Almost every interviewer gives you a chance to ask questions at the end. It’s a good idea to have at least two or three that show you’re interested and that you’ve researched the company in advance. But what types of questions should you actually ask? Here’s some advice on how to handle this part of the interview, along with sample questions that have proven to work well.

What types of questions to ask? 

When deciding what types of questions to ask at the end of an interview, it’s essential to keep your goals, expectations, and your unique characteristics in mind. This is your opportunity to evaluate whether the company and role align with your career aspirations and values. 


  • Assess your goals


Think of this part of the interview as your chance to gauge whether this company and role are truly a good fit for you. Your questions should help you understand the company’s culture, values, and expectations. Remember, you’re not just trying to get any job—you’re looking for the right job.


  • Reinforce your fit for the role


Before you dive into your questions, it’s a good idea to briefly reiterate why you’re the ideal candidate for the position. You might say something like, “Before I ask my questions, I’d like to quickly highlight how my experience with X aligns with what you’re looking for in this role.” This is your last chance to emphasize key strengths or experiences that set you apart. It’s important to have two or three key messages prepared in advance, in case you haven’t had a chance to fully communicate them during the interview.


  • Personalize your questions. 


The way you phrase your questions can make a big difference. Instead of asking generic questions, try to make them specific to your potential role. This subtle shift helps the interviewer start to envision you as part of their team. This helps build your questions around the topics discussed during the interview. If a specific project or responsibility was mentioned, ask for more details. This not only shows that you were actively listening, but also makes the conversation feel more like a natural continuation. 


Here’s a list of question categories to consider, complete with sample questions that you can personalize in your own ways.


Role-Specific Questions

Role-specific questions focus on the responsibilities, expectations, and challenges of the position you’re applying for. These questions help you gain a clearer understanding of what the role involves and how you can excel in it.


1. What would my key priorities be during the first three months in this role?

This shows you’re eager to get started and want to know what’s most important right away. It also helps you understand what the job will focus on at the beginning.


2. Can you describe a typical day in this role?

By asking this, you’re trying to picture what your daily work life would be like. It helps you see if the job’s tasks match your interests and strengths.


3. What are the most important skills needed to succeed in this position?

This question shows you’re serious about doing well in the job. It also lets you know if your skills are a good match and what you might need to work on.


4. How does this role contribute to the overall success of the company?

You’re showing that you care about more than just your job—you want to know how your work will help the whole company succeed.


5. What are the key challenges someone in this role might face?

Asking about challenges shows you’re realistic and want to be ready for any difficulties. It’s also a chance to talk about how your skills could help solve these problems.

Culture-Focused Questions

Culture-focused questions help you understand the company’s values, work environment, and how teams collaborate. These questions give you insight into whether the company’s culture aligns with your own work style. 


7. How would you describe the company’s culture?

This question gives you a general sense of the work environment and the company’s values. It helps you determine if the culture aligns with your own preferences and work style.


8. What do employees enjoy most about working here?

By asking this, you’re looking for positive aspects of the workplace that contribute to employee satisfaction. It provides insight into what makes the company a great place to work.


9. How does the company support professional development and career growth?

This question shows that you’re interested in growing within the company. It also gives you an idea of the opportunities available for advancing your skills and career.


10. How does the company promote work-life balance?

This question highlights your concern for maintaining a healthy balance between work and personal life. It gives you insight into how the company supports its employees in managing their time and well-being.

Growth and Development Questions

Growth and development questions focus on the opportunities for learning, advancement, and long-term career progression within the company.


11. Are there any mentoring or coaching programs available?

This question shows that you value guidance from experienced colleagues. It also helps you find out if there are formal systems in place to support your growth.


12. How often do performance reviews take place, and what is the process like?

You’re expressing interest in receiving regular feedback. Understanding the performance review process helps you know how your progress will be evaluated and supported.


13. Can you share examples of how others in this role have advanced within the company?

This question allows you to see the potential for growth in the position. It gives you real examples of how the company supports career development and what success might look like in the role.

Team Dynamics Questions

Team dynamics questions focus on understanding how the team functions, collaborates and communicates. These questions help you assess whether the team’s working style and dynamics are a good fit for you and how you can best contribute to the group’s success.


14. What is the team’s communication style?

You’re asking about how the team members share information and stay connected. This helps you assess if the communication style aligns with how you like to interact with colleagues.


15. How are team members recognized for their contributions?

This question highlights your interest in team morale and motivation. It gives you insight into how the company values and acknowledges the efforts of its employees.


16. How often does the team meet, and what are those meetings like?

By asking this, you’re learning about the frequency and structure of team meetings. It helps you know how the team stays aligned and how decisions are made.


17. What is the process for giving and receiving feedback within the team?

This question shows that you value open communication and continuous improvement. It helps you understand how feedback is integrated into the team’s workflow and how you can contribute effectively.

Process and Next Steps Questions

These questions are aimed at understanding what happens after the interview, including the timeline for decisions, further steps in the hiring process, and how you can best prepare.


18. What are the next steps in the hiring process?

This question helps you understand what to expect after the interview, including any additional rounds or assessments. It shows you’re eager to move forward and want to be prepared.


19. Is there anything specific I need to prepare or test for the online interview platform?

This question ensures that you’re technically ready for the interview. It shows your proactive approach to avoiding any technical issues, such as testing your microphone, camera, or internet connection beforehand.


20. Will I have an opportunity to meet more of the team before a decision is made?

This question shows your interest in getting to know the team better and ensuring a mutual fit. It also indicates that you value team dynamics and want to make an informed decision about joining the company.


21. What’s the typical timeline for onboarding if I’m selected?

This question demonstrates your forward-thinking approach and interest in starting the role. It also gives you a sense of when you might begin and what the onboarding process will entail.

Maximizing Interview Success with Krisp

Krisp website screenshot

Krisp is a powerful tool designed to address these challenges during interviews, making it an essential asset for anyone looking to make a strong impression in their next interview. By using AI-driven noise cancellation, transcription, and meeting note features, Krisp helps you maintain professionalism, focus, and clarity during your interview, setting you up for success. Also, Krisp allows you to ask more thoughtful and insightful questions at the end of the interview, further demonstrating your preparedness and engagement.


Key Benefits of Using Krisp:


  • Noise Cancellation: Krisp effectively cancels background noise, ensuring that both the interviewer and interviewee can focus on the conversation without distractions from surrounding sounds. This is especially useful if you’re in a noisy environment.


  • Professional Impression: Maintaining a quiet, distraction-free environment during a job interview demonstrates professionalism. Using Krisp helps create a positive impression by minimizing potential disruptions.


  • AI Meeting Notes: Krisp can automatically generate concise meeting notes from your interview, capturing key points and action items. This helps you review what was discussed and ensure you follow up on important topics, making it easier to stay organized and prepared for subsequent interactions.


  • Transcription: Krisp provides real-time transcription of your interviews, converting spoken words into text. This feature allows you to have an accurate, searchable record of the conversation, which is useful for revisiting specific questions, analyzing your responses, and preparing for future interviews.


  • Recording: Krisp allows you to record your job interviews, preserving the entire conversation for later review. This can be particularly beneficial for reflecting on your performance, identifying areas for improvement, or sharing the interview with a mentor for feedback.


What’s next?

Writing a thank you email after a job interview is an important step that can increase your chances of getting the job. It shows you appreciate the interviewer’s time and helps reinforce the good impression you made. It’s also a chance to remind them of your enthusiasm for the role and to briefly highlight how your skills fit the company’s needs. Sending this email not only shows your gratitude but also your professionalism and genuine interest in the job.


For tips on writing the perfect thank you email, it’s important to follow best practices to make sure your message stands out. Check out these resources: 


Best Practices for Writing a Thank You Email After a Meeting

How to Write a Virtual Meeting Summary Email


What should I ask in a final interview?
How does this role contribute to the overall success of the company? How would you describe the company’s culture? How does the company support professional development and career growth? How often do performance reviews take place, and what is the process like?
What is the best question to ask after an interview?
A strong question to ask after an interview is, “What are the next steps in the hiring process?” This shows you’re eager to move forward and helps you understand the timeline and expectations.
What are good closing questions to ask in an interview?
What are the key priorities for this role in the first three months? How does this role contribute to the overall success of the company? What are the next steps in the hiring process?
What are the top 10 questions to ask an employer?

What are the key priorities for this role in the first three months?
Can you describe a typical day in this role?
How does this role contribute to the company’s success?
What are the key challenges in this role?
How would you describe the company’s culture?
What do employees enjoy most about working here?
How does the company support professional development?
How often do performance reviews take place?
What is the team’s communication style?
What are the next steps in the hiring process?
How do I close an interview?
Close an interview by thanking the interviewer for their time, briefly summarizing why you’re a great fit for the role, and asking about the next steps in the hiring process.
What types of questions should I ask?
Ask a mix of role-specific, culture-focused, growth and development, team dynamics, and process-related questions. Tailor your questions to reflect your career goals and the specifics of the role you’re applying for.