Glossary of Meeting Terms "I"

The Glossary of Meeting Terms describes terms and acronyms related to meetings and all the activities we do at them. We've collected this information, so enjoy!"

Information Technology (IT) Meeting

Information Technology meetings are integral to an organization's management, deployment, and optimization of technology resources and systems. These meetings encompass a wide range of topics, including IT project planning, system upgrades, software development, hardware procurement, and IT support. Discussions often involve assessing technology needs, budgeting, prioritizing IT initiatives, and aligning IT strategies with organizational goals. IT meetings play a pivotal role in ensuring that an organization's technology infrastructure is reliable, secure, and capable of supporting its operations and objectives. They...

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Information Security

Information security meetings focus on developing and maintaining strategies, policies, and practices aimed at safeguarding an organization's sensitive information and data. In these meetings, discussions revolve around identifying vulnerabilities, assessing risks, and defining security measures to protect against data breaches, cyberattacks, and unauthorized access. Topics may include cybersecurity protocols, data encryption, access controls, employee training, and incident response plans. Information security meetings are crucial for organizations in an increasingly digital world, where protecting valuable data is paramount to maintaining trust,...

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Institutional Review Board (IRB)

Institutional Review Board meetings play a critical role in ensuring the ethical conduct of research involving human subjects, particularly in academic or research settings. These meetings involve in-depth discussions and reviews of research proposals, protocols, and informed consent processes to safeguard the welfare, rights, and privacy of research participants. IRB members, often comprising experts in various fields, assess the ethical implications of research and determine whether studies meet rigorous ethical standards. These meetings are instrumental in upholding research integrity and...

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Incentive Program

In meetings discussing incentive programs, organizations explore and strategize ways to motivate and reward employees or team members. These discussions delve into the design and implementation of initiatives aimed at recognizing and encouraging exceptional performance, innovation, or goal achievement. Topics often include the types of incentives offered, such as bonuses, recognition, or professional development opportunities, as well as the criteria for eligibility and the metrics used to measure success. The goal is to create a motivating environment that drives individuals...

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Internal Communication

Internal communication discussions and strategies in meetings aim to improve communication within an organization. Meetings addressing this topic focus on fostering effective information sharing, collaboration, and transparency among employees and teams. Discussions often revolve around communication tools, channels, policies, and cultural initiatives that promote open dialogue, alignment with organizational goals, and a sense of belonging and engagement among staff. Effective internal communication is essential for maintaining a cohesive and productive work environment.

Ideation Tools

Ideation tools are software and platforms discussed in meetings to facilitate brainstorming and idea generation. These meetings explore various digital tools and techniques that encourage creativity, collaboration, and the capture of innovative ideas. Discussions often cover the features, usability, and integration of ideation tools into existing workflows to enhance the ideation process. Ideation tools play a crucial role in fostering innovation within organizations by providing structured environments for capturing, evaluating, and developing new concepts.

Infrastructure Upgrade

Discussions regarding infrastructure upgrades in meetings pertain to improvements made to an organization's technological or physical systems. These meetings cover topics such as assessing current infrastructure, identifying areas in need of enhancement, budgeting, procurement, implementation timelines, and potential impacts on operations. Infrastructure upgrade meetings are essential for ensuring that an organization's systems remain efficient, secure, and capable of supporting evolving business needs and technological advancements.

Interactive Workshop

An interactive workshop is a meeting format discussed in meetings that combines instructional content with hands-on activities and group participation. These meetings provide a dynamic learning environment where participants actively engage in exercises, discussions, and collaborative tasks. Discussions typically revolve around workshop objectives, content delivery methods, and facilitation techniques. Interactive workshops are effective for skills development, problem-solving, team-building, and fostering creativity, making them a valuable format for training and educational meetings.

Inclusive Design

Inclusive design is a topic discussed in meetings that focuses on creating products and services accessible to all, regardless of their abilities or backgrounds. These meetings emphasize the importance of considering diverse user needs and perspectives during the design and development process. Discussions involve best practices, guidelines, and methodologies for making digital and physical experiences more inclusive, such as accessible websites, apps, and assistive technologies. Inclusive design meetings aim to foster a culture of empathy and awareness, ensuring that products...

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Incident Response Plan

An incident response plan is a strategic framework discussed in meetings to address and mitigate unexpected events or crises that may impact an organization. These meetings focus on developing a structured and coordinated approach to handling incidents such as cybersecurity breaches, natural disasters, or public relations crises. The discussions involve defining roles and responsibilities, establishing communication protocols, and outlining the steps to contain, assess, and recover from incidents. Incident response plans are vital for ensuring a swift and effective response...

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Investment Pitch

A presentation made during meetings, often to potential investors or funding sources, with the aim of securing financial support for a project, startup, or business endeavor. These meetings involve detailed discussions on the business plan, financial projections, market opportunity, competitive analysis, and the value proposition offered to investors. Investment pitches are critical moments for entrepreneurs and business leaders, as they require clear communication and persuasion skills to attract the necessary funding for growth and development.

Innovation Metrics

Innovation metrics encompass data and measurements discussed during meetings to track the success of innovative initiatives within an organization. These meetings focus on defining key performance indicators (KPIs) and metrics that reflect the impact and progress of innovation efforts. Metrics may include measures of innovation adoption, ROI (Return on Investment), market share, customer satisfaction, and more. By regularly reviewing and analyzing innovation metrics, organizations can assess the effectiveness of their innovative strategies and make data-driven decisions to drive future innovation...

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Integration Testing

Integration testing is a technical process discussed in meetings, particularly within software development or engineering teams, to ensure that different software components work together seamlessly. These meetings involve discussions on test plans, methodologies, and results, focusing on identifying and resolving integration issues that may arise when multiple software modules or systems are integrated. Integration testing is crucial to ensure the overall functionality and reliability of complex software applications and systems.

Inspirational Video

Inspirational videos are multimedia content occasionally shown in meetings to motivate and inspire participants. These videos typically feature powerful narratives, success stories, or motivational speeches that encourage attendees to set and achieve goals, overcome challenges, and maintain a positive mindset. Meetings that incorporate inspirational videos seek to boost morale, foster a sense of purpose, and drive motivation among participants, making them especially valuable in team-building sessions or motivational gatherings.

Inclusion Rider

A contractual provision discussed in meetings to promote diversity and inclusivity in projects and partnerships. These discussions revolve around specifying requirements or commitments related to the inclusion of underrepresented groups, such as women, minorities, or individuals with disabilities, in key roles and decision-making positions. Meetings that address inclusion riders aim to advance diversity and equity within organizations and industries, emphasizing the importance of equal opportunities and representation.

Innovation Roadmap

An innovation roadmap is a plan discussed in meetings that outlines the timeline and steps for implementing innovative ideas within an organization. These meetings focus on strategic planning and aligning innovation efforts with the organization's objectives. Discussions may cover resource allocation, budgeting, milestones, and key performance indicators to track progress. An innovation roadmap serves as a guiding document, ensuring that innovative initiatives are systematically developed, tested, and integrated into the organization's operations.

Inbox Management

Inbox management involves the strategies and practices discussed during meetings to efficiently handle email communication. In today's digitally connected world, email is a vital tool for communication, and meetings often provide a platform for participants to share their best practices for managing their email inboxes. Discussions may include techniques for organizing emails, setting priorities, implementing filters and rules, and reducing email overload. Effective inbox management can lead to increased productivity and the ability to stay on top of important messages,...

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Incognito Mode

A term often used humorously in meetings to refer to confidential or off-the-record discussions.It suggests that the conversation is intended to remain within the confines of the meeting room and not be shared with external parties. This lighthearted reference underscores the importance of maintaining discretion and privacy when discussing sensitive or proprietary information during meetings. While it may not have a formal technical meaning in this context, it serves as a reminder to participants to respect the confidentiality of certain...

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Incentive Structure

The system is discussed for rewarding and motivating team members or employees. These discussions typically revolve around the design of compensation, recognition, or performance-based reward programs that align with organizational goals and encourage desired behaviors. Establishing a well-structured incentive system is crucial for enhancing employee engagement, productivity, and overall team performance.

Ideation Session

An ideation session is a meeting specifically dedicated to generating and discussing new ideas. These sessions encourage participants to think creatively and brainstorm innovative solutions, concepts, or strategies. Ideation sessions often employ various techniques and exercises to stimulate imagination and foster a collaborative environment where participants can freely explore and refine their ideas.

Influential Figures

Influential figures are prominent individuals or experts often invited to share their insights, expertise, or perspectives in meetings. These individuals can bring valuable knowledge, experience, and credibility to discussions. Meetings featuring influential figures may benefit from their guidance, leadership, or inspirational contributions, enriching the content and providing valuable context or advice on various topics.


In meetings, investigation refers to the process of gathering information, facts, and insights to solve a problem or gain a deeper understanding of an issue. Meetings that involve investigation may focus on conducting research, analyzing data, interviewing stakeholders, or examining relevant evidence. The goal is to gather the necessary information to make informed decisions, develop solutions, or address challenges effectively.

Innovator's Dilemma

The term is often used in meetings to describe the challenges organizations face when trying to balance the pursuit of innovation with maintaining established practices and products. This dilemma highlights the tension between the need for continuous innovation to stay competitive and the risks associated with disrupting existing successful business models. Discussions around the Innovator's Dilemma often revolve around strategies to navigate these challenges and foster a culture of innovation while managing the potential risks.

Idea Exchange

An idea exchange is a structured discussion in a meeting where participants actively share and trade ideas on a specific topic or challenge. These exchanges are designed to encourage open dialogue, creativity, and the exploration of various perspectives and solutions. Idea exchanges can be highly productive, fostering innovation and problem-solving by harnessing the collective intelligence of the participants. Effective facilitation and a supportive environment are key factors in ensuring that idea exchanges yield valuable insights and actionable ideas.

Information Overload

Information overload is the feeling of being overwhelmed with excessive data or details presented during a meeting. This often occurs when a meeting inundates participants with too much information, making it challenging to absorb, process, and retain the key points. Information overload can hinder effective decision-making and communication in meetings, as it can lead to confusion and decreased engagement. Addressing this issue typically involves streamlining presentations, focusing on essential information, and providing supplementary materials or resources for later reference.

In-Depth Analysis

A detailed examination of data, information, or specific topics presented during the meeting. This type of analysis involves a comprehensive review, often utilizing specialized tools or methodologies, to gain deeper insights, uncover patterns, and extract meaningful conclusions. In-depth analysis during meetings aids in informed decision-making, problem-solving, and strategic planning, providing organizations with a deeper understanding of complex issues or opportunities.

Impact Assessment

Impact assessment involves evaluating the effects and consequences of decisions made during meetings. This evaluation considers both the intended and unintended outcomes of decisions, policies, or initiatives discussed and implemented during meetings. Impact assessments help organizations understand the potential benefits, risks, and implications of their choices, guiding future actions and adjustments as needed. By conducting thorough impact assessments, organizations can make informed and responsible decisions that align with their goals and values.

Inbox Zero

Inbox Zero is a goal often discussed during meetings related to email management. It signifies the aim of having an empty email inbox by addressing, organizing, and efficiently managing all received messages. This goal is discussed to promote productivity, reduce email clutter, and ensure that important communication is not overlooked. Achieving Inbox Zero involves strategies like prioritizing emails, responding promptly, archiving or deleting irrelevant messages, and implementing effective email organization practices.


An interview during a meeting is a structured conversation where one person, typically an interviewer, asks questions to assess the qualifications of a job applicant or gather specific information. Job interviews are common examples, where employers evaluate candidates' skills, experience, and suitability for a role. Interviews in a meeting context can also serve various purposes, such as gathering insights from subject matter experts, conducting customer feedback sessions, or conducting research to inform decision-making.

Investor Meeting

An investor meeting is a crucial interaction between a company's leadership and potential or existing investors. During these meetings, discussions typically revolve around the company's financial performance, growth strategy, and future plans. Companies aim to provide investors with insights into their operations, financial health, and investment opportunities, while investors seek information to make informed decisions about their investments. Investor meetings are instrumental in fostering investor confidence and supporting capital allocation decisions.

Innovative Solutions

Creative and novel approaches, strategies, or ideas that are presented to address specific problems or challenges. These solutions often involve thinking outside the box and exploring unconventional methods to achieve desired outcomes. Meetings that focus on innovative solutions encourage participants to explore new avenues, experiment with fresh perspectives, and promote a culture of continuous improvement and adaptability within organizations.

Idea Pitch

Idea pitching is the process of presenting a new concept, proposal, or innovation during a meeting with the goal of seeking approval, feedback, or support. This can involve showcasing creative solutions to challenges, suggesting new projects, or sharing novel ideas that could benefit the organization. Idea pitching encourages collaboration and the exchange of innovative ideas within a meeting context, fostering a culture of creativity and problem-solving.

Instructor-Led Training

Instructor-led training refers to a type of meeting or workshop in which an expert or instructor leads and instructs participants on a particular topic or subject matter. These sessions are designed to facilitate learning, skill development, or knowledge transfer and are often interactive, allowing participants to ask questions and engage with the instructor. Instructor-led training can take place in various formats, including in-person workshops, webinars, or virtual classrooms, making it a versatile method for educating and upskilling participants.

Invitation Email

An invitation email is a message sent to invite participants to an upcoming meeting, whether it is an in-person gathering or an online virtual meeting. This email typically includes comprehensive details about the meeting, such as the date, time, location (physical or virtual), agenda, and any relevant attachments or links. Invitation emails provide participants with the necessary information to prepare for the meeting and understand its purpose, ensuring effective communication and engagement.

Invitation Reminder

An invitation reminder is a follow-up message or notification sent to participants before the scheduled start time of an online meeting. These reminders serve as gentle prompts to ensure that participants do not forget about the upcoming meeting. They often include essential details such as the meeting date, time, agenda, and the original invitation link. By sending invitation reminders, organizers increase the likelihood of participant attendance and punctuality.

Invitation Link

An invitation link is a URL or hyperlink sent to participants to facilitate their access to an online meeting. This link typically directs participants to the virtual meeting platform or software where they can join the meeting by simply clicking on it. Invitation links simplify the process of joining online meetings, making it convenient for participants to connect without the need for complicated setup or login procedures.

Internet Connectivity

Internet connectivity refers to the quality and reliability of a participant's internet connection, which is a critical factor for successful online meetings. The ability to maintain a stable and high-speed internet connection is essential for clear audio and video transmission, as well as for participating in real-time discussions and collaborations. Poor internet connectivity can lead to disruptions, delays, and a subpar meeting experience, highlighting the importance of ensuring a robust internet connection when engaging in virtual meetings.

Invisible Moderator

An invisible moderator is a meeting facilitator who manages the meeting behind the scenes without being visible to the participants. This role is often fulfilled by a remote facilitator or technology platform that assists in controlling various meeting aspects, such as timekeeping, agenda management, or technical support. The invisible moderator ensures that the meeting runs smoothly and efficiently, allowing participants to focus on the content and discussions while minimizing disruptions and logistical issues.

ISO (International Organization for Standardization)

ISO, which stands for the International Organization for Standardization, is a globally recognized body that develops and publishes standards to govern various aspects of industries and technologies, including those related to online meetings. These standards encompass guidelines and requirements for ensuring the quality of audio and video in virtual meetings, aiming to enhance the overall experience for participants. ISO standards play a pivotal role in standardizing technical specifications and best practices, which in turn contribute to the reliability and consistency...

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Incident Report

Documentation of any unexpected events, disruptions, or issues that occur during the meeting proceedings. These reports serve as records of incidents such as technical glitches, disturbances, or any breaches of meeting etiquette. They are important for post-meeting evaluation and improvement, as they can help organizers identify areas where adjustments or solutions are needed to enhance the overall meeting experience.

Idea Generation

Idea generation is a collaborative process that occurs in meetings, where participants come together to brainstorm and generate new ideas or solutions to specific challenges or opportunities. It often involves creative thinking techniques, group discussions, or structured brainstorming sessions aimed at stimulating innovation and problem-solving. Idea generation is a critical aspect of many meetings, especially those focused on strategic planning, product development, or project improvement, as it can lead to fresh perspectives and innovative solutions.

Interruption-Free Zone

An interruption-free zone is a designated period during a meeting when participants are encouraged to refrain from interrupting the speaker or discussion to allow for focused and uninterrupted conversation. Such zones are often established to ensure that important points or ideas can be fully presented and explored without distractions. By creating an interruption-free zone, meeting organizers aim to promote efficient and respectful communication, helping the meeting stay on track and achieve its objectives.

Invitation List

The invitation list is a crucial component of meeting planning, as it comprises the names of individuals who have been formally invited to attend a specific meeting. This list not only helps organizers keep track of attendees but also serves as a means to ensure that the right people with the necessary expertise or responsibilities are present. It typically includes details such as names, roles, contact information, and any special instructions, ensuring a well-organized and purposeful gathering.

International Meeting

An international meeting is a gathering that involves participants from different countries, often conducted virtually to accommodate geographical distances. These meetings bring together a diverse range of perspectives, cultures, and backgrounds, making them opportunities for cross-cultural exchange and global collaboration. Organizing an international meeting requires careful consideration of time zones, language preferences, and cultural sensitivities to ensure effective communication and engagement among participants from various parts of the world.

Information Sharing

Information sharing in a meeting is the fundamental act of providing, exchanging, or disseminating data, updates, or knowledge among participants. It serves as the core purpose of many meetings, allowing individuals to share their insights, progress reports, findings, or expertise on various topics. Effective information sharing fosters collaboration, aligns team members, and ensures that everyone is on the same page. It can encompass the distribution of documents, presentations, verbal updates, or even interactive discussions, all aimed at enhancing understanding and...

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An inquiry during a meeting is a formal request for information or clarification. Participants may pose inquiries to seek additional details, gather data, or address any uncertainties related to the topics being discussed. Inquiries play a crucial role in promoting clarity and ensuring that everyone involved has a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter.


To break into or disrupt a speaker's remarks, often unintentionally. While interruptions can sometimes be necessary to seek clarification or provide input, they should be used judiciously to avoid derailing the flow of the meeting. Effective communication skills involve finding appropriate moments to interject without causing undue disruption or disrespect.


To invite someone to a meeting is to formally request their presence or participation. Invitations typically include details such as the date, time, location, agenda, and any relevant materials or instructions. Sending out well-crafted invitations is essential for ensuring that the right people are present and prepared, which is crucial for the success of the meeting.

Inclusive Meeting

An inclusive meeting is one that is intentionally designed to be accessible and welcoming to participants from diverse backgrounds, abilities, and perspectives. This involves taking steps to accommodate individuals with disabilities, providing language options, and promoting an atmosphere of respect and openness. Inclusive meetings aim to ensure that all attendees feel valued and heard, fostering a culture of diversity and inclusion that can lead to more innovative and equitable outcomes.


Degree to which participants are able to engage, ask questions, and provide input during the proceedings. High interactivity meetings encourage active participation, discussion, and feedback, while low interactivity meetings may involve more one-way communication. Interactive elements such as Q&A sessions, group discussions, and collaborative activities can enhance the overall effectiveness of a meeting by involving attendees in meaningful exchanges and problem-solving.

In-Person Meeting

In-person meetings are gatherings where participants physically come together in the same location, allowing for face-to-face interaction. These meetings offer the advantage of real-time, personal connections, enabling participants to read body language, establish rapport, and engage in spontaneous discussions. In-person meetings are often preferred for important negotiations, team-building activities, and brainstorming sessions, as they foster a sense of presence and shared space that virtual meetings may lack.


An icebreaker is an activity or discussion topic used at the beginning of a meeting to foster a sense of camaraderie and ease among participants. These activities are designed to break down initial barriers and encourage attendees to get to know each other on a more personal level. Icebreakers can range from simple questions like "What's your favorite vacation destination?" to interactive games that involve teamwork and creativity. By incorporating icebreakers into a meeting, organizers aim to create a more...

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