Glossary of Meeting Terms "C"

The Glossary of Meeting Terms describes terms and acronyms related to meetings and all the activities we do at them. We've collected this information, so enjoy!"

Chat Etiquette

Chat Etiquette refers to the set of norms and guidelines that govern communication and behavior when using chat-based platforms or messaging applications during meetings or collaborations. Adhering to chat etiquette helps maintain professionalism, clarity, and effective communication in both virtual and in-person settings. Key aspects of chat etiquette include: Participants should use courteous language, be mindful of tone, and avoid using all caps (considered shouting) or excessive use of emojis to maintain a professional tone. Responding promptly to messages or...

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Content Synchronization

Keeping all shared documents and materials updated and synchronized for all participants during online meetings. This is particularly important for collaborative discussions, presentations, and decision-making. Key elements of content synchronization include: Participants should share relevant documents, presentations, or visuals through a shared platform or screen sharing to ensure everyone is viewing the same content. If content is being modified or updated during the meeting, it is essential to ensure that all participants have access to these changes in real time....

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Cross-Platform Integration

Ensuring compatibility and smooth interaction between various online meeting tools and platforms. It allows for the seamless exchange of data and information between different systems, enabling more efficient workflows and collaboration. Key components of cross-platform integration include: Enabling the transfer of data and information between different applications, such as integrating scheduling software with video conferencing platforms or sharing data between project management tools. Implementing automated processes that trigger actions in one platform based on events or inputs from another, reducing...

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Consent-Based Data Sharing

Obtaining participants' permission before collecting and using their data during online meetings. This approach respects privacy and ensures data security. Key aspects of consent-based data sharing include: Before sharing sensitive data or information, all parties involved must be fully informed about what data will be shared, how it will be used, and who will have access to it. Consent should be explicit, meaning that individuals must actively agree to the sharing of their data, either verbally or through written consent....

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Customized Templates

Pre-designed formats and layouts for online meeting materials like presentations and agendas. These templates provide a consistent and professional appearance while saving time and effort in content creation. Key aspects of customized templates include: Customized templates incorporate an organization's branding elements, such as logos, colors, fonts, and styles, to ensure a cohesive and professional look. Users can quickly populate templates with relevant content, reducing the need to create documents or presentations from scratch for each meeting. Templates can be adapted...

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Closed Network Access

Closed Network Access refers to a network configuration that restricts access to authorized users or devices only, enhancing security and control over who can connect to a network during meetings or collaborative activities. Key characteristics of closed network access include: Access is limited to specific individuals or devices with the appropriate credentials or permissions, reducing the risk of unauthorized access. Closed networks often implement encryption, authentication, and other security measures to protect sensitive data and communications. Closed network access ensures...

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Cybersecurity Training

Education and awareness programs to teach participants how to protect online meetings from security threats. It is a critical component of safeguarding sensitive data and information during meetings and within an organization. Key aspects of cybersecurity training include: Providing participants with an understanding of various cyber threats, including phishing attacks, malware, social engineering, and data breaches. Instructing individuals on best practices for securely accessing, sharing, and handling data, both within and outside of meetings. Educating participants on the importance of...

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Call Quality Monitoring

The ongoing assessment of audio and video quality during online meetings to ensure a smooth experience. It involves monitoring various factors to maintain high-quality communication experiences. Key components of call quality monitoring include: Ensuring that participants can hear and see each other clearly without disruptions, echoes, or distortion. Monitoring network conditions to prevent latency, jitter, or dropped calls, which can affect call quality. Evaluating the functionality of hardware and software used for calls, such as microphones, cameras, and conferencing platforms....

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Collaborative Whiteboard

An online tool that allows participants to draw, write, and illustrate ideas during virtual meetings to foster active participation and joint ownership of ideas and outcomes. Leaders promote collaboration by: Encouraging participants to engage in real-time drawing and writing activities. Creating an environment for interactive brainstorming and idea-sharing. Facilitating joint contribution to visual content during meetings. Ensuring seamless compatibility across devices for a cohesive collaborative experience.

Content Sharing Controls

Content Sharing Controls are integral features that empower meeting hosts to manage and enhance collaboration during online meetings. Leaders foster accountability by: Granting hosts the ability to control who can share content during meetings. Offering options to restrict or enable participant screen sharing based on meeting goals. Strengthening meeting security by preventing unauthorized content sharing. Customizing settings to align with the specific collaboration needs of the meeting.

Compliance Requirements

Meeting industry standards and regulations related to data security, privacy, and accessibility. Key Features: Includes encryption and secure transmission of data to protect sensitive information from unauthorized access. Compliance often requires the recording of meetings and maintaining detailed logs for auditing purposes. Implementing measures to restrict access to meetings, ensuring only authorized individuals participate. Clear guidelines and policies are established to ensure that all meeting activities comply with relevant regulations and standards.

Cyber Threat Detection

Tools and systems that identify and mitigate potential cybersecurity threats during online meetings. Here are some important aspects of cyber threat detection: Constantly scans meeting environments for unusual activities or potential security breaches. Utilizes advanced algorithms to detect deviations from normal online behavior that may indicate a cyber threat. Instant notification systems that alert organizers and participants to potential threats, enabling swift response. Collaborates with existing cybersecurity measures to enhance overall meeting security.

Cloud-Based Recording

Cloud-Based Recording involves the storage and accessibility of meeting recordings in a cloud-based environment. This technology allows meeting organizers and participants to record and access meetings, presentations, and discussions easily from remote locations. Key features of cloud-based recording include: Meeting recordings are stored in the cloud, making them accessible to authorized participants from anywhere with an internet connection. Cloud-based solutions can handle a large volume of recordings and scale to accommodate growing storage needs. Ensuring that recorded content is stored...

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Customization Options

Features in online meeting platforms that enable users to tailor the interface and settings to their preferences. Here are the main advantages of customization options: It allows organizations to incorporate their branding elements and visual identity into the meeting interface. Provides flexibility in arranging meeting elements, such as video feeds, chat panels, and content displays, based on user preferences. Participants can customize their viewing preferences, notification preferences, and other aspects for a more tailored experience. Supports the integration of external...

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Chatbot Integration

The inclusion of automated chatbots to assist with tasks and inquiries during online meetings. The key features include: Chatbots provide instant support and information, reducing the need for manual intervention. Participants can interact with the chatbot for Q&A sessions, polls, and other engagement activities. Offers quick access to relevant data, documents, or resources through natural language queries. Enables the execution of routine tasks or processes through chatbot commands, streamlining meeting operations.

Content Management System (CMS)

A software platform for creating, managing, and organizing online meeting content. The main advantages include: It serves as a centralized hub for documents, files, and resources relevant to the meeting agenda. Manages different versions of documents, ensuring that participants access the most up-to-date information. Facilitates simultaneous editing and feedback from multiple participants, promoting real-time collaboration. Defines and manages user permissions, ensuring secure and controlled access to sensitive content.

Continuous Improvement

The practice of regularly evaluating and enhancing the quality of online meetings. In online meetings, fostering a culture of continuous improvement involves regularly evaluating and refining the virtual collaboration methods, tools, and strategies used. Leaders encourage continuous improvement in online meetings by actively seeking feedback, identifying areas for enhancement, and implementing changes to ensure efficiency and effectiveness over time.

Cloud-Based Collaboration

Online meeting and collaboration tools hosted on cloud servers, accessible from anywhere. Leaders promote cloud-based collaboration by utilizing tools that enable real-time collaboration, file sharing, and communication through the cloud. This approach enhances accessibility, flexibility, and the seamless exchange of information, allowing participants to collaborate effectively regardless of their physical location.

Client-Side Encryption

Client-Side Encryption is a security measure that involves encrypting data on the client's device before it is transmitted to a server. By implementing client-side encryption, organizations enhance the security of their online meetings, protecting data from unauthorized access and mitigating the risk of potential breaches.

Call Recording

The ability to record and archive audio and video content from online meetings for future reference. Leaders support call recording by implementing features or tools that allow participants to record discussions. This practice ensures that important details, decisions, and insights shared during meetings are preserved, enabling participants to revisit discussions and maintain a comprehensive record of the virtual interactions.

Cybersecurity Measures

Security protocols and features implemented to protect online meetings from cyber threats. Leaders promote cybersecurity measures by ensuring the adoption of secure platforms, encrypted communication channels, and authentication processes. This approach aims to protect sensitive information exchanged during online meetings, maintain the integrity of the virtual space, and mitigate the risks associated with cyber threats.

Collaborative Note-Taking Tools

Online applications that enable participants to take notes collectively during a meeting. Here are some key advantages of collaborative note-taking: It allows simultaneous editing by multiple users, ensuring everyone can contribute and see changes instantly. Ensures that notes are updated across all devices in real-time, promoting seamless collaboration. Facilitates communication within the platform, enabling users to discuss specific points directly within the notes.

Content Sharing Permissions

Control over who can view, edit, or download shared content during an online meeting. By setting clear guidelines on who can view, edit, or download shared content, leaders ensure a secure and organized virtual collaboration environment. This approach reinforces accountability by preventing unauthorized access to sensitive materials and promoting responsible sharing practices.

Cross-Platform Compatibility

The ability of online meeting software to work seamlessly across different operating systems and devices. Ensuring that participants can join discussions from various devices and operating systems encourages active engagement and broadens participation. This commitment to compatibility reinforces accountability by eliminating technological barriers and promoting a user-friendly experience for all attendees.

Content Delivery Network (CDN)

A Content Delivery Network (CDN) is a distributed system of servers strategically positioned to optimize the delivery of digital content like web pages, images, videos, and other multimedia elements. In the context of online meetings, CDNs play a crucial role in ensuring efficient and fast content distribution. By minimizing latency and ensuring reliable data transmission, CDNs contribute to a seamless and high-quality online meeting experience. Emphasizing the importance of CDNs helps in achieving swift and reliable content delivery for effective...

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Cyber Etiquette

Cyber Etiquette refers to the set of polite and considerate behaviors observed in the digital realm, particularly during online meetings. Setting clear expectations for participant conduct, encouraging respectful communication, and discouraging disruptive actions are crucial in promoting cyber etiquette. Guidelines for muting microphones when not speaking, using professional language, and avoiding multitasking during critical discussions contribute to a professional and inclusive online meeting environment.

Conference Scheduler

A tool or software that helps users plan and schedule online meetings with ease. Key Features: It provides flexibility in choosing meeting times, durations, and recurring schedules to accommodate diverse preferences. Streamlines the invitation process by automatically sending invites, reminders, and relevant details to participants. Syncs with popular calendar applications to ensure participants have the conference details readily available.

Captioning Services

Professional services that provide real-time transcription and closed captioning for online meetings. Promoting inclusivity includes ensuring that captioning services are available, allowing individuals with hearing impairments or language differences to fully engage in the meeting. This practice aligns with the acknowledgment of responsibility for fostering an inclusive environment, where everyone can comprehend and contribute to the discussion regardless of language or hearing abilities.

Collaborative Editing

Real-time editing and collaboration on documents or files during an online meeting. Participants actively contribute and collaborate on shared documents, fostering a sense of joint ownership for the meeting's outcomes. This interactive process enhances productivity, creativity, and teamwork by allowing seamless and simultaneous editing by multiple individuals. Encouraging collaborative editing ensures that participants collectively shape and refine ideas, leading to more comprehensive and effective meeting results.

Custom URL

A personalized web address or link that directs participants to a specific online meeting room or session. A Custom URL is a personalized web address that redirects to a specific online meeting or collaboration platform. Enhancing the accessibility and branding of online meetings can be achieved through the use of custom URLs. Creating easily recognizable and memorable web addresses simplifies the process of joining online meetings and contributes to a cohesive and professional online presence. Assigning custom URLs facilitates effective...

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Chat Moderation

The process of monitoring and controlling the chat discussions in online meetings to maintain order and relevance. Leaders facilitate a productive and respectful virtual environment by implementing chat moderation strategies. This may include appointing moderators to monitor and regulate chat interactions, enforcing guidelines for appropriate communication, and addressing any disruptive behavior promptly. By promoting chat moderation, leaders contribute to fostering a positive and focused online meeting atmosphere, ensuring that participants can engage in meaningful discussions without distractions or inappropriate content.

Call Waiting

Call Waiting is a feature in online meetings that notifies participants of incoming calls or messages while they are engaged in ongoing discussions. Facilitating effective communication involves acknowledging the importance of call waiting, allowing participants to manage multiple interactions seamlessly. This ensures that participants can address urgent matters without disrupting the flow of the meeting, contributing to a balanced and responsive virtual meeting environment.

Content Management

Content management in online meetings involves the organized creation, storage, retrieval, and collaboration on digital content to ensure effective communication and information sharing. Key Aspects: Centralized repository for meeting materials. Version control to track changes and updates. Collaborative tools for real-time editing and feedback. Integration with various media formats for comprehensive content sharing.

Cyber Meeting

A cyber meeting is a virtual gathering conducted over the internet, enabling participants to connect remotely and engage in discussions, presentations, or collaborative activities. Key Aspects: Utilization of online platforms or video conferencing tools. Virtual space for real-time communication and interaction. Inclusion of multimedia elements for enhanced engagement. Accessibility features for diverse participants.

Conference ID

A Conference ID is a unique numerical code or identifier assigned to a specific online meeting or conference, allowing participants to access and join the virtual session. Key Aspects: Acts as a secure entry point to the meeting. Protects the meeting from unauthorized access. Can be a passcode or a unique link for easy participant identification. Enhances meeting privacy and confidentiality.


Prompts or requests made during an online meeting to encourage specific participant responses or actions. Key Aspects: Clearly defined and communicated tasks or next steps. Encourages participant engagement and involvement. Can include deadlines and responsible parties for accountability. Aims to drive specific outcomes or decisions from the meeting.

Cloud Storage

Online storage solutions for saving and sharing meeting-related documents and files. Key Features: Enables participants to access meeting materials from any location with internet connectivity. Provides a secure environment for storing and retrieving files, reducing the risk of data loss. Importance in Meetings: Facilitates seamless collaboration by allowing users to access and share files without physical constraints. Offers a reliable backup solution, ensuring that meeting data remains accessible even in the event of local device issues.

Content Library

A repository within the online meeting platform for storing and accessing presentation materials. Key Features: Provides a secure space for users to upload, organize, and retrieve meeting-related documents and media. Facilitates collaborative work by allowing participants to share and access content seamlessly. Importance in Meetings: Enhances productivity by offering a centralized location for participants to access and collaborate on shared materials. Ensures that presenters can easily access and share standardized content, maintaining a consistent and professional meeting environment.

Control Panel

A user interface in online meeting platforms that provides options to manage and control various meeting settings. It acts as an interface where participants can control meeting settings, access features, and navigate seamlessly. This tool enhances the overall organization and efficiency of online meetings by providing participants with a user-friendly platform to regulate meeting dynamics.

Call Quality

The level of audio and video clarity and reliability during an online meeting. Prioritizing call quality includes adopting technologies and practices that optimize audio and video transmission. This includes ensuring a stable internet connection, using high-quality audio and video equipment, and addressing technical issues promptly. By emphasizing the importance of call quality, participants contribute to a positive meeting experience, enabling effective communication and minimizing disruptions.

Custom Backgrounds

Custom Backgrounds offer participants the ability to personalize their virtual meeting environment by adding customized visual backdrops. This feature plays a crucial role in enhancing the professional aesthetics of online meetings. It allows individuals to present themselves in a polished and visually appealing manner, contributing to a cohesive and professional virtual meeting experience. Custom backgrounds also encourage a sense of individuality and creativity among participants, maintaining a professional yet personalized atmosphere during virtual interactions.

Camera Control

Camera Control refers to the ability of participants to manage their video cameras during online meetings. This feature empowers individuals to adjust camera settings, presenting themselves professionally and contributing visually to the meeting. Participants are encouraged to be mindful of their camera usage, fostering a more inclusive and visually appealing online meeting environment.

Content Sharing

Content Sharing is a collaborative tool in online meetings that facilitates the seamless distribution and viewing of multimedia materials. This feature is employed to boost engagement and comprehension during virtual discussions. Participants can share documents, presentations, or screens, making the meeting more interactive and dynamic. The incorporation of content sharing contributes to a visually engaging environment, promoting effective communication and knowledge transfer.

Calendar Integration

The ability to schedule and sync online meetings with digital calendars like Google Calendar or Outlook. This integration streamlines the coordination of virtual meetings by automatically updating and incorporating meeting details into participants' calendars. Calendar Integration aids in efficient time management, ensuring participants are well-informed and prepared for upcoming meetings.

Concurrent Users

The number of participants who can join and actively engage in an online meeting simultaneously. This metric is essential for understanding the platform's capacity and ensuring a smooth and uninterrupted meeting experience. Platforms with a higher capacity of concurrent users can accommodate larger gatherings, promoting inclusivity and accessibility for various meeting sizes.

Call-in Number

A phone number participants can use to join an online meeting via audio-only. This feature offers flexibility for individuals who may not have internet access or prefer to join the meeting without using a computer. Providing a call-in number enhances accessibility, ensuring that participants can easily connect to the meeting using their phones while still actively participating in discussions.


A co-host is an individual who shares hosting responsibilities with the primary host. This role is assigned to facilitate smoother meeting management, allowing the co-host to assist in tasks such as muting participants, managing controls, and overseeing various aspects of the virtual gathering. The co-host plays a crucial role in enhancing meeting efficiency and ensuring a seamless experience for all participants.

Cloud Recording

Cloud Recording is a feature in online meetings that allows the recording of meeting sessions directly to cloud-based storage. This functionality simplifies the process of capturing and storing important meeting content, making it easily accessible for participants after the meeting concludes. Cloud recording ensures that valuable discussions and presentations are preserved securely, promoting effective knowledge sharing and collaboration beyond the live meeting.

Collaboration Software

Online tools and applications that facilitate teamwork and communication during virtual meetings. This software aims to streamline collaboration by providing a centralized platform where users can share information, documents, and ideas in real-time, regardless of geographical locations. Key features of collaboration software often include: Document sharing, Version control Messaging Video conferencing Project management functionalities This technology promotes efficiency, transparency, and seamless communication by enabling team members to work together on projects, exchange feedback, and stay updated on each other's contributions....

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Chat Box

The chat box in online meetings is a feature that enables participants to communicate through text in real-time. It serves as a versatile tool for asking questions, sharing insights, and engaging in discussions parallel to the main meeting conversation. The chat box enhances participant interaction, allowing for additional layers of communication and collaboration during virtual meetings. It is a valuable space for fostering engagement, clarification, and the exchange of information among attendees.

Crisis Communication

Crisis communication in the context of online meetings involves the strategic and timely exchange of information during challenging situations or emergencies. This communication approach aims to keep participants informed, reassured, and coordinated in response to unexpected events. Effective crisis communication ensures that all relevant information is shared promptly, allowing participants to adapt and respond collectively to the situation at hand.

Coordinated Effort

Collaborative actions taken by meeting participants to achieve a common objective. It involves individuals working together seamlessly, leveraging their collective strengths to accomplish shared objectives. Encouraging a coordinated effort during virtual meetings promotes synergy and maximizes the combined potential of the team, resulting in more efficient and successful outcomes.

Case Study

In online meetings, a case study is a detailed examination of a specific situation, project, or problem that serves as a learning tool for participants. Presenting case studies allows for in-depth analysis and discussion of real-world scenarios, fostering a deeper understanding of challenges and solutions. Online meetings incorporating case studies provide a platform for collaborative problem-solving, knowledge sharing, and the application of lessons learned to similar situations.

Contract Negotiation

Contract negotiation in the context of online meetings involves the process of discussing, modifying, and finalizing the terms and conditions of a contractual agreement through virtual communication channels. Participants engage in negotiations, addressing key aspects such as terms of service, deliverables, and timelines. Online meetings for contract negotiation provide a platform for transparent communication, enabling parties to reach consensus and finalize contractual details efficiently.


Two individuals who jointly lead or facilitate a meeting or committee. This collaborative leadership approach ensures that multiple perspectives contribute to the effective management of the meeting. Co-chairs work together to guide discussions, manage the agenda, and ensure a balanced and inclusive participation of all attendees.

Conference Folder

A conference folder is a virtual space or repository within an online meeting platform where relevant documents, materials, and resources are stored and shared among participants. This centralized location helps streamline access to critical information, such as agendas, presentations, and reference materials. The conference folder enhances organization and accessibility, ensuring that participants have easy and convenient access to all the necessary documents during and after the meeting.

Communication Channel

A communication channel in online meetings refers to the means through which information is exchanged between participants. This can include features like chat, audio, video, or other messaging tools. Choosing the appropriate communication channel for different types of information or discussions is crucial for effective virtual collaboration. By utilizing the right communication channels, participants can ensure that messages are conveyed clearly and that the flow of information aligns with the nature of the discussion.

Cross-functional Team

A group composed of individuals from different departments or areas within an organization, brought together for a meeting. These teams bring together varied skills and expertise to address complex challenges, promoting a holistic and well-rounded approach. Online meetings involving cross-functional teams aim to leverage the strengths of each member, encouraging collaborative problem-solving and fostering a comprehensive perspective to achieve collective objectives.

Consent Item

An agenda item that is expected to be approved without extensive discussion or debate. Participants are asked to provide their consent or agreement without the need for a detailed debate. This approach streamlines meeting proceedings, allowing for more efficient use of time and ensuring that discussions are focused on items that require deeper consideration or input.

Conversation Starter

A conversation starter in online meetings is a deliberate introduction, often in the form of a question or topic, designed to initiate discussions and engage participants. It serves as an icebreaker to encourage dialogue and set a positive tone for the meeting. Incorporating conversation starters fosters a more interactive and inclusive virtual environment, prompting participants to share their thoughts and ideas right from the beginning, enhancing collaboration.

Closing Statements

Closing statements in online meetings are the final remarks or summaries delivered at the conclusion of a virtual gathering. These statements serve to recap key points, express gratitude, and provide any necessary next steps or action items. Closing statements contribute to a sense of closure and clarity, reinforcing the outcomes and expectations discussed during the meeting. They help participants leave the virtual space with a clear understanding of the meeting's objectives and any follow-up actions required.

Contingency Budget

A financial plan to address unforeseen expenses that may arise during a meeting. This budgetary allocation provides financial flexibility to handle unexpected costs that may arise during the planning or execution of virtual meetings. The contingency budget is a proactive measure to ensure financial stability and preparedness, allowing organizers to address unexpected challenges without compromising the quality and success of the online meeting.

Crisis Management

Crisis management in online meetings involves the strategic planning and coordinated response to unexpected and challenging situations. It outlines procedures to address crises that may impact the virtual meeting environment, such as technical issues, disruptions, or emergencies. Effective crisis management ensures that participants are prepared to handle unexpected events, minimizing disruptions and maintaining a secure and productive online meeting atmosphere.

Cancellation Policy

The cancellation policy in online meetings outlines the guidelines and procedures for canceling a scheduled virtual gathering. It establishes expectations for notifying participants in case a meeting needs to be canceled and provides details on any associated consequences or considerations. This policy ensures clarity and transparency in managing unforeseen circumstances that may require the cancellation of an online meeting, helping participants navigate changes effectively.

Chamber Meeting

A formal gathering of members in a chamber of commerce or similar organization. This virtual meeting provides members with a platform to discuss community-relevant matters, share updates, and collaborate on initiatives. Chamber meetings conducted online facilitate efficient communication and coordination among members, enabling the exchange of ideas and information crucial for the collective progress of the community.


A check-out is a procedural phase typically occurring at the conclusion of a session. It allows participants to share reflections, provide feedback, or express their thoughts on the meeting's discussions and outcomes. This inclusive practice ensures that individuals have a platform to voice their insights, contributing to a more comprehensive understanding of the meeting's impact and fostering a collaborative environment for future engagements.


Conformance in online meetings pertains to adherence or compliance with established standards, guidelines, or protocols. It ensures that participants and processes align with predetermined criteria, promoting consistency and quality in virtual interactions. Emphasizing conformance in meetings helps maintain a standardized approach to discussions and decision-making, contributing to the overall effectiveness and reliability of online collaboration.

Contingency Planning

The process of preparing for potential issues or disruptions during a meeting. This proactive approach helps meeting organizers anticipate potential issues and develop response plans to ensure continuity. Contingency planning aims to mitigate risks and uncertainties, allowing for a more resilient and adaptable virtual meeting environment in the face of unforeseen circumstances.

Critical Path

The critical path denotes the sequential progression of essential tasks or activities integral to the successful completion of a project or event. Identifying the critical path is fundamental for effective planning, ensuring that priority is given to tasks that directly influence project timelines and overall success. Understanding the critical path aids in strategic decision-making and resource allocation to maximize efficiency.

Conference Facilities

Facilities equipped for hosting meetings, such as audiovisual equipment and seating. These facilities include platforms, features, and infrastructure that enable smooth communication, presentations, and interactions during virtual conferences. The careful selection of appropriate conference facilities is paramount for creating a professional and effective meeting environment, allowing participants to engage seamlessly in discussions and contribute meaningfully to the meeting's objectives.

Collaborative Workspace

A collaborative workspace refers to a physical area specifically designed to facilitate group work and meetings. These spaces are equipped with features and tools that support collaborative activities, fostering creativity, communication, and effective teamwork. Collaborative workspaces are essential for organizations seeking to enhance innovation and productivity through collaborative efforts.

Content Review

A content review meeting involves the assessment and examination of materials or content before presentation. This gathering allows participants to evaluate the accuracy, relevance, and effectiveness of the content being presented. Content review meetings ensure that materials align with objectives, convey information clearly, and meet the standards set for the overall quality of the presentation.

Conference Organizer

The conference organizer is an individual or team responsible for planning and executing a conference or meeting. This role involves coordinating logistics, managing registrations, and ensuring the overall success of the event. Conference organizers play a crucial role in creating a positive and engaging conference experience for participants.

Committee Meeting

A committee meeting is a gathering of committee members convened to discuss and address specific issues or tasks. These meetings provide a forum for committee members to collaborate, share insights, and make informed decisions. Committee meetings contribute to the effective functioning of organizations by allowing specialized groups to focus on their designated responsibilities.

Client Presentation

A client presentation is a meeting where a business or organization showcases its products or services to a client. This presentation is a strategic opportunity to communicate value propositions, address client needs, and build a positive relationship. Client presentations aim to align client expectations with the offerings of the presenting entity, fostering trust and facilitating successful partnerships.


Consultation in the meeting context involves a gathering or discussion aimed at seeking advice, expertise, or input from others. This collaborative approach allows individuals or teams to benefit from diverse perspectives and insights, contributing to well-informed decision-making. Consultation meetings create a platform for open dialogue and the exchange of ideas to enhance the quality of outcomes.

Contingent Agenda

A contingent agenda is a list of items prepared for discussion in case there is extra time available at the end of a meeting. These additional topics are considered secondary and are brought forward if the primary agenda items are addressed more efficiently than anticipated. A contingent agenda helps make the most effective use of meeting time while allowing flexibility for unforeseen circumstances or extended discussions.

Corporate Retreat

A corporate retreat is an offsite meeting or gathering designed for team-building and strategic planning. These events provide organizations with an opportunity to step away from the day-to-day routine, fostering team cohesion, and allowing participants to focus on long-term goals and initiatives. Corporate retreats often incorporate team-building activities, workshops, and discussions to enhance collaboration and creativity.

Code of Conduct

A code of conduct in meetings comprises a set of rules or guidelines outlining expected behavior among participants. This document establishes the standards for respectful and professional interaction, promoting a positive and inclusive meeting environment. A well-defined code of conduct contributes to the overall effectiveness of meetings by fostering a culture of mutual respect and collaboration.


In the context of meetings, a concession refers to a compromise made during negotiations. Participants may offer concessions to facilitate agreement and move discussions forward. Concessions involve a willingness to adjust one's position for the sake of reaching a mutually beneficial outcome, demonstrating flexibility and a commitment to finding common ground.

Caucus Meeting

A caucus meeting is a gathering of members from a specific group or party to discuss strategy or address particular issues. These meetings provide a forum for like-minded individuals to deliberate and coordinate actions, fostering unity and effective collaboration within the group. Caucus meetings are common in political contexts, allowing members to align on positions and objectives.

Collective Bargaining

Collective bargaining refers to negotiations between a group of employees and their employer, often conducted in a meeting setting. These negotiations aim to reach agreements on issues such as working conditions, wages, and benefits. Collective bargaining meetings involve representatives from both labor and management working collaboratively to address the needs and concerns of the workforce.


The coordinator is an individual tasked with organizing and managing various aspects of a meeting. This role involves overseeing logistics, scheduling, and ensuring that all necessary resources are in place. Coordinators play a pivotal role in the smooth execution of meetings, contributing to their efficiency and success.


Consensus in a meeting signifies a general agreement or harmony among participants regarding a particular decision or course of action. Achieving consensus involves considering and incorporating the input of all involved parties, promoting a collaborative approach to decision-making. Consensus-building fosters a sense of unity and shared responsibility among meeting participants.


Coterminous refers to meeting terms or agreements that conclude simultaneously. This term is often used in the context of contracts or agreements, indicating that multiple terms will expire or be renewed at the same time. Coterminous agreements streamline the management of various timelines and help maintain consistency in contractual relationships.


A counterproposal is a response to a proposal made during a meeting, where an alternative suggestion is put forward. This constructive exchange allows participants to explore different perspectives and find mutually agreeable solutions. Counterproposals play a crucial role in the negotiation process, promoting flexibility and compromise among meeting attendees as they work towards consensus on various issues.


A check-in is a procedural element commonly incorporated at the beginning of a meeting, providing an opportunity for participants to offer brief updates or share their current status. This practice aims to foster a sense of connection among attendees, enabling everyone to start the meeting with a clear understanding of each other's perspectives and circumstances. The check-in phase sets a positive tone, encourages active engagement, and helps establish a collaborative atmosphere conducive to productive discussions.

Call for Proposals (CFP)

A Call for Proposals (CFP) is a formal invitation or announcement made by an organization or event host to solicit submissions or proposals from individuals or organizations who wish to present, speak, or contribute in some way to a meeting, conference, or event. Key aspects of a CFP include: Clearly stating the objectives and theme of the event, along with the specific topics or areas of interest for which proposals are sought. Providing detailed instructions on how potential presenters or...

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Closed Session

A Closed Session refers to a portion of a meeting where only a specific group of participants is allowed access, and the proceedings are kept confidential. Closed sessions are typically used for sensitive discussions or to deliberate on confidential matters. Here are the key characteristics of a Closed Session: Only authorized participants, often specified in advance, are allowed to attend the closed session. Others may be asked to leave the meeting room or join remotely once the closed session begins....

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Contingency Plan

A backup plan in case unexpected issues arise during the meeting. A Contingency Plan in the context of meetings is a strategic framework that outlines how to address unforeseen disruptions or challenges that might occur during the meeting, ensuring that the meeting can continue smoothly. Here are some key elements of a Contingency Plan: The plan begins by identifying potential issues that could disrupt the meeting, such as technical difficulties, absent key participants, or unexpected conflicts. It then outlines specific...

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Chairperson's Script

A Chairperson's Script is a structured and pre-planned set of instructions or guidelines that the meeting leader, often referred to as the chairperson or facilitator, follows during a meeting to ensure it runs smoothly and efficiently. This script serves as a roadmap for the chairperson, helping them maintain control over the meeting's agenda and ensuring that key points are covered. Here are some key aspects of a Chairperson's Script: The script outlines the agenda items, their order, and the estimated...

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Verification of a person's identity or qualifications to attend a meeting. Credentials are used to verify attendees' eligibility and ensure the security and integrity of the gathering. Key aspects of credentials include: Providing identification badges, tickets, or access cards to registered participants. Verifying attendees' eligibility based on criteria such as registration, membership, or invitation. Controlling access points to the meeting venue to prevent unauthorized entry. Ensuring that participants wear or display their credentials visibly during the event. Enhancing security by...

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Collateral Materials

Printed or supplementary materials provided during a meeting, such as handouts or brochures. These materials can include reports, handouts, presentations, or reference documents. Key aspects of collateral materials include: Enhancing understanding and engagement by providing relevant background information or data. Supporting presentations or discussions by offering visual aids, charts, graphs, or slides. Ensuring that all meeting attendees have access to the same information and resources. Often shared in advance of the meeting to allow participants to prepare and review the...

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An act of officially calling off a scheduled meeting, either by the organizer or due to unforeseen circumstances. Canceling a meeting is typically done when the meeting is no longer necessary, or when factors like emergencies or low attendance make it impractical to proceed. Key aspects of meeting cancellation include: Notifying participants promptly about the cancellation, preferably in advance. Providing clear reasons for the cancellation to avoid confusion or misunderstandings. Rescheduling the meeting if necessary and communicating the new date...

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Courteous is an important etiquette term in meetings, emphasizing the importance of displaying polite and respectful behavior towards others. Being courteous in meetings creates a positive and professional atmosphere that fosters effective communication and collaboration. Key principles of being courteous in meetings include: Treating all meeting participants with respect, regardless of their role or perspective. Actively listening to others without interrupting and valuing their contributions. Using polite language, tone, and gestures when communicating with fellow attendees. Avoiding negative or offensive...

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Conference Room

A conference room is a designated space within an organization or facility that is equipped and arranged for conducting meetings, presentations, discussions, and collaborative activities. Conference rooms are essential for hosting productive and organized meetings. Key features of conference rooms include: Adequate seating, tables, and audiovisual equipment to accommodate meeting participants. Presentation tools such as projectors, screens, whiteboards, and video conferencing capabilities. Comfortable and ergonomic furniture to ensure attendee comfort during lengthy meetings. Facilities for connecting laptops, mobile devices, and...

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A conclave is a private and exclusive meeting or assembly of individuals with a specific purpose or agenda. Conclaves are often used for confidential discussions, strategic planning, or decision-making by a select group. Key aspects of a conclave include: Limited attendance, with participation typically restricted to invited or key individuals. A focus on sensitive or high-priority matters that require privacy and discretion. A structured format, often with defined objectives, agendas, and outcomes. Commonly used in corporate, political, or religious contexts...

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Collaboration Tools

Collaboration Tools in meetings refer to a variety of software and technologies designed to facilitate communication, cooperation, and teamwork among participants, especially in virtual or remote settings. These tools enable effective collaboration by offering features such as document sharing, video conferencing, and real-time communication. Key characteristics of Collaboration Tools include: Providing a platform for real-time, synchronous collaboration regardless of participants' physical locations. Supporting file sharing and document collaboration, allowing team members to work on shared documents simultaneously. Offering features like...

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A private meeting or discussion within a larger meeting. Caucuses are typically formed by individuals or members with shared interests or objectives to discuss specific issues or strategies privately. Key elements of caucuses include: Being organized by participants who share common goals, concerns, or affiliations. Allowing for focused, confidential discussions separate from the main meeting. Providing a platform for participants to strategize, collaborate, or seek consensus on particular matters. Often used in political or organizational settings to coordinate actions, build...

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The ethical and legal obligation to protect sensitive and private information shared during discussions. Maintaining confidentiality fosters trust among participants and ensures that sensitive matters are kept secure. Key principles of confidentiality in meetings include: Respecting the privacy and trust of participants by not disclosing sensitive information to unauthorized individuals. Clearly communicating confidentiality expectations to all meeting attendees at the outset. Using secure communication channels, such as encrypted documents or private discussions, for confidential topics. Avoiding discussions of confidential matters...

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Chair's Report

The Chair's Report is a segment of a meeting typically led by the chairperson or presiding officer. During this report, the chair provides an overview of key updates, developments, or information relevant to the meeting's agenda and the organization at large. Key elements of the Chair's Report include: The chairperson formally addressed the attendees to present the report. Summarizing recent activities, decisions, or achievements within the organization or committee. Highlighting important announcements, upcoming events, or strategic initiatives. Offering insights into...

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Call to Order

The "call to order" is the official beginning of a meeting, marked by the presiding officer or chairperson announcing that the meeting has commenced. This signal initiates the meeting's agenda and proceedings. Key aspects of the "call to order" include: The chairperson or presiding officer formally declaring the meeting's start. Verifying that a quorum (the minimum number of required participants) is present to conduct business. Welcoming attendees, reviewing the agenda, and outlining the meeting's objectives. Introducing any special guests or...

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Closed Meeting

A closed meeting is a type of gathering where participation is limited to a specific group of individuals, often by invitation or membership. These meetings are not open to the general public and typically involve confidential or sensitive discussions. Key characteristics of closed meetings include: Restricted access to a defined set of participants, such as board members, committee members, or authorized personnel. A focus on confidential matters, strategic planning, or discussions that require a high level of privacy. An invitation-only...

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A conclusion in a meeting refers to the final part of a discussion or presentation where key points, outcomes, or decisions are summarized. Conclusions are important to wrap up discussions and ensure that participants have a clear understanding of what was achieved or agreed upon. Key aspects of conclusions include: Summarizing the main takeaways and outcomes of the meeting. Restating any action items, deadlines, or commitments made during the meeting. Providing closure to the discussion and allowing for any final...

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A committee is a group of individuals within an organization or meeting setting that is formed with a specific purpose or task in mind. Committees are often established to address complex issues, make decisions, or oversee particular projects. Key features of committees include: Having a defined scope and purpose that aligns with the organization's goals. Comprising members with relevant expertise, skills, or interests related to the committee's objectives. Holding regular meetings to discuss, deliberate, and make recommendations or decisions. Reporting...

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The individual or group responsible for organizing and calling a meeting. The convener plays a crucial role in setting the agenda, establishing meeting logistics, and ensuring that the meeting's objectives are met. Key responsibilities of a convener include: Defining the meeting's purpose, goals, and desired outcomes. Identifying and inviting relevant participants based on their expertise or involvement. Creating a detailed meeting agenda and communicating it to all participants. Facilitating the meeting, ensuring that discussions stay on track and objectives are...

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Conflict Resolution

Conflict resolution in meetings involves addressing and resolving disagreements, disputes, or conflicts that may arise among participants. Effective conflict resolution is essential for maintaining a constructive and productive meeting environment. Key aspects of conflict resolution include: Recognizing and acknowledging the existence of conflicts openly and without judgment. Encouraging open communication to understand differing viewpoints and concerns. Employing active listening skills to ensure all perspectives are heard and respected. Collaboratively working towards finding solutions that are mutually agreeable to the parties...

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Consent Agenda

A consent agenda is a streamlined approach to manage routine or non-controversial items in a meeting efficiently. It allows organizations to group together items that require minimal discussion and decision-making into a single agenda item. Members can then vote to approve all items collectively unless someone requests further discussion or scrutiny. Key elements of a consent agenda include: Identifying items that are routine, non-controversial, or require no debate. Grouping these items together on the meeting agenda under a "Consent Agenda"...

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Collaboration in meetings refers to the act of working together as a team or group to achieve common goals or objectives. It emphasizes the importance of sharing ideas, resources, and expertise to generate innovative solutions and enhance productivity. Key principles of collaboration in meetings include: Encouraging open communication and active participation among all team members. Leveraging diverse skills, experiences, and perspectives to foster creativity and problem-solving. Establishing clear roles and responsibilities within the group to ensure effective coordination. Using collaborative...

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A formal meeting where people discuss specific topics or issues. A conference is a formal gathering of individuals, typically professionals or experts within a particular field or industry, who come together to exchange knowledge, share insights, and discuss relevant topics. Conferences serve as platforms for networking, learning, and collaboration. Key elements of conferences include: Featuring a diverse range of presentations, workshops, panel discussions, and keynote speakers. Providing opportunities for attendees to interact, ask questions, and engage in discussions. Focusing on...

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The person who leads or facilitates a meeting. The chairperson in a meeting is a key role responsible for facilitating and overseeing the proceedings to ensure that the meeting runs smoothly and achieves its objectives. The chairperson plays a crucial role in maintaining order, promoting effective communication, and driving productive discussions. Key responsibilities of a chairperson include: Opening and introducing the meeting, setting the agenda, and outlining the objectives. Ensuring that all participants have the opportunity to contribute and that...

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