Glossary of Meeting Terms "F"

The Glossary of Meeting Terms describes terms and acronyms related to meetings and all the activities we do at them. We've collected this information, so enjoy!"

Frame Decoding

The process of decoding video frames for display during a video conference. It's a crucial part of the video streaming technology that ensures the smooth transmission and display of video content. Frame decoding involves converting compressed video data back into a displayable format. This process needs to be efficient and fast to provide high-quality, real-time video without lag or distortion. Good frame decoding is essential for a seamless and professional virtual meeting experience.

Feedback Mechanism

The feedback mechanism in an online meeting platform is the system or method used for providing and receiving feedback within the platform. This can include features like real-time polls, Q&A sessions, chat functions for immediate reactions, or post-meeting surveys. Feedback mechanisms are essential for gauging participant engagement, understanding effectiveness, and gathering suggestions for improvement. They help meeting organizers and participants communicate openly and make necessary adjustments to meeting styles or content.

Flexible Viewing Modes

Flexible viewing modes in online meetings refer to the various options available for participants to view each other and any shared content. This might include a gallery view (showing all participants), a speaker view (focusing on the person currently speaking), or a presentation mode (where shared screens or documents are the primary focus). Some tools also offer custom layouts or the ability to pin specific participants. These flexible viewing options enhance the user experience by allowing individuals to customize their...

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Facilitation Strategy

A facilitation strategy in online meetings involves a planned approach to guide and manage the meeting effectively. This includes setting clear objectives, creating an agenda, choosing the right technological tools, and defining participant roles. The strategy also encompasses methods to encourage participation, manage time, handle discussions, and resolve conflicts. An effective facilitation strategy ensures that the meeting is productive, stays on track, and achieves its intended outcomes, while also making sure that all participants feel engaged and valued.

File Sync

File sync, or file synchronization, in the context of online meetings, refers to the process of ensuring that files are consistently updated and available across different devices and among meeting participants. This feature allows individuals to work on documents collaboratively in real-time, ensuring that all changes are saved and reflected across all user platforms. It's essential for collaborative projects where team members need to access and edit shared documents. Effective file sync reduces the chances of data loss or version...

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Familiarization Sessions

Familiarization sessions are pre-meeting activities designed to help participants become comfortable with an online meeting platform. These sessions are particularly crucial when introducing a new tool or for participants who are less tech-savvy. During these sessions, users are guided through the basic and advanced features of the meeting software, such as joining a meeting, turning on/off video and audio, using chat functions, and understanding how to share screens or documents. The goal is to reduce technical difficulties during actual meetings...

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Functionality Overview

The functionality overview of an online meeting tool encompasses a comprehensive explanation or demonstration of its features. This includes aspects like video and audio conferencing capabilities, chat functionalities, screen sharing, whiteboard features for collaborative work, recording options, and any special tools like breakout rooms or polling. An effective overview helps users understand the capabilities of the platform and how to utilize them for productive meetings. It may also cover compatibility with various devices and operating systems, ensuring participants can access...

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Full-Screen Presentation

The full-screen presentation feature in online meeting platforms allows presenters to share their screen or document in full-screen mode. This feature maximizes the shared content on the screens of all participants, making it easier to view detailed information, graphics, or videos. It's particularly useful for presentations, detailed document reviews, or when showcasing visual materials. Full-screen mode ensures that participants are focused on the content being shared, minimizing distractions and enhancing the overall impact of the presentation.

Feedback Collection

Feedback collection in online meetings involves the methods or tools used to gather feedback from participants during or after the meeting. This can include real-time feedback through polls or surveys, open-ended questions in the chat, or follow-up surveys sent after the meeting. Effective feedback collection helps meeting organizers understand participant satisfaction, identify areas for improvement, and gauge the effectiveness of the meeting content and format. It's a vital component for continuous improvement and for ensuring that online meetings meet the...

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Firmware Integration

Ensuring that hardware used for online meetings is seamlessly integrated with the meeting software. This includes webcams, microphones, speakers, and even specialized equipment like digital whiteboards. Proper firmware integration means that these devices work smoothly with the software, providing features like automatic camera focusing, noise cancellation, and optimal sound and video quality. It's essential for creating a professional and efficient meeting environment, minimizing technical issues, and ensuring that meetings are accessible and straightforward for all participants.

File Annotation

File annotation tools within online meeting platforms allow participants to collaboratively annotate shared documents. These tools enable users to add comments, highlight text, draw, or add other marks to a shared document in real-time. This collaborative feature is particularly useful in educational settings, brainstorming sessions, or any scenario where group input and interaction on a document are needed. It enhances the collaborative experience, ensuring that ideas and feedback can be visually represented and shared among all participants.

Frame Rate Control

Adjusting the frame rate in a video conference to optimize for network conditions. Frame rate, measured in frames per second (fps), determines how smooth the video appears. Higher frame rates provide smoother motion but require more bandwidth. In situations where network conditions are poor, reducing the frame rate can help maintain video quality without interruption. Conversely, when bandwidth is sufficient, increasing the frame rate can enhance the clarity and fluidity of the video. Effective frame rate control is essential for...

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Flexible Participation

The various options within online meeting platforms that allow for different levels of participant engagement. This concept recognizes that not all participants will engage in the same way. Some might prefer speaking, others might engage more through chat, and some might simply observe. Online meeting platforms cater to this diversity by offering multiple avenues for participation, such as voice, video, chat, reaction emojis, and interactive polls. This flexibility is crucial in creating an inclusive environment where all participants can contribute...

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Functional Plugins

Functional plugins are additional software components that can be integrated into online meeting platforms to enhance their functionality. These plugins extend the capabilities of the meeting software beyond its core features. Examples include tools for advanced polling, project management integrations, transcription services, advanced security features, or specific industry-related tools. By incorporating these plugins, the online meeting platform becomes more versatile and tailored to the specific needs of its users. They enable a more personalized experience and can significantly improve productivity...

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Focus Tracking

Focus tracking is a feature in video conferencing where the camera automatically adjusts to keep the speaker in focus. This is particularly useful in meetings where participants may move around, as the camera will pan, tilt, or zoom as needed to keep the active speaker visible and centered. Focus tracking enhances the interactive and dynamic aspect of virtual meetings, making them feel more like in-person interactions and ensuring that attention is naturally drawn to the person speaking.

Forward Compatibility

Forward compatibility involves ensuring that the software remains compatible with future hardware and software updates. This means designing the software in a way that it can operate effectively with upcoming versions of operating systems, web browsers, and new hardware technologies. Forward compatibility is essential for the longevity and usability of the software, preventing it from becoming obsolete quickly and ensuring a smooth user experience over time.

File Repository

A file repository in an online meeting platform is a dedicated storage space for organizing and accessing shared files. It allows participants to easily upload, store, and retrieve documents, presentations, images, and other files relevant to the meeting. Having a centralized file repository ensures that all participants have access to the same materials, facilitates collaboration, and helps in keeping meeting-related documents organized and accessible.

Feedback Echo

Feedback echo is a common audio issue in online meetings where feedback loops create an echo effect. This often occurs when the audio from the speakers is picked up by the microphone and retransmitted, causing a repeating sound. It can be disruptive and make it difficult to understand what is being said. Solving this issue often involves using headphones, adjusting microphone and speaker settings, or using software features designed to suppress echo and feedback.

Functionality Testing

The process of rigorously testing the various features of the software to ensure they operate as intended. This includes testing audio and video quality, chat functionality, file sharing, screen sharing, and any additional tools like polling or whiteboards. The aim is to identify and resolve any bugs or issues, ensuring a smooth, reliable, and user-friendly experience for all meeting participants.

Facial Filters

Facial filters in video conferencing are fun or professional visual filters applied to participants' faces during video calls. These can range from light touch-ups to improve appearance to creative and playful filters that alter or enhance facial features for entertainment purposes. In a professional setting, subtle filters can be used to present a more polished image, while fun filters can be used in less formal meetings to add a sense of playfulness and help break the ice among participants.

Focus Groups Online

Conducting focus groups online involves hosting focus group discussions in a virtual meeting environment. This method allows for gathering qualitative data, opinions, and feedback from a diverse group of participants remotely. Online focus groups are cost-effective, convenient, and provide access to a wider geographical range of participants. They require careful planning, effective facilitation, and the use of online meeting tools that support interactive discussions and participant engagement.

File Backup

The process of saving copies of shared files and data from a meeting for future reference. This can include chat logs, shared documents, meeting recordings, and notes. Regularly backing up these files ensures that important information is not lost and can be accessed later for review, compliance, or record-keeping purposes. Effective file backup strategies are essential for maintaining a reliable record of meetings and safeguarding against data loss.

Flexible Interface

A flexible interface in online meeting software refers to a user interface that can be customized or adapted to meet different user needs and preferences. This adaptability can include the ability to rearrange panels, resize windows, change color schemes, or modify the layout to suit various screen sizes and devices. A flexible interface is crucial in enhancing user experience and accessibility, allowing users to create an environment that best fits their workflow and improves their efficiency and comfort during online...

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Frame Interpolation

Frame interpolation is a technology used in video conferencing to enhance the smoothness of video playback by generating intermediate frames between existing ones. This technique calculates the motion occurring between two frames and creates additional frames to fill the gap, resulting in a smoother motion appearance. This is particularly useful in online meetings where bandwidth limitations or hardware capabilities can cause choppy video. Frame interpolation helps in delivering a more fluid and natural video experience, which is vital for maintaining...

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Feedback Automation

Automated systems for collecting and analyzing participant feedback after online meetings. These systems typically involve sending out surveys or feedback forms immediately after the meeting, which are then automatically processed to generate insights. This can include measuring participant satisfaction, understanding the effectiveness of the meeting, and identifying areas for improvement. Feedback automation is crucial for continuous improvement of online meeting experiences, allowing organizers to adapt and tailor their approach to better meet the needs and expectations of participants.

Facilitator Tools

Facilitator tools in online meetings are a suite of digital tools designed to assist the meeting facilitator in managing the online session. These tools can include features like agenda setting, timekeeping, participant management, and interactive elements like polls or Q&A sessions. They are essential for keeping the meeting organized and on track, especially in larger or more formal meetings. Facilitator tools empower the host to guide the discussion effectively, ensuring that all agenda items are covered and that every participant...

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Function Keys

Function keys in online meeting software are specific keys on the keyboard used for shortcuts or specific actions, designed to make the user experience more efficient and intuitive. For example, a function key could quickly mute or unmute a microphone, start or stop a video, or open a chat window. These keys are particularly useful in managing the controls of a meeting without disrupting the flow of conversation. By simplifying the user interface and making key features more accessible, function...

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Frequent Updates

Regular updates to online meeting software to improve functionality or security. Frequent updates in online meeting software are essential to continually enhance functionality and security. Regular updates can introduce new features, improve user interfaces, and fix bugs, ensuring that the software remains efficient and easy to use. More importantly, these updates often include security patches that protect against new vulnerabilities, making them crucial for safeguarding sensitive corporate data and personal information shared during meetings. By staying updated, users can enjoy...

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Fragmentation Handling

Fragmentation handling is a technical process in online meetings that deals with the efficient management of broken packets of data in video or audio streams. This situation often occurs due to network issues, leading to a loss of data packets during transmission. Effective fragmentation handling ensures that these lost or broken packets do not significantly impact the quality of the meeting. It involves reconstructing data streams in real-time, minimizing disruptions in audio-visual quality. This is critical in maintaining a smooth...

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File Encryption

Securing files shared during online meetings to protect sensitive information. It involves encoding files so that only authorized individuals can access them. This is particularly important in business settings where confidential data, like financial reports or proprietary information, is exchanged. Encryption ensures that even if files are intercepted during transfer, the information remains secure and unreadable to unauthorized parties. By integrating file encryption into online meeting platforms, organizations can significantly reduce the risk of data breaches and maintain the integrity...

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Filter Options

Various settings or options to filter content, participants, or discussions during an online meeting. These settings can include options to mute certain participants, block unwanted interruptions, or filter chat messages. Such filters are crucial in maintaining the professionalism and relevance of online meetings. They empower users to tailor their meeting experience according to their preferences and needs, enhancing focus and efficiency. Additionally, filter options can be particularly beneficial in large meetings, where they help in managing the flow of conversation...

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Frame Buffering

Frame buffering is a technique used in video conferencing to temporarily store video frames to ensure smooth playback during an online meeting. This process involves storing a few seconds of video in advance to compensate for network variability and avoid interruptions in the stream. Effective frame buffering is essential for maintaining a seamless and high-quality video experience, particularly in situations with unstable internet connections.

Flexible Scheduling

Tools or features that allow easy scheduling of meetings at various times. This might include integration with calendar apps, automated scheduling assistants, or options for recurring meetings. Flexible scheduling tools accommodate different time zones, work schedules, and availability, making it easier to find suitable meeting times for all participants. This flexibility is key in today's global and often remote work environments.

Fault Tolerance

Fault tolerance is the capability of an online meeting system to continue functioning despite partial system failures. This means that if one component of the system fails (like a server or a network link), the system can still operate, perhaps at a reduced capacity, without a total shutdown. Fault tolerance is achieved through redundant systems, backup servers, and robust software architecture. It's crucial for maintaining the reliability and continuity of online meetings, especially in professional or critical scenarios.

Feedback Channels

Feedback channels are dedicated pathways for receiving feedback from participants during or after an online meeting. Feedback channels in online meetings are essential for fostering a two-way communication stream between participants and organizers. These channels allow participants to provide immediate reactions, suggestions, and critiques about the meeting experience. Real-time feedback can be facilitated through interactive features like live polls, Q&A sessions, and chat functionalities. These immediate feedback mechanisms enable organizers to gauge participant engagement and address any concerns on the...

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Feature Integration

The process of incorporating various functionalities into an online meeting platform. This can include adding new features like advanced chat options, file sharing, screen annotation, integration with other software (like CRM systems or calendars), and improved security measures. Effective feature integration requires careful planning to ensure that new functionalities are compatible with existing ones, user-friendly, and actually address the needs of the platform’s users.

Flicker Reduction

Techniques used to minimize screen flickering during video conferencing. Flicker reduction techniques are crucial in video conferencing to minimize the distracting screen flickering that can occur due to various factors like mismatched refresh rates or poor lighting conditions. Effective flicker reduction involves using advanced algorithms that identify and compensate for the flicker in real-time, ensuring a stable and clear video display. This not only enhances the visual quality of the video but also reduces eye strain for participants, making the...

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Filtered Chat

Filtered Chat is a feature that automatically reviews and filters chat messages during an online meeting. It is designed to remove irrelevant or inappropriate content from the chat space, maintaining a professional and focused discussion. This feature helps keep the chat area clutter-free and ensures that the conversation aligns with the meeting's objectives, creating a more productive and respectful virtual environment.

Facility Integration

Facility Integration is the process of seamlessly integrating online meeting platforms with other facility management tools and systems. This integration can include features like room booking, technical support scheduling, and access to facility-related information directly within the meeting software. Facility Integration enhances the user experience, ensuring that meetings run smoothly and that all necessary resources are readily available.

File Hierarchy

File Hierarchy involves organizing shared files in a structured manner within an online meeting environment. This feature allows users to categorize and arrange documents, presentations, or other shared materials into folders or directories. This organizational approach facilitates easy navigation, ensuring that participants can quickly locate and reference specific files during discussions. File Hierarchy enhances meeting efficiency by promoting order and accessibility.

Fluid Interface

A Fluid Interface is a user-friendly and seamless interface in online meeting software. It is designed to make the entire meeting experience smoother and more intuitive. A well-designed interface simplifies tasks like scheduling meetings, inviting participants, and accessing essential features such as screen sharing and chat. A fluid interface minimizes the learning curve, reduces disruptions during meetings, and promotes efficient communication and collaboration.

File Preview

File Preview is a feature in online meetings that allows participants to preview files before sharing them with others. This feature helps ensure that documents, presentations, or other files are correct, properly formatted, and relevant to the meeting's agenda. File Preview enhances the quality of discussions and collaboration by allowing participants to review content before presenting it to the group.

Field of View Adjustment

Allows users to customize their webcam's field of view in a video conference. This feature enables participants to zoom in or out, adjust framing, or select specific areas to focus on during the meeting. It provides control over what others see, helping presenters and participants convey information effectively and maintain privacy as needed.

Feedback Forms

Feedback Forms are electronic forms used to gather feedback from participants after an online meeting. These forms typically include questions related to meeting content, presentation quality, and overall satisfaction. Gathering participant feedback is valuable for organizers to assess the meeting's success and make improvements for future meetings.

Facial Expression Analysis

AI-driven analysis of participants' facial expressions for feedback or engagement levels during online meetings. This technology can provide feedback on participants' engagement levels, emotions, or reactions, helping presenters and organizers gauge the audience's response and adjust their presentation or content accordingly for a more interactive and effective meeting experience.

Framing Guidelines

Framing Guidelines are instructions provided to meeting participants on how to properly frame themselves within their webcam feed. These guidelines may include recommendations on camera placement, lighting, and composition to ensure that participants appear clear, well-lit, and professionally presented during the video conference, enhancing the overall visual quality of the meeting.

File Versioning

File Versioning is the practice of keeping track of different versions of files that are shared in an online meeting. This ensures that participants can access and refer to previous iterations of documents, presentations, or other materials, helping to maintain document history, track changes, and facilitate collaboration while avoiding confusion and version conflicts.

Font Customization

Font Customization is a feature within meeting software that allows users to change font styles, sizes, and formatting in chat messages, presentation tools, or other text-based elements during a meeting. This feature provides participants with the flexibility to personalize their communication and presentations, making it easier to convey information in a visually appealing and engaging manner.

Fallback Options

Fallback Options are contingency plans and alternative solutions that are put in place to address technical issues that may arise during online meetings. These options ensure that if there are disruptions in audio, video, or other technical aspects of the meeting, participants have backup methods to continue the discussion, such as using a different communication platform or phone call.

Feature Accessibility

Feature accessibility in online meetings ensures that all participants, regardless of their technical proficiency or disabilities, can access and use the platform's features. This involves designing meeting software that is user-friendly and compliant with accessibility standards, such as screen reader compatibility and adjustable text sizes. Ensuring feature accessibility is crucial in creating an inclusive environment where every participant can fully engage and contribute to the meeting.

Follower Participation

Follower participation in online meetings refers to a feature that allows all participants to actively engage in the session, beyond just being passive listeners. This could include interactive elements like live polls, Q&A sessions, or breakout rooms for group discussions. Such features democratize the meeting process, giving every participant a voice and the opportunity to contribute their ideas and opinions. This level of engagement is crucial for fostering a sense of community and collaboration, leading to more productive and inclusive...

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Feedback Loop

A feedback loop in an online meeting is a process where participants provide continuous feedback during a session. This dynamic approach allows for real-time adjustments, enhancing the effectiveness and engagement of the meeting. Participants can express their thoughts on the discussion topics, the pace of the meeting, and any other relevant aspects, contributing to a more collaborative and responsive environment. This continuous exchange of feedback helps in immediately addressing any concerns and adapting the meeting flow to better suit the...

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File Access Control

Managing permissions for accessing files shared during an online meeting. This feature is essential for maintaining data security and privacy, particularly in professional settings where sensitive information is often shared. Administrators or hosts can set permissions, determining which participants can view or download shared files. This granularity in control helps in preventing unauthorized access and potential data breaches. Additionally, File Access Control offers flexibility in collaborative environments. It allows hosts to differentiate between various levels of access - for example,...

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Frame Sync

This is crucial in maintaining the flow of communication, as asynchronous video frames can lead to disjointed conversations and misunderstandings. The technology works by aligning the frame rate of the video across different devices, adjusting for varying internet speeds and hardware capabilities. It ensures that what one participant sees and responds to is exactly what others are experiencing at the same moment. Moreover, Frame Sync plays a pivotal role in enhancing the quality of interactive sessions. In scenarios where visual...

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Focal Adjustment

Adjusting the camera focus for clarity in video meetings. It involves adjusting the camera focus to ensure that the subject is clear and sharp in the video feed. Proper focus is essential for maintaining a professional appearance in video conferences, as it directly impacts the clarity and quality of the visual representation. Automatic focus features in modern webcams can handle this task, but manual adjustments are sometimes necessary for optimal results. When adjusting focus, lighting and background play a significant...

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Firmware Compatibility

Ensuring that device firmware is compatible with online meeting software. Firmware, the low-level software programmed into the hardware, needs to be compatible with the software used for video conferencing to ensure optimal performance. Incompatibilities can lead to various issues, including audio and video malfunctions, connectivity problems, or even complete failure of the device to work with the meeting software. To ensure firmware compatibility, regular updates and checks are essential. Manufacturers often release firmware updates to fix bugs, improve performance, or...

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Frame Dropping

Frame dropping is a significant issue in video streaming, especially noticeable during online meetings. It occurs when some frames in a video sequence are not displayed, leading to a choppy or jumpy visual experience. This can be caused by various factors, including network instability, insufficient bandwidth, or hardware limitations. The impact of frame dropping is particularly detrimental in professional settings, where smooth video communication is essential for effective collaboration and presentation. To mitigate frame dropping, several strategies can be employed....

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Follower View

A view mode in online meetings where participants can see exactly what the presenter is showing in real-time. This ensures that all attendees are literally on the same page, following along with the presenter's materials. It enhances understanding and ensures that the discussion is aligned with the visual content being shared.


A backup operational mode that kicks in case of a failure in the primary system. This ensures that the meeting can continue uninterrupted even if there is a technical issue with the main system, providing a seamless experience for participants.

Feature Set

The collection of capabilities and tools available in an online meeting platform. It includes things like screen sharing, virtual backgrounds, interactive polls, chat functionality, recording options, and security features. The feature set varies between different platforms and often determines the platform's suitability for particular meeting needs.

Fast Mute

A quick and convenient feature that allows a participant to mute their microphone with a simple action, such as a keyboard shortcut or a button press. This is useful for quickly silencing background noise or ensuring privacy when needed during a meeting.

Focus Mode

Focus Mode is a feature commonly found in video conferencing software that enhances the meeting experience by enabling attendees to concentrate on a specific speaker or content. With Focus Mode, participants can highlight or spotlight a particular speaker's video feed or presentation, making it the central focus on their screens. This helps reduce distractions and improves engagement during discussions, presentations, or collaborative sessions, ensuring that important content or key speakers are easily accessible and prominent for all attendees.

Firmware Updates

These are software updates specifically for the hardware devices used in online meetings, such as webcams, headsets, or microphones. Regular firmware updates ensure that these devices function optimally, offer the latest features and security patches, and remain compatible with the latest online meeting software.

Fiber Connectivity

High-speed internet connection ideal for seamless online meetings. This type of internet connection utilizes fiber-optic cables to transmit data at incredibly fast speeds, ensuring stable and reliable communication during virtual meetings. Fiber connectivity minimizes issues like lag, buffering, and dropped connections, allowing participants to engage in uninterrupted online meetings with high-quality audio and video.

File Compression

This is a technique used to reduce the size of files that are shared during online meetings. By compressing files, it speeds up their transfer and saves bandwidth, making it easier and faster for participants to download and view important documents or presentations during the meeting. This is especially important in meetings where large files are shared frequently.

Focal Point

The main subject or focus of the meeting. This could be a specific agenda item, a key speaker, or a particular presentation. The focal point is usually established before the meeting to guide the discussion and ensure that the meeting stays on track.

Forum Integration

Integrating discussion forums into an online meeting platform, allowing participants to engage in pre-meeting or post-meeting discussions. This feature facilitates ongoing conversations, enables the sharing of additional resources, and helps in maintaining a thread of discussion even outside the scheduled meeting times. It's particularly useful for educational, corporate, or large-scale meetings where continuous engagement is beneficial.

Facial Recognition

Facial recognition technology in online meetings is used for identifying or verifying the identities of participants. This technology adds an additional layer of security, ensuring that only authorized individuals can access sensitive meetings. Key Points of Facial Recognition: Used for participant identification and verification. Enhances security of online meetings. Prevents unauthorized access to sensitive meetings.

Freeze Frame

Freeze frame is a common issue in video calls where the image on the screen temporarily freezes or becomes unresponsive. This usually occurs due to poor internet connectivity or bandwidth issues and can disrupt the flow of communication in an online meeting. Key Points: Temporary freezing of video image. Caused by connectivity or bandwidth problems. Can disrupt meeting communication.

Feedback Polls

Feedback polls are online surveys conducted during or after an online meeting to gather participants' opinions and experiences. They are an effective tool for gauging the effectiveness of the meeting, understanding attendee satisfaction, and gathering suggestions for improvement. Key Points of Feedback Polls: : Collects feedback from meeting participants. Assesses meeting effectiveness and satisfaction. Helps in improving future meetings.

Fiber Optic Internet

Fiber optic internet uses fiber optic cables to deliver extremely high-speed internet. For online meetings, this means enhanced video and audio quality, fewer interruptions, and the ability to handle high data loads, making it an ideal choice for businesses and individuals who frequently conduct online meetings. Key Points of Fiber Optic Internet: Provides high-speed internet connection. Enhances video and audio quality in meetings. Reduces interruptions and supports high data usage.

Frame Rate

The frequency at which frames in a video are displayed, important for video quality in online meetings. A higher frame rate results in smoother video playback, which is crucial for maintaining the quality and professionalism of the video feed in a meeting. Key Points of Frame Rate: Measures how many frames per second are displayed. Affects the smoothness and quality of video. Important for professional and clear video communication.

FAQ Section

The FAQ Section in a meeting platform is a dedicated area where frequently asked questions about online meetings are listed and answered. This section is essential for providing quick help and guidance to users, covering common issues and how-to instructions. Key Points of FAQ Section: Contains answers to common meeting-related questions. Provides quick help and guidance. Useful for troubleshooting and learning platform features.

Full Screen Mode

Fullscreen mode in video conferencing is a display option that allows the video feed to occupy the entire screen. This mode is particularly useful for focusing on the speaker or content being presented, minimizing distractions from other applications or desktop icons. Key Points of Fullscreen Mode: Expands video to fill the entire screen. Enhances focus on the meeting content. Reduces distractions from other on-screen elements.

File Transfer

File transfer in online meetings is the process through which participants can send and receive files. This feature is vital for sharing documents, presentations, or other relevant materials needed during a meeting. It enhances collaboration and ensures that everyone has access to the same resources. Key Points: Enables sending and receiving files during meetings. Facilitates collaboration and resource sharing. Important for distributing meeting materials.


Security measures that protect the online meeting data and connections. A firewall acts as a barrier or filter between a private internal network and the external internet. In online meetings it monitors and controls incoming and outgoing network traffic based on predetermined security rules. This ensures that unauthorized access is prevented, and data remains secure during the online meeting. Key Points of firewall: Acts as a security barrier for network traffic. Monitors and controls data flow based on security rules....

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Feasibility Study

A feasibility study is an analysis used to evaluate the practicality and viability of a proposed plan or project. In a meeting context, it often involves discussing and reviewing the various aspects of the proposed idea, including technical feasibility, legal requirements, market analysis, financial implications, and resource availability. The objective of a feasibility study is to ascertain whether the project should proceed, and if so, how it should be executed to maximize success and minimize risk.


Ability to anticipate and plan for future needs, challenges, and trends. It involves looking beyond the immediate issues and considering the long-term implications of decisions and actions. Foresight is critical for strategic planning and risk management, as it helps organizations prepare for potential scenarios and capitalize on future opportunities. Cultivating foresight requires a deep understanding of the industry, market trends, and organizational strengths and weaknesses.

Full Participation

Full participation in a meeting means ensuring that every attendee is actively involved and has the opportunity to contribute. This involves creating an environment where all voices are heard and valued, and where participants feel comfortable sharing their ideas and opinions. Techniques to encourage full participation include round-robin sharing, brainstorming sessions, and interactive activities. Full participation leads to more diverse viewpoints, increased engagement, and often, more effective decision-making.

Facilitation Techniques

Facilitation techniques are the methods and skills used by a facilitator to effectively guide a meeting. These techniques include setting clear objectives, creating an open and inclusive environment, managing time efficiently, and ensuring active participation from all attendees. Effective facilitation involves balancing the flow of conversation, mediating any conflicts, and guiding the group towards achieving its goals.


To finalize in a meeting context means to complete or make a final decision on a particular matter. This action signifies the end of deliberations and the beginning of implementation. Finalizing decisions often involves consensus-building or voting, ensuring that all viewpoints are considered. It is a crucial step that signifies commitment to a course of action and sets the stage for follow-up tasks and actions.

Functional Meeting

A functional meeting focuses on a specific function, department, or aspect within an organization. These meetings are typically held to discuss issues, strategies, and updates relevant to a particular area, such as marketing, finance, or human resources. The goal is to align departmental activities with the broader organizational objectives, solve function-specific challenges, and improve overall performance. Participants usually include members of the specific department and relevant stakeholders.

File Sharing

The practice of distributing or providing access to digital media, such as documents, during a meeting. It's a vital component of collaborative work, enabling team members to simultaneously view, edit, and discuss documents. Effective file sharing can be achieved through various platforms like email, cloud storage services, or specialized file-sharing systems. This practice not only improves efficiency but also ensures that all participants are on the same page with the most current information.

Facetime Audio

Facetime Audio is an audio calling feature provided by Apple, commonly used for conducting virtual meetings. It offers high-quality voice calls, making it a preferred choice for one-on-one or small group discussions, especially when participants are on the move or don’t need video interaction. This service is known for its ease of use and integration with Apple devices, making it a convenient option for quick meetings or check-ins within the Apple ecosystem.


A flowchart is a graphical representation of a process, showing the steps as boxes of various kinds, and their order by connecting them with arrows. Used for mapping out processes, decision-making paths, or workflows. Helps in simplifying complex processes and is a valuable tool in planning and problem-solving sessions. Enhances understanding of the workflow, making it easier for team members to follow and discuss.

Flip Chart

A flip chart is an essential tool in many meeting environments. It consists of a pad of large paper sheets, typically mounted on a tripod or easel. The primary use of a flip chart is for displaying and recording information dynamically during a meeting. It's particularly useful for brainstorming sessions, where ideas can be jotted down, visible to all participants, and pages can be flipped over as the discussion progresses. The tactile and visual nature of flip charts makes them...

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Formal Meeting

A formal meeting is a structured gathering with a specific, predetermined agenda and a clear protocol. These meetings often follow a set format, including an introduction, presentation of agenda items, discussions, decision-making, and conclusion. Formal meetings are typically used in corporate, academic, or government settings, where clear documentation, such as minutes, and adherence to procedural rules are important. They are essential for organized decision-making and record-keeping.

Fishbowl Conversation

This is a method for organizing discussions, typically in large groups. A few participants sit in the center (the 'fishbowl') and engage in a discussion, while the rest of the group sits around them, listening. This format can be effective for focusing on specific issues, with the inner circle discussing and the outer circle observing. It encourages active listening and can be a useful way to manage discussions in large or diverse groups.

Flexible Agenda

A flexible agenda is a meeting plan that allows some degree of adaptability in terms of time allocation and topics to be discussed. While it outlines the key points and objectives, it also accommodates unexpected topics or discussions that may arise spontaneously. This flexibility can enhance creativity and engagement, as it allows for the exploration of relevant issues that might not have been anticipated in the initial planning stages.


In a business context, 'Facetime' refers to direct, in-person interaction, especially during meetings or discussions. It is valued for fostering stronger relationships and clearer communication. Facetime allows participants to engage more fully through non-verbal cues and establishes a more personal connection compared to virtual or remote interactions.

Focus Group

A focus group is a research method used to gather feedback and opinions. It involves a small, diverse group of individuals who are selected and invited to discuss and provide reactions to specific topics in a guided discussion. Focus groups are often used in market research, political analysis, and social science studies to gauge reactions to products, policies, or ideas. They provide qualitative data, offering insights into the participants' attitudes, beliefs, and motivations.


A forum is a medium or venue where people can exchange ideas and opinions on a specific topic. Forums can be physical spaces like conference rooms or public squares, or virtual platforms like internet message boards or social media groups. They are characterized by open discussion and a range of viewpoints, often facilitating broader community engagement on various issues.


Follow-up actions are tasks or communications undertaken after a meeting to ensure that the decisions and plans discussed are implemented. This may include sending out minutes, assigning responsibilities, scheduling subsequent meetings, or checking on the progress of agreed-upon tasks. Effective follow-up is crucial for maintaining momentum and ensuring that meetings lead to tangible outcomes.


In the context of meetings, feedback consists of comments, observations, or critiques about the meeting's content, structure, and effectiveness. Effective feedback is crucial for continuous improvement, providing insights into what worked well and what could be improved. It can address various aspects of a meeting, such as the relevance of the topics discussed, the effectiveness of the facilitator, the engagement of participants, and the efficiency of the meeting's structure.

Face-to-Face Meeting

A face-to-face meeting refers to an in-person gathering where participants interact directly with each other. This traditional format is valued for its personal touch, allowing for nuanced communication through body language and facial expressions. Face-to-face meetings are often considered more engaging and effective for complex discussions, brainstorming sessions, and relationship building, as they foster a sense of connection and immediacy that virtual meetings may lack.


A facilitator is a key individual in a meeting or discussion who aids in managing the flow of conversation and ensures that objectives are achieved. Unlike a leader who may direct, a facilitator guides the process, helping participants to understand their common objectives and assists them in planning to achieve these goals. This role involves encouraging participation, fostering a safe environment for sharing ideas, and mediating conflicts. The effectiveness of a facilitator often lies in their ability to remain neutral...

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