Glossary of Meeting Terms "R"

The Glossary of Meeting Terms describes terms and acronyms related to meetings and all the activities we do at them. We've collected this information, so enjoy!"

Remote Data Backup

Remote data backup involves the practice of securely and redundantly storing meeting-related data, documents, recordings, and other digital assets in off-site or remote locations. It serves as a critical safeguard against data loss, system failures, or unforeseen events that could disrupt the availability of meeting materials and records. Remote data backup solutions include cloud-based storage services, off-site data centers, and secure remote servers. These measures ensure that meeting data is regularly and securely backed up, enabling swift recovery and continuity...

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Read-only Access

Read-only access grants individuals the permission to view and access meeting content, documents, or resources without the ability to make modifications, edits, or changes to the content. This level of access ensures that participants can review meeting materials, presentations, or documents without the risk of unintended alterations. Read-only access is often implemented to maintain content integrity, protect sensitive information, and prevent unauthorized edits during collaborative online meetings or document sharing. It allows participants to consume information while preserving the original...

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Response Rate

the percentage of participants who acknowledge and reply to the invitation, indicating their acceptance, tentative status, or decline to attend the meeting. It is a crucial metric for meeting organizers to gauge attendance and make logistical arrangements effectively. A higher response rate reflects proactive communication and engagement among participants, enabling organizers to plan for the meeting's capacity, resources, and overall logistics more accurately. Timely and complete response rates streamline meeting planning and enhance the efficiency of organizing virtual meetings.

Remote Participant Engagement

Remote participant engagement encompasses a set of strategies, techniques, and practices designed to actively involve and captivate attendees during online meetings. Engaging remote participants is essential for maintaining their attention, participation, and interaction in virtual meetings. Strategies may include interactive polling, breakout sessions, Q&A segments, gamification, chat-based discussions, and the use of multimedia content. Effective remote engagement fosters collaboration, reduces distractions, and enhances the overall quality and impact of online meetings, ensuring that participants remain attentive, contribute meaningfully, and achieve...

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The consistent performance and dependability of the technology and services used for conducting virtual meetings. Reliable online meeting platforms ensure that participants can join meetings without interruptions, experience minimal downtime, and have access to essential features consistently. Key aspects of reliability include stable audio and video connections, secure data transmission, robust server infrastructure, and minimal latency. Meeting organizers and participants rely on the platform's reliability to ensure smooth and productive online meetings, making it a critical factor in the selection...

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Rollout Plan

A rollout plan is a strategic document that outlines the step-by-step approach for introducing and implementing new tools, processes, or initiatives within the context of online meetings or digital environments. This plan serves as a roadmap to guide the smooth integration and adoption of changes. It typically includes details such as project objectives, timelines, roles and responsibilities, communication strategies, training requirements, and success metrics. Rollout plans are essential for ensuring that all stakeholders are informed, prepared, and aligned as new...

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Reaction Tracking

Reaction tracking involves the systematic monitoring and analysis of participant reactions, interactions, and engagement levels during virtual meetings. This practice includes tracking real-time indicators such as participant feedback, reactions to content, participation rates, and audience sentiment. Reaction tracking tools and analytics provide valuable insights into the effectiveness of meetings, helping meeting organizers assess engagement, identify areas for improvement, and make data-driven decisions to enhance future meetings. It enables organizations to tailor their meeting strategies, content, and formats to maximize participant...

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Record Privacy

Record privacy in online meetings refers to the practice of safeguarding the confidentiality and sensitive information shared or discussed during recorded virtual meetings. Protecting the privacy of recorded content is essential to ensure compliance with privacy regulations, data security, and ethical considerations. Organizations often implement measures to restrict access to recorded meetings, control distribution, and apply encryption or access controls to safeguard the content. Ensuring record privacy is critical for maintaining trust, data protection, and compliance with privacy laws, particularly...

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Real-time Chat

Real-time chat is a built-in instant messaging feature in many online meeting platforms that enables participants to engage in text-based conversations during virtual meetings. This chat functionality allows attendees to exchange messages, links, and information in real time without disrupting the main audio or video discussions. Real-time chat serves multiple purposes, including asking questions, providing clarifications, sharing additional resources, and facilitating parallel discussions or side conversations within the meeting. It enhances communication, collaboration, and engagement among participants, making online meetings...

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Resource Allocation Software

Resource allocation software is specialized software or tools designed to assist organizations and meeting planners in efficiently managing, distributing, and optimizing resources during virtual meetings. These resources can include meeting rooms, equipment, personnel, materials, and other assets essential for meeting success. Resource allocation software offers features such as scheduling, reservation management, capacity planning, and resource tracking. It aids in minimizing conflicts, ensuring resource availability, and enhancing the overall meeting experience by streamlining resource management processes within virtual meetings.

Room Link

A room link is a unique URL or web link that provides direct access to a specific online meeting room or virtual conferencing session. Meeting organizers typically share this room link with participants through invitations, emails, or calendar entries. Participants can click on the provided link to instantly join the designated meeting space without the need for additional login credentials or codes. Room links streamline the process of joining online meetings, making it convenient and straightforward for attendees to access...

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Resource Sharing

Resource sharing in online meetings involves the exchange and distribution of various digital assets, such as files, documents, links, or multimedia content, among participants. This practice facilitates collaboration, enhances communication, and supports the sharing of relevant information during virtual meetings. Resource sharing can encompass documents, slideshows, spreadsheets, web links, and multimedia files, which are often shared through integrated features within online meeting platforms. It enables participants to access and collaborate on shared resources in real time, enhancing the efficiency and...

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Raise Hand

A virtual tool available in many online meeting platforms that enables participants to indicate their desire to speak or contribute to the discussion. By clicking the "Raise Hand" button or using a designated gesture, participants signal to the meeting host and fellow attendees that they have a question, comment, or input to share. This feature helps maintain order and organization during virtual meetings, ensuring that participants are recognized and given the opportunity to speak in an orderly fashion. It allows...

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The process of capturing and preserving the audio, video, or both, of a virtual meeting session for future reference or distribution. Recording is a valuable feature for participants who may not be able to attend the meeting in real time or for those who wish to revisit the content discussed. It can include the recording of presentations, discussions, screen-sharing, and collaborative activities. Recorded online meetings provide an enduring record of important information, allowing for knowledge sharing, compliance, training, and documentation...

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Remote Access Software

Remote access software refers to specialized applications or tools that enable individuals to access and control a computer or device located in a different physical location. During meetings, remote access software allows participants to connect to another user's desktop or device to view, manipulate files, troubleshoot technical issues, or collaborate on tasks. This technology is particularly valuable for remote support, software development, and collaborative projects, as it eliminates geographical barriers and facilitates real-time interaction and problem-solving. Remote access software enhances...

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Response Tracking

Response tracking in meetings involves the systematic monitoring and management of participant responses to meeting invitations. This process begins with the distribution of invitations to potential attendees, who are then expected to respond with their acceptance, tentative status, or decline. Meeting organizers use response tracking to gauge attendance, make logistical arrangements, and plan for the meeting effectively. In digital meeting platforms and email systems, response tracking is automated, allowing organizers to track RSVPs and ensure that meeting logistics align with...

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Role Play

Role play is an interactive and experiential technique used in meetings to simulate real-life scenarios or situations. Participants take on specific roles or characters and act out predefined scenarios, allowing them to explore various perspectives, practice interpersonal skills, and address challenges or conflicts in a controlled environment. Role play can be applied in diverse contexts, such as team-building exercises, customer service training, conflict resolution, or strategic planning. It enhances communication, empathy, problem-solving, and decision-making skills by providing a hands-on approach...

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Risk Register

A risk register is a structured document used to track, monitor, and manage identified risks that have been discussed in meetings or identified during project or organizational assessments. It serves as a centralized repository for recording key information about each risk, including its description, potential impact, likelihood of occurrence, mitigation strategies, and responsible parties. Risk registers are instrumental in risk management, allowing organizations to prioritize, analyze, and take proactive measures to mitigate or respond to risks effectively. They are continuously...

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A resignation announcement in a meeting signifies an individual's formal declaration of their intention to leave their current position or role within an organization. These meetings are typically held to inform colleagues, supervisors, and stakeholders of the impending departure, provide reasons or context for the decision, and discuss transition plans. Resignation meetings may involve discussions about the transfer of responsibilities, the timeline for departure, and any pertinent details relevant to the transition process. They are essential for maintaining transparency, facilitating...

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Round Robin

Round Robin is a meeting technique employed to ensure that all participants have an equal opportunity to speak, share their perspectives, or provide input on a topic. In a Round Robin format, participants take turns offering their thoughts, ideas, or responses one by one, usually following a predetermined order or sequence. This method promotes inclusivity, prevents dominance by a few individuals, and encourages active participation from everyone in the meeting. Round Robin can be particularly useful in fostering open discussions,...

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Recertification Meeting

A recertification meeting is convened for the purpose of renewing or maintaining certifications, qualifications, or licenses held by individuals or professionals. Such meetings are typically required periodically to ensure that individuals remain up-to-date with the latest standards, knowledge, and skills relevant to their field or industry. Participants may be required to undergo testing, training, or assessments during the recertification meeting to demonstrate their continued competence and compliance with certification requirements. Recertification meetings are essential for ensuring the ongoing competence and...

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Research Presentation

A research presentation in a meeting context involves the communication of research findings, data, or insights to an audience. Researchers, scientists, academics, or professionals often use meetings as a platform to share their research discoveries, studies, or analyses with peers, stakeholders, or the public. Research presentations are typically structured with an introduction, methodology, results, and conclusions. They serve to disseminate knowledge, encourage discussion, gather feedback, and promote collaboration among participants. Research presentations are valuable for advancing knowledge, sharing expertise, and...

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To reconvene a meeting means to resume the proceedings of a meeting after a temporary break or an adjournment. Reconvening is a common practice in long or multi-session meetings, allowing participants to rest, deliberate on matters discussed, or engage in necessary preparations before resuming discussions. It is a structured way to ensure that meetings can continue smoothly and efficiently, picking up where they left off. Participants typically reconvene at a specified time and location, following an agenda, and often with...

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Request for Proposal (RFP) Review

A Request for Proposal (RFP) review meeting is a critical stage in the procurement process, where stakeholders gather to evaluate and assess proposals submitted by vendors or service providers in response to an RFP. During this meeting, participants examine the proposals, consider their alignment with the organization's needs and criteria, and discuss the strengths and weaknesses of each submission. The goal is to make informed decisions regarding the selection of the most suitable vendor or provider based on factors such...

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Rotating Chair

The concept of a rotating chair in meetings involves the practice of assigning the responsibility of leading or facilitating meetings to different individuals in a group on a rotating basis. This approach promotes inclusivity and shared leadership, ensuring that various team members gain experience and contribute to the effective management of meetings. By rotating the chairperson role, organizations encourage diverse perspectives, prevent a single person from bearing the full burden of meeting facilitation, and foster a sense of ownership and...

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Record Retention

Systematic preservation and storage of meeting records, documents, and minutes for a defined period of time. This practice is essential for compliance, legal, and historical purposes. Meeting records typically include minutes, agendas, presentations, and other documentation related to meeting proceedings. Organizations often have specific policies and guidelines governing record retention, specifying how long different types of records should be retained and when they can be safely disposed of. Effective record retention ensures that meeting history and decisions are documented and...

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Reverse Brainstorming

Reverse brainstorming is a creative problem-solving technique used in meetings to explore challenges, issues, or obstacles from a different perspective. Unlike traditional brainstorming, where participants generate ideas to solve a problem, reverse brainstorming encourages participants to identify potential problems or root causes. By focusing on problems first, participants can gain a deeper understanding of the issues at hand and develop innovative solutions that address underlying concerns. This technique promotes critical thinking, open-mindedness, and the identification of overlooked issues, making it...

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Response Time

Duration, it takes for participants to acknowledge and reply to a meeting request or invitation. It is a critical factor in meeting planning and attendance management. Timely responses from participants allow organizers to finalize attendee lists, make necessary arrangements, and ensure that the meeting runs smoothly. Meeting participants are encouraged to promptly accept or decline invitations to facilitate efficient scheduling and resource allocation, demonstrating professionalism and respect for the meeting's logistics and objectives.

Risk Mitigation

Risk mitigation in meetings involves identifying, assessing, and taking proactive measures to reduce or manage potential risks and uncertainties that could impact the success of a project, decision, or meeting outcome. It is a crucial component of effective meeting planning and management. Risk mitigation strategies may include contingency planning, resource allocation, stakeholder communication, and the development of backup plans to address potential challenges or setbacks. By systematically addressing risks, meetings can proceed with greater confidence and a higher likelihood of...

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A recess is a temporary interruption or pause in the proceedings of a meeting. It provides participants with a brief opportunity to take a break, stretch, refresh, and recharge before resuming the meeting's activities. Recesses are essential for maintaining participant engagement and focus during long or intensive meetings. They allow attendees to clear their minds, attend to personal needs, and return to the meeting with renewed energy and concentration. The duration and frequency of recesses may vary depending on the...

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Remote Presentation

A remote presentation is a delivery of information, content, or a speech to an audience when the presenter and audience are not in the same physical location. This type of presentation is made possible through technology, such as video conferencing, webinars, or screen-sharing tools. Remote presentations are commonly used for sharing ideas, delivering training, conducting sales pitches, and disseminating information to a geographically dispersed audience. Effective remote presentations require careful planning, engaging visuals, and clear communication to ensure that the...

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Recurring Meeting

A recurring meeting is a scheduled gathering that takes place at regular intervals, such as daily, weekly, monthly, or quarterly. These meetings serve the purpose of addressing ongoing tasks, projects, or discussions that require frequent attention. Recurring meetings often have a predefined agenda, participants, and objectives that remain consistent across each occurrence. They help teams maintain communication, track progress, and stay aligned on long-term goals, making them a valuable tool for ongoing collaboration and project management.

Resource Management

Strategic allocation, utilization, and optimization of various assets to support meeting objectives. These resources can encompass personnel, budget, time, equipment, and materials. Effective resource management ensures that meetings are well-prepared, adequately staffed, and equipped with the necessary tools and materials. It involves planning resource allocation, monitoring resource usage during meetings, and making adjustments as needed to maximize productivity and achieve desired outcomes.

Rules of Order

Rules of Order are established procedures and protocols that govern the conduct and organization of meetings. They are designed to ensure that meetings run efficiently, fairly, and in an orderly manner. Robert's Rules of Order, a widely recognized set of parliamentary rules, is often used as a reference point. These rules outline the roles of participants, the order of business, how to make motions, vote on proposals, and maintain decorum. By adhering to Rules of Order, meetings can be conducted...

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Rescheduling refers to the act of altering the originally planned date and time of a meeting. This adjustment can be necessary due to various reasons, including conflicts in participants' schedules, unforeseen circumstances, or the need to accommodate changes in priorities. Rescheduling should be communicated clearly to all participants to ensure that everyone is aware of the updated meeting details, allowing for a smooth transition without disruptions. It demonstrates flexibility and adaptability in meeting management, prioritizing efficiency and participation.

Remote Participant

A remote participant is an individual who joins a meeting or collaboration effort from a location other than the physical meeting space. These participants connect virtually through technology, such as video conferencing or teleconferencing tools, to actively engage in discussions or contribute to the meeting's objectives. Remote participants play a crucial role in modern meetings, enabling organizations to include diverse perspectives, talents, and expertise, regardless of geographical boundaries.

Risk Assessment Meeting

A risk assessment meeting is a gathering where participants identify, analyze, and evaluate potential risks and uncertainties associated with a project, process, or decision. These meetings aim to systematically assess the likelihood and impact of various risks and develop strategies to mitigate or manage them effectively. Risk assessment meetings are essential in ensuring that organizations make informed choices and are prepared to address challenges that may arise during the course of their activities.

Record Keeping

Record keeping in meetings involves the systematic documentation of meeting proceedings, discussions, decisions, and action items. This practice ensures that a comprehensive record of the meeting's content is preserved for reference and accountability purposes. Meeting minutes or notes capture key points, participants' contributions, agreements, and follow-up tasks. Accurate record keeping helps in tracking progress, addressing disputes, and maintaining transparency within an organization.

Real-time Feedback

Immediate and timely input, comments, or responses provided during or shortly after a meeting or interaction. This type of feedback allows participants to receive instant reactions, suggestions, or evaluations from others. Real-time feedback is valuable for course corrections, clarifications, and adjustments during discussions or presentations. It promotes active engagement and can enhance the quality of decision-making and communication within a meeting context.

Resource Allocation Meeting

A resource allocation meeting is a specialized gathering convened to determine how organizational resources, such as budget, personnel, and equipment, will be distributed and assigned to various projects or initiatives. In this meeting, stakeholders discuss priorities, assess resource availability, and make informed decisions regarding where and how resources should be allocated. Effective resource allocation meetings are essential for optimizing resource utilization, avoiding bottlenecks, and ensuring that projects receive the necessary support to succeed.

Review Meeting

A review meeting is a regular or ad-hoc gathering where participants assess and evaluate the progress, outcomes, or performance of a project, initiative, or process. These meetings are instrumental in identifying achievements, challenges, and areas for improvement. Review meetings often involve the analysis of key performance indicators (KPIs), project timelines, and deliverables. They serve as a platform for stakeholders to share insights, make data-driven decisions, and strategize future actions to optimize performance and meet objectives.


A retreat is a specialized meeting format that takes participants away from their usual work environment to a different location, often tranquil and conducive to focus and reflection. Retreats are commonly organized for strategic planning, team building, or addressing specific challenges. They provide a unique opportunity for participants to step outside their daily routines, engage in intensive discussions, and develop a deeper understanding of organizational goals or personal dynamics. Retreats typically involve a structured agenda with a mix of meetings,...

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Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) refers to the use of software robots or bots to automate repetitive tasks and processes. In meetings, RPA can be applied to streamline administrative functions such as scheduling, data entry, and documentation. RPA bots can assist in sending meeting invitations, recording attendance, transcribing discussions, and generating meeting reports, thus enhancing efficiency and reducing the manual workload associated with meeting management. Integrating RPA into meetings can lead to more seamless and productive gatherings.


An individual responsible for moderating or facilitating the proceedings, ensuring that discussions remain on track, and maintaining order. The referee acts as a neutral party who enforces meeting rules, ensures equal participation, and helps resolve conflicts or disputes that may arise during the meeting. This role is particularly important in contentious or highly structured meetings where maintaining decorum is essential.


A recap, short for "recapitulation," is a summary or review of key points, discussions, or decisions made during a meeting. It serves as a way to reinforce understanding, remind participants of important outcomes, and provide clarity on what was accomplished. Recaps can be verbal summaries delivered at the end of a meeting or documented in meeting minutes or notes for future reference.

Rapport Building

Rapport building is a fundamental aspect of effective communication and relationship development within a meeting context. It involves establishing a positive and mutually respectful connection with attendees. Building rapport can be achieved through active listening, empathetic communication, and demonstrating genuine interest in others' perspectives and concerns. A strong rapport contributes to a more collaborative and productive meeting environment.


A rehearsal is a preparatory practice or run-through conducted before a significant event, such as a presentation, performance, or important meeting. During a rehearsal, participants practice and refine their roles, scripts, or presentations to ensure that they are well-prepared and can perform effectively when the actual event takes place. Rehearsals are crucial for minimizing errors, improving coordination, and boosting confidence among participants.

Roll Call

Roll call is a practice commonly employed in meetings, classrooms, or gatherings to take attendance. It involves calling out the names of individuals or participants, who then respond to confirm their presence. Roll call helps organizers track attendance and identify any absentees. In formal settings, roll call can also serve administrative purposes, ensuring that all required individuals are present for the meeting or event.


RSVP is a French acronym that translates to "please respond" in English. In the context of meetings or events, an RSVP is a request for attendees to confirm their intention to participate. This response is essential for event organizers to accurately plan for logistics, such as seating, catering, and materials. RSVPs can be sent through invitations, email, or online forms, allowing hosts to gauge attendance and make necessary arrangements accordingly.

Roundtable Discussion

A roundtable discussion is a type of meeting or conversation format where participants sit in a circular arrangement to foster open and inclusive dialogue. It encourages equal participation from all attendees, often devoid of a hierarchical seating order. Roundtable discussions are commonly used for brainstorming, problem-solving, or sharing insights on various topics, allowing for diverse perspectives and ideas to emerge.

Room Booking

Room booking refers to the process of reserving a physical meeting space, such as a conference room, boardroom, or any other designated area for conducting in-person meetings or events. This practice is crucial for organizations to ensure that meeting spaces are utilized efficiently, prevent double bookings, and provide a structured system for employees to schedule and use available resources effectively.

Remote Meeting

A remote meeting is a virtual gathering where participants join from different locations using technology, typically through video conferencing software or teleconferencing tools. It enables individuals or teams to collaborate, discuss, and share information without the need to be physically present in the same room. Remote meetings have become increasingly common, especially in the context of globalized workforces, allowing for efficient communication and collaboration regardless of geographical distances.