colleges, and universities to provide a comprehensive platform for online education, empowering educators and students to connect and collaborate effectively in the digital...

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Group Collaboration Space

Group collaboration spaces are virtual environments within online meetings where participants can collaborate, share files, documents, and work together on specific tasks or projects. These spaces serve as dedicated areas for participants to engage in collaborative activities, discussions, and document sharing, enhancing teamwork and productivity during online meetings. Group collaboration spaces are particularly valuable for brainstorming sessions, project planning, and collaborative work, providing a centralized location for participants to collaborate efficiently and access shared resources.

Global Data Privacy Regulations

Global data privacy regulations refer to compliance with international data privacy laws and regulations when handling personal data in online meetings. Organizations conducting online meetings are required to adhere to relevant data protection laws, such as the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) or similar laws in other regions. Compliance involves safeguarding personal data, obtaining necessary consents, and implementing privacy measures to protect the privacy rights of meeting participants. Adhering to global data privacy regulations is crucial to maintain...

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Guest Invitation

Guest invitation involves sending invitations to external individuals to join an online meeting as guests. Meeting organizers can send invitations via email or through invitation links, providing details about the meeting date, time, and access instructions. Guest invitations are commonly used to extend meeting participation to clients, partners, or external stakeholders who do not have regular access to the meeting platform. These invitations facilitate participation in online meetings, ensuring that external guests can join the discussion and collaboration seamlessly.

Google Meet Extension

Google Meet extensions are add-ons or plugins that enhance the functionality of Google Meet for online meetings. These extensions provide additional features, customization options, or integrations that expand the capabilities of Google Meet. Users can install and use these extensions to enhance their meeting experience, such as adding virtual backgrounds, integrating with other apps or services, or enabling specific meeting enhancements. Google Meet extensions allow participants to tailor their meeting environment to their specific needs, increasing the versatility and utility...

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Group Video Streaming

Group video streaming involves broadcasting live video content to multiple participants within an online meeting. This feature enables meeting organizers to share live video feeds, such as presentations, webinars, or live events, with a broad audience of attendees. Group video streaming enhances the reach and engagement of online meetings, allowing participants to view real-time video content and interact with the presenter or event, creating an immersive and interactive meeting experience.

Google Workspace Security

Google Workspace security encompasses the measures, protocols, and safeguards in place to secure data and communications within the Google Workspace ecosystem, including Google Meet. These security measures encompass data encryption, access controls, identity verification, threat detection, and compliance with industry standards and regulations. Ensuring Google Workspace security is paramount to protect sensitive information, maintain data privacy, and prevent unauthorized access or breaches in online meetings. Organizations rely on Google Workspace security features to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of their...

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Group Messaging

Group messaging in online meetings allows participants to send messages to a selected group of attendees, promoting efficient and targeted communication within the meeting environment. This feature enables meeting organizers or participants to create specific chat groups, facilitating discussions related to particular topics or tasks. Group messaging streamlines communication, reduces noise, and ensures that relevant information is shared with the right participants, enhancing collaboration and coordination during online meetings.

Guest Authentication

Guest authentication refers to the process of verifying the identity of external guests before granting them access to an online meeting. It ensures that only authorized individuals can join the meeting, enhancing security and privacy. Guest authentication methods may include requiring guests to provide valid email addresses, using single sign-on (SSO) mechanisms, or implementing multi-factor authentication (MFA) to confirm their identity. By implementing guest authentication measures, organizations can control access to their online meetings, protect sensitive information, and maintain a...

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Google Meet Chat

Google Meet Chat is the chat feature integrated within Google Meet, providing participants with the ability to engage in text-based communication during meetings. This feature allows meeting attendees to exchange messages, share links, and communicate in real-time without interrupting the audio or video conversation. Google Meet Chat enhances collaboration by enabling participants to pose questions, offer comments, or share important information during meetings, fostering engagement and facilitating discussions. It serves as a valuable tool for both business and educational online...

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Global Network Infrastructure

Underlying network and communication infrastructure that supports the worldwide connectivity of online meetings. This infrastructure encompasses data centers, servers, fiber-optic networks, and internet service providers (ISPs) that enable the transmission of audio, video, and data across global distances. Ensuring a robust and reliable global network infrastructure is crucial for delivering seamless and high-quality online meetings, regardless of participants' geographical locations. It plays a critical role in minimizing latency, ensuring data security, and maintaining the availability of online meeting services on...

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Gesture-Based Control

Gesture-based control in online meetings involves using hand or body movements to control various aspects of the meeting, such as navigation, interaction with digital content, or the initiation of specific actions. This technology leverages cameras and sensors to interpret gestures, providing participants with an intuitive and interactive means of engaging with meeting content. Gesture-based control can enhance the accessibility and interactivity of online meetings, making them more engaging and user-friendly, particularly in virtual reality (VR) or augmented reality (AR) settings.

Game Integration

Game integration involves incorporating games or gamified elements directly into online meetings to engage participants and enhance their interaction. These games can range from trivia quizzes to team-building challenges and are designed to make meetings more engaging, interactive, and enjoyable. Game integration can promote participation, boost motivation, and foster a sense of camaraderie among meeting attendees, making it a valuable tool for enhancing the overall meeting experience.

Global Meeting Standards

Global meeting standards refer to the adherence to international standards and protocols that ensure the secure and efficient conduct of online meetings. These standards encompass various aspects of meeting management, including data privacy, security, accessibility, and interoperability. Adhering to global meeting standards helps organizations ensure that their online meetings meet regulatory requirements and best practices, providing a secure and reliable environment for participants to collaborate and communicate seamlessly.

Group Breakout Sessions

Group breakout sessions are smaller, focused discussions or activities conducted within the context of an online meeting. Meeting participants are divided into smaller groups to engage in collaborative work, brainstorming, or discussions related to specific topics or tasks. Breakout sessions allow for more in-depth exploration of ideas, encourage active participation, and facilitate meaningful interactions among smaller groups of participants. They are commonly used in larger meetings, workshops, and training sessions to promote engagement and teamwork.

Guest Presenter

A guest presenter is an external individual who is invited to deliver a presentation or speak during an online meeting. These individuals are typically subject matter experts, guest speakers, or collaborators who bring their expertise and insights to enhance the meeting's content and engagement. Guest presenters can contribute fresh perspectives, share valuable knowledge, and add diversity to the meeting's discussions, making them a valuable addition to online meetings with specific topics or themes.

Google Workspace Admin Console

The Google Workspace Admin Console is the administrative dashboard used for managing settings, configurations, and user access within Google Workspace, which includes Google Meet. Admins can use this console to control access to Google Meet, configure security settings, manage user accounts, and monitor usage and compliance. It provides centralized control over various aspects of Google Workspace, ensuring that administrators can tailor the platform to meet the organization's specific needs and requirements.

Group Video Conferencing

Capability of allowing multiple participants to engage in video calls within an online meeting. This feature enables face-to-face communication and visual interactions among meeting attendees, creating a more immersive and engaging meeting experience. Group video conferencing is an essential component of many online meeting platforms and is widely used for team meetings, client presentations, interviews, and collaborative discussions, fostering effective communication and connection between participants.

Geolocation Tagging

Geolocation tagging involves tagging online meeting locations or participants based on their geographical coordinates. This feature can be used to identify the physical locations of meeting participants, making it useful for tracking attendance, recording meeting locations, and providing context for discussions related to specific geographic areas. Geolocation tagging can also enhance security measures by verifying that participants are joining from authorized regions, helping to prevent unauthorized access to sensitive meetings.

Gamification Platform

A gamification platform is software or a system that enables the integration of gamification elements into online meetings. Gamification involves incorporating game-like features such as challenges, rewards, leaderboards, and interactive activities to enhance engagement and motivation during meetings. Gamification platforms provide tools for creating and managing gamified content, allowing meeting organizers to design activities that promote participation, learning, and fun. These platforms are particularly useful for training sessions, workshops, and team-building exercises within online meetings.

Google Meet Etiquette

Google Meet etiquette refers to guidelines and best practices for maintaining polite and respectful behavior during Google Meet sessions. These guidelines encompass various aspects of online meeting conduct, including punctuality, active listening, professional attire, muting when not speaking to reduce background noise, using appropriate language, and refraining from disruptive or distracting behavior. Adhering to Google Meet etiquette promotes a positive and professional meeting environment, ensuring that all participants can engage effectively and contribute constructively to discussions.

Group Collaboration Tools

Group collaboration tools are software and applications designed to facilitate teamwork, cooperation, and productive interactions in online meetings. These tools provide a platform for participants to collaborate in real-time, share documents, co-edit content, conduct brainstorming sessions, and communicate effectively during virtual meetings. Popular examples of group collaboration tools include video conferencing platforms with chat and screen-sharing capabilities, project management software, and document-sharing applications. By leveraging these tools, teams can enhance their ability to work together efficiently, regardless of geographical locations,...

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Guest Waiting Room

A guest waiting room is a virtual waiting area where guests or participants wait for the host to admit them to an online meeting. This feature ensures that participants do not enter the meeting prematurely and provides the host with control over who gains access. It is a security and privacy measure commonly used in online meetings to prevent unauthorized or disruptive entry, allowing the host to review and admit participants as needed. The guest waiting room enhances meeting security...

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Game Streaming

Game streaming involves the broadcasting or live streaming of video games during online meetings or on platforms like Twitch. This feature allows gamers to share their gameplay experiences with other meeting participants or viewers, providing entertainment, engagement, and opportunities for discussion. Game streaming can be used for recreational purposes within online meetings or as a means of showcasing and discussing gaming-related content. It leverages the popularity of online gaming and live streaming to foster community interaction and engagement in virtual...

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Google Meet Breakout Rooms

Google Meet Breakout Rooms is a feature that allows meeting organizers to divide participants into smaller discussion groups within an online meeting. Each breakout room functions as a separate virtual space where participants can collaborate, engage in focused discussions, and work on specific tasks or topics. Breakout rooms are commonly used in larger meetings, workshops, or training sessions to facilitate more intimate and interactive group interactions. They enable participants to share ideas, collaborate on projects, and engage in deeper discussions,...

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Google Meet Hardware

Google Meet Hardware refers to a range of hardware solutions designed to enhance the quality and experience of Google Meet online meetings. These hardware components include cameras, microphones, speakers, and conferencing equipment that are optimized for Google Meet compatibility. They are designed to provide high-quality audio and video, simplify setup, and deliver a seamless Google Meet experience in both small meeting rooms and larger conference settings. Google Meet Hardware ensures that online meetings are equipped with the necessary tools to...

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Guest Speaker Panel

A guest speaker panel is a designated section within an online meeting where guest speakers or experts are given a platform to present and share their insights, knowledge, or expertise. This panel format allows for a focused and organized segment within the meeting agenda where guest speakers can address the audience, answer questions, or contribute to the discussion. Guest speaker panels are commonly used in webinars, virtual conferences, and online meetings with specific themes or topics that benefit from external...

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Google Workspace Marketplace

The Google Workspace Marketplace is an online platform provided by Google for adding extensions and integrations to enhance online meetings and other collaborative functions within Google Workspace. Users can browse and install various third-party applications, add-ons, and integrations that complement Google Workspace tools such as Google Meet, Google Calendar, and Google Drive. These extensions can enhance productivity, provide additional meeting features, and integrate with other popular software to create a more customized and efficient online meeting experience within the Google...

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Gesture Recognition

Gesture recognition technology in online meetings involves the interpretation of hand or body gestures to enable interactive and intuitive communication. This technology allows participants to use gestures to control presentations, navigate virtual environments, or interact with digital content during online meetings. Gesture recognition can enhance engagement and accessibility, as it provides an alternative means of interaction beyond traditional keyboard and mouse inputs. It is particularly useful in virtual reality (VR) or augmented reality (AR) online meetings, where physical gestures can...

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Guided Tours

Virtual tours or presentations conducted within the meeting environment to showcase products, services, or specific content. These tours are typically led by a host or presenter who guides participants through a curated experience, sharing information, visuals, and insights along the way. Guided tours can be used for various purposes, such as introducing new products to potential customers, providing virtual tours of facilities or locations, or presenting educational content. They leverage the interactive nature of online meetings to engage participants and...

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Global Connectivity

Global connectivity in the context of online meetings refers to ensuring that virtual meetings can be accessed from various locations and devices worldwide. It involves optimizing network infrastructure, providing robust internet connectivity, and using meeting platforms that support a wide range of devices and operating systems. Global connectivity is crucial for enabling participants from different regions and time zones to join online meetings seamlessly, fostering inclusivity, and facilitating international collaboration and communication. It helps organizations bridge geographical boundaries and maintain...

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Graphical User Interface (GUI)

A graphical user interface (GUI) refers to the visual interface used to interact with and control online meeting software. It encompasses the buttons, icons, menus, and graphical elements that enable users to navigate the meeting platform, access features, and interact with meeting content. GUIs are designed to provide an intuitive and user-friendly experience, making it easier for participants to engage in online meetings, share screens, chat, and perform various actions without the need for complex commands or coding. An effective...

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Green Meeting Practices

Green meeting practices involve implementing sustainable and eco-friendly measures in online meetings to reduce environmental impact. These practices include minimizing paper usage, conserving energy, reducing travel-related emissions by opting for virtual meetings, and choosing eco-friendly meeting platforms. Green meeting practices align with environmental sustainability goals, contributing to a reduction in carbon footprints and promoting responsible meeting conduct that takes into account the ecological implications of meeting activities.

Granular Permissions

Granular permissions refer to the practice of providing specific access rights and privileges to participants in online meetings. This approach allows meeting organizers to finely control what actions participants can perform during a meeting, such as screen sharing, muting/unmuting, recording, or accessing certain features. Granular permissions help maintain security and privacy while ensuring that participants have the necessary access to collaborate effectively. By tailoring permissions to individual roles and responsibilities, meeting organizers can create a secure and well-managed virtual meeting...

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Google Calendar Integration

Google Calendar integration involves syncing online meeting schedules with Google Calendar, allowing for automatic reminders and efficient scheduling. This integration streamlines the process of planning and managing meetings by seamlessly connecting meeting invitations with participants' Google Calendar accounts. It enables participants to receive event notifications, access meeting details, and join online meetings directly from their Google Calendar entries. Google Calendar integration simplifies scheduling and enhances the overall meeting experience by providing participants with easy access to meeting information and reminders.


GoToMeeting is a popular and widely used platform for hosting online meetings and webinars. It offers a suite of features that enable users to conduct video conferences, share screens, collaborate on documents, and communicate with participants in real time. GoToMeeting is valued for its reliability, ease of use, and ability to facilitate virtual interactions among teams, clients, and partners. It has become an essential tool for businesses and organizations seeking efficient and effective ways to conduct online meetings and collaborative...

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Global Webinar

A global webinar is an online seminar or presentation that is delivered to a large, worldwide audience via the internet. These webinars are accessible to participants from various countries and regions, making them a powerful tool for disseminating information, sharing knowledge, and engaging with a global audience. Global webinars often cover a wide range of topics, including business updates, educational content, product launches, and thought leadership discussions. They leverage online meeting technology to connect presenters and attendees from around the...

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GitHub Integration

GitHub integration involves connecting online meetings with GitHub repositories, enabling collaborative development discussions and streamlined version control. By integrating online meeting platforms with GitHub, software development teams can discuss code changes, review pull requests, and coordinate project activities seamlessly. This integration simplifies the process of aligning development efforts with meeting discussions, making it easier to manage and track code changes, identify issues, and ensure efficient collaboration among team members.

Group Video Call

An online meeting in which multiple participants join via video, allowing face-to-face communication and interaction in a virtual environment. These calls are facilitated by video conferencing platforms and enable participants from different locations to connect in real time. Group video calls are widely used for a variety of purposes, including business meetings, team collaboration, educational sessions, family gatherings, and social interactions. They provide a valuable means of fostering engagement, enhancing communication, and maintaining connectivity in an increasingly digital and remote...

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Guest Access

Ability for external users or guests to enter an online meeting hosted by an organization. It allows individuals who are not part of the hosting organization to join meetings and collaborate with internal participants, even if they do not have accounts or memberships on the hosting platform. Guest access is a key feature in ensuring that external partners, clients, or stakeholders can easily participate in virtual meetings, webinars, and collaborative efforts, promoting seamless communication and collaboration across boundaries.

Game-Based Learning

Game-based learning involves incorporating interactive games and activities into online meetings for educational or training purposes. These games are designed to make learning more engaging, enjoyable, and effective by incorporating elements of competition, problem-solving, and skill development. Game-based learning can be used to teach new concepts, reinforce learning objectives, and assess participants' knowledge, making it a valuable tool for enhancing the educational impact of online meetings and training sessions.

Gallery Mode

Gallery mode is a view in online meetings that displays participants' video feeds in a gallery-style layout on the screen. This view allows attendees to see multiple participants simultaneously, enhancing visual engagement and providing a comprehensive view of meeting participants. Gallery mode is particularly useful for larger meetings or discussions with multiple participants, as it allows everyone to be visible and fosters a more inclusive and interactive meeting experience.

Google Workspace

Google Workspace is Google's suite of productivity and collaboration tools, formerly known as G Suite. It includes a range of cloud-based applications such as Gmail, Google Drive, Google Docs, Google Sheets, Google Slides, and Google Meet. These tools are designed for seamless communication, document sharing, real-time collaboration, and online meetings, making Google Workspace a popular choice for businesses and organizations seeking efficient and collaborative solutions for their work and online meetings.

Global Time Zones

Global time zones refer to the consideration of different time zones when scheduling online meetings that involve participants from around the world. With participants located in various regions, it's important to choose meeting times that accommodate everyone's local time zones to ensure attendance and participation. Online scheduling tools often provide features that help organizers select suitable meeting times while taking global time zone differences into account, making it easier to coordinate meetings with international participants.

Green Screen

A green screen is a backdrop technique used by participants in online meetings to display custom backgrounds. It involves using a green or chroma key-colored backdrop, which can be replaced digitally with any image or video during the meeting. Green screens provide a way to create a more professional or visually appealing background, hide cluttered or distracting environments, or convey branding elements. This feature is especially popular in virtual meetings and webinars, as it allows presenters to customize their virtual...

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Ghosting in the context of online meetings refers to the behavior of a participant abruptly leaving the meeting without providing any prior notice, farewell, or logging off. This term is often used to describe instances where a meeting attendee unexpectedly disconnects from the virtual meeting, leaving others unaware of their departure. Ghosting can disrupt the flow of the meeting and create uncertainty about whether the participant will return. Effective online meeting etiquette encourages participants to inform others when they need...

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Guest Link

A guest link is a unique URL or invitation link that allows external participants or guests to join an online meeting without requiring them to have an account on the hosting platform. This convenient feature simplifies the process of inviting individuals who may not be registered users of the platform, making it easier for them to access and participate in meetings. Guest links are commonly used to extend meeting invitations to clients, partners, or individuals from outside the organization.

Google Meet

Google Meet is Google's video conferencing and online meeting platform, designed for virtual collaboration and communication. It offers a range of features, including video and audio conferencing, screen sharing, and integration with other Google Workspace applications. Google Meet is widely used for both personal and business purposes, allowing users to schedule and host meetings, webinars, and virtual events with ease, making it a popular choice for remote work, education, and connecting with colleagues or clients across the globe.

Group Chat

Group chat is a text-based communication feature that allows meeting participants to exchange messages with each other in real-time during an online meeting. It enables individuals to discuss topics, share information, ask questions, or provide comments without interrupting the main audio or video conversation. Group chat is a valuable tool for facilitating side discussions, brainstorming, and collaborative note-taking, enhancing communication and engagement among participants in virtual meetings.

Grid View

Grid view is a layout option commonly available in online meetings and video conferencing platforms. It displays participants' video feeds in a grid pattern on the screen, allowing attendees to see multiple participants simultaneously during virtual meetings. Grid view is particularly useful for fostering visual engagement and enhancing group dynamics, as it provides a comprehensive view of meeting participants and their reactions, facilitating more interactive and inclusive discussions.

Group Evaluation

Group evaluation is the process of assessing the effectiveness or outcomes of a meeting as a collective endeavor. It involves gathering feedback and input from meeting participants to gauge their satisfaction, identify areas for improvement, and evaluate the meeting's success in achieving its goals and objectives. Group evaluations can include surveys, discussions, or structured assessments that help organizers make informed decisions about future meetings and enhance the overall meeting experience for participants.

Global Meeting

A global meeting is a gathering that involves participants from various countries or regions, often conducted through remote communication tools or video conferencing platforms. Global meetings enable individuals from diverse geographical locations to collaborate, exchange information, and work together on common objectives. These meetings are particularly relevant in international organizations, multinational companies, and cross-cultural projects, as they facilitate global communication, cooperation, and decision-making, bridging geographical boundaries and fostering a global perspective.

Guest List RSVP

Guest list RSVP refers to the confirmations or responses received from invited guests regarding their attendance at a meeting or event. RSVP, an abbreviation of the French phrase "répondez s'il vous plaît," translates to "please respond" in English. Managing guest list RSVPs is a critical aspect of meeting and event planning, as it helps organizers determine the number of attendees, make necessary arrangements for catering, seating, and logistics, and ensure a smooth and well-prepared gathering.

General Consent

General consent is an agreement reached by all participants in a meeting without the need for formal voting or detailed discussion. It implies unanimous approval or acceptance of a proposal, motion, or decision, often signaled by a lack of objections or opposition. General consent is commonly used for routine or uncontroversial matters in meetings, streamlining the decision-making process and saving time. It relies on the assumption that if no one voices dissent or concerns, the proposal is accepted by the...

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Graphic Recording

Graphic recording involves the visual documentation of meeting content, discussions, and ideas using drawings, charts, diagrams, and other visual representations. A skilled graphic recorder, often referred to as a "scribe" or "graphic facilitator," creates real-time visual summaries that capture key points, themes, and concepts discussed during the meeting. This visual aid enhances participants' understanding, engagement, and retention of information. Graphic recording can be particularly valuable in complex meetings, workshops, or brainstorming sessions, as it provides a dynamic and accessible way...

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Goals and Objectives

Goals and objectives in the context of meetings refer to the desired outcomes or purposes that participants aim to achieve during the gathering. Goals are broad, overarching intentions that define what the meeting is intended to accomplish, while objectives are specific, measurable, and time-bound targets that outline the steps necessary to reach those goals. Establishing clear goals and objectives is essential for meeting planning, as they provide focus and direction, guiding the development of agendas, discussions, and action plans. By...

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Group Therapy

Group therapy is a form of counseling or support that involves a meeting of individuals who share common concerns, challenges, or mental health issues. These group sessions, typically led by a trained therapist or counselor, offer participants a safe and supportive environment to share their experiences, receive feedback, and work through their issues collaboratively. Group therapy meetings can address a wide range of topics, including anxiety, addiction recovery, grief, and interpersonal relationships. The group setting allows members to gain insights,...

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Guided Meditation

Guided meditation is a relaxation technique that is sometimes incorporated into meetings to reduce stress, enhance focus, and promote a sense of well-being among participants. During guided meditation, a facilitator or recorded audio provides verbal instructions, encouraging participants to relax, clear their minds, and engage in mindful breathing and visualization exercises. This practice can be particularly valuable in meetings that involve high levels of tension, decision-making, or creative brainstorming, as it helps attendees become more centered, attentive, and open to...

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A gavel is a small wooden mallet typically used by the chairperson or presiding officer of a meeting to call the meeting to order, maintain order during proceedings, and signal for participants' attention. The act of striking the gavel on a hard surface produces a distinct sound, marking the beginning and end of specific meeting segments or decisions. Gavels symbolize authority and leadership within a meeting context and are often associated with parliamentary procedures, such as Robert's Rules of Order....

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Gantt Chart

A Gantt chart is a visual representation of a project schedule often used in project management meetings. It displays tasks or activities along a timeline, allowing project managers and teams to track progress, allocate resources, and set deadlines. Gantt charts provide a clear and organized overview of project timelines, dependencies, and milestones, making them a valuable tool for planning, monitoring, and discussing project-related matters during meetings.

Group Size

Group size refers to the number of participants present in a meeting or discussion. The size of a group can significantly impact the dynamics of the meeting, as larger groups may require more structured facilitation and time management, while smaller groups may encourage more intimate and in-depth discussions. The choice of group size should align with the meeting's objectives and the desired level of participation and interaction among attendees.

Group Norms

Group norms are shared expectations and standards of behavior that develop within a meeting group or team. These norms define acceptable conduct, communication styles, and working practices that members are expected to follow. Group norms can influence how meetings are conducted, as they establish guidelines for participation, decision-making, and conflict resolution. Establishing and maintaining positive group norms can contribute to a more harmonious and productive meeting environment.

Gamified Icebreakers

Gamified icebreakers are fun and interactive activities or games used at the beginning of a meeting or event to break the ice, engage attendees, and create a relaxed and welcoming atmosphere. These activities often involve challenges, puzzles, or team-building exercises that encourage participants to interact, collaborate, and get to know each other better. Gamified icebreakers are a popular way to energize participants, promote networking, and set a positive tone for the rest of the meeting.

Group Interaction

Group interaction refers to the way participants engage with each other during a meeting or discussion. It encompasses the dynamics of communication, collaboration, and social exchanges within the group. Effective group interaction involves active listening, respectful dialogue, the exchange of ideas, and the ability to build on each other's contributions. Group interactions can greatly influence the outcome of a meeting, as they impact the quality of discussions, decision-making processes, and the overall atmosphere of the gathering.

Guest of Honor

A guest of honor is a distinguished guest or VIP (Very Important Person) invited to attend a meeting or event as a special guest. The presence of a guest of honor often adds prestige and significance to the occasion, and they may be asked to deliver a keynote speech, receive an award, or participate in specific activities that highlight their importance to the event. Recognizing and showing appreciation for a guest of honor is a common practice in various gatherings,...

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Good Practice

Recommended methods, techniques, and approaches that contribute to the effective planning, organization, and conduct of meetings. These practices encompass various aspects of meeting management, including agenda creation, time management, facilitation, communication, and follow-up procedures. Incorporating good practices can enhance the efficiency and outcomes of meetings, ensuring that they serve their intended purposes and lead to productive results.

Group Decision Support System (GDSS)

A Group Decision Support System (GDSS) refers to technology tools and software designed to assist groups in making informed and effective decisions during meetings. GDSS platforms often offer features such as real-time data sharing, collaborative decision-making tools, and voting mechanisms that enable participants to analyze information, discuss options, and arrive at consensus more efficiently. These systems are particularly valuable in complex decision-making processes, as they help streamline discussions and provide a structured approach to reaching group decisions.

Guidelines for Participation

Guidelines for participation are a set of rules and recommendations that outline how individuals should contribute to a meeting or discussion. These guidelines serve as a framework for fostering productive and respectful communication within a group setting. Common participation guidelines may include active listening, avoiding interruptions, respecting speaking turns, and refraining from personal attacks or derogatory language. By adhering to these guidelines, participants can create a conducive environment for meaningful dialogue and collaboration.

Guest List Management

Guest list management is the process of organizing and maintaining a list of attendees who are invited to a meeting, event, or gathering. This task involves compiling a comprehensive list of potential participants, sending out invitations, tracking RSVPs, and updating the list as responses are received. Proper guest list management ensures that event logistics, such as seating arrangements, catering, and access control, are well-coordinated and that all invited individuals receive the necessary information regarding the meeting or event.

Group Discussion

A group discussion is a conversational format involving multiple participants who come together to exchange ideas, information, and opinions on a particular topic or issue. It is a common form of collaborative communication used in various settings, such as business meetings, academic settings, and social gatherings. Group discussions facilitate the sharing of diverse perspectives, fostering brainstorming, problem-solving, and decision-making. Effective group discussions require active listening, respectful communication, and the ability to build upon each other's ideas to reach a collective...

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Gravitas is a quality exhibited by a speaker during a meeting or presentation, characterized by a sense of seriousness, importance, and authority. A speaker with gravitas commands the attention and respect of the audience through their demeanor, confidence, and the weight of their words. Gravitas is crucial for conveying the significance of the message and establishing the speaker's credibility, which can greatly impact the effectiveness of a meeting or presentation.

Green Room

A green room is a designated waiting area typically found in event venues or studios, where speakers, presenters, or performers can prepare and relax before they join a meeting or event. It serves as a private space for individuals to gather their thoughts, rehearse, or make last-minute adjustments to their presentations. Green rooms are essential in ensuring that speakers are well-prepared and can maintain their composure before taking the stage in front of a live audience.


Geofencing is a technological feature used in location-based meetings or events. It involves setting virtual boundaries or geographic perimeters within which attendees' actions or interactions are tracked or restricted. Geofencing can be utilized for various purposes, such as sending location-specific notifications, managing access to specific areas, or monitoring attendance at specific event locations, adding a layer of control and personalization to meetings and events.


Governance refers to the system of rules, processes, and structures that govern the operations and decision-making of an organization or a meeting. It outlines how authority is distributed, how decisions are made, and how responsibilities are assigned within the group. Governance frameworks help ensure accountability, transparency, and effective management, providing a structured and orderly environment in which meetings and organizations can operate.

Gallery View

Gallery view is a feature commonly found in online meetings and video conferencing platforms. It allows participants to see multiple video feeds of meeting attendees simultaneously on their screens, as opposed to the traditional speaker view that highlights only the active speaker. Gallery view is valuable for facilitating visual engagement in virtual meetings, as it provides a more comprehensive view of all participants, enhancing group dynamics and interaction.


Groundbreaking refers to a significant event or announcement made during a meeting, typically related to the initiation or launch of a groundbreaking project, product, or initiative. It is often used to mark the beginning of an innovative endeavor or to highlight a major development within an organization. Groundbreaking moments are usually celebrated and can serve as catalysts for inspiration and motivation among meeting participants.


Gamification is the strategic use of game elements, mechanics, and principles in non-game contexts, including meetings and corporate settings, to engage and motivate participants. In meetings, gamification may involve incorporating elements such as competition, rewards, challenges, and interactive activities to make the gathering more enjoyable, interactive, and effective. It can enhance attendee engagement, promote active participation, and help achieve meeting objectives in a more engaging and enjoyable manner.

Guest List

A guest list is a curated list of individuals who are formally invited to attend a meeting, event, party, or gathering. This list serves as a means of tracking and organizing participants, ensuring that the event's capacity and logistical arrangements are appropriate. Guest lists can also be used for sending invitations, managing RSVPs, and implementing security or access control measures, depending on the nature of the event.


Groupthink is a psychological phenomenon that occurs within a group when its members prioritize conformity and consensus over critical thinking and independent judgment. In meetings or decision-making processes affected by groupthink, participants tend to suppress dissenting opinions or doubts in order to maintain harmony and unanimity. This can result in flawed decision-making, as the group fails to consider alternative viewpoints or potential risks. Recognizing and addressing groupthink is crucial for promoting a more open and constructive meeting environment where diverse...

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Generation Gap

The generation gap refers to differences in attitudes, beliefs, and values that exist among different age groups within a meeting context. These generational differences can influence communication styles, work preferences, and decision-making approaches. Understanding and acknowledging the generation gap is crucial for effective teamwork and collaboration, as it allows participants to bridge differences and work together harmoniously, leveraging the unique strengths of each age group.


Go-around is a meeting practice where each participant takes turns speaking or sharing their thoughts or perspectives on a particular topic or agenda item. This structured approach ensures that everyone has an opportunity to contribute and promotes equitable participation. Go-arounds are often used in meetings to gather input, facilitate discussions, or make decisions, especially when diverse viewpoints need to be considered.


In a meeting context, a grievance refers to a formal complaint or concern that is raised by an individual or group of participants. Grievances can relate to various issues such as conflicts, violations of policies, or perceived injustices within the organization or meeting. Addressing grievances in a fair and timely manner is essential for maintaining a positive meeting environment and resolving disputes effectively.

General Assembly

A general assembly is a meeting in which all members or participants of an organization, association, or group come together to discuss and make decisions on important matters. It serves as a forum for sharing information, discussing policies, and voting on key issues. General assemblies are often held periodically and provide a platform for members to have a voice in the decision-making processes of the organization, ensuring transparency and democratic participation.

Goal Setting

Establishing objectives and targets for a meeting or project. These goals provide a sense of purpose and direction, guiding the discussions, decisions, and actions during the meeting. Effective goal setting helps participants stay focused and ensures that the meeting remains productive, as it aligns everyone's efforts toward specific outcomes and deliverables.

Ground Rules

Ground rules are basic rules or expectations for behavior and conduct during a meeting. They are designed to create a respectful and structured environment, ensuring that meetings run smoothly and participants interact with courtesy and professionalism. Common ground rules may include listening actively, avoiding interruptions, respecting speaking turns, and refraining from personal attacks or derogatory language. Establishing and adhering to ground rules is essential for fostering a positive meeting atmosphere and encouraging constructive dialogue.


Meeting guidelines are rules or recommendations that are established to ensure that meetings are conducted effectively and efficiently. These guidelines serve as a framework for meeting conduct and typically cover aspects such as meeting agendas, time management, participation rules, and communication protocols. Following meeting guidelines helps maintain order, clarity, and focus during discussions, leading to more productive and successful meetings.

Group Dynamics

Group dynamics refer to the complex interactions, relationships, and behaviors that occur among participants in a meeting or group setting. It encompasses the way individuals within the group communicate, collaborate, and influence each other. Understanding group dynamics is crucial for effective teamwork and decision-making, as it involves recognizing the roles, power structures, conflicts, and norms that shape the group's functioning. Effective management of group dynamics can lead to productive and harmonious meetings, while neglecting them can result in inefficiencies or...

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Guest Speaker

An invited speaker who addresses the meeting on a specific topic. A guest speaker is an invited individual who delivers a presentation or addresses a specific topic during a meeting or event. These speakers are typically experts or specialists in their field and are invited to share their knowledge, insights, or experiences with the meeting's participants. Guest speakers can greatly enhance the value of a meeting by offering unique perspectives, expertise, and fresh ideas, making them an essential component of...

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Green Meeting

A green meeting, also known as an environmentally friendly or sustainable meeting, is an event that is organized with a strong commitment to minimizing its environmental impact. This involves implementing eco-friendly practices such as reducing waste, conserving energy, and choosing sustainable materials for event setup. Green meetings often prioritize public transportation and carpooling for attendees, utilize digital resources to reduce paper usage, and offer locally sourced and organic catering options. The aim is to reduce the carbon footprint and ecological...

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