Glossary of Meeting Terms "T"

The Glossary of Meeting Terms describes terms and acronyms related to meetings and all the activities we do at them. We've collected this information, so enjoy!"

Technical support

assistance and services provided to individuals or organizations to help them resolve technical issues, troubleshoot problems, and maintain or improve their use of technology products or services. In the context of meetings, technical support can be crucial when technology-related problems arise during virtual meetings, video conferences, or presentations. This support may come from IT professionals or customer support teams who can address issues such as connectivity problems, software glitches, hardware malfunctions, or any other technical challenges that may disrupt the...

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Time allocation

Time allocation involves distributing and managing the available time for various agenda items or topics during a meeting. It requires careful planning to ensure that each item receives an appropriate amount of time based on its importance and complexity. Effective time allocation helps maintain a balanced meeting pace, prevents overemphasis on certain topics, and ensures that discussions remain relevant and productive.

Team leader

A team leader is an individual responsible for guiding, organizing, and motivating a group of individuals to achieve specific goals or objectives. In meetings, team leaders often play a central role in facilitating discussions, providing direction, and ensuring that the team stays focused on its mission. They may also be responsible for delegating tasks, making decisions, and representing the team's interests.


Timekeeping in meetings involves the practice of managing and monitoring the duration of the meeting to ensure that it stays on schedule. Timekeepers help allocate time to agenda items, remind participants of time constraints, and ensure that the meeting remains efficient. Effective timekeeping is essential for respecting participants' time commitments, maintaining focus, and achieving meeting objectives within the allocated time frame. Track progress Tracking progress in meetings involves assessing and documenting the advancement of tasks, projects, or goals discussed during...

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Table of contents

A table of contents is a structured list typically found at the beginning of a document or presentation. It outlines the major sections, topics, or chapters within the document and provides page numbers or links for quick navigation. In meetings, a table of contents may refer to an agenda or a structured outline of the meeting's topics and schedule. It helps participants understand the meeting's flow, anticipate discussion points, and locate specific information or sections of interest quickly.


key points, insights, or action items that participants extract and remember from the meeting's discussions and presentations. They are the valuable nuggets of information that individuals are expected to retain and apply after the meeting concludes. Takeaways serve as reminders of the meeting's objectives and outcomes, helping participants stay aligned with the meeting's goals and prompting them to take necessary actions or follow up on relevant tasks.

Transparent communication

Transparent communication emphasizes openness, honesty, and clarity in conveying information and ideas during meetings. It involves sharing information freely, addressing concerns candidly, and maintaining a high degree of integrity in communication. Transparent communication fosters trust among participants, ensures that everyone is well-informed, and reduces the likelihood of misunderstandings or hidden agendas. In meetings, transparent communication is vital for creating a positive and productive atmosphere where participants can collaborate effectively and make informed decisions.

Trade-off discussion

A trade-off discussion occurs when participants in a meeting evaluate and make decisions regarding competing options or choices, often involving the allocation of resources or priorities. These discussions require careful consideration of the pros and cons of each option and the identification of potential compromises. Trade-off discussions are crucial in project management, decision-making processes, and resource allocation, as they help teams arrive at informed choices that best align with their goals and constraints.

Thematic meeting

A thematic meeting is centered around a specific theme, topic, or subject matter. Unlike general meetings, which may cover a wide range of subjects, thematic meetings focus exclusively on one particular area of interest. These meetings are designed to delve deeply into a specific subject, encouraging in-depth discussions, brainstorming, and knowledge-sharing among participants. Thematic meetings are effective for exploring complex issues or planning around a specific project, as they allow for concentrated attention and expertise on a single topic.

Two-way communication

Two-way communication is a fundamental principle in meetings where participants engage in a dialogue that allows for the exchange of information, ideas, and feedback between both the speaker and the audience. Unlike one-way communication, where information is solely transmitted, two-way communication encourages active listening, questions, discussions, and interaction. It promotes engagement, ensures that participants have a voice, and enhances understanding between all involved. Effective two-way communication is essential for productive and collaborative meetings where insights are shared, and decisions are...

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The systematic process of identifying, diagnosing, and resolving problems or issues that may arise during a meeting, project, or any other situation. In meetings, troubleshooting may involve addressing technical glitches, resolving conflicts, or finding solutions to unexpected challenges. Effective troubleshooting requires analytical thinking, problem-solving skills, and collaborative efforts to ensure that the meeting proceeds smoothly and that any obstacles are overcome, ultimately leading to successful outcomes.


A testimonial is a written or spoken statement of endorsement or recommendation typically provided by an individual or organization to vouch for the quality, credibility, or performance of a product, service, or experience. Testimonials are often shared in meetings, presentations, or marketing materials to build trust and credibility with the audience. They serve as evidence of positive experiences and can influence decisions and perceptions. In meetings, testimonials may be used to showcase the success of a product or project, adding...

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A transcript is a written or typed record of the spoken content during a meeting, presentation, interview, or any spoken interaction. Transcripts serve as a valuable resource for reference, documentation, and accessibility. They enable participants or readers to review discussions, extract key points, and refer back to specific details discussed during the meeting. Transcripts are especially useful for legal proceedings, academic research, and for individuals who may have missed the meeting and want to catch up on the content and...

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Touch Base

A quick and informal gathering typically held to check in, provide updates, or discuss progress on a project or task. These meetings are often brief and aim to keep team members or stakeholders informed and aligned without delving into in-depth discussions. Touch base meetings are valuable for maintaining communication and ensuring that everyone is on the same page, particularly in fast-paced work environments. They can be scheduled regularly or as needed to address immediate issues, share updates, and facilitate smooth...

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Target Audience

Identifying the target audience is a fundamental aspect of any meeting or presentation. It involves determining the specific group or individuals that the meeting or presentation is intended to address or engage. Understanding the target audience helps tailor the content, tone, and approach of the meeting to effectively communicate key messages and meet the needs and expectations of the audience. Whether it's a marketing presentation, product launch, or internal team meeting, defining the target audience ensures that the communication is...

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Trade Meeting

A trade meeting is a gathering of professionals within a specific industry or trade to discuss trends, share knowledge, and network with one another. These meetings serve as valuable platforms for industry experts, businesses, and stakeholders to exchange ideas, explore potential collaborations, and stay updated on the latest developments within their field. Trade meetings often feature presentations, workshops, panel discussions, and exhibitions, creating opportunities for participants to learn from each other, establish connections, and gain insights that can drive innovation...

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Timeline Review

A timeline review meeting is dedicated to examining and discussing project or event timelines. It involves a comprehensive analysis of tasks, milestones, deadlines, and potential bottlenecks to ensure that the project or event remains on schedule. Timeline reviews help identify any deviations from the original plan and allow for adjustments or reallocation of resources if necessary, ultimately contributing to successful project management and execution.

Test Run

A practice or rehearsal meeting conducted before the actual event to ensure that technology, equipment, or presentations run smoothly. It is a crucial step in event planning, especially for important presentations, conferences, or webinars. During a test run, technical glitches can be identified and resolved, ensuring that the main event goes off without a hitch. It provides peace of mind and confidence to presenters and organizers, ultimately leading to a successful meeting or event.

Team Huddle

A team huddle is a brief and informal meeting among team members, often conducted in a standing or seated circle, to discuss quick updates, daily goals, or address immediate issues. Team huddles are typically short, focused, and held at regular intervals, such as at the beginning or end of the workday. They serve as a means to keep the team aligned, informed, and motivated, enhancing communication and ensuring that everyone is on the same page regarding their tasks and priorities.

Town Hall Meeting

A town hall meeting is a large, open gathering where members of an organization come together to discuss important matters and receive updates from leadership. These meetings are typically conducted by senior executives or management to engage with employees, share company news, address concerns, and foster a sense of transparency and inclusivity within the organization. Town hall meetings provide an opportunity for employees to ask questions and receive direct feedback from leadership, promoting a sense of belonging and shared purpose.

Task Assignment

Task assignment refers to the process of allocating specific tasks and responsibilities to individuals during a meeting to collectively achieve a common goal. These assignments may include action items, deadlines, and clear expectations for each participant. This practice helps distribute workloads evenly, ensures accountability, and provides a structured approach to achieving objectives. Task assignment meetings are essential for project management, as they help track progress and keep team members aligned with their roles and responsibilities.

Time Management

Time management in meetings involves the implementation of strategies and techniques to ensure the efficient use of available time. It includes setting agendas, prioritizing topics, allocating time slots to agenda items, and sticking to predefined schedules. Effective time management not only helps meetings run smoothly but also ensures that participants' time is respected, preventing unnecessary delays and tangential discussions. By focusing on time management, meetings become more productive, and participants can achieve their goals efficiently without wasting valuable time.

Team Building

A variety of activities or meetings designed to enhance team cohesion, communication, and collaboration among team members. These activities can range from fun, recreational exercises to more structured workshops and discussions. The goal of team building is to improve interpersonal relationships, trust, and understanding within a team, ultimately leading to increased productivity and a more positive working environment. It encourages individuals to work cohesively and leverage each other's strengths, which can be especially beneficial for achieving common objectives.


The practice of conducting meetings or work-related activities through remote communication tools, such as video conferencing, webinars, or conference calls. This approach allows participants to connect and collaborate without the need for physical presence, making it especially valuable for teams or individuals who may be geographically dispersed. Telecommuting meetings have become increasingly common, enabling flexibility in work arrangements and accommodating individuals who work from different locations, fostering inclusivity and accessibility.