Glossary of Meeting Terms "D"

The Glossary of Meeting Terms describes terms and acronyms related to meetings and all the activities we do at them. We've collected this information, so enjoy!"

Document Distribution

The process of delivering physical or digital meeting materials to participants before, during, or after a meeting. Objective: Ensures all participants have access to relevant documents and materials. Facilitates preparation and engagement by providing necessary information. Methods: Physical Distribution: Handing out printed materials during in-person meetings. Digital Distribution: Sharing electronic documents through email or online platforms.

Document Filing

The process of organizing and storing physical or digital meeting-related papers and materials. Objectives: Ensures documents are arranged in a logical order. Facilitates quick and easy retrieval when needed. Methods: For storing printed documents in an organized manner. Employing digital tools for electronic document organization.

Decision Ratification

Decision ratification refers to the formal process of officially approving and confirming decisions made during a meeting. This process typically involves a vote or agreement by relevant stakeholders, ensuring that decisions align with organizational goals and policies. The purpose of decision ratification is to validate the outcome of discussions and establish accountability and commitment to the decided course of action.

Dress Rehearsal

A practice run of a presentation or event before the actual offline meeting. The primary objectives of a dress rehearsal are to allow participants to familiarize themselves with the agenda, identify and address potential issues or logistical challenges, and ensure a smooth and polished execution of the meeting. Dress rehearsals are common in large-scale events or critical and high-profile meetings.

Door Prize

A door prize is a reward or giveaway presented to attendees at the end of a meeting or event. The purpose of offering door prizes is to encourage attendance and participation, adding an element of excitement and engagement to the meeting. Door prizes are often selected through a random drawing or as acknowledgment for specific contributions made by participants during the meeting.

Decor Set-Up

Decor set-up involves the arrangement and placement of decorative items in the meeting venue before the event. This includes floral arrangements, banners, and other aesthetic elements. The aim is to create a visually appealing and conducive atmosphere for the meeting, aligning with the theme or purpose of the event and taking into account the preferences and expectations of the participants.

Dry Erase Board

A dry erase board is a whiteboard or board with a smooth, erasable surface, commonly used during meetings for writing and drawing with dry erase markers. Its functionality allows for dynamic and interactive presentations, enabling real-time note-taking, brainstorming, and illustrating ideas. The advantages of a dry erase board include easy erasure for quick updates, making it suitable for collaborative sessions and group discussions. Dry erase boards are commonly used in-person meetings and training sessions.

Discussion Panel

A discussion panel refers to a group of experts or individuals who gather to discuss specific topics in front of an audience. The purpose is to share diverse perspectives, insights, and knowledge on the subject matter. Panel discussions often involve audience interaction through Q&A sessions, making them a dynamic and informative format for meetings and events.

Delegate Responsibilities

Delegate responsibilities involve assigning specific tasks or roles to meeting participants. By distributing tasks, individuals can focus on their areas of expertise, promoting efficiency and collaboration. Effective delegation ensures that the workload is shared, deadlines are met, and everyone contributes to the overall success of the meeting or project.

Dial-In Passcode

A unique code used to access online meetings via phone. A dial-in passcode is a unique code used to access online meetings via phone. It serves as a security measure to control access and maintain the confidentiality of virtual meetings. Participants entering the meeting by dialing in are required to input the passcode to ensure that only authorized individuals can join.

Digital Onboarding

Digital onboarding involves introducing new participants to the technology and tools used in online meetings. This process familiarizes individuals with the meeting platform, ensuring a smooth and productive experience. Digital onboarding may include training sessions, providing guides, and offering support to ensure participants can effectively navigate the digital environment.

Data Synthesis

Data synthesis is the process of combining and analyzing data from various sources to derive meaningful insights. In the context of meetings, it involves integrating information gathered during discussions, presentations, or collaborative activities. Data synthesis aids in forming a comprehensive understanding of the meeting's outcomes and informs decision-making.

Data Backup and Recovery

Data backup and recovery involve safeguarding meeting data by creating copies for potential restoration. This is crucial for mitigating the risk of data loss due to unforeseen circumstances such as technical issues or accidental deletions. Implementing a robust backup and recovery strategy ensures the integrity and availability of important meeting information.

Digital Transformation Strategy

A digital transformation strategy outlines the plan for integrating digital tools into meetings and organizational processes. It involves adopting technology to enhance communication, collaboration, and efficiency. This strategy may encompass the implementation of digital meeting platforms, collaborative software, and other technological solutions to optimize the overall meeting experience and drive organizational progress.

Document Redlining

Document redlining is the practice of marking changes and edits in a document during collaborative meetings. This term originates from the use of red ink to highlight alterations. Redlining allows participants to visually track modifications made by different contributors, aiding in version control and ensuring a transparent record of document evolution.

Digital Handout Repository

A digital handout repository is an online storage space for meeting-related handouts. It serves as a centralized location where participants can access and download materials distributed during or before a meeting. This digital repository streamlines document sharing, making resources easily available to all attendees.

Data Visualization Tools

Data visualization tools are software applications designed to represent meeting data graphically. These tools transform complex information into charts, graphs, or other visual formats, enhancing comprehension and providing meaningful insights. Data visualization tools are valuable for presenting trends, patterns, and relationships within meeting-related data.

Discussion Polls

Discussion polls involve the use of surveys or polls during meetings to gather opinions and feedback from participants. These polls can be conducted in real time, allowing attendees to express preferences, share perspectives, or vote on specific topics. Discussion polls enhance participant engagement and provide a quick method for gauging consensus.

Digital Agenda Template

A digital agenda template is a pre-designed format for creating online meeting agendas. It outlines the structure and order of topics to be discussed, providing a standardized framework. Digital agenda templates often include details such as meeting objectives, discussion items, and allocated time for each agenda item, facilitating efficient meeting planning and organization.

Decision Log

A decision log is a record of decisions made during meetings. It includes details such as the decision, the context or rationale behind it, and the individuals involved. Maintaining a decision log ensures accountability, transparency, and a historical record of the choices made throughout the course of meetings.

Data Retention Policy

A data retention policy establishes guidelines for how long meeting data should be stored and preserved. This policy defines the duration for which meeting-related documents, recordings, or other data should be retained before potential disposal. Data retention policies help organizations manage information responsibly, ensuring compliance with legal requirements and optimizing storage resources.

Digital Break Timer

A digital break timer is a tool used in virtual meetings to schedule and manage breaks. It displays the remaining time until the break and provides automated alerts to notify participants when the break is about to start or end. This helps maintain productivity and ensures participants take planned pauses during extended meeting sessions.

Dual Authentication

Dual authentication, or two-factor authentication (2FA), is a security process that requires users to verify their identity through two distinct methods before gaining access to a system or platform. Combining a traditional password with a secondary verification method, such as a code sent to a mobile device, enhances security and adds an extra layer of protection against unauthorized access.

Document Collaboration Platform

A document collaboration platform is an online tool or software that facilitates collaborative editing, sharing, and management of documents among multiple users during meetings. Features such as real-time editing, version history tracking, and cloud-based storage contribute to a seamless collaborative document experience for meeting participants.

Digital Engagement Metrics

Digital engagement metrics refer to quantitative measurements that assess the level of participant interaction and involvement in digital meetings. These metrics may include data on participant attendance, active participation, responses to polls or surveys, and other indicators. Analyzing digital engagement metrics helps organizers evaluate the effectiveness of virtual meetings and make data-driven improvements.

Discussion Tracker

A discussion tracker is a tool or feature within a meeting platform that monitors and records key points, topics, or decisions discussed during a meeting. This aids in creating a comprehensive record of meeting discussions, making it easier for participants to review and refer back to specific topics covered during the session.

Data Privacy Policy

A data privacy policy is a set of guidelines and regulations that outline how an organization collects, processes, stores, and protects personal or sensitive information. In the context of meetings, a data privacy policy establishes protocols to ensure that participant data shared during meetings is handled securely and in compliance with privacy regulations.

Document Timestamp

A document timestamp is a record indicating the date and time when a document was created, modified, or last accessed. In meetings, document timestamps contribute to document version control, providing clarity on the timeline of changes and ensuring that participants are working with the most recent version of a document.

Desktop Sharing Software

Desktop sharing software allows participants in a meeting to share their computer desktop or specific applications with others. This feature is valuable for collaborative work, presentations, and troubleshooting. It enables real-time visibility into a presenter's screen, fostering effective communication and collaboration among meeting participants.

Dial-Out Feature

The dial-out feature in meeting platforms allows organizers or participants to initiate outbound calls to invite individuals to join a meeting. This is particularly useful for ensuring that key participants, especially those who may not have easy access to online platforms, can be reached and included in the meeting through a phone connection.

Digital Workspace Collaboration

Digital workspace collaboration refers to the use of online platforms and tools that enable participants to work together virtually. These platforms typically provide features such as document sharing, real-time editing, messaging, and project management tools. Digital workspace collaboration enhances remote teamwork, allowing participants to collaborate seamlessly despite geographical distances.

Digital Breakout Session

A digital breakout session is a virtual extension of a meeting where participants divide into smaller groups to discuss specific topics or engage in collaborative activities. This format facilitates focused discussions and teamwork within the larger context of the main meeting. Digital breakout sessions are commonly used in virtual and hybrid meeting formats.

Discussion Leader

A discussion leader is an individual responsible for guiding and facilitating discussions during a meeting. This role involves setting the agenda, managing the flow of conversation, and encouraging participant engagement. The discussion leader ensures that meeting objectives are met and creates an environment conducive to productive and inclusive discussions.

Digital Handshake

A digital handshake refers to the virtual exchange of greetings or introductions between participants in an online meeting. This may involve using digital communication features, such as video conferencing or messaging, to establish initial connections, fostering a sense of rapport and engagement before or during a meeting.

Decision Fatigue

Decision fatigue is a psychological concept that describes the deteriorating quality of decisions made by an individual after a prolonged period of decision-making. In meetings, participants may experience decision fatigue, particularly in lengthy sessions, leading to reduced cognitive abilities and potentially impacting the quality of choices made.

Digital Note-Taking

Digital note-taking involves using electronic devices and software to record and organize meeting-related information. Participants use tools like tablets, laptops, or dedicated note-taking applications to capture key points, ideas, and action items during meetings. Digital note-taking enhances the organization and accessibility of meeting notes.

Distributed Leadership

Distributed leadership is a leadership model where responsibilities and decision-making authority are shared among multiple individuals rather than concentrated in a single leader. In the context of meetings, distributed leadership involves assigning various roles and responsibilities to different participants, fostering collaboration and leveraging the diverse skills and expertise within a group.

Data Integration

Data integration is the process of combining and unifying information from different sources to create a comprehensive and cohesive view. In meetings, data integration may involve consolidating data from various presentations, discussions, or reports to provide a holistic understanding of a particular topic. This integrated data aids in informed decision-making and strategic planning.

Dynamic Q&A

Dynamic Q&A refers to an interactive question-and-answer session that adapts to the flow of a meeting or presentation. In this format, participants can submit questions in real-time, and organizers can prioritize, curate, or address them dynamically. Dynamic Q&A enhances participant engagement and responsiveness during meetings.

Document Archiving

Document archiving involves storing documents for long-term preservation, typically in a systematic and organized manner. In meetings, document archiving ensures that important meeting records, minutes, and materials are securely stored and can be retrieved for future reference, compliance, or auditing purposes.

Document Management System (DMS)

A Document Management System (DMS) is software designed to manage, organize, and track electronic documents within an organization. In meetings, a DMS may be used to store and retrieve meeting-related documents, ensuring version control, accessibility, and efficient collaboration on shared materials.

Digital Feedback

Digital feedback refers to responses, comments, or reactions provided by participants in a digital or virtual meeting setting. It encompasses various interactive features such as emojis, chat messages, or virtual reactions that enable participants to express their opinions, sentiments, or engagement levels during the meeting.

Data Encryption

Data encryption is the process of converting information into a secure code to protect it from unauthorized access or interception. In meetings, data encryption ensures that sensitive information, such as meeting recordings, participant data, and shared documents, is transmitted and stored securely, safeguarding against potential breaches.

Digital Facilitation

Digital facilitation involves using online tools, technology, and techniques to guide and enhance group interactions and collaboration. In meetings, digital facilitation may include managing virtual breakout sessions, utilizing collaboration platforms, and employing interactive tools to ensure effective communication and engagement among participants.

Display Resolution

Display resolution represents the number of pixels that make up an image on a screen, typically measured in pixels width x pixels height (e.g., 1920 x 1080 for Full HD). In meetings, display resolution is important for presenting clear visuals, high-quality images, and readable text during presentations or screen sharing.

Data Transfer Rate

Data transfer rate, often measured in bits per second (bps), refers to the speed at which data is transmitted between devices or systems. In meetings, a sufficient data transfer rate is crucial for seamless video conferencing, file sharing, and other data-intensive activities, ensuring a smooth and uninterrupted meeting experience.

Discussion Board

A discussion board is an online platform or space where participants can post messages, engage in conversations, and share information. In meetings, a discussion board may be used to facilitate asynchronous discussions, allowing participants to contribute thoughts, questions, and comments outside of the live meeting time.

Desktop App

A desktop app, short for desktop application, is software designed to be installed and run on a user's computer rather than in a web browser. In meetings, desktop apps may refer to specific applications that enhance the meeting experience, such as video conferencing software, collaboration tools, or specialized meeting management applications.

Data Visualization

Data visualization is the graphical representation of data to convey complex information in a clear and understandable manner. In meetings, data visualization tools are used to transform raw data into charts, graphs, or other visual formats, enabling participants to easily interpret and analyze information during presentations or discussions.

Digital Workspace

A digital workspace refers to a virtual environment that integrates various digital tools, applications, and resources to facilitate collaborative work and communication. In the context of meetings, a digital workspace provides participants with a centralized platform for accessing documents, communication tools, and collaborative features, enhancing productivity and efficiency.

Dial-In PIN

A Dial-In PIN is a Personal Identification Number used to authenticate and grant access to participants joining a meeting via phone. The Dial-In PIN adds a layer of security by ensuring that only authorized individuals with the correct PIN can join the meeting remotely, contributing to the confidentiality of virtual meetings.

Digital Engagement

Digital engagement refers to the level of involvement, interaction, and participation of individuals in virtual or online environments. In meetings, digital engagement encompasses activities such as participating in discussions, using interactive features, responding to polls, and actively contributing to the meeting's objectives.

Distributed Team

A distributed team is a group of individuals working collaboratively on a project or tasks from different geographical locations. In the context of meetings, distributed teams rely on virtual communication tools to facilitate discussions, share information, and collaborate despite being physically separated.

Document Repository

A document repository is a centralized storage system for managing, organizing, and storing documents. In meetings, a document repository serves as a shared space where participants can access, collaborate on, and retrieve meeting-related documents. This ensures version control, easy access to reference materials, and efficient collaboration.


A dashboard is a visual display of key performance indicators, metrics, or information relevant to a specific area of interest. In the context of meetings, a dashboard may present real-time data on participant engagement, meeting progress, or other relevant metrics, offering a comprehensive and easily digestible overview.

Decision Support System (DSS)

A Decision Support System (DSS) is a computer-based tool or software that assists individuals or groups in making informed decisions. In meetings, a DSS may provide data analysis, simulations, and other tools to aid participants in evaluating options, assessing outcomes, and reaching well-informed decisions.

Device Management

Device management involves overseeing and controlling the configuration, security, and usage of devices within a meeting environment. In the context of meetings, device management ensures that participants' devices are properly configured for optimal performance, security protocols are in place, and compatibility issues are addressed to facilitate a smooth and secure meeting experience.

Discussion Thread

A discussion thread is a chain of related messages or posts within a communication platform, often organized by topic or conversation. In meetings, discussion threads may be used to track and organize ongoing discussions, allowing participants to follow specific topics, contribute asynchronously, and maintain a coherent record of related messages.

Data Sharing

Data sharing involves the exchange and distribution of information among meeting participants. In the context of meetings, data sharing can include sharing documents, presentations, reports, or other information relevant to the meeting agenda. Digital platforms and tools facilitate secure and efficient data sharing, promoting collaboration and information dissemination during meetings.

Digital Handout

A digital handout is an electronic document or material distributed to meeting participants for reference or information. Digital handouts can include presentations, reports, or supplementary materials shared digitally during or before a meeting. They enhance accessibility, reduce the need for physical materials, and allow participants to engage with content on their devices.

Digital Sign-In Sheet

A digital sign-in sheet is an electronic version of a traditional attendance record. In meetings, participants use digital sign-in sheets to register their attendance, typically by entering their names or other identifying information electronically. Digital sign-in sheets provide an efficient way to track participant attendance and generate attendance records.

Document Collaboration

Document collaboration refers to the process of multiple individuals working together on the creation, editing, and refinement of a document. In meetings, document collaboration often involves using digital tools and platforms that allow real-time editing, commenting, and version control, facilitating seamless teamwork and the collective development of documents.

Digital Meeting Planner

A digital meeting planner is a software or online tool designed to assist in organizing, scheduling, and managing various aspects of meetings. This may include features such as agenda creation, participant scheduling, reminders, and coordination of resources. Digital meeting planners streamline the planning process, enhance organization, and contribute to the overall efficiency of meetings.

Digital Recording

Digital recording involves capturing audio, video, or screen content during a meeting for archival or review purposes. This feature allows participants to revisit discussions, presentations, or key moments in the meeting. Digital recordings are valuable for documentation, training, or for individuals who may have missed the live session.

Digital Hand Raise

The digital hand raise is a virtual representation of the traditional hand-raising gesture used to indicate a desire to speak or contribute in a meeting. In online meetings, participants use a digital feature to raise a virtual hand, signaling their intention to share thoughts, ask questions, or participate actively in the ongoing discussion.

Discussion Moderator

A discussion moderator is an individual responsible for facilitating and guiding discussions during a meeting. This role involves managing the conversation, ensuring participants adhere to meeting protocols, and creating an inclusive environment. Moderators may also pose questions, regulate speaking turns, and encourage engagement among participants.

Direct Messaging

Direct messaging allows participants in a meeting to send private messages to each other within the meeting platform. This feature supports discreet communication and collaboration between individuals, fostering efficient information exchange without disrupting the overall meeting flow.

Data Privacy

Data privacy involves the protection and responsible handling of personal or sensitive information. In meetings, data privacy measures ensure that participants' personal data is handled securely and in compliance with relevant regulations. This includes safeguarding sensitive information shared during discussions, maintaining confidentiality, and implementing secure data storage practices.

Data Backup

Data backup refers to the process of creating copies of digital information to protect against loss or corruption. In the context of meetings, data backup ensures the preservation of crucial meeting materials, documents, and recordings, reducing the risk of data loss and facilitating recovery in the event of technical issues or accidental deletions.

Document Version Control

Document version control is a system that manages and tracks changes made to a document over time. It ensures that the most current version is used, preventing conflicts and providing features such as revision tracking and collaborative editing. This is particularly valuable in meetings where collaborative document work is common.

Dual-Tone Multi-Frequency (DTMF)

Dual-Tone Multi-Frequency (DTMF) is a signaling method that uses audible tones to represent keys on a standard telephone keypad. In the context of meetings, DTMF allows participants to interact with virtual meetings using their phone's keypad, enabling actions such as entering PINs or access codes during phone-based participation.

Device Compatibility

Device compatibility refers to the ability of online meeting platforms or software to function seamlessly across various devices, such as computers, tablets, and smartphones. This feature is crucial for providing flexibility to participants, allowing them to join meetings using their preferred devices and ensuring a consistent meeting experience regardless of the device used.

Digital Breakout Rooms

Digital breakout rooms are virtual spaces within online meeting platforms where participants can engage in smaller, focused discussions or activities separate from the main meeting. These spaces facilitate small group interactions and enhance engagement by allowing participants to collaborate in a more personalized setting.

Digital Accessibility

Digital accessibility ensures that online meeting content and platforms are designed and implemented to be usable by all individuals, including those with disabilities. Considerations: Platforms should be compatible with screen readers, magnifiers, and other assistive technologies. Ensuring compliance with accessibility standards such as WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines). Striving to create an inclusive meeting experience for all participants, regardless of their abilities or disabilities.

Data Analytics

Data analytics involves the process of examining and interpreting data to gain insights, inform decision-making, and identify trends. Application in Meetings: Analyzing Meeting Metrics: Utilizes data from virtual meetings to assess participant engagement, attendance patterns, and interaction levels. Identifying Trends: Examining data to identify trends or patterns that can inform improvements in meeting effectiveness.

Digital Signature

A digital signature is a cryptographic technique used to authenticate the identity of the signer and validate the integrity of a digital document. Characteristics: Uniqueness: Each digital signature is unique to the signer and tied to their identity. Security: Provides a secure and legally recognized means of signing documents in electronic form.

Document Camera

A document camera is a device that captures real-world images and displays them in a digital format during a meeting or presentation. Use Cases: Showcasing Physical Documents: Useful for presenting physical documents or written notes in a digital format. Object Demonstrations: Facilitates the demonstration of physical objects or artifacts, enhancing visual presentations.

Downloadable Content

Downloadable content in the context of meetings refers to materials and resources shared with meeting participants that can be downloaded and accessed. Examples: Meeting agendas, reports, or reference documents. Audio or video recordings of presentations. Supplementary materials that participants can refer to during or after the meeting.

Delayed Start

A scheduled meeting that begins after a brief delay from the originally planned start time. Reasons: Allows for the accommodation of late-arriving participants. Provides flexibility in situations with unexpected delays. Considerations: Communication of the delay to participants. Balancing punctuality with flexibility.

Daily Standup

A brief, daily meeting where team members gather to provide updates on their tasks and progress. Objectives: Enhances communication within the team. Identifies and addresses challenges promptly. Promotes accountability and transparency.

Discussion Forum

A discussion forum is a designated space, either physical or virtual, where group discussions take place. In the context of meetings, a discussion forum provides a platform for ongoing conversations, idea exchange, and collaboration. It can be asynchronous, allowing participants to engage at different times, or synchronous, facilitating real-time interactions. Discussion forums contribute to extended conversations beyond formal meeting times.

Desktop Sharing

Desktop sharing involves the real-time sharing of a computer screen with meeting participants. This allows others to view and interact with the presenter's desktop, applications, or specific documents. Desktop sharing is a valuable feature in virtual meetings, enabling effective presentations, collaborations, and troubleshooting.

Dual Monitor

Dual monitor refers to using two computer screens simultaneously during a meeting. This setup provides additional display space, enhancing productivity by allowing participants to view multiple documents or applications concurrently. Dual monitors are commonly used in virtual meetings, facilitating efficient multitasking and information sharing.

Digital Whiteboard

A digital whiteboard is a virtual tool used for drawing, writing, and sharing ideas during online meetings. It replicates the traditional whiteboard experience in a digital format, allowing participants to collaborate in real time. Digital whiteboards enhance visual communication and creativity, enabling dynamic interaction in virtual environments.


A draft refers to a preliminary version of a document or proposal discussed in a meeting. It serves as a work in progress, subject to revisions and modifications based on input from meeting participants. Reviewing and refining drafts during meetings contribute to the collaborative development of final documents.

Digital Meeting

A digital meeting is a gathering conducted online using virtual communication tools such as video conferencing or collaboration platforms. In a digital meeting, participants join remotely, engaging in discussions, sharing information, and collaborating using digital technology. Digital meetings provide flexibility, enabling participants to connect from diverse locations.

Document Sharing

Document sharing involves the collaborative distribution of files, materials, or information among meeting participants. It can occur in various formats, including physical handouts in face-to-face meetings or electronic file-sharing in virtual settings. Document sharing enhances communication, ensures everyone has access to relevant information and promotes collaboration.

Display Screen

A display screen is a physical or electronic surface used for presentations or displaying information during a meeting. This can include traditional projectors, large monitors, or interactive digital displays. Display screens facilitate the sharing of visual content, such as slides, documents, or multimedia, enhancing communication and engagement during meetings.


Dial-in refers to the process of joining a meeting remotely by phone or video call. Participants dial a specified number or use a provided link to connect to the meeting virtually. Dial-in options enhance accessibility for individuals who cannot attend meetings in person and are a common feature in virtual or hybrid meetings.


Duration refers to the length of time a meeting is scheduled to last. It is a critical aspect of meeting planning, impacting participants' schedules and engagement levels. Effective time management and adherence to scheduled durations contribute to the overall efficiency and success of a meeting.


Documentation involves the recording and maintenance of records related to meeting proceedings. This includes minutes, notes, and any relevant materials that capture the content and decisions made during a meeting. Proper documentation ensures a comprehensive record of discussions and serves as a valuable reference for participants.


A discussion refers to a conversation or exchange of ideas and opinions among meeting participants. Discussions can be formal or informal, structured or unstructured, and may focus on specific topics or be open-ended. Facilitating meaningful discussions is essential for generating ideas, resolving issues, and fostering collaboration during meetings.


Debriefing is a discussion that takes place after a meeting to review what happened, share insights, and assess the outcomes. This reflective session allows participants to discuss successes, challenges, and lessons learned. Debriefs contribute to continuous improvement by identifying areas for enhancement in future meetings or projects.


The process of reaching a conclusion or making choices during a meeting. It encompasses gathering information, evaluating options, and selecting a course of action. Effective decision-making is a fundamental aspect of productive meetings and often involves input from multiple participants.