Active Listening

Active listening is a fundamental communication skill in meetings that involves fully engaging with and comprehending what others are saying. It goes beyond merely hearing words and encompasses understanding, empathy, and responsiveness. Key components of active listening include:

Giving full attention to the speaker, which includes maintaining eye contact, minimizing distractions, and showing genuine interest.
Providing non-verbal cues such as nodding, smiling, and using affirming gestures to convey understanding and encouragement.
Asking clarifying questions or summarizing the speaker’s points to ensure comprehension and demonstrate engagement.
Avoiding interrupting or formulating responses while the speaker is still talking, allowing them to express their thoughts fully.
Acknowledging and validating the speaker’s feelings and perspectives, even if you may not necessarily agree.
Active listening promotes effective communication, rapport-building, and constructive dialogue in meetings, leading to better outcomes and shared understanding among participants.