No matter what you do in the remote work vertical, there may come a time where you regularly host and record a successful webinar to educate and inform those interested in your musings. We’re going to speak about the necessary tools and tactics which will make your webinars be viewed as fun, professional, and worth the time of your viewers.

Trust me, the following will guarantee that your webinar is lit, a success, and doesn’t feel like a dry lecture which people use to sleep through. You ready? Of course, you are.

1. Prepare An Outline

Take this one literally. Don’t write an entire script for a thirty-minute to an hour to ensure it’s a successful webinar. Remember the sleep comment? Yes, reading an entire script for that long of a time will sound fake, lacking energy, and will not come across that well.

Going through an entire presentation without note could also lead to a complete disaster. Why? Do you feel it sounds professional stuttering, pausing, and constantly backtracking because you forgot a piece of information?


Of course, you don’t. You wouldn’t think highly of presenter if you were in the audience.

So, that leaves us with putting together a simple outline that you can use to organize your webinar, highlight talking points, and make sure you highlight important pieces of information.

prepare successful webinar agenda

Basically, an outline allows you to have creative freedom in the flow of your speech but provides a structured flow which makes your conference a masterpiece. 

2. You’re Going To Need A Little Krisp

If you want to host a successful webinar, you’re going to have to make sure your audience doesn’t hear any background noise on your end. It is also helpful to your cause if you have software which can also mute any distracting backgrounds sounds coming from anyone attending the conference.

Krisp does both and is compatible on Mac and PC computers, and functions with any conferencing programs. It’s a necessity for those who want to make sure their webinar sounds professional.


3. Make use of Zoom or WebEx

Let’s just make this simple. The two conferencing platforms I will recommend without hesitation are Zoom for Mac and Windows and WebEx for Mac and Windows. Zoom is a fully functional conference protocol which will give you all the necessary tools to ensure you have a successful webinar. The recording function on Zoom is easy to use, the encryption process is highly rated, it’s good for meetings of all sizes, and it’s fairly easy for anyone to use — no matter their technological skill.

webinar preparation

WebEx is a slightly more complicated platform, yet it contains all of the features necessary to host a successful webinar. The WebEx platform also caters to large crowd sizes, has easy to use recording features, and is a great tool for those who do not like Zoom for one reason or another.

Even better, both platforms work perfectly with Krisp. You just can’t go wrong with hosting your webinars on either platform.

4. Allow Time For Q&A

Don’t send your audience away without allowing for at least ten minutes of Q&A at the end of your session. Some individuals may stress over answering live questions, but it shouldn’t be that great of a concern in a setting like this.

The odds of someone showing up to troll you in a webinar environment are slim to none. Depending on your focus, most will be there to receive actionable information which will allow them to improve their financial status.

A lively question and answer period could cause your audience to leave with a great impression, leading to your brand having positive word of mouth promotion.

question and answer section for webinar

You’ll also be able to show your expertise on the topic manner and prove that you are there to deliver useful information which is objective; backed by data and experience.

Well, that’s it, that’s the entire blog. I hope these tips are useful to those who envision themselves hosting successful webinars in the near future. If you have any questions about how to host a webinar of your own, do not hesitate to ask in the comments.