Glossary of Meeting Terms "L"

The Glossary of Meeting Terms describes terms and acronyms related to meetings and all the activities we do at them. We've collected this information, so enjoy!"

Layout Switching Options

Layout switching options provide participants with choices for changing meeting layout configurations. These options allow users to customize their view by selecting different layouts, such as gallery view, speaker view, or content-focused layouts. Layout switching enhances the flexibility and adaptability of the meeting interface, empowering participants to tailor their visual experience to match their specific preferences and objectives during the meeting.

Low-Bandwidth Adaptation

Low-bandwidth adaptation is the automatic adjustment of meeting quality to accommodate slower internet connections. Meeting platforms may detect participants with limited bandwidth and optimize the meeting experience by reducing video quality, disabling certain features, or prioritizing audio communication. This adaptive approach ensures that participants with varying connection speeds can still participate in meetings without significant disruptions, contributing to inclusivity and effective communication.

Log Management System

A log management system is software designed for organizing, archiving, and analyzing meeting logs. Meeting logs record various data and events related to meetings, such as participant actions, system events, and communication details. A log management system streamlines the storage and retrieval of log data, making it easier for meeting organizers and administrators to access valuable insights, identify issues, and maintain compliance with organizational policies and standards.

Link Sharing Controls

Options and settings available to regulate how meeting links can be shared by participants. Meeting organizers can implement restrictions on link sharing to prevent unauthorized distribution or misuse of meeting access. These controls may include features like password protection, single-use links, or permission-based sharing, ensuring that meeting links remain secure and accessible only to intended participants.

Low-Resolution Mode

Low-resolution mode is a feature that reduces video quality and resolution to conserve bandwidth during meetings, particularly when participants have limited internet connectivity or slower network speeds. This mode sacrifices some visual clarity for the sake of ensuring a smoother and more reliable meeting experience. It is especially useful in situations where maintaining a stable connection and preventing disruptions take precedence over high-definition visuals.

Last-Minute Meeting

A last-minute meeting is one that is scheduled shortly before it occurs, often with minimal advance notice. These meetings are typically convened in response to urgent matters, impromptu discussions, or rapidly changing circumstances. Last-minute meetings require quick coordination and the ability to gather participants promptly. While they may lack the extensive planning of scheduled meetings, they are essential for addressing emerging issues, making swift decisions, and ensuring timely communication within an organization.

Lobby Waiting Experience

Enhancing the lobby waiting experience focuses on improving the period that participants spend in the virtual lobby before being admitted to the main meeting session. Meeting organizers can use this time to provide informative content, engage participants with interactive elements, or convey important announcements. A well-designed lobby waiting experience creates a positive first impression, keeps participants engaged, and ensures a smooth transition into the meeting, setting the tone for a productive and enjoyable session.

Lighting Effects

Lighting effects in meetings involve the use of special lighting techniques for artistic or thematic purposes. These effects can enhance the visual appeal and ambiance of a meeting space, making it more engaging and immersive. Lighting effects may include dynamic color changes, mood lighting, or spotlighting to highlight key elements or participants. In creative or themed meetings, lighting effects can contribute to a unique and memorable experience, fostering a more vibrant and captivating atmosphere.

Limited-Time Offer

A limited-time offer is a time-sensitive promotion or deal presented to meeting participants during a meeting. These offers typically come with a specific duration or expiration date, creating a sense of urgency to encourage participants to take advantage of the opportunity. Limited-time offers are often used in sales presentations, webinars, or marketing meetings to entice attendees with special discounts, exclusive access, or time-limited incentives, driving engagement and conversion within the meeting context.

Layout Resizing

Capability of adjusting the size of video and content windows within the meeting interface to suit the preferences and needs of participants. Meeting platforms often offer features that allow users to resize or reposition video feeds, shared content, chat boxes, and other elements. This flexibility empowers participants to customize their view, ensuring that they can focus on what matters most during the meeting, whether it's the main presentation, active participants, or supplementary materials. Layout resizing enhances the overall meeting experience...

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Link Management

Link management involves handling and maintaining meeting links for various purposes, including scheduling, registration, and access control. Meeting organizers and administrators are responsible for creating, updating, and distributing links to participants, ensuring that they remain accurate and secure. Effective link management helps streamline the meeting process, prevent link sharing abuses, and maintain the integrity and security of meeting access.

Learner Progress Tracking

Learner progress tracking is the practice of monitoring and assessing participants' advancement and performance in educational meetings or training programs. It involves tracking individual participants' completion of learning modules, assessments, quizzes, or other educational activities to gauge their comprehension and progress. Progress tracking helps educators and trainers tailor their content and support to participants' needs, ensuring a more effective and personalized learning experience.

Low-Volume Meetings

Low-volume meetings are gatherings with a limited number of participants, typically characterized by a smaller group size. These meetings are often more intimate and focused, allowing for more in-depth discussions and interactions among participants. Low-volume meetings are well-suited for specific purposes such as team collaboration, brainstorming sessions, or small group training where a more personalized and concentrated approach is desired.

Lead Qualification

Lead qualification is the process of evaluating potential leads or prospects to determine their suitability and readiness for further engagement or conversion. In the context of meetings, lead qualification may involve assessing meeting attendees or participants to identify those who are more likely to become customers, clients, or partners based on their level of interest, engagement, and alignment with the meeting's objectives. Qualifying leads helps organizations prioritize their follow-up efforts and allocate resources effectively to maximize the chances of successful...

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Long-Form Content

Extensive written documents, reports, or video materials shared during meetings. These materials typically provide in-depth information, analysis, or context related to the meeting's topic. Long-form content can include detailed reports, research findings, comprehensive presentations, or extended video presentations. It serves to provide participants with a thorough understanding of the subject matter and supports in-depth discussions or presentations during meetings.

Lobby Access Controls

Regulations and settings that determine who can join the virtual lobby of a meeting. The virtual lobby is a waiting area where participants await approval or admission before entering the main meeting session. Access controls may include requirements such as registration, approval by a meeting host, or the use of access codes or authentication methods. By implementing lobby access controls, organizers can manage participant access, maintain meeting security, and ensure that only authorized individuals enter the meeting.

Latency Measurement

Latency measurement is the process of quantifying network delays that occur during a meeting. Latency refers to the time it takes for data to travel from one point to another in a network. In the context of meetings, latency measurement helps assess the delay between a participant's actions or communications and their reception by other participants. Monitoring and measuring latency is crucial for ensuring smooth and real-time interactions during virtual meetings, as high latency can lead to delays in audio...

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Log Analysis Tools

Log analysis tools are software applications or platforms designed for in-depth examination and analysis of meeting logs. Meeting logs record various data and events, including participant actions, system activities, and communication details. Log analysis tools enable meeting organizers and administrators to gain valuable insights into meeting performance, security incidents, usage patterns, and potential issues. These tools assist in optimizing meetings, identifying and addressing problems, and ensuring compliance with organizational policies and standards.

Lifelike Avatars

Lifelike avatars are virtual representations of meeting participants that are meticulously designed to closely resemble their real-life counterparts. These avatars aim to create a more immersive and engaging meeting experience by giving participants a visual presence in virtual environments. They can mimic participants' facial expressions, gestures, and even incorporate real-time tracking of movements through advanced technology. Lifelike avatars are especially valuable in virtual reality (VR) or augmented reality (AR) meetings, where they enhance the feeling of presence and interaction, fostering...

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Link Expiry Notification

A link expiry notification is an alert or reminder sent to meeting participants when a meeting link is approaching its expiration date or time limit. This notification serves as a proactive way to inform attendees that the link they have may no longer be valid, encouraging them to take action, such as registering for a new link or joining the meeting promptly. It helps prevent confusion and ensures that participants have access to the most up-to-date meeting information.

Landing Page Optimization

Landing page optimization involves improving the webpage where meeting details, registration forms, and related information are provided to potential attendees. This process aims to enhance the landing page's user experience, making it more appealing, informative, and user-friendly. Optimization efforts may include refining the design, simplifying registration processes, adding persuasive content, and conducting A/B testing to maximize conversion rates and encourage more participants to register for the meeting.

Lockout Feature

The lockout feature is a security measure implemented in meeting platforms to prevent unauthorized access to a meeting. When activated, this feature restricts access to the meeting to only authorized participants, preventing latecomers or individuals without proper credentials from joining. The lockout feature ensures that the meeting remains secure and confidential, particularly in situations where sensitive or confidential information is being discussed.

Low-Latency Screen Sharing

Low-latency screen sharing is a feature that enables real-time sharing of screens or content with minimal delay during a meeting. This capability ensures that participants can view the shared content as it updates in near real-time, enhancing collaboration and allowing for seamless presentations, demonstrations, or remote troubleshooting. Low-latency screen sharing is valuable for maintaining engagement and productivity during online meetings where visual information sharing is essential.

Lead Magnet

A lead magnet is an incentive or valuable content offered by meeting organizers to attract potential attendees and encourage them to register for a meeting. Lead magnets can include e-books, webinars, exclusive access to resources, discounts, or other enticing offers. By providing a lead magnet, organizers aim to generate interest, gather contact information, and expand their participant base, ultimately driving engagement and attendance at their meetings or events.

Layout Switching

Layout switching refers to the ability to change the arrangement of video feeds, content, or other meeting elements during a meeting. Participants and hosts can customize the meeting layout to suit different purposes or preferences. For example, they can switch between gallery view and speaker view, rearrange content windows, or prioritize specific video feeds. Layout switching enhances flexibility and adaptability during meetings, allowing for a more personalized and efficient meeting experience.

Login History

Login history is a record that tracks past logins and access to a meeting platform. This record typically includes details such as login timestamps, user identities, and IP addresses. Monitoring login history is essential for security and auditing purposes, as it helps detect unusual or suspicious login activities, ensures compliance with access policies, and allows administrators to investigate any unauthorized access or account breaches.

Launch Checklist

A launch checklist is a predefined set of steps and tasks that meeting organizers follow to ensure a successful and smooth meeting start. This checklist includes items such as verifying technical equipment, confirming participant access, testing audio and video settings, and reviewing the meeting agenda. By systematically going through the launch checklist, organizers can minimize the risk of technical glitches, ensure that all elements are in place, and create a positive meeting experience for all participants.

List View

List view is a meeting display option that presents participants in a list format, typically showing their names, profile pictures, or roles in a straightforward vertical or horizontal list. This view is particularly useful in large meetings or webinars, as it allows participants to easily identify and interact with other attendees. List view simplifies participant management, such as muting or unmuting individuals, facilitating chat conversations, or managing participant permissions.

Language Interpretation Booth

A language interpretation booth is a dedicated, soundproof space within a meeting venue where professional interpreters work during multilingual meetings or conferences. Equipped with interpretation equipment, interpreters provide real-time translation services to participants who speak different languages. These booths ensure clear and accurate communication, allowing attendees to understand and engage in the meeting's discussions regardless of their native language.

Low-Latency Audio

Low-latency audio ensures minimal delays in the transmission of audio during a meeting, resulting in synchronized and real-time communication among participants. This feature is particularly critical in meetings where immediate interaction, clear audio feedback, and effective collaboration are paramount. Low-latency audio enhances the overall meeting experience by reducing audio lag, ensuring that participants can engage in natural conversations without frustrating delays.

Link Rotation

Link rotation is a security practice that involves regularly changing the meeting links or access URLs for online meetings or events. This strategy helps protect meetings from potential security threats, unauthorized access, or unwanted intrusion by making it more challenging for malicious actors to predict or exploit static links. By periodically rotating meeting links, organizers can enhance the overall security posture of their meetings, ensuring that only authorized participants can join while minimizing the risk of link sharing or misuse.

Log Analysis

Log analysis involves the review and examination of meeting logs, which record various data and activities related to a meeting, including participant actions, system events, and communication details. Analyzing meeting logs allows organizations to identify issues, trends, or anomalies within their meeting environments. It provides insights into meeting performance, security incidents, or areas for improvement. Log analysis is a valuable practice for optimizing meeting experiences, enhancing security, and ensuring compliance with organizational policies and standards.

Lobby Waiting Time

Lobby waiting time is the duration that participants spend waiting in a virtual lobby or waiting area before gaining admission to a meeting. This time period is set by meeting organizers and can vary based on factors like meeting start times and the need for administrative checks or preparations. Lobby waiting time ensures that participants join meetings in an organized manner and may be used to provide introductory information or instructions to those awaiting entry.

Lock File Sharing

Locking file sharing is a meeting feature that allows organizers or hosts to prevent participants from sharing files or documents during the meeting. This control can be valuable in situations where file sharing may lead to disruptions or security concerns. By locking file sharing, hosts can maintain better control over the meeting's content and prevent unauthorized sharing of sensitive information or irrelevant materials.

Location Tagging

Location tagging involves adding geographical information, such as coordinates or place names, to meeting content, recordings, or discussions. This feature can be useful in meetings where location-specific information is relevant, such as coordinating physical meetings or events at specific venues, sharing location-based data, or geotagging content for organizational purposes. Location tagging enhances context and can help participants better understand the relevance of content to specific geographic areas.

Loyalty Points

Rewards or incentives given to frequent meeting participants. These points are a form of recognition and encouragement to attend meetings regularly, contribute actively, or achieve specific participation milestones. Organizations often use loyalty points to foster engagement, build a sense of community, and motivate participants to continue attending and participating in meetings and events.

Laser Focus

Deliberate emphasis placed on a specific point, topic, or objective during a meeting. It involves directing the discussion, presentation, or interaction toward a particular area of interest to ensure clarity, relevance, and efficiency. Laser focus is essential in meetings to prevent distractions, maintain a clear agenda, and ensure that the meeting's goals and key messages are effectively communicated and understood by all participants.

Lecture Hall Mode

Lecture hall mode is a meeting setup designed to resemble a traditional lecture hall or classroom, especially in virtual or online meeting environments. It provides a layout that typically features a primary presenter or speaker at the front, a large display of their content, and rows of participants or attendees. Lecture hall mode is conducive to educational webinars, training sessions, or large-scale presentations, where the emphasis is on one-way communication from the presenter to the audience, akin to a lecture-style...

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Layout Customization

Layout customization refers to the ability to personalize and tailor the arrangement of elements on the meeting interface to suit individual preferences or specific meeting needs. Participants can adjust the layout to display video feeds, content sharing, participant lists, and chat boxes in a way that enhances their viewing and engagement experience. This flexibility allows for a more comfortable and productive meeting environment, where participants can focus on what matters most to them, whether it's the main presentation, interaction with...

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Low-Latency Mode

Low-latency mode is a setting or feature in meeting software designed to minimize delays or latency in the transmission of audio and video data. This mode prioritizes real-time communication, reducing the time lag between a speaker's actions or words and their reception by other participants. Low-latency mode is particularly crucial in scenarios where immediate interaction and responsiveness are essential, such as virtual collaboration, live discussions, and real-time decision-making processes.

Landing Page

A landing page is a dedicated web page designed to provide information, resources, and links related to a specific meeting, event, product, or campaign. In the context of meetings, landing pages serve as the central online destination where participants can access details about the meeting, register, download materials, and find relevant links or resources. They are essential for promoting meetings, conveying essential information, and encouraging participant engagement by offering a centralized and easily accessible source of information.

License Key

A license key is a unique code or alphanumeric sequence provided to users to activate or access premium features of a meeting software or any software application. It serves as a form of digital authorization, allowing users to unlock additional functionality or remove restrictions associated with free or trial versions of the software. License keys are essential for ensuring proper licensing compliance and granting users access to the full range of features and capabilities of the software.

Live Subtitles

Live subtitles are real-time text captions or translations displayed on the screen during a meeting to enhance accessibility for participants, particularly those with hearing impairments or individuals who require language support. These subtitles are generated as the meeting progresses, providing a live transcription of spoken content. Live subtitles improve communication inclusivity and ensure that all participants can follow the discussion, making meetings more accessible and inclusive for diverse audiences.

Laptop Camera Cover

A laptop camera cover is a physical device or cover that can be placed over a laptop's built-in camera to enhance privacy and security. This small, often sliding or adhesive cover is a simple yet effective way to prevent unauthorized access to the camera, protecting users from potential privacy breaches or unwanted video recording during meetings or when the laptop is not in use. Laptop camera covers have gained popularity as a privacy-conscious accessory in an era where webcam usage...

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Lock Meeting Layout

Locking the meeting layout refers to fixing the arrangement of video feeds, content, and other visual elements during a meeting. This feature is especially useful in collaborative or presentation-focused meetings to maintain a consistent and organized display for all participants. By locking the layout, meeting organizers can ensure that the intended visual structure remains intact, preventing accidental disruptions or changes that could affect the meeting's flow or clarity.

Lost Packet

Data packets that do not reach their intended destination during a meeting. These lost packets can result in disruptions such as audio or video glitches, causing a less than optimal meeting experience. Meeting software and network infrastructure are designed to minimize the occurrence of lost packets through various error correction mechanisms and efficient data routing to ensure smoother and more reliable communication during meetings.

Link Shortener

A link shortener is a tool or service that transforms long and complex URLs into shorter, more manageable links. In the context of meetings, link shorteners are commonly used to create concise and user-friendly meeting links that are easier to share and remember. These shortened links are particularly valuable for marketing purposes, social media promotion, and in situations where brevity and accessibility are essential, making it convenient for participants to access meeting content or registration pages.

Lead Generation

Lead generation is a crucial process in meetings and marketing strategies, focused on identifying potential customers or participants who have expressed interest in a product, service, or event. During a meeting, lead generation may involve capturing attendee information, such as contact details or specific preferences, to nurture and convert them into valuable leads for future engagement. This process can encompass activities like collecting email addresses, conducting surveys, or tracking attendee interactions to tailor follow-up communications effectively. By identifying and nurturing...

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Logistical Support

Comprehensive assistance provided to plan, coordinate, and execute the various details and arrangements required for a successful meeting or event. This support includes tasks such as venue selection, scheduling, transportation, catering, audiovisual setup, and attendee management. Logistical support ensures that all logistical aspects of a meeting run smoothly, allowing organizers and participants to focus on the meeting's content and objectives without worrying about operational challenges.

Looping Slideshow

A looping slideshow is a continuous display of slides or images during a meeting break or intermission. This feature is commonly used to keep participants engaged with relevant content or messaging while they are temporarily not in an active meeting session. Looping slideshows can include information about upcoming sessions, sponsors, announcements, or simply provide visually appealing content to maintain participant interest and attention during downtime.

Link Expiration

The predetermined time limit for a meeting link or invitation to remain valid. After the specified period, the link becomes inactive, preventing unauthorized access to the meeting. Setting link expiration times is an essential security measure to control who can join a meeting and when, ensuring that only authorized participants can access the meeting content and discussions while safeguarding against unwanted intrusions or data breaches.

Lobby Screen

A lobby screen is a virtual background or display shown to participants who are waiting in a virtual meeting lobby. It serves as a welcoming and informative screen, providing participants with essential details, instructions, or promotional content while they await entry into the meeting. Lobby screens can convey branding, event schedules, and important announcements, creating a professional and engaging pre-meeting experience for attendees.

Late Registration

Late registration is a feature that allows participants to sign up for a meeting after the initial registration period has ended. This flexibility accommodates individuals who may have missed the initial registration deadline but still wish to join the meeting. Late registration can be especially useful for accommodating last-minute attendees or those who decide to participate closer to the meeting date, enhancing inclusivity and maximizing participation.


A leaderboard is a visual display that showcases the top participants or contributors in a meeting based on specific criteria such as participation, engagement, or performance. Leaderboards can motivate participants to actively participate and compete for top positions, adding an element of gamification to meetings and encouraging collaboration and healthy competition among attendees. This feature is often used in virtual events, online games, or training programs to recognize and reward active participants.

Lead Time Notice

Lead time notice refers to the amount of time required before scheduling a meeting. It represents the advance notice or preparation time needed for meeting organizers to plan, coordinate, and communicate essential details to participants. Providing an appropriate lead time notice ensures that participants have ample time to clear their schedules, prepare materials, and make necessary arrangements to attend the meeting, contributing to the meeting's effectiveness and attendance.

LMS Integration

LMS integration involves the seamless connection between an online meeting platform and a Learning Management System (LMS). This integration facilitates the integration of meetings or webinars into an educational or training environment. It allows for the automatic synchronization of user data, content sharing, and tracking of participant progress within the LMS, making it easier for educators and trainers to manage and deliver online courses and meetings while ensuring a cohesive learning experience for participants.

Low-Code Integration

The simplified and streamlined process of integrating meeting platforms with other software or applications. This approach allows organizations to connect their meeting tools with various third-party applications, such as customer relationship management (CRM) systems, project management tools, or data analytics platforms, without the need for extensive coding or custom development. Low-code integration solutions typically offer user-friendly interfaces, making it easier for businesses to extend the functionality of their meeting platforms and improve workflow efficiency.


A lightboard is a transparent or illuminated glass board used as a dynamic visual aid during presentations or meetings. Presenters stand behind the lightboard while writing or drawing on its surface, facing the camera or audience. The unique feature of a lightboard is that it allows text, diagrams, or illustrations to appear illuminated and easily visible to viewers while maintaining eye contact with the audience. This technology is particularly popular in educational settings, enabling instructors to create engaging and interactive...

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Leaving Feedback

Leaving feedback after a meeting is a valuable practice that allows participants to provide comments, ratings, or assessments of the meeting's content, organization, and overall experience. Feedback serves as a constructive tool for meeting organizers to gauge the effectiveness of their sessions, identify areas for improvement, and gather insights into participant satisfaction. It enables continuous refinement of future meetings, ensuring that they meet the needs and expectations of the audience.


A lag-free meeting experience is one in which there are no delays or interruptions in audio, video, or data transmission. Achieving a lag-free meeting is essential for smooth and real-time communication, ensuring that participants can engage in discussions, presentations, and collaborative activities without frustrating delays. To create a lag-free environment, meeting organizers and participants should have reliable internet connections, up-to-date hardware and software, and well-configured meeting platforms to minimize network latency and technical issues.

Live Audience

A live-streamed meeting refers to participants who are physically present at a designated location while the meeting is being broadcast or streamed to a remote audience. This dual audience setup is common in events such as conferences, webinars, and live broadcasts, where some individuals attend the meeting in person, while others join virtually. The live audience adds an interactive element to the event, allowing speakers to engage with both in-person and remote participants, fostering a sense of connection and inclusivity...

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Luminance refers to the brightness level of a video or display in a meeting. It is a critical factor for ensuring that meeting content is visible and clear. Proper adjustment of luminance settings can enhance the visual quality of presentations, ensuring that participants can view content with clarity and ease. Luminance control is particularly important in environments with varying lighting conditions to maintain an optimal viewing experience for all meeting attendees.


The duration for which a meeting recording or content is accessible. Meeting platforms often have policies or settings that dictate how long meeting recordings or materials will remain available for review or download. Lifespan management is important for data retention and compliance purposes, as well as for ensuring that participants can access relevant meeting materials within an appropriate timeframe.

Live Annotations

Real-time ability to draw, write, or make annotations on shared content during a meeting. This interactive feature enhances the collaborative aspect of virtual meetings, allowing participants to highlight key points, make notes, or emphasize details during presentations or discussions. Live annotations foster engagement and visual communication, making it easier for participants to actively contribute and follow the content being presented.

Language Interpretation

Language interpretation in meetings involves providing translations for participants who speak different languages. It ensures that language barriers do not hinder effective communication and collaboration. Interpretation services may be delivered by human interpreters or through automated translation tools. Language interpretation is crucial for international meetings or diverse teams, enabling participants to understand and engage with content and discussions in their preferred language, fostering inclusivity and a more productive meeting environment.

Lossless Compression

Lossless compression is a method of reducing file size without compromising the quality of the content. In the context of meetings, lossless compression can be applied to audio and video files to make them more manageable for storage and transmission without sacrificing clarity or fidelity. This technology is particularly important when archiving meeting recordings or sharing high-quality multimedia content, ensuring that the original data remains intact while reducing storage and bandwidth requirements.

Lecture Capture

Lecture capture is the process of recording and archiving lectures, presentations, or discussions that occur during meetings. This practice allows organizers to preserve valuable content for future reference or for those who couldn't attend the meeting in real-time. Lecture capture systems often capture audio, video, and presentation materials, providing a comprehensive archive of meeting content. It is a valuable tool for educational institutions, businesses, and organizations seeking to enhance accessibility and knowledge retention from their meetings.

Local Administrator

A local administrator is an individual with control over the meeting settings in a specific geographical location or network segment. This role often pertains to managing the technical aspects of meetings within a specific area or domain. Local administrators can configure network settings, user permissions, and security protocols to align with the unique requirements of their organization or location, ensuring that meetings run smoothly and securely in their designated environment.

Low Battery Warning

A low battery warning is a notification that alerts a device's user about its diminishing battery level during a meeting. This notification is crucial in online meetings, especially for participants using mobile devices or laptops, as a drained battery can disrupt their participation. It serves as a reminder to take immediate action, such as connecting to a charger or switching to a backup device, to prevent an abrupt interruption of the meeting. Managing low battery situations effectively ensures that participants...

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A latecomer is a participant who joins a meeting after it has already started. Latecomers may join for various reasons, such as scheduling conflicts or technical issues. While it is generally preferable for participants to join meetings on time, meeting platforms often provide features to admit latecomers without disrupting ongoing discussions. Managing latecomers effectively ensures that the meeting maintains its flow and accommodates all attendees, promoting inclusivity and effective communication.

Lead Presenter

The lead presenter, also known as the primary speaker or host, is the individual who takes on the central role in conducting a meeting. This person guides the discussion, delivers presentations, and sets the agenda for the meeting. The lead presenter is responsible for ensuring that the meeting proceeds smoothly, engaging participants, and achieving its goals. Their effective communication and leadership skills play a vital role in the success of the meeting, making them a key figure in facilitating productive...

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Lip Sync

Lip sync is the practice of ensuring that audio and video in a meeting are synchronized correctly. In online meetings, audio and video must align accurately to create a seamless and natural communication experience. Misalignment, where a person's lips do not match the spoken words due to technical issues or delays, can be distracting and affect the meeting's quality. Meeting platforms and equipment typically incorporate mechanisms to automatically synchronize audio and video, maintaining a coherent and engaging communication flow.

Lock Meeting Room

Locking a meeting room is a security feature that prevents unauthorized access to the meeting. Only the host or organizer can initiate or remove the lock. When a meeting room is locked, latecomers or uninvited participants cannot enter until the host unlocks it. This control mechanism is crucial for maintaining the privacy and confidentiality of sensitive discussions, ensuring that only approved individuals can participate and contribute to the meeting's objectives.


A person responsible for greeting and admitting participants to a virtual meeting room. This role is similar to that of a receptionist or gatekeeper in physical meetings. Lobbyists ensure that only authorized individuals gain access to the meeting, enhancing security and preventing disruptions. They may also provide participants with relevant information or instructions before entering the meeting, contributing to a seamless and organized meeting experience.

Leaving Meeting

Leaving a meeting refers to the action of exiting or disconnecting from an online meeting. Participants may leave a meeting when they have completed their participation or need to attend to other matters. Properly exiting a meeting ensures that resources and connections are released, allowing others to continue the meeting without unnecessary interruptions. It is considered good etiquette to inform the host or other participants before leaving a meeting if it is necessary to do so before its conclusion.

Local Area Network (LAN)

A Local Area Network, abbreviated as LAN, is a network that connects devices within a limited geographical area, such as a single building or campus. LANs are commonly used in office settings to enable devices like computers and printers to communicate and share resources. In the context of online meetings, a stable and well-configured LAN can contribute to smooth data transmission, reducing latency and ensuring high-quality audio and video communication among participants within the same local network.

Lecture Mode

Lecture mode is a presentation setting in online meetings that limits participant interaction. In this mode, the meeting host or presenter has control over the content delivery, often with restricted chat or unmute permissions for attendees. Lecture mode is commonly used for one-way communication scenarios, such as formal presentations, where the primary goal is to disseminate information to the audience without interruptions. It is a valuable feature for maintaining focus and ensuring that the presentation proceeds smoothly.

Login Credentials

Login credentials are the username and password or other authentication information used to access a meeting platform. These credentials are essential for verifying the identity of participants and ensuring secure access to the meeting environment. Usernames and passwords are typically created during registration or provided by the meeting platform administrator. Safeguarding login credentials is crucial for maintaining the privacy and integrity of online meetings and associated data.

Live Reaction

Live reaction involves expressing emotions or feedback using emojis, reactions, or virtual gestures during an online meeting. Many meeting platforms offer features that allow participants to react in real-time to what is being discussed or presented. This engagement tool enhances the interactive aspect of virtual meetings, enabling attendees to convey their thoughts, agreement, or enthusiasm through visual cues, making the meeting more dynamic and engaging.

Lead Time

Lead time in scheduling a meeting refers to the advance notice required before the meeting is held. It is a crucial consideration to ensure that participants have sufficient time to prepare, set their schedules, and make necessary arrangements. Lead time can vary depending on the complexity and importance of the meeting, ranging from a few minutes for informal gatherings to weeks or months for large-scale events. Effective communication of lead time helps participants plan their participation and contributes to the...

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Latency Test

A latency test is a procedure used to check the delay in data transmission before a meeting. It assesses the time it takes for data, such as audio and video, to travel from the source to the recipient and back. Low latency is crucial for real-time communication during online meetings, as excessive delay can lead to audio and video synchronization issues, making conversations disjointed. Conducting a latency test allows participants to identify and address network issues, ensuring a smoother and...

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Low Noise Microphone

A low noise microphone is a specialized microphone designed to minimize background noise and capture clear audio from the speaker. In online meetings, ambient noise can be distracting and reduce the clarity of spoken words. Low noise microphones are essential for ensuring that participants' voices are transmitted accurately, providing a cleaner and more focused audio experience, which is especially important in professional and educational settings.

Load Balancing

Load balancing involves the distribution of meeting traffic evenly across servers or network resources to ensure stability and optimal performance. In the context of online meetings, load balancing is essential for handling a large number of participants and data streams. It helps prevent server overloads, reducing the risk of system crashes or performance degradation during critical meetings. Load balancing mechanisms contribute to a seamless and reliable meeting experience for all participants.

Low Light Mode

Low light mode refers to the adjustment of camera settings during an online meeting to improve visibility in dimly lit environments. This feature is particularly useful when participants are in spaces with insufficient natural or artificial lighting. Activating low light mode enhances the quality of the video feed, ensuring that participants can be seen clearly, and it contributes to a more professional and visually pleasing meeting experience.

Lock Screen Share

Locking screen sharing is a security feature in online meetings that allows hosts or organizers to restrict others from sharing their screens during a meeting. This control is valuable for maintaining the focus of the meeting, preventing unexpected interruptions, and safeguarding against unauthorized content sharing. It empowers hosts to manage the meeting environment and maintain the flow of discussions.

Live Streamer

A live streamer is an individual who broadcasts an online meeting to a live online audience. This role is common in scenarios where meetings are made accessible to a broader public or remote audience who can't participate in real-time but want to observe the proceedings. Live streamers use streaming platforms and equipment to transmit the meeting content, making it accessible to viewers around the world in real-time, fostering transparency and wider engagement.

Link Sharing

Link sharing involves the distribution of the meeting link with participants. It is a fundamental step in inviting individuals to join an online meeting. Typically, meeting organizers or hosts share the meeting link via email, messaging apps, or calendar invitations, allowing participants to access the meeting easily. Accurate and efficient link sharing ensures that attendees can connect to the meeting without complications, promoting seamless participation and engagement.


A loudspeaker is a device used in meeting rooms to amplify audio and make it audible to a larger audience. In online meetings, it ensures that participants in physical meeting spaces can hear remote speakers clearly, even in larger rooms. Loudspeakers come in various forms, from built-in room audio systems to external sound equipment, and they play a critical role in ensuring that the audio from online participants is distributed effectively in the physical meeting environment.


The leader, often referred to as the host, is the individual responsible for leading or hosting an online meeting. This person plays a pivotal role in facilitating the meeting, managing participants, controlling access, and ensuring that the agenda is followed. The leader sets the tone for the meeting, guides discussions, and may have additional privileges like screen sharing and muting participants. Effective leadership is essential for a well-organized and productive virtual gathering.


Logging out is the process of ending your session and exiting the meeting platform. It's a fundamental action to ensure the security and privacy of your account and meeting data. Logging out terminates your access to the platform, preventing unauthorized access or actions on your behalf. It's a good practice to log out after each meeting or when you're done using the platform to maintain the integrity of your online presence.

Layout Templates

Layout templates are pre-designed arrangements for video and content windows within an online meeting. They serve as a convenient way to organize and customize the visual presentation of meeting content. These templates allow hosts and participants to select predefined configurations that best suit their meeting needs, whether it's a grid view with multiple participants, a focus on the presenter's screen, or other arrangements. Layout templates enhance the meeting experience by providing a structured and visually appealing setup, ensuring that participants...

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Legacy System

A legacy system refers to older hardware or software that may not fully support or integrate with modern online meeting platforms. Compatibility issues with legacy systems can hinder the seamless execution of virtual meetings. Organizations often face the challenge of upgrading or replacing these outdated systems to ensure smooth and efficient online collaboration, reducing potential technical obstacles during meetings.

Local Recording

Local recording in online meetings enables participants to save a copy of the meeting's audio, video, and shared content on their own device. This feature is useful for archiving important discussions, reference, or review purposes. Local recording ensures that meeting content can be revisited or shared with absent participants, making it a valuable tool for knowledge retention and dissemination within teams or organizations.

Laser Pointer

A laser pointer, whether physical or virtual, serves as a valuable tool for highlighting content during presentations or discussions in online meetings. It allows the presenter to draw attention to specific elements on shared screens or slides, making it easier for participants to follow the discussion. Laser pointers enhance clarity and engagement, especially when discussing complex visuals or detailed documents.

Low Resolution

Low resolution in video refers to poor image quality resulting from a lower pixel count. In online meetings, low-resolution video can lead to blurred or pixelated visuals, making it difficult for participants to see details clearly. To ensure a high-quality meeting experience, it's essential to use cameras and video settings that support higher resolutions, providing sharp and crisp visuals for all participants.

Laptop Stand

A laptop stand is a device designed to elevate and position a laptop at an optimal angle during online meetings. This accessory helps improve camera angles, ensuring that participants are framed well in the video feed and reducing unflattering angles. By raising the laptop's screen to eye level, laptop stands enhance the overall professionalism and comfort of virtual meetings, making it easier for attendees to maintain eye contact and engage effectively.

Lost Connection

Lost connection refers to the unfortunate situation when a participant's internet connection drops during an online meeting. This disruption can lead to audio and video interruptions, making it challenging for the affected individual to participate effectively. It highlights the importance of stable internet connections for seamless virtual meetings and underscores the need for backup plans or contingency measures in case of connectivity issues.

Live Chat

Live chat is a real-time text-based communication feature available in most online meeting platforms. It allows participants to exchange messages, ask questions, or provide feedback during a meeting without interrupting the ongoing conversation. Live chat promotes active engagement, collaboration, and interaction among attendees, enhancing the overall meeting experience and facilitating efficient communication.

Live Captioning

Live captioning involves the real-time transcription of spoken words during a meeting, displaying text on the screen as speakers talk. This accessibility feature is crucial for participants who are deaf or hard of hearing, as well as non-native speakers. Live captioning ensures that everyone can follow the conversation accurately, promoting inclusivity and making online meetings more accessible to a diverse range of individuals.


Lighting is a critical factor in online meetings as it directly impacts the video quality and overall aesthetics of the meeting environment. Proper lighting setup involves positioning light sources strategically to eliminate shadows and provide even illumination. Well-lit meeting spaces ensure that participants are clearly visible, reducing distractions and improving the quality of video conferencing. Attention to lighting details can significantly enhance the professionalism and engagement of virtual meetings.


The action of repeating or playing a video or audio clip continuously during a meeting. It's a useful feature for presentations, training sessions, or demonstrations, as it allows participants to view or hear important content multiple times if needed. Looping ensures that attendees can fully grasp and absorb the information presented, enhancing the educational and informative aspects of the meeting.


LinkedIn is a widely used professional networking platform that can play a crucial role in online meetings. It allows attendees to connect with each other before, during, and after meetings, fostering professional relationships and collaboration opportunities. Participants can leverage LinkedIn to learn more about each other's backgrounds, skills, and expertise, which can enhance the networking aspect of virtual meetings and facilitate meaningful connections within the professional community.

Lock Meeting

Locking a meeting is a security feature that restricts access to authorized participants only, preventing unauthorized individuals from joining. This function is vital for maintaining the confidentiality and privacy of sensitive discussions. Meeting hosts or organizers can initiate the lock, ensuring that no one else can enter the meeting room once it has commenced, thus preserving the integrity and focus of the meeting.


A virtual waiting area where participants wait before entering a meeting. It serves as a buffer zone where attendees can arrive early, perform system checks, and wait for the host to admit them into the main meeting room. The lobby enhances meeting organization and control, enabling hosts to manage participant access and maintain a structured meeting environment.

Language Settings

Language settings in an online meeting platform are essential for ensuring that participants can select their preferred language during a meeting. This feature is particularly valuable in international or multilingual settings, where attendees may speak different languages. Language settings allow participants to follow the meeting content, including captions and subtitles, in their chosen language, promoting inclusivity and effective communication among diverse groups of attendees.


The launcher is the software or app used to initiate or join an online meeting. It serves as the gateway to the virtual meeting environment, allowing participants to enter and access the meeting's features. Launchers often come with various tools and settings that facilitate a seamless meeting experience, such as the ability to schedule meetings, share screens, and manage participant access.

Low Latency

Low latency is a desirable attribute in online meetings, signifying minimal delay in audio and video transmission. Low-latency communication is essential for real-time interaction, as it enables participants to engage in discussions without noticeable delays. Meeting platforms and internet connections with low latency are crucial for fostering effective communication, reducing awkward pauses, and promoting natural conversation flow.


A lurker is a participant in an online meeting who observes but does not actively engage or contribute to the discussion. Lurking can be intentional, where participants prefer to listen and absorb information, or it may be due to shyness or uncertainty. While it's important to respect participants' choices, encouraging participation and interaction can enhance the overall meeting experience and foster collaboration among attendees.


Logging in is the initial step in accessing an online meeting platform. It involves entering your credentials, such as a username and password or using single sign-on (SSO) methods, to gain access. This process ensures security and verifies the identity of participants before granting them access to the meeting environment, protecting sensitive information and maintaining the integrity of the meeting.

Low Bandwidth

Low bandwidth refers to an insufficient internet speed, which can lead to poor meeting quality. Inadequate bandwidth results in issues like pixelated video, audio distortion, and frequent disconnections, disrupting the meeting experience. To mitigate this problem, participants and organizers should ensure they have a stable and high-speed internet connection to facilitate smooth communication and collaboration during online meetings.

Live Stream

The real-time broadcasting of a meeting over the internet. This feature enables participants who may not be able to attend in person to join remotely and engage with the meeting's content as it unfolds. Live streams are valuable for reaching a broader audience, hosting large-scale events, and ensuring that participants can access the meeting regardless of their physical location.


The arrangement of video feeds and content on the meeting screen significantly impacts the meeting experience. A well-structured layout ensures that participants can easily see and engage with shared information, presentations, and other attendees. Meeting platforms often provide customizable layouts, allowing users to tailor their view to their preferences, whether it's a grid view to see multiple participants at once or a spotlight view to focus on the current speaker, ensuring effective communication and collaboration.


A link, usually in the form of a URL or web address, serves as the entry point for joining an online meeting. It's a crucial element as participants need a valid link to access the virtual gathering. Meeting organizers typically share this link with attendees through email invitations or messaging platforms, and it often includes additional information such as meeting date, time, and access credentials, ensuring a smooth and organized meeting entry process.


A laptop is a versatile and portable computer that plays a pivotal role in participating in virtual meetings. Its compact design and built-in webcam and microphone make it a popular choice for professionals and individuals attending online meetings. Laptops offer the convenience of mobility, enabling users to join meetings from anywhere with a stable internet connection, which has become especially crucial in today's remote work and virtual communication landscape.


Lag in an online meeting can be frustrating as it refers to the delay in the transmission of audio or video data. It occurs when there is a slow internet connection or network congestion, causing participants to experience a noticeable time gap between what is happening in real-time and what they see or hear on their screens. This delay can disrupt the flow of communication and collaboration, making it essential to address and improve the internet connection or choose a...

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