Chat Etiquette

Chat Etiquette refers to the set of norms and guidelines that govern communication and behavior when using chat-based platforms or messaging applications during meetings or collaborations. Adhering to chat etiquette helps maintain professionalism, clarity, and effective communication in both virtual and in-person settings. Key aspects of chat etiquette include:

Participants should use courteous language, be mindful of tone, and avoid using all caps (considered shouting) or excessive use of emojis to maintain a professional tone.
Responding promptly to messages or questions in a chat ensures that discussions flow smoothly and no one is left waiting for a response.
Messages should be clear, concise, and relevant to the ongoing conversation. Avoid jargon or ambiguity that may confuse others.
Participants should stay on topic and avoid introducing unrelated or off-topic discussions that can derail the meeting’s agenda.
Appropriate use of emojis and reactions can help convey emotions or agreement, but should not be overused or misinterpreted.