
Effective meetings are crucial to keeping teams aligned, resolving issues, and driving progress. One highly efficient meeting framework that has gained widespread popularity is the L10 meeting. This comprehensive guide will explore the L10 meeting format, how it aligns with the Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS), and how you can implement it to boost your team’s productivity. We’ll also look at common challenges, tips for optimizing L10 meetings, and how technology like Krisp’s noise-cancelling software can improve virtual meetings.


Meetings have become critical touchpoints for many organizations, particularly those working remotely. Ensuring meetings are productive and free of distractions is essential to keeping teams aligned. In this guide, we will explore the structure of L10 meetings, the importance of clear communication, and how tools like Krisp’s AI Meeting Assistant can help make your meetings more efficient and productive.

What is an L10 Meeting?

An L10 meeting is a structured and agenda-driven meeting format designed to optimize team communication, prioritize important tasks, and address obstacles. The name “L10” refers to the goal of running a meeting so efficiently that participants would rate it a “Level 10” on a scale of 1-10 for effectiveness and productivity. L10 meetings are typically held weekly and last 90 minutes, following a structured agenda to keep the conversation focused and actionable. It’s also productive to write a meeting recap so all participants can reflect, and find the action items they need to target or refer to before the next meeting. 


The L10 format emphasizes routine and structure, both of which are critical to ensuring team success. In a world where remote work has become the norm, using Krisp’s noise-cancelling technology to eliminate background noise during virtual meetings can make a significant difference in maintaining focus. Background noise from home environments or crowded offices can often derail productive conversations, so utilizing noise-canceling tools can be key to making every minute of your meeting count.


L10 meetings are rooted in the Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS), a comprehensive framework designed to help businesses achieve their goals by creating clear, actionable strategies. EOS focuses on six key components: vision, people, data, issues, processes, and traction. L10 meetings are one of the most critical tools in this system, providing a regular check-in point for leadership teams to review progress and resolve pressing issues.

The Origins of the L10 Meeting

The L10 meeting concept was developed by Gino Wickman, the creator of EOS, and detailed in his book Traction: Get a Grip on Your Business. These meetings help teams stay aligned, solve issues, and ensure accountability within an organized framework. Wickman designed L10 meetings to be highly structured so that no time is wasted and meetings remain on point, making them an effective tool for teams of all sizes.


Wickman’s approach emphasizes the IDS framework—Identify, Discuss, and Solve—as a core element of the L10 meeting structure. This method ensures that issues are raised, discussed thoroughly, and solved before moving on to the next topic. Implementing the L10 format can significantly improve overall productivity for teams struggling with communication issues.

Why L10 Meetings Matter for Your Team

Whether you’re part of a remote team or work in a physical office, regular and structured meetings like L10 sessions are essential to stay aligned on goals, discuss challenges, and resolve issues effectively. However, meetings often get bogged down by distractions, unclear objectives, or side conversations that take up valuable time. This is where L10 meetings shine. By following L10 tactics and keeping to the 4Ps of meeting agenda, you can ensure productive and constructive meetings. 


By sticking to a structured agenda and encouraging clear communication, L10 meetings help:


  • Increase team accountability by ensuring that team members regularly review key metrics and action items.
  • Improve problem-solving by dedicating time to address and resolve issues using the IDS framework.
  • Maintain focus by following a strict agenda and limiting unnecessary discussions.

The L10 Meeting Agenda

A typical L10 meeting follows a structured agenda that ensures the meeting stays focused on the team’s most important priorities. Here’s an example of a standard L10 meeting agenda:


Agenda Item

Description Time (minutes)


Brief check-in to ensure everyone is present and focused


Review Scorecard

Review key performance metrics and data


Review Rocks

Discuss progress on quarterly goals


Review To-Do List

Address outstanding action items from previous meetings


Customer/Employee Updates

Share important updates related to employees or customers


Identify, Discuss, Solve (IDS)

Focus on resolving top-priority issues


Conclude/Rate the Meeting Review action items, and rate the meeting



This format is designed to cover all critical aspects of a team’s performance, from key metrics and goals (Rocks) to problem-solving (IDS). The IDS portion, which takes up the majority of the meeting, is where the team identifies key issues, discusses potential solutions, and implements the best course of action.

The 90-Minute Structure of an L10 Meeting

The 90-minute structure of an L10 meeting is non-negotiable. It ensures enough time to thoroughly review progress, address pressing issues, and keep the meeting efficient. Each meeting section is timed, and facilitators must stay on track to stay within the time limit. While 90 minutes may seem long, the structured agenda ensures that each minute is used effectively.


One way to ensure meetings remain productive is by setting up your environment for success. Virtual meeting distractions—like background noise, pets, or family members—can disrupt the flow of an L10 meeting. To avoid this, check out our tips on creating a professional, distraction-free environment in How to Blur Background in Zoom.

How L10 Meetings Fit Into EOS

L10 meetings are a key element of the Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS), which provides a framework for running a business more effectively. EOS includes several tools, such as the EOS Scorecard, Vision Traction Organizer (VTO), and Quarterly Rocks. These tools help teams establish clear goals, track progress, and solve issues in a structured manner.


L10 meetings are particularly valuable in providing a regular check-in point for leadership teams. During these meetings, teams can review their progress on Rocks (key quarterly goals), identify obstacles, and hold each other accountable. This structured approach improves team communication and ensures that the entire organization stays aligned with its broader vision.

How to Run an Effective L10 Meeting

Running an L10 meeting effectively requires preparation, discipline, and a focus on outcomes. Here’s a step-by-step guide to running a successful L10 meeting:

Step 1: Preparing the Meeting Materials

Before the meeting, ensure that all necessary materials are prepared. This includes:

  • The L10 agenda (either printed or digital)
  • Updated scorecard data
  • A list of Rocks and To-Do items from the previous meeting
  • Any customer or employee updates that need to be shared


If your meeting is virtual, it’s also essential to ensure that your team has the right tools in place for smooth communication. Using Krisp’s Meeting Assistant can help streamline meeting preparation by providing real-time noise cancellation and improving audio quality during the meeting.

Step 2: Staying on Track

During the meeting, it’s important to stick to the agenda and stay focused on the priorities. Time management is crucial, particularly during the IDS segment, where the majority of the meeting is spent identifying, discussing, and solving key issues. Encourage participants to be concise in their contributions and to stay focused on the solutions.

Step 3: Using the IDS Framework

The IDS framework—Identify, Discuss, Solve—is the heart of an L10 meeting. This process ensures that the team spends the majority of the meeting solving the most important issues.

  • Identify the root cause of an issue.
  • Discuss potential solutions as a team.
  • Solve the issue by implementing clear, actionable steps.


This structured approach to problem-solving helps teams make better decisions faster, ensuring that meetings are productive and solutions are implemented effectively.

How Krisp Can Improve Your L10 Meetings

Clear communication is critical to the success of L10 meetings, especially when teams are working remotely or in noisy environments. This is where Krisp’s technology becomes invaluable. Krisp’s AI-powered noise-canceling technology eliminates background noise, allowing everyone to stay focused and productive during meetings. Whether you’re conducting a virtual L10 meeting from a home office or a busy workspace, Krisp ensures that your team can communicate without distractions.

Krisp’s Meeting Assistant

In addition to noise cancellation, Krisp’s Meeting Assistant provides real-time transcription, speaker identification, and meeting summaries. This can be particularly useful during L10 meetings, where tracking action items and decisions is crucial. With Krisp’s Meeting Assistant, you can ensure that no detail is missed, making it easier to follow up on action items and keep the team accountable.



Overcoming Common Challenges in L10 Meetings

Even though L10 meetings are designed to be efficient, teams can still face challenges. Below are some common obstacles and tips for overcoming them:

Resistance to the L10 Format

Not everyone will immediately buy into the structured format of an L10 meeting. Some team members may resist the rigid structure, feeling that it stifles creativity or spontaneity. To overcome this resistance, emphasize the long-term benefits of the L10 format and how it can help streamline work and improve outcomes.

Managing Time Effectively

The 90-minute structure can feel tight, especially when teams have a lot of issues to address. However, sticking to the agenda is essential for keeping meetings efficient. Use a timer to track each agenda item and ensure that discussions during the IDS segment stay focused on solutions.

Maintaining Focus

Conversations can easily veer off track, particularly when team members have many ideas or concerns to share. Use a “parking lot” for off-topic discussions to keep the meeting focused. This allows team members to raise important points without derailing the meeting.

Consider using Krisp’s noise cancellation technology to ensure that meetings stay focused. By eliminating background distractions, Krisp helps keep conversations on point, ensuring all participants fully engaged.


Incorporating L10 meetings into your weekly routine can transform the way your team communicates, solves problems, and achieves goals. Following the structured agenda and focusing on critical priorities will make your team more aligned, accountable, and productive.

Whether new to EOS or looking to optimize your existing processes, L10 meetings provide a proven framework for success. 



What is an L10 meeting?
An L10 meeting is a structured, agenda-driven meeting format designed to optimize team communication, prioritize important tasks, and solve issues. It is a core element of the Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS) and is aimed at making meetings so efficient that participants would rate them a ‘Level 10’ on a 1-10 scale for productivity. These meetings typically follow a strict agenda and occur weekly, lasting 90 minutes.
Why is the L10 meeting agenda important?
The L10 meeting agenda is important because it keeps the meeting focused and efficient. Each item on the agenda is time-boxed to ensure the conversation stays on track and that all essential topics are covered. The agenda also prioritizes problem-solving through the IDS framework (Identify, Discuss, Solve), which helps teams address and resolve key issues systematically.
What is the IDS framework in L10 meetings?
The IDS framework is a problem-solving tool used in L10 meetings. It stands for Identify, Discuss, and Solve. During this segment, the team identifies the root cause of an issue, discusses possible solutions, and implements actionable steps to solve it. This framework ensures that problems are thoroughly addressed and resolved in a structured manner.
How long should an L10 meeting last?
An L10 meeting should last 90 minutes. The structured agenda is designed to fit within this time frame, with each agenda item allocated a specific amount of time. This ensures that meetings remain productive and don’t run longer than necessary while still allowing enough time for key discussions and problem-solving.
What are 'Rocks' in the L10 meeting?
‘Rocks’ are the top three to seven key priorities or goals that a team must achieve within a quarter. These are reviewed weekly during the L10 meeting to track progress and ensure that the team is on track to meet its objectives. By regularly discussing Rocks, the team stays aligned with its most important tasks.
What is the purpose of reviewing the Scorecard in an L10 meeting?
Reviewing the Scorecard in an L10 meeting allows the team to evaluate key performance metrics that are critical to the business. It provides a quick overview of whether the team is meeting its targets and helps identify areas where progress may be falling behind, enabling quick action before issues escalate.
How can I keep an L10 meeting on track?
To keep an L10 meeting on track, it’s essential to follow the structured agenda closely and enforce time limits on each agenda item. Facilitators should ensure that discussions remain focused, especially during the IDS (Identify, Discuss, Solve) segment. If the conversation veers off course, use a “parking lot” to note down non-essential topics for later discussion.


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