Glossary of Meeting Terms "J"

The Glossary of Meeting Terms describes terms and acronyms related to meetings and all the activities we do at them. We've collected this information, so enjoy!"

Jitsi Meet API

The Jitsi Meet API is a set of tools, interfaces, and resources that enable customization and integration of Jitsi Meet, an open-source video conferencing platform. Developers and organizations can leverage the Jitsi Meet API to tailor the platform to their specific needs, incorporate it into their own applications or services, and enhance the functionality and user experience of Jitsi Meet. This API empowers users to create unique and feature-rich virtual meeting solutions while benefiting from the flexibility and open-source nature...

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Joint Custody Agreement

Legal discussions or negotiations related to shared custody during virtual meetings. Such meetings typically involve parents, legal representatives, or court officials who convene virtually to address matters concerning the custody and well-being of children in situations of separated or divorced parents. Virtual meetings provide a platform for discussing and finalizing custody agreements, parenting plans, visitation schedules, and other important aspects of joint custody arrangements.

Jabber Server

The Jabber server, also known as an XMPP server, serves as the central infrastructure component in a Jabber/XMPP network. It facilitates messaging, presence information, and communication among users and clients within the network. The Jabber server is responsible for routing messages, maintaining user accounts, and ensuring the secure and efficient exchange of instant messages, making it a fundamental element of the Jabber communication ecosystem. It plays a pivotal role in enabling real-time communication and collaboration among users connected to the...

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Jitter Buffer Management

Jitter buffer management involves the application of techniques to control and adjust the size of jitter buffers in real-time communication systems. Jitter buffers are used to mitigate the impact of network jitter by temporarily storing incoming packets and then playing them out in a smoother, synchronized manner. Effective jitter buffer management ensures that the buffer size is optimized for the current network conditions, minimizing latency and preserving audio or video quality during online meetings.

Jitter-Resistant Codec

A jitter-resistant codec is a video codec designed and optimized to handle network jitter efficiently while maintaining the quality of video transmission. Codecs are essential for encoding and decoding video data during online meetings. Jitter-resistant codecs incorporate algorithms and error correction techniques to compensate for variations in packet arrival times caused by network jitter. By doing so, they ensure that the video quality remains stable and consistent even in less-than-ideal network conditions, enhancing the overall meeting experience.

Jabber Conversation

A Jabber conversation refers to a chat or instant messaging session that occurs within a Jabber client during a meeting or as a means of communication. Jabber, based on the XMPP (Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol) standard, enables real-time text-based communication, making it a valuable tool for participants to exchange messages, share information, and collaborate during virtual meetings. These conversations can take place individually or within group chats, facilitating both formal and informal discussions among meeting attendees.

Jump Menu

A jump menu is a navigational tool within an online meeting platform that provides quick access to various features, functions, or sections of the platform. It acts as a shortcut menu, allowing participants to jump directly to specific areas or actions, such as screen sharing, chat, participant list, or settings, without the need for extensive navigation. Jump menus streamline the user experience, making it more efficient and user-friendly during online meetings, where participants may need to switch between different functionalities...

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Journey Analytics

Journey analytics involves the analysis of user or customer experiences within the context of online meetings or virtual interactions. It encompasses the tracking and examination of the entire user journey, from the initial interaction with an online meeting platform to post-meeting feedback and follow-up. By leveraging data and insights from journey analytics, organizations can gain a deeper understanding of user behavior, identify pain points, and make data-driven improvements to enhance the overall meeting experience and customer satisfaction.

Joint Planning

Collaborative decision-making and strategizing during meetings. It involves bringing together individuals from various departments, teams, or stakeholders to collectively develop plans, set objectives, and align strategies. Joint planning meetings are essential for fostering a shared vision, improving coordination, and ensuring that all relevant parties have a say in shaping the direction and goals of projects or initiatives.

Jot Down

The act of quickly and informally taking notes or writing brief reminders during the course of the meeting. Jotting down key points, action items, or important details helps participants capture and retain information for future reference. It is a valuable practice to ensure that crucial insights and follow-up tasks are not overlooked after the meeting concludes, promoting effective communication and accountability among participants.

Jigsaw Sharing

Jigsaw sharing is a collaborative concept where participants in a meeting or discussion share pieces of information or content that, when combined, create a complete and coherent picture or solution. It often involves breaking down complex topics or tasks into manageable segments and encouraging each participant to contribute their part, ultimately leading to a comprehensive understanding or solution. Jigsaw sharing fosters teamwork, creativity, and collective problem-solving during meetings, making it a valuable approach in various collaborative settings.

Job-Specific Meeting

A job-specific meeting is a gathering focused on tasks, discussions, and topics directly related to a particular job role or position within an organization. These meetings aim to address job-specific challenges, provide updates on relevant projects, and facilitate discussions that pertain to the responsibilities and functions of individuals in their respective roles. Job-specific meetings can enhance collaboration, knowledge sharing, and alignment among team members who share similar job functions or responsibilities.

Junk Filter

A feature in email clients that filters out irrelevant meeting invitations. This filter helps users declutter their email inboxes by directing meeting-related emails to appropriate folders or marking them as spam, ensuring that meeting invitations do not get lost amidst other email communications. Junk filters use various algorithms and rules to identify and isolate meeting invitations that may not be relevant to the recipient, helping users prioritize their email correspondence effectively.

Junction Point

A designated meeting point or location where participants gather for interaction. This term can be used metaphorically to describe a central hub within a virtual space where individuals come together to collaborate, share information, or engage in discussions. Junction points can take the form of virtual meeting rooms, digital collaboration platforms, or specific locations within online gaming environments, providing a sense of place and facilitating social interactions among participants.

Jitter Tolerance Threshold

The jitter tolerance threshold is a critical parameter in the context of online meetings and real-time communication systems. It represents the maximum acceptable level of jitter that a communication system can tolerate before experiencing a degradation in audio or video quality. Meeting the jitter tolerance threshold is crucial for ensuring a smooth and uninterrupted communication experience. To achieve this, various techniques, including jitter buffers and quality of service (QoS) mechanisms, are employed to manage and reduce the impact of jitter,...

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Job Board

A job board is an online platform or website dedicated to facilitating the posting and discussion of job openings and employment opportunities. Job seekers use these platforms to search for available positions, submit job applications, and sometimes engage in discussions about job market trends and career advice. Employers and recruiters, on the other hand, utilize job boards to post job listings, review applicant resumes, and connect with potential candidates. Job boards play a pivotal role in the modern job search...

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Jumbotron View

The jumbotron view is a layout option that emphasizes the video feed of the active speaker or presenter. This view is designed to make the primary speaker's video more prominent, allowing participants to focus on the individual who is currently speaking. It is particularly useful in large-scale virtual meetings or webinars where multiple participants are involved, ensuring that the attention of the audience is directed towards the most relevant content and speaker at any given moment.

Jump Server

A jump server, also known as a jump host or pivot server, is a secure intermediary server used to access sensitive or restricted resources in a network. This server acts as a control point that enforces access controls and enhances security by providing a single entry point to reach other servers or devices within a network. Typically, it is used in environments where administrators need to manage and maintain various servers and systems without directly exposing them to the public...

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Jabber Client

A Jabber client is a software application or platform designed to connect to a Jabber or XMPP (Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol) server for instant messaging and online presence management. Jabber clients are widely used for real-time text-based communication and often support additional features such as file sharing, group chats, and voice or video calls. XMPP is an open standard communication protocol, making Jabber clients compatible with a variety of servers and services, allowing users to chat and stay connected...

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Java Applet

A Java applet is a small software application that can be run within a web browser to provide specific online meeting features and functionalities. While less common in modern web development, Java applets were once used to enable interactive elements in online meetings, such as interactive polls, quizzes, or multimedia content. They leveraged the Java programming language's portability and ability to run across different platforms to deliver rich and dynamic meeting experiences directly within a web browser.

Joint Workspace

A joint workspace refers to a virtual space or online environment where team members can collaborate on projects, share resources, and work together during a meeting. These spaces are equipped with a variety of tools and features, such as document sharing, real-time editing, whiteboards, and project management integrations. Joint workspaces enable teams to coordinate their efforts, brainstorm ideas, and collectively work on tasks, projects, or assignments, fostering productivity and enhancing collaboration during meetings.

Jumbo Codec

A jumbo codec is a specialized video codec designed to handle high-definition (HD) and ultra-high-definition (UHD) video content in online meetings. These codecs are optimized for compressing and decompressing high-resolution video streams while maintaining superior image quality and minimizing bandwidth requirements. Jumbo codecs are essential for ensuring that online meeting participants can enjoy crisp and clear video presentations, even when dealing with demanding visual content or high-quality video sources.

JAWS (Job Access With Speech)

AWS is a widely used screen reader program designed to assist individuals with visual impairments in accessing digital content, including online meetings. This software utilizes synthesized speech and Braille output to read aloud text and provide auditory feedback about on-screen elements, making it possible for users to navigate and participate in online meetings independently. JAWS ensures that individuals with visual disabilities can fully engage with meeting content, including text chats, presentations, and shared documents, by converting visual information into accessible...

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Jabber ID

A Jabber ID, also known as a JID, is a unique identifier used in the Jabber/XMPP (Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol) communication protocol. It serves as a distinctive address for individuals or entities participating in instant messaging and presence information exchange. Similar to an email address, a Jabber ID typically takes the form of "[email protected]" and is essential for routing messages and establishing connections in real-time communication systems. Jabber IDs play a fundamental role in enabling users to find and...

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JavaScript API

JavaScript API (Application Programming Interface) is a programming interface that allows developers to customize online meeting applications using JavaScript. It provides a set of functions, methods, and protocols that enable developers to interact with and extend the functionality of the meeting platform. JavaScript APIs are commonly used to integrate third-party tools, create custom widgets, automate tasks, and enhance the overall meeting experience by tailoring it to specific organizational needs and workflows.

Jumbo Meeting

A jumbo meeting is a large-scale online meeting or webinar with a significant number of participants. These meetings often involve hundreds or even thousands of attendees and are typically used for presentations, seminars, conferences, or company-wide announcements. Hosting jumbo meetings requires specialized infrastructure and features to accommodate the high volume of participants, ensuring that the meeting runs smoothly without technical hitches or performance issues.

Judicious Mute

Judicious mute refers to the practice of muting one's microphone during an online meeting to prevent background noise or interruptions. It involves participants being attentive to their audio settings and muting when they are not speaking to maintain a clear and noise-free environment for all attendees. Judicious use of mute is a courtesy that helps reduce distractions and ensures that the meeting's communication remains clear and concise.

Jump to Content

Feature in online meetings that allows participants to navigate quickly to specific sections of shared documents or presentations. Instead of scrolling through lengthy documents or presentations, attendees can use this feature to access specific chapters, slides, or topics with a single click. This functionality saves time and ensures that discussions stay focused on relevant content, improving the overall efficiency of the meeting.

Joystick Control

Joystick control is a valuable feature in online meetings that enables users to manipulate shared content or presentations seamlessly. Participants can use a virtual joystick or similar interface to navigate through slides, zoom in on specific areas of a document, or highlight key information. This interactive control enhances engagement and interactivity during meetings, empowering presenters to deliver more dynamic and engaging content.

Joint Document Editing

Joint document editing involves collaborative editing of documents during a meeting using tools like Google Docs or Microsoft Office Online. This feature allows multiple participants to work on the same document simultaneously, making real-time changes, additions, or revisions visible to all attendees. It fosters teamwork, efficiency, and document version control during online meetings, as participants can collectively contribute to documents without the need for continuous file sharing or manual updates.


Interference or disruptions in audio or video quality that can occur during a meeting. These disruptions can result in poor audio clarity, video freezing, or distorted visuals, often frustrating participants and hindering effective communication. Jamming can be caused by various factors, including network congestion, bandwidth limitations, or technical issues with participants' devices or connections. Minimizing jamming is essential for ensuring a smooth and productive online meeting experience.


JavaScript is a versatile programming language used to create interactive elements in web-based meeting platforms. It plays a crucial role in enhancing the user experience by enabling real-time features such as chat, participant management, screen sharing, and interactive whiteboards. JavaScript is commonly used to develop custom applications, plugins, and extensions for online meetings, allowing developers to tailor the meeting experience to specific needs and integrate additional functionality seamlessly.

Juggling Dcreens

Juggling screens refers to the act of managing multiple open applications or windows during an online meeting. Participants may need to switch between various software tools, documents, or browser tabs to access relevant information or share content with others. Effective screen management ensures that participants can navigate their digital workspace seamlessly, enhancing their ability to contribute to the meeting's objectives and stay organized throughout the discussion.


Jira is a robust project management and issue tracking tool that can be integrated with online meetings to enhance team collaboration. It enables teams to plan, track, and manage their projects and tasks efficiently. Jira's integration with online meetings can streamline communication and decision-making by allowing teams to access project-related information, assign tasks, and track progress, all within the context of their virtual meetings.


Jitsi is an open-source video conferencing platform that offers an alternative to other online meeting tools. It provides a secure and privacy-focused environment for hosting virtual meetings, webinars, and collaborative sessions. Jitsi's popularity has grown due to its ease of use, flexibility, and the absence of subscription fees, making it a preferred choice for individuals, businesses, and organizations seeking reliable online meeting solutions. Its open-source nature allows for customization and integration with various applications, making it a versatile tool for...

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Jabber is a term often used colloquially to describe informal chat or conversation that takes place during a meeting or presentation. It encompasses side discussions, comments, or humorous exchanges between participants that may not be directly related to the main agenda. While jabber can add a social and interactive dimension to meetings, it's essential to strike a balance to ensure that it doesn't detract from the meeting's overall productivity and focus. Encouraging meaningful contributions while managing excessive jabbering is a...

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Jitter is a term used to describe the variability in audio or video quality that can occur during an online meeting. This variation often results from network issues, such as fluctuations in data transmission or packet delivery times. When jitter is present, participants may experience disruptions in the smoothness and synchronization of audio and video streams. To combat jitter, online meeting platforms employ jitter buffers and other mechanisms to smooth out these variations, ensuring that the communication remains stable and...

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Joint Session

A joint session refers to a collaborative meeting involving multiple parties or teams. In such meetings, individuals or groups with shared goals, interests, or responsibilities come together to discuss, plan, or make decisions collectively. Joint sessions are valuable in a variety of contexts, including business negotiations, project management, and government affairs. They promote synergy by leveraging the diverse expertise and perspectives of participants, fostering cooperation and ensuring that all stakeholders have a voice in the proceedings.


Joining is the fundamental process of entering an online meeting or conference. It involves connecting to a virtual gathering space, whether through a web link, application, or other means, to participate in discussions, presentations, or collaborative activities. Joining an online meeting typically requires access credentials or a unique meeting code, which ensures that only authorized individuals can participate. This process has become increasingly common in today's digital age, allowing people from diverse locations to come together and interact seamlessly, making...

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Job Rotation

Job rotation is both a meeting and an HR strategy that involves periodically moving employees to different roles or departments within an organization. These meetings and discussions are essential for planning and implementing job rotation programs, which aim to provide employees with diverse experiences and skills. Through job rotation, employees can gain a broader understanding of the organization's operations and enhance their adaptability, ultimately contributing to their personal and professional growth. Job rotation meetings involve HR professionals, managers, and employees...

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Joint Committee

A joint committee is a meeting group formed by representatives from different parties, departments, or organizations to collaborate on specific tasks or projects. These meetings bring together diverse expertise and perspectives to address complex issues or achieve common goals. Joint committees are often established in areas such as healthcare, education, or government to promote cooperation and streamline decision-making. These meetings serve as platforms for cross-functional teams to work together, fostering collaboration and innovation.

Jury Selection

Jury selection meetings or legal proceedings are integral to the justice system. They involve the process of choosing a panel of jurors for a trial, often through a meticulous screening and questioning of potential jurors to assess their impartiality and suitability for the case. These meetings play a vital role in upholding the principles of fairness and justice, as they determine who will serve as decision-makers in legal disputes. Jury selection meetings are meticulously conducted to ensure that jurors are...

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Specialized terminology or language used in specific industries or professions, often discussed during meetings within those fields. During meetings within these fields, participants often employ industry-specific jargon to communicate effectively. These meetings provide a forum for professionals to discuss complex concepts and share knowledge within their domain. However, it's crucial to ensure that jargon is explained when necessary, as it can create barriers if not everyone present is familiar with the specialized language.

Just-in-Time (JIT)

Just-in-Time (JIT) is an approach often discussed in meetings related to production and supply chain management. It emphasizes delivering products, materials, or information exactly when needed, minimizing excess inventory and waste. JIT meetings are essential for coordinating various aspects of production, including logistics, inventory control, and production scheduling. Participants in these meetings work together to ensure that resources are efficiently utilized and that products are delivered to customers promptly, enhancing operational efficiency and reducing costs.

Job Interview

A job interview is a structured meeting between a job applicant and potential employers, typically conducted to evaluate the applicant's qualifications, skills, and suitability for a specific position within the organization. These meetings serve as a crucial step in the hiring process, allowing employers to assess the candidate's experience, interpersonal skills, and alignment with the company's values. Job interviews may take various forms, such as one-on-one interviews, panel interviews, or behavioral interviews, with the ultimate goal of finding the best...

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Joint Venture

A joint venture is both a meeting and an agreement between two or more parties who come together to collaborate on a specific project, venture, or business opportunity. During the initial meeting, potential partners discuss their shared goals, resources, and contributions, negotiating the terms and conditions of their collaboration. Joint ventures can involve companies seeking to expand into new markets, share technology, or jointly develop products, making these meetings crucial for establishing a solid foundation for cooperation.


Deliberate act of placing two or more elements, such as ideas, concepts, or objects, side by side for the purpose of comparison or contrast during a meeting. This technique is often employed to highlight differences or similarities between these elements, fostering deeper understanding and discussion among meeting participants. By juxtaposing diverse perspectives or strategies, teams can make informed decisions and explore creative solutions to complex issues.