Glossary of Meeting Terms "O"

The Glossary of Meeting Terms describes terms and acronyms related to meetings and all the activities we do at them. We've collected this information, so enjoy!"

Online Town Hall

An online town hall is a large-scale virtual meeting where organizational leaders, such as executives or senior management, address employees, stakeholders, or the public. This format allows leaders to communicate key messages, share updates, and engage with a broad audience in real-time, regardless of geographical distances. Online town halls typically feature live video or audio streaming, interactive features like Q&A sessions, and chat functionality for participant engagement. These meetings serve as a platform for transparency, open communication, and alignment of...

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Online Scheduling

Online scheduling involves using digital tools or software to set up, coordinate, and manage the timing of online meetings. With the increasing reliance on virtual collaboration, online scheduling platforms have become indispensable for individuals and organizations. These tools allow users to select suitable dates and times, invite participants, and automate reminders and notifications. Online scheduling streamlines the process of finding mutually convenient meeting slots, reducing scheduling conflicts and minimizing the back-and-forth communication typically associated with arranging meetings. It also integrates...

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Online Registration

The process of signing up and providing necessary information to participate in an online meeting or event. It is a fundamental step in ensuring that participants are properly identified, prepared, and granted access to the virtual meeting space. Online registration often involves completing a digital form or providing contact details, preferences, and any required credentials. This information helps organizers manage the logistics of the meeting, including sending invitations, distributing access links or codes, and tailoring the meeting content to participants'...

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One-Click Join

A feature commonly found in online meeting platforms that allows participants to easily join virtual meetings with a single click. This user-friendly feature streamlines the meeting access process, minimizing the need for complex setup or manual entry of meeting details. With one-click join, participants receive a meeting invitation or link and can simply click on it to enter the virtual meeting room. This convenience enhances the accessibility and user experience of online meetings, reducing barriers to participation and ensuring that...

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Outbound Webcasting

Outbound webcasting is the process of broadcasting live online meetings or events to external audiences via the internet. This approach is commonly used for webinars, conferences, product launches, and public presentations. Outbound webcasting allows organizations to reach a broader audience, including clients, customers, partners, or the general public, regardless of their geographical location. It enables real-time streaming of content, interactive features, and engagement tools to ensure that external viewers can participate in the event as if they were present in...

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Optimal Bandwidth

The ideal level of internet connection speed required for smooth and uninterrupted online meetings. Bandwidth is a critical factor in ensuring that audio and video streams are delivered without lag, buffering, or disruptions. The specific bandwidth requirement may vary depending on the video quality, number of participants, and features used in the online meeting platform. Insufficient bandwidth can result in audio dropouts, pixelated video, and poor overall meeting quality. Organizations and individuals should assess their internet connection capabilities and strive...

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Online Webinar

An online webinar, short for web seminar, is a presentation or seminar delivered to an online audience via web conferencing tools or platforms. Webinars are commonly used for educational, informational, or marketing purposes. They allow presenters to share content, slides, and live demonstrations with remote participants, who can attend from anywhere with internet access. Webinars often include interactive features such as Q&A sessions, polls, and chat functionality to engage the audience and facilitate real-time interaction. Online webinars are a valuable...

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Online Security

The measures taken to protect the confidentiality, integrity, and privacy of online meetings and communications. Ensuring the security of online meetings has become increasingly important as more organizations rely on virtual collaboration tools. These security measures encompass authentication, encryption, access controls, and monitoring to prevent unauthorized access, data breaches, or disruptions during online meetings. Online security also involves educating participants on best practices to minimize risks, such as using strong passwords, keeping software up to date, and being vigilant against...

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Operator-Assisted Call

An operator-assisted call is a type of online meeting or conference call where a dedicated operator assists with technical aspects and logistics. These calls are particularly useful for large-scale or high-profile events, such as investor relations calls, shareholder meetings, or global conferences. The operator helps coordinate participant access, manages Q&A sessions, and ensures that the meeting runs smoothly. They can provide real-time support for troubleshooting technical issues and monitoring the call's progress. Operator-assisted calls are designed to deliver a seamless...

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Additional information or visuals displayed on top of the main content. Overlays are used to provide context, highlight key points, or offer supplementary information to enhance the audience's understanding of the topic. They can include text, graphics, charts, or annotations that appear temporarily on the screen. Overlays are often used by presenters to emphasize specific details or to guide the audience's attention during a web conference or virtual presentation. They play a valuable role in conveying information effectively and engaging...

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A term used to describe meetings or activities conducted without access to the internet or technology. In some cases, organizations or individuals intentionally choose to go off-grid for specific meetings to foster a distraction-free environment or to ensure privacy and security. Off-grid meetings may take place in remote locations where internet connectivity is limited or unavailable. Such meetings often require careful planning to ensure that all necessary materials, resources, and participants are physically present, as reliance on digital tools and...

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Open Enrollment

Open enrollment is a defined period during which employees can select or change their benefits, such as health insurance, retirement plans, or flexible spending accounts. HR meetings focus on discussions related to open enrollment to educate employees about their benefit options, communicate any changes in plans or offerings, and assist employees in making informed decisions about their benefits. These meetings provide employees with essential information, support, and resources to tailor their benefits to their individual needs, ensuring that they receive...

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Organizational Restructuring

Changes made to an organization's hierarchy, departments, or reporting structures. These changes are frequently discussed during change management meetings, where leaders and stakeholders assess the need for restructuring and plan its implementation. Discussions may include redefining roles, merging or dividing departments, and addressing issues related to workforce transitions. Organizational restructuring meetings aim to align the organization with evolving business needs, improve agility, and enhance overall efficiency by adapting the structure to better support the organization's strategic direction.

Operational Excellence

Operational excellence is a continuous improvement approach focused on optimizing business operations to achieve higher efficiency, quality, and performance. These principles are often discussed and implemented in management meetings, where leaders collaborate to drive organizational excellence. Operational excellence meetings delve into strategies, methodologies, and best practices to streamline processes, reduce waste, enhance customer satisfaction, and improve overall operational effectiveness. By fostering a culture of continuous improvement, organizations can adapt to changing market conditions and remain competitive in their industries.

Opportunity Assessment

Opportunity assessment involves evaluating potential opportunities for growth, improvement, or innovation within an organization. Strategic meetings are the ideal forum for conducting opportunity assessments, as they bring together decision-makers to explore possibilities and align them with the organization's long-term goals. These meetings may include SWOT analysis, market research, competitive analyses, and brainstorming sessions to identify areas where the organization can capitalize on emerging trends, market gaps, or internal strengths. Opportunity assessment meetings inform strategic planning, enabling organizations to make informed...

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Office Space Allocation

Discussions about office space allocation revolve around how office spaces are assigned or distributed within an organization. These discussions often take place during facility management or office planning meetings. They address considerations such as departmental needs, seating arrangements, workspace configurations, and resource optimization. Office space allocation meetings play a vital role in ensuring that workspace usage is efficient, that employees have the necessary amenities, and that the physical environment supports collaboration and productivity.

Outsourcing Agreement

An outsourcing agreement is a formal contract that outlines the terms, responsibilities, and expectations of an outsourcing arrangement between an organization and a third-party service provider. Contract meetings are essential for negotiating and finalizing outsourcing agreements, which may cover services such as IT support, customer service, or manufacturing. These meetings delve into contract terms, service-level agreements (SLAs), pricing structures, intellectual property rights, and dispute resolution mechanisms. The goal of contract meetings is to ensure a mutually beneficial and legally sound...

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Onboarding Process

Procedures and activities designed to integrate new employees seamlessly into a company. HR meetings often center around discussions related to the onboarding process, which includes tasks such as orientation, training, paperwork completion, and introductions to company culture and policies. These meetings aim to refine the onboarding experience, ensuring that new hires receive the necessary support, resources, and information to become productive and engaged members of the organization. Effective onboarding fosters a positive first impression, accelerates the learning curve, and contributes...

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Organizational Chart

An organizational chart is a visual representation of an organization's structure, depicting the hierarchy, roles, and relationships among its members and departments. Leadership meetings often involve discussions about the organizational chart to ensure that the structure aligns with the organization's goals and objectives. These discussions may focus on reevaluating reporting lines, identifying areas for improvement, or addressing changes in leadership roles. An accurate and up-to-date organizational chart is essential for effective communication, decision-making, and understanding the chain of command within...

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Operational Plan

An operational plan is a comprehensive and detailed document that outlines how a project or task will be executed to achieve specific objectives and goals. Operational plans are commonly discussed and developed during planning meetings, bringing together key stakeholders to establish a clear roadmap for successful implementation. These meetings involve in-depth discussions about resource allocation, timelines, responsibilities, budget considerations, and performance metrics. Operational plans provide teams with a strategic framework, guiding them through the execution phase and serving as a...

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Open Source Software

Software whose source code is openly available for modification, distribution, and collaboration by the public. Meetings and discussions related to open source software often revolve around topics like development, licensing, contribution guidelines, and community engagement. These meetings foster collaboration among developers, encourage transparency, and ensure that open source projects thrive. The open source software community relies on effective meetings to coordinate efforts, share knowledge, and drive innovation in the development and maintenance of open source projects.

One-Time Meeting

A one-time meeting is a gathering that is not part of a regular series or schedule. These meetings are typically convened to address specific, isolated issues or topics, and they do not occur on a recurring basis. One-time meetings may be organized for unique events, exceptional circumstances, or ad-hoc discussions that do not warrant ongoing or regular attention. They provide flexibility for organizations to address immediate needs and make decisions without the commitment of recurring meetings.

Overhead Screen

An overhead screen is a display screen used to project presentations, visuals, or documents during a meeting or presentation. This screen is typically positioned above the meeting area for all participants to view. Overhead screens are commonly used in conference rooms, classrooms, and boardrooms to enhance the visual aspect of meetings, making it easier for presenters to share information, engage with the audience, and facilitate discussions effectively. The use of overhead screens in meetings enables a dynamic and engaging presentation...

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Order of Precedence

The order of precedence is a hierarchy or ranking system used to prioritize items discussed in meetings. When multiple topics, issues, or decisions are on the agenda, determining their order of precedence helps ensure that the most critical or time-sensitive matters are addressed first. This hierarchy allows meetings to be structured efficiently, focusing on high-priority items before addressing less urgent or complex ones. The order of precedence is particularly valuable in meetings with limited time available, ensuring that the most...

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On-Site Support

Technical assistance and expertise available at the physical location of a meeting or event. Organizations often provide on-site support during important meetings, conferences, or presentations to address technical issues, troubleshoot equipment, and ensure smooth operations. These support personnel are essential for setting up audiovisual equipment, managing technical challenges, and providing immediate assistance when technology-related problems arise. On-site support contributes to the success of meetings by minimizing disruptions and ensuring that technical aspects run seamlessly.

Overhead Camera

An overhead camera is a camera positioned above a workspace or meeting area to capture and display documents, visuals, or objects during a meeting or presentation. This camera angle is commonly used in educational, training, and collaborative settings to provide a clear view of materials on a table, whiteboard, or document camera. Overhead cameras are instrumental in facilitating effective remote and hybrid meetings, allowing participants to view and engage with content in real-time, enhancing the overall meeting experience.

Outsource Vendor

An outsource vendor is a third-party company or service provider that an organization hires to perform specific tasks, functions, or services. Discussions involving outsource vendors commonly occur in vendor meetings, where organizations evaluate potential outsourcing partners, negotiate contracts, and establish service-level agreements (SLAs). These meetings aim to ensure alignment between the organization's needs and the vendor's capabilities while addressing key aspects like cost, quality, and timelines. Vendor meetings play a crucial role in managing external partnerships and enhancing the organization's...

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Online Collaboration Tools

Online collaboration tools encompass a wide range of software and platforms designed to facilitate remote teamwork, communication, and meetings. These tools are essential for modern organizations, allowing teams to collaborate efficiently regardless of geographical locations. Meetings conducted using online collaboration tools often include features like video conferencing, document sharing, real-time editing, and chat functionality. Such meetings enable seamless communication, project management, and information exchange, making them indispensable in today's digital work environment.

Off-Peak Hours

Times of lower activity or demand in a particular context, such as business operations, transportation, or service availability. When considering scheduling meetings, especially those involving remote participants from different time zones, organizers often take into account off-peak hours to minimize disruptions and accommodate participants' availability. Meetings held during off-peak hours can help optimize productivity and ensure that participants are not overly burdened by conflicting commitments or high-demand periods.

Organizational Development

Organizational Development (OD) encompasses strategies and initiatives aimed at improving an organization's effectiveness, performance, and overall health. OD initiatives often involve various meetings and discussions at all levels of the organization, from leadership and management meetings to staff gatherings. These meetings are dedicated to assessing current practices, identifying areas for improvement, and implementing changes to enhance the organization's structure, culture, and processes. Organizational Development meetings may address topics such as leadership development, change management, employee engagement, and performance improvement, with...

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Obfuscation refers to the deliberate use of confusion, vagueness, or unclear language in communication. In the context of conflict resolution meetings, obfuscation may be addressed as a communication issue that hinders effective problem-solving and decision-making. Participants in such meetings work to identify and clarify areas of obfuscation, aiming to promote transparency, mutual understanding, and resolution of the conflict. Addressing obfuscation is critical for fostering open and honest communication and ensuring that conflicts are resolved in a fair and constructive manner.


Items that are scheduled and officially included in the meeting's agenda. An agenda serves as a roadmap for the meeting, outlining the order of business and the specific topics or items to be covered. On-the-agenda items are essential for maintaining focus, structure, and productivity during meetings. They provide participants with a clear understanding of what will be discussed and enable efficient planning and preparation to ensure that meeting objectives are met effectively.

Operations Review

An operations review is a meeting focused on assessing and discussing the operational aspects of a business or project. These meetings delve into various aspects of an organization's operations, including processes, performance metrics, efficiency, and resource allocation. Operations reviews aim to identify opportunities for improvement, address challenges, and ensure that operations align with strategic goals. Participants in these meetings may include department heads, managers, and executives who analyze data, share insights, and collaborate to optimize operational efficiency and effectiveness.

Offshore Outsourcing

Offshore outsourcing is the practice of contracting work or services to a company located in another country. These discussions are often held in outsourcing meetings, where organizations explore the benefits of cost-effective labor, access to specialized skills, and global market expansion. Offshore outsourcing meetings involve evaluating potential outsourcing partners, negotiating contracts, setting expectations, and addressing challenges such as cultural differences and time zone variations. They play a critical role in determining the success and efficiency of outsourcing arrangements, emphasizing the...

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Ownership Transfer

The process of transferring responsibility for a project, task, or role from one individual or team to another, and it is often discussed in transition meetings. These meetings ensure a smooth handover of responsibilities, knowledge, and resources to the new owner, minimizing disruptions and maintaining continuity. Ownership transfer meetings may involve discussions on project documentation, goals, timelines, training requirements, and ongoing support to facilitate a successful transition. Effective communication and collaboration are essential during these meetings to ensure that the...

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Outreach Strategy

An outreach strategy is a plan designed to reach out to potential clients, customers, stakeholders, or target audiences effectively. These strategies are discussed and formulated in marketing meetings as they play a pivotal role in promoting products, services, or initiatives. Outreach strategies encompass a range of activities, including advertising, public relations, social media campaigns, email marketing, and networking efforts. Meetings focused on outreach strategies delve into market research, target audience identification, messaging, and campaign planning to maximize outreach success and...

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OOO (Out of Office)

OOO, or "Out of Office," is a status or message indicating that someone is temporarily unavailable for meetings or work-related tasks. It is typically set on email or messaging platforms to inform colleagues, clients, or stakeholders that the individual is away from their usual workspace or unavailable due to vacation, business trips, or personal reasons. OOO messages often include the expected return date, an alternative contact person, or instructions on how to handle urgent matters during the absence. Acknowledging OOO...

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Overbooking is the practice of scheduling more participants for a meeting than the available meeting space can accommodate. This can lead to logistical challenges, overcrowding, and a less effective meeting experience. Overbooking may occur unintentionally due to miscommunication or a lack of awareness of the meeting space's capacity. In such cases, meetings may need to be rescheduled, relocated, or adjustments made to accommodate all participants comfortably. Overbooking issues underscore the importance of careful planning and coordination when scheduling meetings to...

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Individuals or teams within an organization who make themselves available to respond to urgent matters or emergencies outside of regular working hours. These on-call personnel are responsible for addressing critical issues that may arise during evenings, weekends, holidays, or other non-standard working times. On-call rotations are common in fields such as IT support, healthcare, and maintenance, where immediate attention to problems is essential for the smooth operation of systems or services. On-call meetings may be held to coordinate responsibilities, share...

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Open Source

Projects or software that are freely available for public use, modification, and redistribution. These meetings often involve discussions related to open source software development, licensing, collaboration, and community engagement. Participants may explore strategies to promote open source projects, address issues, and discuss contributions to the open source community. Open source meetings encourage transparency, collaboration, and the sharing of knowledge and resources among developers and users in the open source ecosystem.


A meeting or session conducted to familiarize new members or employees with an organization. These meetings are typically held shortly after individuals join an organization and aim to provide them with essential information about the company's mission, culture, policies, procedures, and expectations. Orientation meetings help new members acclimate to their roles and the organization, fostering a smoother transition and increasing their engagement and productivity. They are a fundamental part of the onboarding process, ensuring that new members are well-informed and...

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Offshore Team

A group of employees or collaborators located in a different geographical location from the organization's primary base, and it is often discussed in global business meetings. These teams are commonly employed to take advantage of cost-effective labor markets, tap into diverse skill sets, or expand a company's global presence. Meetings involving offshore teams may address communication strategies, project coordination, cultural considerations, and performance evaluations to ensure effective collaboration and seamless integration of offshore teams with the organization's goals and processes.

Outreach Program

An outreach program involves initiatives or campaigns discussed in marketing, community-related, or outreach meetings. These programs are designed to connect with specific target audiences, whether they are potential customers, clients, or community members. Meetings focused on outreach programs address strategies, goals, and tactics to reach and engage the intended audience effectively. Discussions may include marketing strategies, event planning, community engagement, and communication plans to promote awareness and achieve the program's objectives.

Operational Efficiency

Effectiveness and productivity of processes within an organization often discussed in operational meetings. These meetings focus on improving and streamlining various aspects of operations, including production, logistics, supply chain management, and service delivery. Participants in operational meetings analyze workflows, identify bottlenecks, and implement strategies to enhance efficiency, reduce costs, and optimize resource utilization. Operational efficiency is a key factor in an organization's ability to deliver high-quality products or services while minimizing waste and maximizing output.


To officiate means to take on the role of leading or presiding over a meeting. The individual responsible for officiating ensures that the meeting runs smoothly, follows the agenda, and adheres to established meeting protocols. Officiating may involve facilitating discussions, managing speaking order, maintaining decorum, and ensuring that meeting objectives are met. Effective officiation is essential for productive and well-organized meetings, whether they are formal or informal in nature.

Off-the-Record Meeting

An off-the-record meeting is a confidential or unofficial gathering that is not documented for public record. These meetings are typically held when sensitive or delicate matters need to be discussed in a discreet manner. Participants in off-the-record meetings agree not to disclose the content or details of the discussions to external parties. Such meetings are common in legal contexts, journalism, and diplomacy when confidential information or negotiations must be protected. Off-the-record meetings require a high degree of trust among participants...

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Organizational Culture

Values, beliefs, and norms that define the identity and behavior of a company or group. These cultural elements are often addressed and discussed in various meetings within an organization, particularly in leadership, HR, and strategic planning meetings. Understanding and shaping the organizational culture is critical for aligning the workforce with the company's mission and values, fostering employee engagement, and promoting a positive and cohesive work environment. Meetings that focus on organizational culture may involve discussions on cultural initiatives, employee feedback,...

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Topics or items that are officially included in the meeting's agenda. These are the specific subjects or issues that have been planned for discussion during the meeting. An agenda serves as a roadmap for the meeting, outlining the order of business and the topics to be covered. Sticking to the on-agenda items helps maintain focus and ensures that the meeting progresses in an organized and efficient manner. Meetings that adhere to the agenda are more likely to achieve their objectives...

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Opportunity Cost

Opportunity cost is the potential benefits or gains that could have been obtained from an alternative course of action, often discussed in decision-making meetings. When making choices or decisions, individuals or organizations weigh the benefits of their chosen option against what they could have gained from the next best alternative. Understanding opportunity costs is crucial for making informed decisions, as it helps assess the trade-offs and implications of choices. By considering opportunity costs, decision-makers can prioritize and allocate resources more...

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Actions or behaviors that hinder the progress of a meeting. These may include disruptive behavior, filibustering, excessive interruptions, or attempts to derail discussions. Obstruction can significantly impede the meeting's effectiveness, waste time, and create a contentious atmosphere. It is essential for meeting facilitators to address and mitigate obstruction to ensure that meetings remain productive and on track, allowing participants to achieve their objectives.

Overhead Costs

Overhead costs are expenses that are discussed during budget and financial meetings. These costs represent the indirect expenses associated with running a business or organization, such as rent, utilities, administrative salaries, and office supplies. In financial meetings, overhead costs are analyzed, budgeted, and managed to ensure that they are optimized and do not excessively burden the organization's financial resources. Effective management of overhead costs is critical for maintaining financial stability and efficiency within an organization.


A choice or decision made by individuals to not participate in a meeting or activity. Participants who opt-out decline the invitation or choose not to attend the meeting due to reasons such as conflicting commitments, lack of interest, or irrelevance to their roles. Offering the option to opt-out is important to respect individuals' time and commitments, as it allows them to allocate their resources effectively and prioritize other responsibilities.


A choice or decision made by individuals to voluntarily participate in a meeting or activity. Participants who opt-in choose to be part of the meeting based on their interest, relevance, or willingness to contribute. This concept is often used in the context of invitations to meetings or events, where individuals have the option to attend or decline based on their preferences or availability. Opt-in participation ensures that those present in the meeting are actively engaged and interested in the discussions,...

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Open Mic Session

An open mic session is a part of a meeting where participants are given the opportunity to freely voice their opinions, ideas, or concerns without interruption. This session encourages open and candid dialogue, allowing individuals to express themselves without fear of immediate judgment or criticism. Open mic sessions are often used to foster creativity, encourage brainstorming, or gather diverse perspectives on a particular topic. Effective facilitation is crucial during open mic sessions to ensure that participants have a chance to...

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Information or discussions that are not officially documented or recorded during a meeting. In some cases, participants may engage in off-record conversations for various reasons, such as sharing confidential information, discussing sensitive matters, or exploring ideas informally. It is important for meeting participants to be aware of when discussions are considered off-record, as these conversations may not be subject to the same level of formality, accountability, or documentation as the official meeting proceedings. Clear communication and discretion are key when...

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Objective Assessment

A neutral evaluation of a situation or proposal during a meeting. This assessment is typically based on factual information, data, and analysis rather than personal biases or opinions. Objective assessments are valuable during meetings as they provide a clear and unbiased perspective, helping participants make informed decisions and reach consensus based on the most accurate and reliable information available. Objective assessments often involve critical analysis, comparisons, and the consideration of multiple viewpoints to ensure that discussions and decisions are grounded...

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An ombudsman is an impartial mediator who can be involved in conflict resolution during meetings. The ombudsman serves as a neutral third party who can listen to concerns, provide guidance, and facilitate discussions between parties in conflict. Ombudsmen play a valuable role in ensuring fairness and transparency in meetings, particularly when sensitive issues or disputes arise. Their involvement can help maintain a respectful and constructive meeting environment while assisting in resolving conflicts and reaching mutually acceptable solutions.

Organizational Structure

The hierarchy and framework of a company or group, often discussed in strategic meetings. Discussions about organizational structure are often held during strategic meetings to address topics like departmental reorganization, leadership changes, or restructuring initiatives. These meetings explore how the organization can adapt its structure to better align with its goals, improve efficiency, and promote effective communication and collaboration among its members. Decisions related to organizational structure can have far-reaching implications, making these meetings crucial for the long-term success of...

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Outcomes Analysis

Outcomes analysis involves the process of evaluating the results and impact of a meeting. After a meeting concludes, participants or stakeholders may assess whether the meeting achieved its objectives, whether decisions were implemented successfully, and whether the desired outcomes were realized. Outcomes analysis can help identify areas for improvement in meeting effectiveness, decision-making processes, and action item execution. It also allows organizations to measure the value and impact of their meetings in achieving organizational goals.

Off-hour Meeting

An off-hour meeting is a meeting scheduled during non-standard working hours, such as evenings, weekends, or holidays. These meetings are typically convened when it is challenging to accommodate participants' regular working schedules. Off-hour meetings may be necessary for addressing urgent matters, accommodating participants from different time zones, or conducting essential discussions when standard working hours are not feasible. While off-hour meetings can be useful in specific situations, they should be scheduled sparingly to minimize disruptions to participants' work-life balance.


When a meeting extends beyond its originally scheduled end time. Overruns can happen for various reasons, such as engaging in extensive discussions, encountering unexpected issues, or a failure to manage time effectively. Overruns can disrupt participants' schedules and lead to reduced productivity. Managing meeting time, adhering to the agenda, and utilizing timekeeping tools can help minimize overruns and ensure that meetings stay within the allotted time frame.

Overtime Pay

Additional compensation provided to employees for working extra hours beyond their regular working hours. Negotiations regarding overtime pay may occur during meetings, particularly when discussing employment contracts, labor agreements, or employee benefits. Overtime pay is an important consideration for both employees and employers, as it impacts compensation and labor costs. Meeting discussions around overtime pay often involve legal and regulatory considerations, as well as fair compensation practices.


The act of supervising or managing tasks, projects, or initiatives that have been discussed during meetings. This oversight is crucial for ensuring that plans and decisions made in meetings are effectively executed and aligned with organizational goals. Participants may discuss oversight mechanisms, such as regular progress reports, key performance indicators, or milestones, to track and manage the implementation of discussed initiatives. Effective oversight helps monitor progress, address challenges, and achieve the desired outcomes.


Matters that are not within the predefined boundaries of the meeting's purpose are considered "out-of-scope." Clearly defining the scope of a meeting is essential to ensure that discussions remain focused and relevant to the meeting's objectives. When participants bring up topics or issues that are out-of-scope, it can lead to tangential discussions and potentially derail the meeting's productivity. Skillful facilitation involves gently redirecting discussions back to the intended scope and addressing out-of-scope matters separately or in a more suitable context.


The identification of the individual or team responsible for a particular task or outcome discussed during the meeting. Assigning ownership is a critical step in ensuring accountability and progress. During meetings, participants may allocate ownership for action items, projects, or tasks, making it clear who is responsible for their execution and follow-through. Ownership helps prevent ambiguity, fosters accountability, and ensures that the discussed tasks are carried out effectively.


Making decisions or changes during a meeting without prior planning is commonly referred to as "on-the-fly." These decisions are often impromptu and are made in response to emerging situations or discussions. On-the-fly decisions can be necessary when unforeseen issues or opportunities arise during a meeting, and participants need to adapt quickly. Effective facilitators and decision-makers should be capable of making on-the-fly decisions when needed, balancing the need for spontaneity with the requirement for thoughtful consideration.


Onboarding is the crucial process of integrating new team members into an organization or team, and it is often discussed during team meetings. This multifaceted process goes beyond merely introducing newcomers to their roles; it includes familiarizing them with the company culture, policies, procedures, and colleagues. Team meetings play a vital role in onboarding by providing a platform to introduce new hires to the team, clarify their roles and responsibilities, and discuss expectations. Through these meetings, existing team members can...

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Observational Skills

The ability to pay attention, notice details, and gather information through careful observation during a meeting. Individuals with strong observational skills can pick up on non-verbal cues, body language, and subtle nuances in communication. These skills are valuable for understanding group dynamics, assessing participant engagement, and identifying unspoken concerns or opportunities. Observational skills can assist meeting organizers and facilitators in making real-time adjustments to ensure a productive and effective meeting environment.


Efforts made to connect with individuals or groups, often discussed during meetings. These efforts can involve reaching out to stakeholders, clients, customers, or the broader community to engage, inform, or build relationships. Meetings may include discussions about outreach strategies, goals, and progress in connecting with target audiences. Effective outreach can help organizations expand their reach, enhance their reputation, and achieve their mission or objectives.

Operating Procedures

Operating procedures are guidelines or rules that dictate how a meeting should be conducted. These procedures help ensure consistency, fairness, and orderliness in the meeting process. Operating procedures may include rules for speaking order, time limits for discussions, voting protocols, and guidelines for handling interruptions or objections. Following established operating procedures is important for maintaining the integrity of the meeting and ensuring that all participants have an equal opportunity to contribute and participate effectively.


Alternatives or choices presented and discussed during a meeting. When facing a decision or problem, participants may explore various options to determine the best course of action. These options are often presented, analyzed, and evaluated to make informed choices that align with meeting objectives. Discussions around options can be essential for problem-solving, strategic planning, and decision-making, as they provide a comprehensive view of potential solutions or directions.

One-on-One Meeting

A one-on-one meeting is a gathering between two individuals to discuss specific matters, typically in a more private and focused setting. These meetings are often used for performance reviews, coaching sessions, or discussions that require confidentiality or personal attention. One-on-one meetings provide an opportunity for candid conversations, feedback, goal setting, and problem-solving. They are valuable for building relationships, addressing individual concerns, and ensuring clear communication between the parties involved.


An objection in a meeting is a formal expression of disagreement or disapproval regarding a specific matter under discussion. Participants may raise objections when they have concerns, differing viewpoints, or reservations about a proposed course of action, decision, or idea. Handling objections effectively is crucial for fostering open and constructive dialogue within the meeting. It allows for the exploration of alternative viewpoints, addressing concerns, and working towards a consensus or resolution. Objectives should be expressed respectfully and with clear rationale...

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Order of Business

The order of business in a meeting refers to the sequence in which topics or agenda items are addressed during the gathering. Establishing a clear order of business is essential for ensuring that the meeting flows smoothly and that each agenda item receives the appropriate attention. The order may begin with opening remarks, followed by specific agenda items, discussions, decision-making, and any closing remarks or next steps. Adhering to the order of business helps maintain structure, focus, and organization throughout...

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Overhead Projector

An overhead projector is a device used to display images, slides, or documents onto a screen or wall during a meeting. While traditional overhead projectors have been largely replaced by digital projectors and presentation software, they were once a common tool for visually enhancing meetings and presentations. Overhead projectors allowed presenters to display information to a larger audience, making it easier to convey complex ideas, share visual data, and engage participants in a visual format. Modern technology has evolved to...

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Opening Remarks

Opening remarks are the initial words or statements made at the beginning of a meeting to set the tone, provide context, and welcome participants. These remarks are typically delivered by the meeting organizer or a designated leader and serve as an introduction to the meeting's purpose and agenda. Opening remarks often include greetings, an overview of the meeting's objectives, any important announcements, and a brief outline of the agenda. They help create a positive and engaging atmosphere, establish expectations, and...

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Conversations or discussions that are not related to the main purpose of the meeting. While some degree of informality and side conversations may naturally occur during meetings, excessive off-topic discussions can be disruptive and counterproductive. They can lead to wasted time, a loss of focus, and hinder progress towards meeting objectives. Effective meeting facilitation and clear communication of meeting goals can help minimize off-topic discussions and keep the meeting on track.

Onsite Meeting

An onsite meeting is a gathering conducted at the regular office or meeting location, typically where participants work or routinely convene. These meetings offer the convenience of proximity, as participants can easily come together in a familiar environment. Onsite meetings are common in day-to-day business operations and can range from team meetings, departmental gatherings, to larger corporate presentations. They are cost-effective and practical, as they eliminate the need for additional travel or venue expenses. However, the effectiveness of an onsite...

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Offsite Meeting

An offsite meeting is a gathering that takes place outside the regular office or meeting space. These meetings are often held in different locations, such as conference centers, retreats, or other venues chosen specifically to provide a change of environment and encourage creativity, focus, or team-building. Offsite meetings can be particularly beneficial for strategic planning, brainstorming sessions, or team-building activities as they offer a break from the everyday workplace routine and allow participants to immerse themselves fully in the meeting's...

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Overtime in the context of a meeting occurs when the gathering exceeds its scheduled time. This can happen due to unforeseen discussions, delays in agenda items, or an inadequate allocation of time. Overtime can be disruptive and may cause inconvenience to participants who have other commitments. Effective time management, adhering to the agenda, and setting clear time limits for each agenda item are essential strategies to prevent meetings from running overtime and ensure that participants can plan their schedules accordingly.

Open Discussion

Open discussion is a vital component of a meeting where participants are encouraged to freely share their thoughts, ideas, opinions, and perspectives without strict structure or limitations. It provides a platform for open and collaborative dialogue, allowing for creativity, problem-solving, and the exploration of different viewpoints. Open discussions can lead to innovative solutions and foster a sense of inclusivity, where all participants have the opportunity to contribute to the conversation. Effective facilitation of open discussions involves creating a safe and...

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The result or conclusion of the gathering, often taking the form of decisions, actions, resolutions, or agreements reached during the discussion. The success of a meeting is often measured by the extent to which it achieves its desired outcomes. Well-defined objectives and a structured agenda can help ensure that the meeting's outcomes align with its intended purpose. Following up on the outcomes and implementing any necessary actions or decisions is essential to ensure that the meeting's impact extends beyond the...

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The organizer of a meeting is the person or group responsible for planning and arranging the gathering. Organizers play a crucial role in setting the date and time, selecting the appropriate format (online or offline), inviting participants, preparing the agenda, and ensuring that all necessary resources and materials are available. They are also responsible for facilitating the meeting, ensuring that it stays on track, and achieving its objectives. Effective organizers are key to successful meetings, as their preparation and management...

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Act of carefully watching and taking note of what happens during the meeting. Observers may be participants themselves or individuals designated to monitor the proceedings and gather valuable insights. Observations can include tracking participant behavior, noting key points of discussion, and recording any notable events or decisions made during the meeting. Observations help provide a record of the meeting's progress and can be valuable for follow-up, accountability, and analysis of meeting effectiveness.


Goals and outcomes that the meeting aims to achieve. These objectives define the purpose of the gathering and set the expectations for what participants should accomplish during the meeting. Objectives can vary widely, from making critical decisions, brainstorming ideas, sharing updates, or resolving specific issues. Establishing clear and measurable objectives is essential to ensure that a meeting is purposeful and that participants can work towards achieving the desired outcomes.

Offline Meeting

An offline meeting, also known as an in-person meeting, is a traditional gathering where participants come together physically in a designated location. These meetings typically involve face-to-face interactions, allowing participants to engage in discussions, share ideas, and build rapport more effectively. Offline meetings have been a longstanding practice in business, government, and various other sectors. They offer the advantage of non-verbal communication cues, such as body language and facial expressions, which can enhance the quality of communication and decision-making. While...

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Online Meeting

An online meeting is a virtual gathering conducted over the internet using video conferencing tools or platforms. It allows participants to connect and interact with each other from different locations, often through the use of webcams and audio devices. Online meetings have become increasingly popular, especially in today's globalized world, as they enable teams, colleagues, or individuals to collaborate and communicate without the need for physical presence. These meetings offer the convenience of flexibility in terms of scheduling and attendance,...

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