Glossary of Meeting Terms "M"

The Glossary of Meeting Terms describes terms and acronyms related to meetings and all the activities we do at them. We've collected this information, so enjoy!"

Meeting Documentation Archive

A meeting documentation archive serves as a repository for storing past meeting records, including meeting minutes, agendas, presentations, and related documents. This centralized archive makes it easy to access historical meeting information, facilitating reference, auditing, and the retrieval of essential documents when needed. It ensures that valuable meeting history is preserved, promoting transparency, accountability, and informed decision making within an organization or team.

Meeting Platform Customization

Meeting platform customization involves modifying the settings and appearance of meeting software to align with specific preferences or branding requirements. This customization can include adjusting the user interface, adding corporate logos or colors, setting default meeting options, and configuring security settings. Customization allows organizations to tailor the meeting experience to their unique needs, ensuring a consistent and branded appearance while optimizing functionality and user experience.

Meeting Time Allocation

Meeting time allocation refers to the practice of determining how much time to allocate to each agenda item within a meeting. Effective time allocation is crucial for managing meeting length, ensuring that discussions remain focused, and preventing meetings from running over their scheduled duration. By allocating time strategically based on the importance and complexity of each agenda item, meeting organizers can optimize the use of participants' time and maintain meeting efficiency.

Meeting Reconciliation

Meeting reconciliation involves the process of ensuring that the outcomes of a meeting align with its initial objectives and goals. After a meeting concludes, it is essential to review the decisions made, action items assigned, and any agreements reached to confirm that they align with the intended purpose of the meeting. Reconciliation helps prevent misunderstandings and ensures that all participants are on the same page regarding the meeting's outcomes, contributing to clarity and accountability.

Meeting Virtual Hand Raising

Meeting virtual hand raising is a digital feature within online meeting platforms that allows participants to request permission to speak or ask questions during a meeting. Similar to raising one's hand in an in-person setting, this feature helps maintain order and ensures that everyone has a chance to participate without interrupting the current speaker. Meeting hosts or moderators can grant speaking privileges to individuals who have raised their virtual hand, facilitating structured and organized discussions.

Meeting Interactivity Tools

Meeting interactivity tools are features integrated into online meeting platforms that promote participant engagement and interaction. These tools can include interactive polls, surveys, quizzes, and live chat features that enable real-time feedback and participation. By encouraging active involvement, meeting interactivity tools enhance the overall meeting experience, foster collaboration, and ensure that participants are more than passive observers, contributing to more dynamic and productive meetings.

Meeting Notification Settings

Meeting notification settings refer to personalized preferences that participants can configure to receive meeting alerts and reminders according to their individual needs. These settings allow participants to specify how they want to be notified about upcoming meetings, whether through email, calendar notifications, or in-app alerts. By tailoring notification preferences, individuals can ensure they are well-informed and adequately prepared for their scheduled meetings, contributing to better time management and meeting punctuality.

Meeting Decision Making

Meeting decision making encompasses the process of reaching conclusions or resolutions during meetings. It involves discussions, deliberations, and sometimes voting, with the aim of making informed choices or addressing specific issues. Decision making in meetings is a collaborative effort where participants express their viewpoints, analyze information, and work collectively to determine the best course of action. Effective decision making is vital for achieving meeting objectives and advancing projects or initiatives.

Meeting File Management

Meeting file management involves organizing and storing meeting-related documents and files in an organized and accessible manner. It includes activities such as categorizing meeting minutes, presentations, agendas, and other documents, making them easy to retrieve and share when needed. Effective file management ensures that meeting-related resources are readily available, streamlining collaboration and facilitating efficient post-meeting follow-up actions.

Meeting Chat Transcript

A meeting chat transcript is a record of the chat messages exchanged among participants during a meeting. This transcript provides a written record of side discussions, questions, and comments that may have occurred alongside the main meeting content. It can be valuable for reference, especially when participants share important information or links through the chat. The transcript ensures that no critical information is missed and can be reviewed after the meeting concludes.

Meeting Content Sharing

Meeting content sharing refers to the capability of participants to share documents, screens, or multimedia during meetings. This feature allows presenters to showcase visual aids, presentations, documents, or applications with other participants, enhancing communication and collaboration. Content sharing is particularly valuable for conveying information effectively, demonstrating concepts, and fostering interactive discussions in a virtual meeting setting.

Meeting Etiquette Guidelines

Meeting etiquette guidelines are clear and established rules governing expected behavior during meetings. These guidelines outline principles of professionalism, courtesy, and respect for all participants. They include practices such as arriving on time, actively listening, avoiding interruptions, muting when not speaking, and adhering to an agenda. Meeting etiquette guidelines foster a harmonious and productive meeting environment by setting expectations for respectful and considerate conduct among all participants.

Meeting Scheduling Assistant

A meeting scheduling assistant is AI or software designed to help find suitable meeting times that accommodate the availability of all participants. It automates the often time-consuming process of scheduling by analyzing the calendars of attendees and suggesting available slots. This tool streamlines the scheduling process, reduces conflicts, and ensures that meetings are convenient for all involved parties, thus optimizing time management and efficiency in planning.

Meeting Engagement Strategies

Meeting engagement strategies are techniques and approaches used to keep participants actively involved and invested in discussions during a meeting. They encompass methods such as asking open-ended questions, using interactive polls or quizzes, encouraging group discussions, and incorporating visual aids or multimedia to maintain interest. Effective engagement strategies foster participation, collaboration, and a sense of ownership among meeting attendees, ultimately leading to more productive and interactive meetings.

Meeting Evaluation Surveys

Meeting evaluation surveys are questionnaires designed to collect feedback on the quality of meetings from participants. These surveys typically include questions about meeting content, facilitation, engagement, and overall effectiveness. Gathering feedback through surveys helps organizers assess what worked well and identify areas for improvement in future meetings. It is a valuable tool for enhancing the quality and efficiency of meetings based on participants' input and suggestions.

Meeting Follow-up Checklist

A meeting follow-up checklist is a comprehensive list of tasks and action items that need to be completed after a meeting concludes. It includes responsibilities such as sending out meeting minutes, distributing assignments, scheduling follow-up meetings, and addressing outstanding issues discussed during the meeting. This checklist serves as a guide to ensure that all post-meeting tasks are addressed promptly and that the meeting's outcomes are effectively implemented.

Meeting Virtual Backgrounds

Meeting virtual backgrounds refer to customizable backgrounds used in video conferencing to replace the real background behind the meeting participant. These backgrounds can be images or graphics chosen by the user, allowing them to present a professional or personalized setting for their video meetings. Virtual backgrounds are particularly useful in situations where the physical environment may be distracting or less suitable for a business setting. They offer a degree of privacy and customization while enhancing the overall visual appeal of...

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Meeting Protocol Adherence

Meeting protocol adherence involves ensuring that participants follow established meeting rules and guidelines. These rules can include meeting start and end times, etiquette for speaking and listening, the use of meeting tools, and other agreed-upon protocols. Adherence to meeting protocols is essential to maintain order, respect, and efficiency during meetings. It ensures that everyone is on the same page and contributes to a productive and respectful meeting environment.

Meeting Reminder

A meeting reminder involves notifications or alerts sent to participants before the scheduled meeting time. These reminders serve as prompts to ensure that participants do not forget about an upcoming online meeting. Meeting reminders can be sent via email, calendar invitations, or through the meeting platform itself, helping participants plan their schedules and join the meeting promptly, which contributes to overall meeting punctuality and effectiveness.

Meeting Duration

Meeting duration refers to the length of time allocated for an online meeting. It is essential for effective time management and planning, ensuring that meetings stay within the allotted timeframe. Meeting organizers often set specific durations for different agenda items to maintain focus and prevent meetings from running excessively long, which can lead to decreased productivity and participant fatigue.

Meeting Notes

Meeting notes are brief summaries or written records that capture key points and discussions made during an online meeting. They serve as a valuable reference for participants and non-attendees alike, offering a concise overview of the meeting's content, decisions, and action items. Note-takers often jot down important details and highlights to ensure that nothing is overlooked, making meeting notes an essential tool for accountability and follow-up.

Meeting Etiquette

Meeting etiquette encompasses guidelines and norms for polite and respectful behavior during online meetings. It includes practices such as arriving on time, muting when not speaking, actively listening, avoiding distractions, and maintaining professionalism in both appearance and demeanor. Adhering to meeting etiquette ensures that virtual meetings run smoothly, remain productive, and create a positive and respectful environment for all participants, contributing to the overall success of the meeting.

Meeting Software

Meeting software refers to applications or platforms specifically designed for hosting and participating in online meetings. These software solutions offer a range of features, including video conferencing, screen sharing, chat, and collaboration tools, all aimed at facilitating effective communication and collaboration in virtual settings. Popular examples of meeting software include Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Webex, and Google Meet. They have become essential tools for businesses, organizations, and individuals seeking to connect remotely in a digital age.

Meeting Invite

A meeting invite is an email or message sent to participants with details about an upcoming online meeting. It typically includes essential information such as the meeting date and time, meeting ID or link, agenda, and instructions on how to join. Meeting invites play a pivotal role in notifying participants of the meeting and ensuring they have the necessary information to access and prepare for it. They often contain options for accepting or declining the invitation, helping organizers gauge attendance.

Meeting Recording

Capability of capturing and saving an online meeting for future reference. Recording allows participants to revisit the content and discussions that took place during the meeting, making it a valuable tool for reviewing important details, clarifying information, or sharing the meeting's content with absent colleagues. Meeting recordings can include audio, video, shared screens, and chat transcripts, providing a comprehensive record of the entire meeting experience.

Meeting ID

A meeting ID is a numerical code or unique identifier used to join a specific online meeting session. It serves as the digital key that allows participants to access a particular meeting, ensuring that only authorized individuals can attend. Meeting IDs are typically generated by meeting platforms and may be accompanied by a meeting link or URL for easy access. This security measure helps maintain the privacy and exclusivity of the meeting, preventing unauthorized individuals from joining.

Mobile Meeting

Practice of conducting or participating in an online meeting using a mobile device such as a smartphone or tablet. It offers the flexibility to engage in meetings from virtually anywhere, even while on the go. Mobile meetings are especially valuable for individuals who need to join meetings while outside the office or away from their computers. With the advent of mobile apps for various meeting platforms, participants can access features like video conferencing, screen sharing, and chat, all from the...

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Online meeting software or services that are compatible and accessible across various devices and operating systems. This means that participants can join meetings from desktop computers, laptops, smartphones, tablets, or even through web browsers without facing compatibility issues. Multi-platform compatibility ensures that online meetings are inclusive and accessible to a wide range of users, regardless of their preferred device or operating system, promoting seamless communication and collaboration.


Muting is the action of silencing one's microphone during an online meeting. This is often done to prevent background noise, feedback, or interruptions that could disrupt the meeting. Participants can choose to mute themselves when they are not speaking, and many online meeting platforms offer a mute/unmute button for easy control. Mute is a valuable tool to enhance the overall audio quality and maintain a focused and distraction-free meeting environment.


A microphone is a hardware device or software feature that enables participants to transmit their voices to others in the meeting. It converts sound into an electronic signal that can be transmitted over the internet. A functional microphone is essential for clear and effective communication in virtual meetings, ensuring that participants can be heard by others. Some microphones offer additional features like noise cancellation and mute buttons to improve audio quality and prevent background noise interference.


The role of a moderator in an online meeting is crucial for facilitating and managing the flow of the discussion. The moderator is responsible for ensuring that the meeting stays on track, adheres to the agenda, and that all participants have the opportunity to speak and contribute. They play a pivotal role in maintaining order, managing time, and resolving any conflicts or disruptions that may arise during the meeting. Moderators also introduce speakers, facilitate Q&A sessions, and may use various...

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Minutes are the official records of what transpired during a meeting. These documents capture the discussions, decisions, and actions taken by participants. Typically, minutes are prepared by a designated note-taker, ensuring that important details and key points from the meeting are accurately recorded. They serve as a valuable reference for attendees and others who were not present, helping to maintain transparency and accountability. Minutes often include information such as the meeting date, attendees, agenda items, discussions, resolutions, and assigned tasks.

Meeting Room

A meeting room refers to the virtual space where online meetings take place. These digital spaces are hosted on platforms like Zoom, Microsoft Teams, or other video conferencing software. They serve as the central environment where participants join, interact, and collaborate, often through video, audio, chat, and screen-sharing features. Meeting rooms provide a convenient and accessible way for people from different locations to come together, discuss various topics, share information, and work collectively in a remote setting. They offer tools...

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