Glossary of Meeting Terms "K"

The Glossary of Meeting Terms describes terms and acronyms related to meetings and all the activities we do at them. We've collected this information, so enjoy!"

Knowledge Ecosystem

The knowledge ecosystem represents the interconnected network of knowledge, data, and information shared and accessed during online meetings, collaborations, and within organizations. It encompasses the complex interactions and relationships among various knowledge sources, such as individuals, teams, databases, and digital platforms. The knowledge ecosystem emphasizes the dynamic nature of knowledge flow, exchange, and creation within an organization or community. Effectively managing this ecosystem is crucial for optimizing knowledge sharing, decision-making, and innovation. It involves strategies, processes, and tools aimed at...

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Keynote Address

A keynote address is a significant presentation or speech delivered during an online meeting or conference, typically at the outset, to set the tone for the event and highlight key topics or themes. Keynote speakers are often experts, thought leaders, or prominent figures in their respective fields. Their presentations are designed to engage, inspire, and inform the audience, providing valuable insights and perspectives on the subject matter. Keynote addresses serve as a focal point of interest and can be instrumental...

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Knowledge Broker

A knowledge broker is an individual who plays a crucial role in facilitating the exchange of knowledge and information during online meetings and collaborations. Knowledge brokers possess expertise in a particular field or domain and act as intermediaries who connect knowledge sources with knowledge recipients. They help identify relevant knowledge assets, promote knowledge sharing, and ensure that valuable insights and information are effectively communicated to the appropriate audience. Knowledge brokers play a vital role in knowledge management, fostering a culture...

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Killer Feature

A standout or unique functionality within an online meeting platform that distinguishes it from other similar platforms. It is the feature that sets a particular platform apart and makes it especially appealing to users. These features are typically highly valued and often become a primary reason for users to choose a specific platform over others. A killer feature could be an innovative collaboration tool, exceptional security measures, user-friendly interface, or any aspect of the platform that significantly enhances the meeting...

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Knowledge Management System (KMS)

A Knowledge Management System (KMS) refers to software or tools designed to efficiently organize, store, and provide access to information and resources shared during online meetings and collaborations. KMSs play a crucial role in facilitating knowledge capture, retrieval, and dissemination within organizations. These systems enable users to create, categorize, and search for documents, meeting notes, presentations, and other knowledge assets. KMSs promote collaboration, improve decision-making, and ensure that valuable insights and expertise are readily available to relevant individuals or teams....

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Key Takeaways

Key takeaways are the essential points or insights gained from an online meeting, and they are typically summarized and shared with participants after the meeting has concluded. These takeaways distill the most critical information or conclusions discussed during the meeting, ensuring that participants leave with a clear understanding of the meeting's outcomes and key messages. Key takeaways serve as a valuable reference for participants to reflect upon and act upon the knowledge and insights acquired during the meeting. They help...

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A casual and informal online meeting or discussion among colleagues or friends. Unlike formal business meetings, kickbacks are characterized by their casual nature, providing participants with an opportunity to connect on a personal level, share experiences, and build rapport. These meetings often lack a structured agenda and focus more on fostering relationships and social interactions. Kickbacks can serve as a valuable complement to formal meetings, helping participants unwind, relieve stress, and maintain a sense of camaraderie. They contribute to team...

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Kaleidoscope Effect

The kaleidoscope effect is a captivating visual feature employed in virtual backgrounds or video filters during online meetings to create vibrant and dynamic visual backgrounds. Inspired by the optical toy, a kaleidoscope, this effect uses a combination of shifting colors, patterns, and shapes, often arranged symmetrically, to enhance the aesthetics of the virtual meeting space. It introduces a playful and visually engaging element to online meetings, making them more visually appealing and stimulating. While not directly related to the meeting's...

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KVM Switch

A KVM (Keyboard, Video, Mouse) switch is a hardware device used during online meetings, presentations, and demonstrations to allow users to switch between multiple computers or devices using a single keyboard, monitor, and mouse. KVM switches are particularly useful when a presenter needs to showcase content from different computers or devices seamlessly, reducing the need for physically connecting and disconnecting peripherals. This technology streamlines the sharing of screens, demonstrating software applications, or switching between various sources, enhancing the efficiency and...

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Knowledge Repository

A knowledge repository is a digital database or repository where information, documents, and resources related to meetings and collaborations are stored for easy access and reference. It serves as a centralized hub where meeting-related materials, such as agendas, minutes, presentations, and supporting documents, are archived and organized. Knowledge repositories facilitate knowledge retention and retrieval, ensuring that meeting participants can access historical records, reference materials, and past discussions, even after the meeting has concluded. This contributes to informed decision-making, efficient collaboration,...

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Kicked Out

Action taken by the meeting host or moderator to remove a participant from the meeting room due to misconduct, disruptive behavior, or violations of meeting rules and etiquette. This step is typically taken when a participant's actions are negatively impacting the meeting's progress or creating a hostile or disruptive environment for others. Kicking out a participant is a measure to maintain order and ensure a productive and respectful meeting atmosphere. Meeting hosts or moderators may also have the option to...

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Knowledge Management

Knowledge management is the systematic process of capturing, organizing, and sharing knowledge generated during online meetings, collaborations, and within organizations. It involves strategies and tools for collecting valuable insights, expertise, and information, and making them easily accessible to relevant individuals or teams. Knowledge management promotes efficient knowledge sharing, preserves institutional knowledge, and enhances decision-making processes. It often encompasses the use of technology, documentation, and best practices to optimize knowledge utilization and dissemination, fostering a culture of continuous learning and improvement.

Knowledge Gap

Knowledge gaps are areas within a subject or topic where meeting participants lack sufficient information or expertise. These gaps are often identified during training sessions or collaborative meetings when individuals may struggle to comprehend certain aspects of the material being presented. Recognizing knowledge gaps is crucial as it allows meeting facilitators to tailor their content, explanations, or training materials to address these specific areas of need. This ensures that participants have a more comprehensive understanding of the subject matter, contributing...

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Knowledge Check

A Knowledge Check is an assessment or quiz conducted during online training sessions, webinars, or educational meetings to gauge participants' understanding of the material presented. These checks are designed to evaluate comprehension, reinforce learning objectives, and identify areas where participants may need further clarification. Knowledge Checks often consist of multiple-choice questions, true/false statements, or open-ended prompts related to the meeting's content. By incorporating Knowledge Checks, meeting organizers can ensure that participants are actively engaged in the learning process, promote interactive...

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Keyword Search

Keyword Search is a feature in many virtual meeting platforms that allows users to search for specific words or phrases within meeting transcripts, chat logs, or shared documents. This functionality is invaluable for quickly finding and referencing relevant information discussed during the meeting. Whether participants are looking for specific details, past discussions, or key takeaways, the Keyword Search tool streamlines the retrieval of information, saving time and ensuring that the meeting remains focused and productive. It is particularly helpful for...

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Virtual recognition or applause is often given to participants or presenters to express appreciation and encouragement. This recognition can take various forms, such as emojis, comments, or virtual applause icons, and is used to acknowledge valuable contributions, insightful comments, or outstanding presentations during the meeting. Kudos serve as a positive reinforcement mechanism, promoting a collaborative and appreciative atmosphere in virtual meetings. They help boost participants' confidence, foster a sense of community, and encourage active participation, ultimately enhancing the overall meeting...

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Kinesthetic Feedback

The tactile or physical sensations experienced during an online meeting, particularly when using touch-sensitive devices or haptic feedback technology. In virtual meetings, participants may interact with touchscreens, touchpads, or other input devices that provide haptic responses, such as vibrations or tactile cues. Kinesthetic feedback enhances the overall meeting experience by adding a sense of physical interaction and engagement, making it particularly relevant in settings where touch-sensitive devices are used for collaboration, demonstrations, or virtual reality experiences. It contributes to a...

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KPI Dashboard

A KPI (Key Performance Indicator) Dashboard is a visual representation of essential metrics and performance indicators that is displayed during an online meeting to track progress and results. This dashboard provides an at-a-glance overview of key data points relevant to the meeting's objectives and goals. It may include metrics such as attendance rates, participant engagement levels, response times, or any other relevant KPIs. KPI Dashboards help meeting organizers and stakeholders assess the effectiveness of the meeting in real-time and make...

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Keyboard Input Sharing

A valuable feature available in select virtual meeting tools, enabling collaborative work and interactive activities during online meetings. This feature allows participants to share their keyboard inputs and actions with others in real-time. It is especially useful for collaborative projects, software demonstrations, coding sessions, or any situation where multiple users need to work together on a shared virtual environment. With Keyboard Input Sharing, participants can collectively contribute to document editing, software testing, or problem-solving, enhancing the efficiency and interactivity of...

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Kaltura is a versatile video platform that serves as a comprehensive solution for video hosting, streaming, and interactive content creation. It is frequently utilized in online meetings, webinars, and educational settings. Kaltura allows users to upload, manage, and share video content securely. It supports live streaming, on-demand video playback, and interactive features like quizzes and polls, making it ideal for delivering engaging presentations and webinars. Additionally, Kaltura offers robust analytics tools to track viewer engagement and gather insights from online...

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Kahoot is a popular online quiz and interactive learning platform that can be seamlessly integrated into virtual meetings, webinars, and online training sessions. It offers a fun and engaging way to assess knowledge, foster participation, and promote learning among participants. With Kahoot, meeting organizers can create custom quizzes, surveys, and polls on various topics and present them to the audience in real-time. Participants can respond using their mobile devices or computers, and the platform instantly provides feedback and scores, creating...

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Kiosk Mode

Kiosk mode is a feature found in some online meeting platforms that offers a specialized presentation environment. It restricts participant interactions and focuses on displaying specific content, making it ideal for presentations, demonstrations, or guided experiences. In kiosk mode, the presenter can control what the audience sees, ensuring a coherent and engaging viewing experience. It is particularly valuable when delivering content to a large audience, as it minimizes distractions and ensures that the audience's attention remains on the key information...

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KPI (Key Performance Indicator)

KPIs, or Key Performance Indicators, are measurable metrics used to assess the success and effectiveness of an online meeting or a virtual event. These indicators provide valuable insights into meeting outcomes, participant engagement, and the achievement of objectives. Common KPIs for online meetings include attendance rates, participant interaction, feedback scores, and the impact on key organizational goals. Analyzing KPIs helps organizers and stakeholders evaluate the meeting's performance, make data-driven decisions, and continuously improve future meetings.

Keyboard Shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts are combinations of keystrokes that enable users to perform various actions quickly and efficiently during a virtual meeting or while using online meeting platforms. These shortcuts simplify tasks like muting or unmuting audio, sharing screens, navigating between chat windows, and controlling the meeting interface. They are designed to streamline the user experience, enhance productivity, and allow participants to focus on the content and interactions rather than navigating through menus and options. Familiarity with keyboard shortcuts can significantly improve...

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Knowledge Sharing

Knowledge sharing is the fundamental process of exchanging information, ideas, or expertise among participants during an online meeting. It is a collaborative effort where individuals contribute their insights, experiences, and knowledge to benefit the collective understanding of a topic or problem. Knowledge sharing fosters innovation, learning, and informed decision-making within organizations. In online meetings, this can take various forms, such as discussions, presentations, brainstorming sessions, or Q&A forums, all aimed at enhancing the overall knowledge and capabilities of the participants.

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Kickoff Meeting

A kickoff meeting marks the beginning of a project or initiative during an online meeting. This initial gathering is crucial as it sets the foundation for the entire endeavor. Participants come together to define project objectives, establish roles and responsibilities, outline timelines, and discuss the overall strategy. It is an opportunity to align team members, clarify expectations, and build enthusiasm for the upcoming work. The kickoff meeting helps ensure that everyone is on the same page, which is essential for...

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Keynote Speaker

A keynote speaker is a distinguished individual chosen to deliver a primary address or presentation during an online meeting or conference. Keynote speakers are typically experts or leaders in their respective fields and are invited to share their knowledge, insights, and perspectives with the audience. They often set the tone for the event and aim to engage, inspire, and inform participants with their valuable contributions. Their presentations can cover a wide range of topics, and their expertise adds significant value...

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