Chairperson’s Script

A Chairperson’s Script is a structured and pre-planned set of instructions or guidelines that the meeting leader, often referred to as the chairperson or facilitator, follows during a meeting to ensure it runs smoothly and efficiently. This script serves as a roadmap for the chairperson, helping them maintain control over the meeting’s agenda and ensuring that key points are covered. Here are some key aspects of a Chairperson’s Script:

The script outlines the agenda items, their order, and the estimated time allocated to each. This ensures that the meeting stays on track and doesn’t deviate from its intended purpose.
It may include reminders about meeting etiquette, such as speaking turns, time management, and how to handle disruptions.
The script can incorporate facilitation techniques, like open-ended questions, to encourage active participation and discussion.
In case unexpected issues arise, the script may contain contingency plans or alternative approaches to address them effectively.