In today’s digitally-driven world, video conferencing has become a staple in both our professional and personal lives. Zoom, one of the leading platforms in this arena, offers a plethora of features to enhance user experience—one of which is the ability to blur your background. This feature is not just about aesthetics; it’s about privacy, minimizing distractions, and maintaining professionalism, no matter where you are. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through how to blur your background in Zoom, ensuring your next video call is as seamless and professional as possible.

Prerequisites for Blurring Your Background in Zoom

Before diving into the steps to achieve a blurred background in Zoom, let’s ensure you meet the necessary prerequisites:

  • Zoom Desktop Client for Windows or macOS, version 5.5.0 or higher.
  • Zoom Mobile App for Android or iOS, version 5.6.6 or higher.
  • Hardware Requirements: A processor with a minimum of a quad-core or higher.

Meeting these requirements ensures that you can successfully blur your background without any hitches.

How to Blur Your Background in Zoom: Step-by-Step Instructions

Before a Call

  1. Open Zoom: Launch the Zoom Desktop Client and sign in to your account.
  2. Settings: Navigate to the ‘Settings’ icon, usually found in the top right corner.
    Zoom Settings
  3. Background & Filters: Select the ‘Background & Filters’ tab.
    Zoom Background section
  4. Blur Option: Here, you’ll see an option for ‘Blur’. Selecting this will instantly blur your background.
    Blur Background in Zoom

During a Call

  1. Access Controls: While in a Zoom call, locate the ‘^’ arrow next to the ‘Stop Video’ button on the toolbar.
  2. Select Blur: From the menu, select ‘Blur My Background’.
    Zoom Background Blur During a Call

On Android / iOS

  1. During a Call: Tap on the screen to bring up the meeting controls.
  2. More Options: Tap on ‘More’, then select ‘Virtual Background’.
  3. Select Blur: Choose the ‘Blur’ option to apply a blurred background to your video.
    iOS AND background Blur

Troubleshooting: What to Do if Your Blurred Background Isn’t Showing Up?

If you encounter issues with the blurred background feature, consider the following troubleshooting steps:

  • Update Zoom: Ensure your Zoom application is updated to the latest version.
  • Check Hardware Requirements: Verify if your device meets the necessary hardware specifications.
  • Reboot Zoom: Sometimes, simply restarting the Zoom application can resolve the issue.
  • Contact Support: If problems persist, reaching out to Zoom’s support team can provide further assistance.

Background Blur vs. Background Image: Pros and Cons

When deciding between a blurred background and a background image, consider the following:

  • Professionalism: A blurred background maintains focus on you, reducing distractions, whereas a background image can add personal flair but might not be suitable for all meetings.
  • Privacy: Both options provide privacy, but a blurred background ensures that nothing in your surroundings is distinguishable.
  • Performance: Blurring requires less processing power than running a high-resolution image as your background, potentially offering a smoother video call experience.

Here is a table summarizing the pros and cons of both options:


Feature Background Blur Background Image
  • Focuses attention on the speaker
  • Protects privacy by hiding surroundings 
  • Enhances professional appearance
  • Allows for personal or professional branding
  • Engages participants with creative backgrounds
  • Ensures consistency in team meetings
  • Lacks personalization options
  •  May affect video quality on older devices
  • Can distract from the meeting content
  •  May not fully obscure unprofessional settings
  • Requires more processing power for high-resolution images

Further Optimize Your Zoom Calls with Advanced Features

Enhancing your Zoom calls doesn’t stop with a blurred background. Krisp, an AI-powered meeting assistant, offers additional features to elevate your video conferencing:

  • Noise Cancellation: Eliminate background noise from your environment, ensuring your voice is crystal clear.
  • Background Voice Cancellation: Specifically target and remove voices other than your own for uninterrupted communication.
  • Automatic Bot-Free Transcription: Accurately transcribe your meetings without the need for manual note-taking.
  • AI Meeting Notes and Action Items: Leverage AI to summarize your meetings and outline action items, saving time and enhancing productivity with Krisp’s AI Meeting Assistant.
  • Call Recording: Record your calls for playback, ensuring no detail is missed.

By combining Zoom’s blur feature with Krisp’s suite of enhancements, you’re set to deliver professional, efficient, and high-quality video calls, regardless of where you are or what’s happening around you. Embrace these tools to make your virtual meetings as effective and engaging as possible.