In general, workers are more productive than ever; regardless of the specific vertical, they are a part of. Yet, many are still worried about what work productivity hacks can make them even more productive. While we can all improve in relation to our work lives, let’s focus on other aspects of our being — we stress enough about work, right?

Are we productive enough when it comes to striving towards our own personal goals? Probably not. We often put aside our own goals in order to focus on work, which can lead to feelings of depression, unfulfillment, and desires to accomplish more.

If you’re currently struggling with those feelings, let’s begin working on rectifying those today. The following work productivity hacks will help you move closer to completing your personal projects and turning your dreams into reality.

Let’s begin, shall we?

1. Keep Your Cellphone Out Of Site

A study by the University of Chicago found that even having your phone in sight can temporarily impact your cognitive abilities. If you have plans to get back into shape, make sure your phone isn’t visible to distract you from going to the gym.

Once you’re back into gym rhythm, you’ll no longer have to hide it, but make sure it doesn’t become an obstacle during the vital early stages. This goes to other goals as well. Phones are great; just don’t allow them to get in the way.


steer clear from phone

What now? If you’re working on coding an app but find yourself browsing Kotaku a bit too much, a productivity app can grab your attention. Extensions such as Freedom and Stay Focused are good options if you decide to go this route.

Nothing destroys a good programming session like reading the latest review of a Square Enix game. Speaking of, the Final Fantasy VII remake is coming in the near future.


2. Build Up Your Power Storage

Weren’t we speaking of exercise? Dedicating yourself to physical exercise at least three days a week will help energize your body, allowing you to build up the health and stamina needed to work on your personal goals.

Exercise is simply good for you and allows you to accomplish more while feeling energized. You deserve to be healthy and to meet your goals.

Similar to staying clear of your cell phone when you want to work on a passion project, go ahead and minimize every distraction in your general area. Clean your desk, tackle your projects when it’s the quietest, and don’t get distracted by browsing the internet.


This doesn’t mean you can’t have music playing in the background. If that helps you get in the mood to make progress, let it bump. It can be another one of work productivity hacks just for you. If headphones are your thing, throw those on in order to make sure the outside world doesn’t get into your way.

3. Get Up And Move

Move during the day to keep yourself energized for when it’s time to work on what’s important to you. That’s it, that’s the whole productivity hack.

4. Value Your Progress

Depending on your various personal goals, you may have a long path in front of you before you complete everything necessary. Therefore, you may forget how important progress is.

productivity hacks for work

Take time to appreciate and reflect on how far you’ve come in your journey. This will inspire you to keep working and keep negativity from stagnating your advancement.

Give yourself some credit, it goes a long way.

5. Invest In Noise Cancelling Headphones

Remember earlier we mentioned headphones? Investing in noise cancelling headphones for when you are working on personal projects can help you focus on what needs to be done. This is one of those work productivity hacks that’s a bit more expensive, but certainly worthy.

These are especially great if you are attempting to create whether that is drawing, writing, or even coding. Headphones can help you drift into the world you are creating, allowing you to accomplish more in the time available to you.

6. Don’t Stress About It

Remember these projects are supposed to be your long-term goals. While there may be some anxiety regarding the quality of work being put into your dreams, if you begin associating them with stress it becomes less likely that you’ll finish them.

Even if your goals are life-altering, remember to enjoy the process. Have fun, it will allow you to be far more productive when you can toil away at them.

7. Make A Schedule

Speaking of. When it comes to work time your goals away from work, make a schedule. Make working on these projects feel just as important as any job task you have.

productivity calendar setup

When the schedule is made, stick to it. This will allow you to make quicker progress than you would if you didn’t actively set time aside. 

Want to learn more about scheduling? Check out these best productivity apps that can help you to set your own schedule.

8. Set Mini Goals

For larger projects, set mini goals for yourself. These benchmarks will provide motivational boosts and encourage you to power through until you reach the next one.

There is no better productivity hack than seeing the fruit of your work and turning that into self-encouragement.

9. Separate Your Self Projects From Work Projects

If you have the means, don’t even use the same computer to work on your personal projects as you do for your job. At the very least, use different boards within Trello, TeamUp, and other project management solutions to keep the two entities away from one another. You can also take a look at other productivity apps for project and time management.

10. Make use of productivity apps

As previously mentioned, there are a plenty of productivity apps to help improve your concentration and keep you focused, organize your projects and time. Make a habit of using them, they will improve your work speed and efficiency in the long term.
You can also add up to your noise cancelling headphones with noise cancelling apps to have a quiet place to work and have calls from. Krisp can help remove the noise on both ends while you’re in a call, and you can pair it with any noise cancelling headphones of your preference.

Why is this important?

At no point do you want the stresses associated with your job to bleed into what could be your lifelong goals. Protect your dreams at all costs and make working towards them as enjoyable as possible.

Sound easy enough? These productivity hacks will help you complete your personal projects, and hopefully transition into becoming your own boss, or obtain whatever you set out to do. The process is part of the journey, and will leave you with a number of memories after you cross the finish line.

Remember, make working towards your goals as fun as possible. It should never feel like another layer of traditional work. Believe in yourself, respect your dreams, and never give up.