Glossary of Meeting Terms "S"

The Glossary of Meeting Terms describes terms and acronyms related to meetings and all the activities we do at them. We've collected this information, so enjoy!"

Synchronous Communication

Synchronous communication refers to real-time communication methods where participants engage in conversations or exchanges simultaneously. These methods include video conferencing, phone calls, instant messaging, or face-to-face meetings. Synchronous communication is particularly relevant in meetings, where participants can engage in discussions, ask questions, and receive immediate responses, fostering effective collaboration and decision-making. In contrast to asynchronous communication, which occurs with a time delay, synchronous communication enables real-time interaction and is valuable for addressing urgent matters, facilitating quick decision-making, and enhancing team...

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Service Level Agreement (SLA)

A Service Level Agreement, commonly known as an SLA, is a formal contract or agreement that specifies the level of service to be provided by one party to another. These agreements are often a focal point in client meetings, particularly in service-based industries such as IT, customer support, or outsourcing. SLAs outline the quality, performance, response times, and other service-related metrics that the service provider commits to delivering to the client. In meetings, discussions around SLAs focus on defining expectations,...

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Security Clearance

The level of access or authorization required for an individual to attend a particular meeting or access specific information discussed within it. Security clearance levels are determined by an organization's security policies and protocols. Meetings involving sensitive or classified information may require attendees to have specific clearance levels to ensure that only authorized individuals participate and that confidentiality and security are maintained. These security measures are particularly critical in industries and government sectors where data protection and classified information are...

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Scope Document

A scope document, often discussed in project management meetings, is a comprehensive and detailed document that outlines the objectives, boundaries, deliverables, and requirements of a specific project. It serves as a foundational reference for all project stakeholders, providing clarity on project goals and constraints. Scope documents define the project's purpose, expected outcomes, timelines, resource allocations, and any limitations. These documents help in avoiding scope creep, aligning expectations, and serving as a basis for project planning and execution, ultimately contributing to...

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Succession Planning

Succession planning meetings are dedicated to identifying, developing, and grooming future leaders within an organization. These meetings focus on assessing the potential of current employees, identifying key positions, and creating a strategy for seamless leadership transitions. Succession planning ensures that an organization has a talent pipeline in place, reducing disruptions in leadership roles and ensuring a smooth transition of responsibilities in the event of retirements or departures. These meetings play a critical role in long-term organizational sustainability and stability.


A stand-in is a participant who temporarily replaces or substitutes for an expected meeting attendee. Stand-ins are commonly used when the originally intended participant is unable to attend due to scheduling conflicts, illness, or other reasons. These substitutes ensure that the meeting can proceed with the necessary representation and participation, preventing disruptions to the agenda and discussions. Effective stand-ins maintain continuity and facilitate the exchange of information and perspectives within the meeting context.

Status Quo

The existing state of affairs or current conditions, often used when discussing the prevailing situation or circumstances. Meetings that reference the status quo may involve evaluating whether the current state aligns with desired goals or whether changes are needed. Such discussions can lead to decisions to maintain the current course of action, make improvements, or initiate transformative changes based on an assessment of the status quo.

Strategic Alignment

The process of ensuring that the goals, decisions, and actions discussed within a meeting are in harmony with the overall strategic direction and objectives of the organization. Meetings focused on strategic alignment serve as a bridge between the tactical and strategic levels of an organization, ensuring that every initiative, project, or decision contributes cohesively to the fulfillment of the organization's long-term vision. Alignment discussions involve assessing how specific actions align with broader strategic goals, making adjustments when necessary to maximize...

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Sales Forecast

Sales forecast discussions occur within sales and marketing meetings and involve projecting future sales figures and trends. These forecasts are based on historical sales data, market research, and other relevant factors. Accurate sales forecasting informs decision-making processes related to production, inventory management, marketing strategies, and resource allocation. It helps organizations plan effectively for different scenarios and make informed choices to achieve their sales targets and objectives.

Socratic Method

The Socratic Method is a philosophical and educational discussion technique that employs questions to stimulate critical thinking, provoke thoughtful responses, and encourage open debate. In a meeting or classroom setting, this method involves asking a series of probing questions to encourage participants to think deeply, analyze concepts, and arrive at logical conclusions. It fosters active engagement, promotes the exploration of ideas from different angles, and enhances the overall quality of discussions, making it a valuable tool for facilitating meaningful conversations...

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System Integration

System integration meetings involve planning and implementing the seamless integration of different software systems or technological components within an organization. These meetings address technical and operational considerations to ensure that disparate systems work together cohesively, share data efficiently, and support business processes. System integration is crucial for streamlining operations, enhancing data accuracy, and improving overall system performance, making these meetings vital for technology-driven organizations.

Support Staff

Individuals responsible for providing various forms of assistance and support during a meeting. This can include technical support personnel who ensure that audio-visual equipment, video conferencing tools, or other technical aspects run smoothly. Support staff may also include administrative assistants who help with logistics, document distribution, or scheduling. Their role is crucial in ensuring that meetings proceed without disruptions, allowing participants to focus on the agenda and discussions without technical or logistical hindrances.


The capacity of a system, process, or solution to adapt and grow effectively in response to changing needs or increased demands. Meetings focused on scalability explore strategies and considerations for accommodating growth, whether in terms of organizational expansion, technological capabilities, or operational efficiency. Scalability discussions help ensure that systems and processes remain flexible and capable of handling future challenges and opportunities while minimizing disruptions.

Shared Workspace

A shared workspace, whether digital or physical, is a collaborative environment where meeting participants can collectively work, collaborate, and share documents, information, or resources. Digital shared workspaces may involve online platforms or tools that facilitate real-time collaboration, document sharing, and communication among remote or distributed teams. Physical shared workspaces provide a designated area for in-person meetings, discussions, and collaboration. These shared spaces promote teamwork, information sharing, and the efficient exchange of ideas and materials, enhancing the productivity and collaborative potential...

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Success Metrics

Success metrics are specific criteria and benchmarks used to measure the achievement of goals and objectives discussed within a meeting. These metrics serve as quantifiable indicators of progress and success. Meetings often involve defining, discussing, and refining success metrics to ensure that the desired outcomes are clearly defined and that progress can be evaluated effectively. Success metrics provide a means of tracking performance, making data-driven decisions, and assessing the impact of actions taken during the meeting.

Sensitive Information

Sensitive information refers to data or content discussed during a meeting that requires a high level of confidentiality, discretion, and careful handling. This can include proprietary information, trade secrets, personal data, financial details, or sensitive organizational strategies. Protecting sensitive information during meetings is essential to safeguard the interests and reputation of the organization. Meetings that involve sensitive information often adhere to strict security protocols and may restrict access to authorized participants only, ensuring that confidentiality is maintained.

Subject Matter Expert (SME)

A subject matter expert, often referred to as an SME, is an individual with specialized and in-depth knowledge in a particular field, topic, or subject area. During meetings, SMEs are often consulted to provide expert insights, guidance, or clarification on matters related to their expertise. Their contributions are valuable for ensuring that discussions are well-informed and decisions are made based on accurate and authoritative information. SMEs play a vital role in enriching discussions and problem-solving within a meeting context.

Scripted Role

A predefined and specific responsibility assigned to a participant. These roles can include tasks such as timekeeping, note-taking, facilitating discussions, or moderating debates. By assigning scripted roles, meetings become more organized and efficient, as participants have clear responsibilities and expectations. These roles ensure that critical meeting functions are consistently addressed and that the meeting flows smoothly, fostering a conducive environment for productive discussions.

Steering Committee

A steering committee is a dedicated group responsible for overseeing and guiding a specific project, initiative, or program within an organization. Comprising key stakeholders and decision-makers, the committee ensures that the project aligns with the organization's strategic objectives. It plays a critical role in providing leadership, making high-level decisions, allocating resources, and resolving any major issues or obstacles that may arise during the course of the project. The steering committee acts as a guiding force, ensuring that the project remains...

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Scope Creep

The phenomenon where changes or additions to a project's scope are discussed and introduced during a meeting. These changes typically go beyond the originally defined project boundaries and objectives. Managing scope creep is essential to ensure that the project remains on track, within budget, and within the initially agreed-upon parameters. Scope creep discussions in meetings involve careful evaluation of the impact on resources, timelines, and project goals to make informed decisions about whether to accept or reject proposed changes.

Strawman Proposal

A strawman proposal is an initial or preliminary proposal presented during a meeting for the purpose of discussion and revision. It serves as a starting point for deliberations, offering a basis for further refinement and decision-making. The term "strawman" implies that the proposal is not final but rather a proposal that can be easily altered or adapted based on feedback and consensus-building within the meeting. Strawman proposals facilitate productive dialogue and enable participants to work collaboratively towards a more refined...

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Sales Meeting

Sales meetings gather sales professionals, teams, or representatives to discuss strategies, goals, and performance-related matters. These meetings play a pivotal role in shaping sales strategies, sharing market insights, setting targets, and evaluating progress towards sales objectives. Sales meetings also provide a platform for collaboration, training, and sharing best practices to enhance the effectiveness of the sales force and drive revenue growth.

Security Briefing

A security briefing is a specialized meeting focused on discussing security measures, protocols, and concerns within an organization or project. These meetings are vital for addressing potential security risks, vulnerabilities, and strategies for safeguarding assets, information, and personnel. Security briefings may cover topics such as cybersecurity, physical security, compliance with regulations, and crisis management.

Sprint Review

A sprint review is a critical meeting that takes place at the end of each sprint cycle. During this meeting, the development team showcases the work completed in the sprint, presenting functional features or deliverables to stakeholders. The purpose is to obtain feedback, assess progress, and prioritize the next set of tasks, ensuring alignment with project goals and customer expectations. Sprint reviews promote transparency, collaboration, and continuous improvement in agile software development.

Standalone Meeting

A standalone meeting is one that occurs independently and is not part of a regular series or recurring schedule. Unlike routine or periodic meetings, standalone meetings are convened for specific, one-time purposes. They can address urgent matters, unique projects, or exceptional circumstances, providing flexibility in addressing ad-hoc requirements without committing to a continuous meeting schedule.

Safety Briefing

Safety briefings are meetings that prioritize the communication of safety protocols, guidelines, and best practices, often in hazardous work environments. These briefings are crucial for ensuring the well-being and protection of employees and participants. Safety meetings typically cover topics such as emergency procedures, equipment usage, hazard identification, and safety measures to prevent accidents or incidents.

Scripted Meeting

In a scripted meeting, the discussion and agenda closely follow a predetermined script or plan. This structured approach ensures that key topics are covered systematically, providing clarity and consistency in communication. Scripted meetings are particularly common in formal settings, such as board meetings or legal proceedings, where adherence to specific guidelines and a controlled flow of information are essential to meet regulatory or procedural requirements.

Sales Pitch

A sales pitch is a focused meeting or presentation in which a product or service is actively promoted to potential customers. The goal of a sales pitch is to capture the interest of the audience, address their needs or pain points, and persuade them to make a purchase or take a desired action. Sales professionals often use compelling storytelling, persuasive techniques, and demonstrations to showcase the value and benefits of their offerings, aiming to create a positive impression and convert...

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Straw Poll

A straw poll is an informal and non-binding vote conducted during a meeting to gauge the opinions, preferences, or sentiments of participants on a specific issue or question. Straw polls are often used as a quick and initial method for assessing the general consensus or direction of a group. While they are not legally binding, straw polls provide valuable insights and can inform further discussions or decision-making processes within the meeting.


Substitution occurs when one individual is replaced by another to attend a meeting or fulfill a particular role within a meeting. This can happen for various reasons, such as scheduling conflicts, expertise requirements, or delegation of responsibilities. Effective substitution ensures that the meeting's objectives are still met, even if the originally intended participant cannot be present, maintaining continuity and productivity in discussions.


A spokesperson is an appointed individual who represents a group, organization, or entity during meetings, negotiations, or public engagements. Spokespeople are responsible for conveying messages, addressing inquiries, and presenting the organization's positions or viewpoints effectively. They often play a vital role in maintaining consistent and professional communication with stakeholders, the media, or the public.


Storyboarding is a visual planning technique frequently employed in creative meetings, such as those related to designing presentations, videos, or storytelling projects. It involves creating a series of sketches, images, or scenes that outline the flow and visual elements of the final product. Storyboards serve as blueprints, allowing teams to conceptualize, refine, and visualize their ideas, ensuring that creative projects align with their intended narratives and objectives.


A script is a written document that outlines the planned agenda, content, or dialogue for a meeting or presentation. Scripts are often used in formal or structured meetings, such as business presentations or events, to ensure that key points are addressed in a clear and organized manner. They serve as a valuable reference for speakers, helping them stay on track and maintain consistency in messaging, making presentations more effective and professional.


A stakeholder is an individual, group, or entity with a vested interest, influence, or concern in the outcomes of a meeting, project, or decision-making process. Stakeholders can be internal or external to an organization and may include employees, customers, suppliers, shareholders, regulatory bodies, and more. Recognizing and engaging with stakeholders is essential for ensuring that their perspectives and needs are considered, promoting transparency, and achieving successful outcomes while managing potential risks and conflicts.


The process of ensuring that all participants are aligned, informed, and on the same page regarding the meeting's objectives, agenda, and expectations. Effective synchronization promotes clarity, prevents misunderstandings, and enhances communication among attendees. It is particularly crucial in collaborative and project-based meetings to maintain cohesion and facilitate productive discussions.


Within a larger organization or committee, a subcommittee is a smaller subgroup formed to delve into specific issues or tasks in greater detail. Subcommittees enable focused discussions and decision-making on particular aspects of a broader agenda. They provide a structured way to manage complex matters and allocate expertise efficiently, often reporting back to the main committee with recommendations or findings.


Scrum is a well-known framework in agile project management that facilitates the organization and management of work in a collaborative and iterative environment. It is characterized by regular team meetings, including daily stand-up meetings (also known as scrum meetings) where team members discuss their work progress, challenges, and plans. Scrum emphasizes adaptability, transparency, and close collaboration among team members, making it a valuable approach for managing complex projects and achieving high-quality results in an ever-evolving landscape.

Strategic Planning

Strategic planning meetings are dedicated to the formulation and refinement of long-term goals, objectives, and action plans for an organization or project. These meetings involve a systematic process of assessing the current state, defining a vision for the future, and developing strategies to achieve desired outcomes. Strategic planning meetings are essential for guiding an organization's direction and ensuring alignment with its mission and values.


Synergy represents the concept of the combined effect of multiple elements working together, producing a result greater than the sum of their individual contributions. In meetings, discussions about synergy often revolve around how teams, ideas, or efforts can synergize to achieve better outcomes, optimize efficiency, and create value. Recognizing and harnessing synergy is a fundamental aspect of productive collaboration and problem-solving.


A summit is a high-level meeting or conference that brings together influential leaders, experts, or representatives from various fields or organizations to discuss critical issues, make decisions, and collaborate on solutions. Summits often focus on global challenges, policy matters, or industry trends, and they play a vital role in shaping strategies and fostering collaboration.


Surveys are sets of questions designed to collect feedback, opinions, or data from meeting attendees or participants. Surveys are used to assess satisfaction, gather insights, or make informed decisions based on the responses received. They are an invaluable tool for evaluating meeting effectiveness and gaining valuable input from stakeholders.

Stand-up Meeting

A stand-up meeting, also known as a "daily stand-up" or "scrum meeting," is a brief, daily gathering where team members come together while standing to discuss project progress, tasks, and plans. Common in agile development methodologies, stand-up meetings promote quick updates, problem-solving, and team alignment, all within a time-efficient format.

Screen Sharing

Screen sharing involves the real-time display of your computer or device screen to other meeting participants. It is a collaborative tool used to showcase documents, presentations, software applications, or any visual content during a virtual meeting. Screen sharing enhances communication and facilitates a shared understanding of information, making it a vital feature in online meetings and webinars.


A seminar is a specialized type of meeting or conference that concentrates on in-depth discussions and knowledge-sharing about a specific topic. Typically, seminars feature expert speakers or presenters who provide insights and facilitate interactions among attendees. These events are valuable for fostering learning, networking, and exploring complex subjects.


A speaker is an individual designated to address and communicate information, ideas, or proposals to the attendees during a meeting or presentation. Speakers play a pivotal role in conveying messages, sharing expertise, and engaging the audience. Their effectiveness can significantly impact the success of a meeting, making them a key element in the communication process.


Scheduling is the crucial process of determining a suitable date and time for a meeting or event. It involves coordinating the availability of participants, taking into account time zones, preferences, and constraints. Effective scheduling ensures that all relevant parties can attend the meeting, optimizing productivity and minimizing conflicts.


A distinct segment or period within a meeting that is dedicated to a specific purpose or agenda item. Sessions help structure meetings by allowing participants to focus on one topic at a time. They can vary in length and format, depending on the meeting's objectives, and often include discussions, presentations, or workshops.