With new digital workplaces emerging as a norm throughout society, this evolution leads to the further prevalence of remote interviews. As remote workplaces and work at home opportunities become more bountiful, the greater is the need to master the art of successfully passing online interviews. Even older workers may be asked to have their interviews conducted remotely.

Some may treat a remote interview in the same light as an in-person interview, but several unique challenges present themselves when giving an interview in the digital realm.

Today, we’re going to investigate how you can prepare for a remote interview, no matter your age group. One cannot be too prepared when stepping into the unknown, the following tips will prepare you for any remote interview that comes your way.

remote interview with a laptop

Rest Beforehand

“Sleep is vital to our overall well-being, so it shouldn’t come as much of a surprise that being well-rested before your interview is especially important,” Career Metis stated about sleeping prior to an interview. “The benefits one gets when sleeping are unmistakable. Your memory will improve greatly, your concentration will become more precise, and your creativity will be sparked anew.”

While their advice was designed for those preparing for a traditional brick and mortar interview, this is one of the several similarities the two different interviews have in common. Sleeping well prior to a remote interview will allow you to perform at your best.

The temptation of skipping sleep due to not having to travel to an interview location is better off ignored. Resting and being awake for thirty minutes to an hour will give your body the time it needs to adjust and perform at optimum levels.

Study, Study, Study

It’s important to study prior to your remote interview. Due to the opportunities presented by technology, your interviewer may ask you to complete tasks on your computer or even ask you to take a short test.

study for remote interview

Familiarizing yourself with the company and the various aspects of the position you applied for are two key points to study prior to your interview. This doesn’t mean you need to spend hours on end researching, but it does imply that you shouldn’t go into a remote interview without preparation.

If there is a specific question that could come up regarding how you would be a fit for the position, knowing exactly what the position could entail (including possible tasks you may handle) will go a long way in impressing your potential employer.

Dress Like The Interview Is In-Person

If you aren’t given instructions on whether your interviewer expects you to stream video during the interview, there are two options available to you.

  •         Ask whether you are expected to appear on camera.
  •         Dress as if you were going to an in-person interview.

dress professionally for remote interview

Without instruction, either way, it’s best to dress as if you were expecting to appear on camera. Asking otherwise may give the impression that you were planning on doing the interview immediately after getting out of bed.

Presenting yourself in a professional manner is going to be the expectation of the company and the person-in-charge of your interview. Not meeting those expectations could result in you not being passed over when it comes to deciding who to hire.

Check Your Equipment Beforehand

Remote interviews require technology. Meaning you must ensure the software where the interview is taking place works fluidly when it’s time for the interview.

Whether the interview is taking place through Skype, Zoom, or another peer to peer software — test it before the interview. Most programs have a testing feature that allows you to mimic a live call.

preparing for remote interview

These features also allow you to gauge whether the software recognizes your microphone, is picking up enough volume, and if the program is running efficiently with your internet connection.

The worst-case scenario is attempting to log on to the interview software five minutes prior and running into a laundry list of problems that cause you to be late for your interview.

You could also benefit from using the noise cancelling app called Krisp. It would be a great tool for preventing annoying background noise from distracting your interviewer and giving them the impression, you don’t have a quiet working area.


Come With Questions Prepared

Coming prepared with questions and being an active participant throughout the interview will make you appear more personable. This approach is more effective than briefly answering questions and appearing to be afraid of saying the ‘wrong thing.’

This is where studying comes into play. Prepare a couple of questions beforehand about the company and your job. You don’t have to force questions, approach the situation as a journalist who is generally curious about a topic.

prepare questions for remote interview

The more authentic and genuinely interesting questions you ask, the more likely you are to stand out during the hiring process. Your interview is an audition, put your best foot forward and show your personality. Asking questions or having a lively question and answer period with your interviewer will help your cause.

Even if they don’t directly ask if you have questions, don’t hesitate to bring up the topic yourself. Showing initiative and intellectual curiosity will only go to help your chances of being hired.

This is especially important in a remote interview.  It’s likely the job will allow you to work unmonitored. It’s easier for an employer to trust someone when they can create a connection with them.

Showing that you care about the inner workings of the company and position are both great ways to show that you are invested and trustworthy. When you have a remote interview, keep these tips in mind as they will help improve your chances of getting hired to a great digital opportunity.

Keep in mind that a remote interview is your opportunity to receive a flexible job outside of the traditional office space. Approach your interview with respect and you will put your best foot forward.

Read next:

How To Build Work Portfolio as a Remote Worker

8 Tips to Ace Your Video Conference Interview

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