Resource Sharing

Resource sharing in online meetings involves the exchange and distribution of various digital assets, such as files, documents, links, or multimedia content, among participants. This practice facilitates collaboration, enhances communication, and supports the sharing of relevant information during virtual meetings. Resource sharing can encompass documents, slideshows, spreadsheets, web links, and multimedia files, which are often shared through integrated features within online meeting platforms. It enables participants to access and collaborate on shared resources in real time, enhancing the efficiency and productivity of online meetings.

Reaction Emoji
Reaction emojis are graphical symbols or icons that participants can use in online meetings to express their reactions, emotions, or feedback in a concise and visual manner. These emojis provide a quick and non-verbal way for attendees to convey sentiments such as agreement, approval, laughter, confusion, or applause during discussions or presentations. Reaction emojis enhance engagement and interaction in virtual meetings by allowing participants to provide instant feedback and express their sentiments without interrupting the flow of the meeting. They contribute to a more dynamic and expressive online meeting environment.