The world's
only bot-free
AI Meeting Notes

Krisp’s AI Meeting Note Taker automatically transcribes and summarizes online meetings for easy sharing. Find out why the world’s biggest companies and organizations choose Krisp.

Green check markFree unlimited transcriptions
Green check markFree AI Meeting Note Taker
Green check markBot-free, non intrusive experience
Green check markFor individuals and small teams Green check markNo credit card required
Green check markFor enterprise and call centers
man in a meeting

Never miss another important detail
with Krisp’s Free Meeting Note Taker AI

AI-powered meeting notes

Make every meeting comprehensive, clear, beneficial, and secure for you and your team

Green check mark Long or short summary settings
Green check mark Capture action items
Green check mark Document discussion items

Automatic meeting transcription

Krisp AI transcribes your meetings into easy-to-read text with incredible accuracy

🎉 Free unlimited transcriptions
👾 Bot-free for increased privacy and security
Works with any voice app, no plugins or extensions needed

Easy sharing and collaboration

Krisp AI Note Taker makes information sharing easy, with ready-to-use action item templates and calendar connectivity.

Krisp generated meeting notes Automatically organize discussion points and action items with easy-to-share templates
Krisp generated meeting notes Sync Krisp with your calendar to automate note-taking and sharing

Trusted by the world’s largest global brands

Benefits of Krisp AI for Meeting Notes

Focus on what really matters

Make and share critical business decisions with ease, thanks to Krisp's automated meeting note software.

Background Voice Cancellation
Never miss out important information

Capture crucial details every time with Krisp's distraction-free solution in today's information-filled world.

Background Voice Cancellation
Improved team collaboration

Foster informed and accountable teams with effortless sharing of discussions and actions.

Echo Cancellation

Krisp captures notes wherever you have conversations!

Krisp seamlessly works with any voice and conferencing app out-of-the-box without requiring additional plugins or extensions.

Krisp works with any app

Who Benefits from Krisp’s free AI Meeting Notes App?

Meeting owners
Automate the note-taking process for all the meetings you facilitate. Generate a concise summary of action items and distribute it to attendees right after the meeting.
  • Feature presentation Note-taking automation heightens focus and efficiency.
  • Feature presentation Action item tracking made easy with automated note-taking.
  • Feature presentation Stakeholders gain simple info and decision access with automation.
Meeting Owners
Leaders and managers
Streamline decision-making and problem-solving by automating note-taking, summarization, and sharing.
  • Feature presentation Boost decision-making abilities with improved information.
  • Feature presentation Keep team informed of vital decision items for enhanced collaboration.
  • Feature presentation Increase accountability and alignment through improved communication.
Meeting Leaders and Managers
Track all client conversations, highlight important decisions and commitments made for a comprehensive record.
  • Feature presentation Easily locate key decisions and commitments with summary feature.
  • Feature presentation Conveniently find and reference meeting summaries.
  • Feature presentation Compatible with all popular client voice apps.

Have questions? Let’s find answers!

Is there a free AI note taker for Microsoft Teams?
Krisp offers a powerful and free AI meeting note taker that integrates with most popular conferencing and video call software, including Microsoft Teams.
Is there an AI that takes notes?
There are many AI meeting note takers available today, but Krisp is one of the only options that offers a free AI note taker without using bots. This offers increased peace of mind, security, privacy, all on a budget.
Does Microsoft have an AI note taker?
Absolutely! Microsoft offers their Intelligent Recap feature in Microsoft Teams Premium, but as the name implies, this feature is only available on paid versions. The Krisp AI note taker is free with Krisp and works with not only Teams, but Google Meet, Skype, Zoom, and more.
Can I use Transcripts and Meeting Notes without the Noise Cancellation feature?
Yes, you can use Transcripts and Meeting Notes without using the Noise Cancellation feature.

You’re one step away from supercharging
your online meeting!