Have you ever wondered if you’re getting the most out of your exit interviews? Asking the right exit interview questions can reveal valuable insights into why employees are leaving and what your company can do better. But let’s face it, gathering and analyzing all that feedback isn’t always easy. That’s where Krisp’s AI-powered tools come in.

From automating note-taking to providing accurate transcriptions, Krisp makes it simple to collect and act on employee feedback—so you can focus on creating a better workplace and improving retention.

Why Conduct Exit Interviews?


Exit interviews are your last chance to gather honest employee feedback before they leave. These conversations provide unique insights into why people are moving on and can help identify patterns contributing to turnover. By asking thoughtful exit interview questions, you can uncover company culture, management, or job satisfaction issues that you might not hear during an employee’s tenure.


Plus, exit interviews give you the opportunity to show departing employees that their opinions still matter, fostering a positive final impression. When combined with tools like Krisp’s AI Meeting Assistant and automatic transcription, gathering and analyzing this feedback becomes even easier, allowing you to take actionable steps toward improving employee retention and overall satisfaction.


20 Essential Exit Interview Questions 

Here’s a breakdown of important exit interview questions you can ask to gather meaningful feedback from departing employees. Organizing your questions into categories ensures that you cover all critical areas, from job satisfaction to growth opportunities.


Job Satisfaction

These questions help you understand whether the employee’s role met their expectations and if they enjoyed their daily responsibilities.


  • What made you decide to seek new opportunities?
  • Were there aspects of your role that you found particularly enjoyable?
  • Were there any tasks or responsibilities that you found frustrating or unfulfilling?
  • How well did your job align with your expectations when you were hired?
  • Did you feel you had the necessary tools and resources to succeed in your role?


Company Culture


Getting feedback on the company’s culture helps identify whether the work environment was inclusive and supportive, and whether employees felt engaged and aligned with employee values.


  • How would you describe the overall company culture during your time here?
  • Did you feel like the company values were reflected in the workplace environment?
  • Were you comfortable expressing your ideas and opinions within the team?
  • How do you feel about the company’s efforts to promote work-life balance?
  • Did you feel included and supported by your colleagues and the organization as a whole?


Management and Leadership


This section focuses on the employee’s experience with their managers and leadership team, offering valuable insights for improving leadership practices.


  • How would you describe your relationship with your direct manager?
  • Did you feel that the leadership team communicated openly and transparently?
  • Was your feedback valued and acted upon by your manager or leadership?
  • Did you receive enough guidance or support to perform well in your role?


Growth and Development Opportunities


These questions explore whether the employee felt they had room for career growth and if the company supported their professional development.


  • Were your personal growth goals met in your role?
  • Did you have access to the training or development resources you needed?
  • Do you feel that there were enough opportunities for advancement?
  • If you could change one thing about the company, what would it be?
  • Would you consider returning to this company in the future if circumstances were different?


How AI Can Help Analyze Answers to Exit Interview Questions


Analyzing exit interview feedback can be time-consuming, especially when you’re dealing with large volumes of qualitative data. This is where AI comes in, offering powerful tools to streamline the process and ensure no valuable insights are overlooked.


With Krisp’s AI Meeting Assistant, exit interviews can be automatically transcribed in real-time, allowing HR teams to easily access and review the feedback without needing to take manual notes. Once transcribed, AI-driven tools can sift through the data, identifying recurring themes, keywords, and sentiment analysis—making it simpler to spot trends in why employees are leaving.


AI meeting assistant for exit interviews




Krisp’s AI can also generate summaries from the interviews, highlighting key points and actionable insights. This helps HR teams focus on the big picture—pinpointing common issues, such as dissatisfaction with management or lack of career growth opportunities—without manually combing through every detail. 

How To Use Exit Interview Feedback Effectively


Collecting exit interview feedback is only valuable if it’s acted upon. Here’s how you can turn that feedback into actionable strategies to improve your organization:


Identify Patterns and Trends

Once you’ve collected feedback from multiple exit interviews, look for recurring themes or issues. Are employees frequently mentioning poor management communication, lack of growth opportunities, or concerns about work-life balance? Using Krisp’s AI-powered tools, you can easily analyze exit interview transcriptions, allowing the software to highlight common keywords and trends that you might otherwise miss.

Prioritize Key Issues

Not all feedback will require immediate action, but you should focus on high-impact areas first. If multiple employees mention similar issues—such as dissatisfaction with leadership or company culture—this indicates systemic problems that need to be addressed quickly. 


Krisp’s AI Meeting Assistant can generate summaries from multiple interviews, helping HR teams prioritize the most urgent concerns.

Develop Actionable Solutions

Once you’ve identified key areas for improvement, work with leadership and relevant departments to create action plans. For example, if employees consistently cite limited career growth opportunities, consider implementing more robust development programs or mentorship initiatives. If management issues arise, provide additional training for managers to improve communication and leadership skills.

Share Insights with Leadership

Regularly update your leadership team with exit interview findings to keep them informed about potential problems or improvements in employee experience. Krisp’s AI Meeting Assistant can help create clear, concise reports from the feedback, making it easier to present actionable insights and trends to executives.

Track Progress and Adjust

After implementing changes based on exit feedback, it’s crucial to monitor their effectiveness. Conduct follow-up employee engagement surveys and stay alert for similar patterns in future exit interviews. If the same issues continue to arise, consider revisiting your strategy and making further adjustments.





What questions should be asked in an exit interview?
Ask questions about job satisfaction, company culture, management, career development opportunities, and reasons for leaving to gather comprehensive feedback.
What kind of questions do they ask in an exit interview?
Common questions include: “Why are you leaving?” “What could we have done better?” “How would you describe the company culture?” and “Were your career growth needs met?”
What do you say in an exit interview?
Share constructive feedback on your experience, focusing on what worked well and areas where the company could improve. Be honest but professional.[/faq[faq question="How do I prepare for an exit interview?"] Reflect on your time at the company, noting what you enjoyed, what challenges you faced, and any suggestions for improvement. Think about specific examples to back up your feedback.
What is a good answer for an exit interview?
A good answer is one that is honest, constructive, and balanced. For example, “I enjoyed the collaborative environment, but I felt there were limited opportunities for advancement.”
How honest can I be in my exit interview?
You should be honest, but it’s important to remain professional and constructive. Focus on providing feedback that can help the company improve rather than being overly critical.
What should I raise in an exit interview?
Mention key issues like management style, work-life balance, career development opportunities, and any factors that contributed to your decision to leave.