Do you often wonder how to schedule a Google Meet session quickly and effectively? It has become an integral part of especially remote working gangs.

In this guide, we’ll walk you through step-by-step instructions on scheduling Google Meet on desktop, Android, and iOS devices, along with some best practices for managing your virtual meetings effectively.

What is a Google Meet?  


Google Meet is a video conferencing platform developed by Google, designed to facilitate virtual meetings, webinars, and video calls. It allows users to host secure, high-quality video meetings with up to 500 participants, depending on the account type. 

Google Meet offers an easy-to-use interface and seamless integration with other Google tools, such as Gmail and Google Calendar. You can also integrate Google Meet with Krisp and set it up for your device for noise cancelation.


How To Schedule a Google Meet from Google Calendar


Step 1: Open Google Calendar

Go to Google Calendar in your web browser.

Step 2: Create a New Event

Click the + Create button in the top-left corner or select a specific time slot on your calendar to start a new event.

step 2. how to schedule a google meet on google calendar

Step 3: Add Event Details

Fill in the event title, date, and time. You can also add a description or notes about the meeting.

step 3. how to schedule a google meet on google calendar

Step 4: Add Google Meet Video Conferencing

Click on the Add Google Meet video conferencing option. A unique Google Meet link will be automatically generated for the event.

step 4. how to schedule a google meet on google calendar

Step 5: Invite Participants

In the Add Guests section, type in the email addresses of the people you want to invite. Google Calendar will automatically send them the meeting invite.

step 5. how to schedule a google meet on google calendar

Step 6: Save the Event

Once you’ve added all the necessary details, click Save. You’ll be prompted to send the meeting invitation to your guests.

step 6. how to schedule a google meet on google calendar

Step 7: Share the Invite

All invitees will receive an email with the Google Meet link, and it will be added to their calendar for easy access.

step 7. how to schedule a google meet on google calendar


  • Seamless integration with calendar events.
  • Easy guest management and reminder options.
  • Great for recurring meetings with preset schedules.

How To Schedule a Google Meet Directly from the Google Meet App


Step 1: Open the Google Meet App

Launch the Google Meet app on your desktop, mobile device, or access it through Google Meet’s website.

Step 2: Click on “New Meeting”

Once the app is open, click New meeting to start scheduling your Google Meet.

step 2. scheduling on google meet app

Step 3: Choose the Scheduling Option

You’ll have three options:

  • Create a meeting for later: This generates a meeting link you can share with participants for future use.
  • Start an instant meeting: This option allows you to start a meeting immediately.
  • Schedule in Google Calendar: This redirects you to Google Calendar to set up a meeting with added details, participants, and time.

step 3. scheduling options on google meet app

Step 4: Generate or Copy the Meeting Link

If you choose Create a meeting for later, a unique Google Meet link will appear. Copy the link to share with participants through email, messaging apps, or other platforms.

step 4. schedule a google meet for later- link sharing

Step 5: Share the Meeting Details

Send the Google Meet link to participants manually. Unlike scheduling through Google Calendar, participants won’t automatically receive a calendar invite, so you’ll need to share the link directly.

Step 6: Use the Link at the Scheduled Time

When the meeting time arrives, both you and the participants can click the link to join the Google Meet session.


  • Quick setup for immediate or future meetings.
  • Ideal for spontaneous calls or meetings without needing a formal calendar event.

How To Schedule a Google Meet Through Gmail

Step 1: Open Gmail

Go to Gmail in your web browser or open the Gmail app on your mobile device.

Step 2: Access Google Meet

In the left sidebar of the Gmail interface, you will see a Meet section. Click on New Meeting or Join a Meeting under the Google Meet label.

Step 3: Choose “Start a Meeting”

Click on Start a meeting. This will generate a unique Google Meet link instantly.

Step 4: Copy the Meeting Link

Once the Google Meet window opens, a meeting link will be automatically generated. You can copy this link from the pop-up window.

Step 5: Send the Link to Participants

Manually send the meeting link by pasting it into an email, chat, or messaging platform to share with the people you want to invite to the meeting.

Step 6: Use the Link to Join

At the scheduled time, participants can use the shared Google Meet link to join the meeting directly through their browsers or the Google Meet app.



  • Convenient for users who frequently use Gmail.
  • No need to switch between different apps to schedule a quick meeting.
  • Good for individuals looking to set up informal or one-on-one meetings.

How To Schedule a Google Meet on Mobile Devices

Scheduling a Google Meet on mobile devices is easy and can be done using either the Google Calendar or Google Meet apps. The steps, while similar, vary slightly depending on whether you’re using an Android or iOS device.

Scheduling Google Meet on Android Devices

Using the Google Calendar App:

  1. Open the Google Calendar app on your Android device.
  2. Tap the + button in the bottom-right corner.
  3. Select Event from the pop-up menu.
  4. Enter the event title, date, time, and any other necessary details.
  5. Tap Add video conferencing and select Google Meet.
  6. Add guests by entering their email addresses in the Add guests section.
  7. Tap Save, and an invite will be sent to all participants with the Google Meet link.

Using the Google Meet App:

  1. Open the Google Meet app on your Android device.
  2. Tap New meeting.
  3. Choose between Create a meeting for later (if you want to share the link for future use) or Schedule in Google Calendar.
  4. If scheduling via Google Calendar, follow the prompts similar to the steps outlined above.
  5. For instant meetings, simply copy the link generated and share it with participants.

Scheduling Google Meet on iOS Devices

Using the Google Calendar App:

  1. Open the Google Calendar app on your iPhone or iPad.
  2. Tap the + icon at the bottom-right corner of the screen.
  3. Select Event to create a new event.
  4. Fill in the event details, such as the title, date, and time.
  5. Tap on Add video conferencing and choose Google Meet.
  6. Invite participants by entering their email addresses in the Add guests section.
  7. Once all details are filled, tap Save, and invites will be automatically sent to the participants, including the Google Meet link.

1. schedule a google meet on ios with calendar.    2.schedule a google meet on ios with calendar

Using the Google Meet App:

  1. Open the Google Meet app on your iOS device.
  2. Tap New meeting at the bottom.
  3. Select Create a meeting for later if you plan to share the link for future use or Schedule in Google Calendar for a scheduled meeting.
  4. Follow similar steps to schedule a meeting using Google Calendar or instantly generate a meeting link to share.

1 schedule a google meet on ios with google meet app    2. schedule a google meet on ios with meet app    3.schedule a google meet on ios


  • Android and iOS users can seamlessly schedule meetings while on the go.
  • Both platforms sync Google Meet meetings with participants and send automatic reminders.
  • Using mobile devices is ideal for busy professionals needing flexibility.


Best Practices for Scheduling Effective Meetings


1. Set a Clear Agenda

Before scheduling a meeting, define the purpose and agenda. It is more productive when participants know what to expect by including the key discussion points in the invitation. This keeps everyone focused and ensures productive use of time.

2. Select the Right Time

Be mindful of different time zones if scheduling with participants across regions. Use Google Calendar’s timezone feature to select a time that works for everyone.  Alternatively, you can use to convert time zones. Try to avoid early mornings or late evenings unless necessary.

3. Invite the Right People

Only invite participants who are essential to the meeting’s objectives. This reduces unnecessary distractions and ensures the discussion remains relevant to all attendees.

4. Send Meeting Reminders

Use automatic reminders in Google Calendar or other scheduling tools to notify participants of the meeting in advance. Send an additional reminder a few minutes before the meeting starts to minimize late arrivals.

5. Test Technology Before the Meeting

Ensure your microphone, camera, and internet connection are working properly before the meeting. If you plan to share your screen, close all unnecessary screens and personal pages to avoid embarrassment and delays. 

6. Use Krisp’s Meeting Assistant


Leverage Krisp’s AI Meeting Assistant to enhance productivity. Krisp’s assistant helps with note-taking, generating meeting summaries, and highlighting key discussion points, allowing participants to focus on the conversation instead of manually tracking information.

7. Enable Transcription

Google meet transcription can be a valuable tool for participants who want to revisit discussions or for those who couldn’t attend. Transcription services (available on Krisp as well) ensure important details are captured and easily accessible for later review.

9. Share Relevant Documents in Advance

If documents or reports need to be discussed, share them beforehand. This allows participants to come prepared, making discussions more productive.



Frequently Asked Questions

How far in advance can I schedule a Google Meet?
You can schedule a Google Meet as far in advance as needed. There is no time limit for scheduling future meetings.
Can I schedule recurring meetings in Google Meet?
Yes, recurring meetings can be scheduled via Google Calendar by setting the event to repeat at regular intervals (daily, weekly, etc.).
What if a participant doesn’t have a Google account?
Participants without a Google account can still join a Google Meet by using the meeting link provided in the invitation. They can join via web browser without signing in.
How to schedule a Google Meet in advance?
Open Google Calendar, create a new event, and add Google Meet video conferencing. Set the date and time, invite participants, and save the event.
How to schedule a Google Meet for the future?
In Google Calendar, create an event, choose a future date and time, and enable Google Meet video conferencing. Share the meeting link with participants.
How to schedule a Google Meet video call?
Use Google Calendar or the Google Meet app to create an event, add participants, and generate a meeting link to share with them.