The era of hybrid work is here to stay–with more than 65 percent of employees already working from home and the office.

But the current office as we know it clearly needs to adapt to the hybrid model–with more than 95 percent of workers believing that the top challenge of hybrid work is the ability to effectively collaborate and communicate with those in and out of the office.

While working from home has created many advantages for employees and employers, it also has created fears that employees working from home will be excluded in meetings and treated differently from employees working in the office. 

So what’s the solution?

Having the right technology in place plays a critical role in reducing these concerns. In fact, 97 percent of surveyed workers maintain that new features and capabilities will make them feel more included. In addition, 57 percent believe it is vital to ensure that all meeting participants have an opportunity to speak and contribute in every meeting.

And that’s where Krisp’s Talk Time comes in.

This newly-released feature allows users to visually keep track of how much time they spend talking in relation to other participants on a call. Talk Time not only gives users the ability to understand their own presence in virtual meetings, but it makes room for more inclusive conversations by indicating what percentage of the meeting time they spent speaking.

For example, the Talk Time feature helps encourage talkative employees to be more mindful about dominating the discussion and potentially excluding others from the conversation. Additionally, it gives less assertive team members a gentle nudge to speak up and make their voices and ideas heard. And for managers looking to boost engagement and collaboration across their dispersed teams, it can be an effective way to ensure that employees do not fall into the rut of hiding during virtual meetings. This is especially important at a time when all of us are experiencing burnout from non-stop online meetings.

Simply put, the benefits of Talk Time in today’s working world are immeasurable. They include:

  • Providing users with more self-awareness about their online meeting communication habits
  • Helping users create more inclusive conversations by making room for other call participants
  • Providing insight into communication engagement levels in every meeting
  • Creating an opportunity for more collaboration in virtual meetings

With hybrid work becoming the norm, the traditional ways that businesses have been operating needs to change. And this change begins with improved communication and collaboration between those in and out of the office.