APIs are revolutionizing the way we interact with technology.


By converting spoken language into written text, these APIs open new possibilities for accessibility, productivity, and user interaction across numerous platforms and devices. As we delve into the intricacies of speech-to-text technology, it’s essential to understand both the foundational components and the advanced mechanisms that drive these systems.


The purpose of this article is to delve into the best speech-to-text API solutions available in 2024, focusing on their technical aspects, industry applications, and advantages.

What is Behind Speech-to-Text API Technology?

Speech-to-text APIs have become an integral part of modern technology, enabling a wide range of applications from automated transcriptions to voice-controlled interfaces. Understanding the underlying technology helps in appreciating the complexity and the advancements that make these APIs so powerful. Here’s a deep dive into the technical aspects of speech-to-text API technology:

Core Components of Speech-to-Text Technology

1. Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR):

    • Acoustic Modeling: Represents the relationship between phonetic units of speech and the corresponding audio signals. This involves:
      • Phoneme Recognition: Identifying the smallest units of sound in speech.
      • Feature Extraction: Converting raw audio signals into a format that the ASR system can process, typically involving the extraction of features like Mel-frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCCs).
    • Language Modeling: Utilizes statistical models to predict word sequences, thereby enhancing the accuracy of transcription. Techniques include:
      • N-gram Models: Probabilistic models that predict the next word in a sequence based on the previous ‘n’ words.
  • Neural Language Models: Use deep learning to predict word sequences with greater context and accuracy.


2. Deep Learning and Neural Networks:

    • Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs): Specialized for sequence data, RNNs are adept at processing sequences of audio signals. Variants like Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) networks are particularly effective in handling long-range dependencies in speech.
    • Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs): Primarily used for image processing, CNNs have found applications in speech recognition by helping to identify features in audio spectrograms.
    • Transformer Models: The latest advancement in deep learning, transformer models use attention mechanisms to focus on important parts of the input sequence, significantly improving the accuracy and efficiency of speech-to-text systems.

3. Real-Time Processing:

    • Streaming APIs: Enable continuous transcription of audio in real-time, which is essential for applications like live captioning and interactive voice response systems.
    • On-Device Processing: Reduces latency and dependency on cloud services by performing speech recognition directly on the user’s device. This approach is particularly beneficial for applications requiring immediate response and enhanced privacy.

4. Post-Processing and Error Correction:

    • Text Normalization: Converts transcribed text into a more readable format by addressing issues like punctuation, capitalization, and spacing.
    • Contextual Understanding: Advanced speech-to-text systems incorporate contextual understanding to correct errors based on the surrounding text, improving the overall accuracy of the transcription.


Speech-to-Text APIs Industry Applications

Speech-to-text technology is utilized across various industries, each benefiting from its unique capabilities. Here is a table summarizing the applications in different industries:


Industry Speech-to-Text API Application
Healthcare Medical Transcription: Automates the transcription of patient records.
Voice-Controlled Devices: Enables hands-free operation of medical devices.
Customer Service Call Center Transcription: Provides real-time transcription of customer interactions.
Chatbots and Virtual Assistants: Enhances AI-powered customer service tools.
Media and Entertainment Captioning and Subtitling: Automates the generation of captions for video content.
Content Creation: Assists in the transcription of interviews and podcasts.
Education Lecture Transcription: Provides students with accurate transcriptions of lectures.
Language Learning: Enhances language learning apps with accurate feedback.

Advancements in Speech-to-Text Technology

Recent advancements have significantly improved the capabilities of speech-to-text APIs:

  • Multilingual Support: Modern APIs support a wide range of languages and dialects, making them accessible to a global audience.
  • Enhanced Accuracy: Continuous improvements in deep learning models and large-scale datasets have led to higher transcription accuracy.
  • Privacy and Security: On-device processing and encrypted data transmission ensure that user data remains secure, addressing privacy concerns.

Challenges and Future Directions

While speech-to-text technology has come a long way, it still faces several challenges:

  • Accurate Transcription in Noisy Environments: Background noise can significantly impact the accuracy of transcriptions. Advanced noise-cancellation algorithms and robust acoustic models are being developed to address this issue.
  • Dialect and Accent Variability: Ensuring accurate transcription across different dialects and accents remains a challenge. Ongoing research focuses on creating more inclusive models that can handle diverse speech patterns.
  • Real-Time Translation: Integrating speech-to-text with real-time translation presents both a challenge and an opportunity. Achieving seamless translation while maintaining accuracy is a key area of development.

Best Speech-to-Text API Solutions in 2024

Here are some of the top speech-to-text API solutions available in 2024, based on extensive research from reputable sources such as Deepgram, AssemblyAI, and others​​:

1. Assembly AI

Assembly AI Speech-to-text

Assembly AI is a leading provider of speech-to-text solutions, known for its high accuracy and advanced machine learning models. It supports multiple languages and dialects, making it a versatile choice for various industries.

Assembly AI

4.7 out of 5 stars
Key features
  • High accuracy with advanced machine learning models.
  • Support for multiple languages and dialects.
  • Real-time and batch processing capabilities.
  • Excellent accuracy for various accents and dialects.
  • Flexible integration options with APIs and SDKs.
  • Robust support and documentation.
  • Requires significant computational resources for processing.
  • Limited offline capabilities.

Use Cases: Suitable for transcription services, call centers, and media industries.

2. Deepgram

Geepgram API speech to text

Deepgram offers deep learning-based ASR with customizable models, providing high accuracy and fast processing speeds. It integrates seamlessly with various platforms, making it ideal for voice assistants and call analytics.


4.5 out of 5 stars
Key features
  • Deep learning-based ASR with customizable models.
  • High accuracy and fast processing speeds.
  • Integration with various platforms via APIs.
  • Highly scalable for large-scale applications.
  • Offers real-time and batch processing options.
  • Supports multiple languages and dialects.
  • Customization may require technical expertise.
  • Premium features can be costly.

Use Cases: Ideal for voice assistants, transcription, and call analytics.

3. Speechmatics

speechmatics speech to text API

Speechmatics is renowned for its universal speech recognition technology, offering high accuracy across diverse accents and dialects. It is particularly useful for enterprise applications, providing scalable solutions for various industries.


4.6 out of 5 stars
Key features
  • Universal speech recognition with high accuracy.
  • Support for diverse accents and dialects.
  • Scalable solutions for enterprise applications.
  • Highly accurate transcription across various dialects.
  • Strong enterprise support and scalability.
  • Continuous improvements and updates.
  • Setup can be complex for new users.
  • Higher cost for extensive usage.

Use Cases: Useful for broadcast media, telecommunication, and transcription services.

4. Rev AI


Rev AI stands out with its industry-leading accuracy, offering human-reviewed options for even higher precision. It supports real-time and asynchronous transcription, making it perfect for media production and legal sectors.

Rev AI

4.4 out of 5 stars
Key features
  • Industry-leading accuracy with human-reviewed options.
  • Real-time and asynchronous transcription.
  • Easy integration with SDKs and APIs.
  • Highly accurate transcriptions with human review.
  • Versatile integration options for various platforms.
  • Strong reputation in the industry.
  • Human-reviewed transcriptions can be more expensive.
  • Limited free tier options.

Use Cases: Perfect for media production, legal, and education sectors.

5. Whisper

Whisper, developed by OpenAI, is a cutting-edge speech recognition technology offering high accuracy and robust performance. It supports multiple languages and is ideal for developers seeking open-source solutions.


4.3 out of 5 stars
Key features
  • OpenAI’s cutting-edge speech recognition technology.
  • High accuracy and robust performance.
  • Support for multiple languages.
  • Open-source and customizable.
  • Strong performance across various languages.
  • Free to use with extensive documentation.
  • May require fine-tuning for specific applications.
  • Limited support compared to commercial solutions.

Use Cases: Suitable for developers seeking open-source solutions for diverse applications.

6. Symbl

Symbl AI speech-to-text API

Symbl offers advanced conversational intelligence with contextual understanding, providing real-time transcription and analysis. It integrates well with communication platforms, making it ideal for customer service and team collaboration.


4.2 out of 5 stars
Key features
  • Conversational intelligence with contextual understanding.
  • Real-time transcription and analysis.
  • Integration with communication platforms.
  • Advanced contextual understanding enhances transcription accuracy.
  • Seamless integration with various communication tools.
  • Offers real-time insights and analytics.
  • Can be complex to integrate without technical expertise.
  • Some features are available only in premium plans.

Use Cases: Ideal for customer service, sales, and team collaboration tools.

Krisp: The Ultimate Transcription Solution for Call Centers

Krisp is a versatile and reliable transcription software designed to enhance call center operations and improve customer service.

Technical Advantages of Krisp for Enterprise Call Centers

Krisp speech-to-text

  • Superior Transcription Accuracy

    • 96% Accuracy: Leveraging cutting-edge AI, Krisp ensures high-quality transcriptions even in noisy environments, boasting a Word Error Rate (WER) of only 4%.

    On-Device Processing

    • Enhanced Security: Krisp’s desktop app processes transcriptions and noise cancellation directly on your device, ensuring sensitive information remains secure and compliant with stringent security standards.

    Unmatched Privacy

    • Real-Time Redaction: Ensures the utmost privacy by redacting Personally Identifiable Information (PII) and Payment Card Information (PCI) in real-time.
    • Private Cloud Storage: Stores transcripts in a private cloud owned by customers, with write-only access, ensuring complete control over data.

    Centralized Solution Across All Platforms

    • Cost Optimization: By centralizing call transcriptions across all platforms, Krisp CCT optimizes costs and simplifies data management.
    • Streamlined Operations: Eliminates the need for multiple transcription services, making data handling more efficient.

    No Additional Integrations Required

    • Effortless Integration: Krisp’s plug-and-play setup integrates seamlessly with major Contact Center as a Service (CCaaS) and Unified Communications as a Service (UCaaS) platforms.
    • Operational Efficiency: Requires no additional configurations, ensuring smooth and secure operations from the start.

Use Cases Enabled by Krisp Call Center Transcription

Use Case Description
Enhancing Call Center Efficiency Boost your BPO’s efficiency by ensuring quality control of customer interactions, enabling targeted training and coaching sessions, refining sales strategies, and improving call center metrics for an enhanced operation.
Better Compliance and Record-Keeping Maintain regulatory compliance and adhere to industry standards with Krisp CCT, which provides a searchable record of all customer interactions. This can support your compliance efforts and offer valuable information for dispute resolution.
Enabling Customer Intel Gathering Streamline customer research and analysis, identify actionable customer insights, and collect feature requests to better understand and serve your customers.
Fortifying Fraud Detection Identify fraudulent patterns in customer interactions, mitigate data breaches, and enhance fraud prevention strategies to protect your business and customers with Krisp CCT.

Speech-To-Text API Frequently Asked Questions

Which Speech-to-Text API is the best?
The best Speech-to-Text API depends on specific needs such as accuracy, real-time capabilities, language support, and integration requirements. Top contenders include Assembly AI, Deepgram, and Speechmatics.
Which text-to-speech API is realistic?
APIs like Google Text-to-Speech and Amazon Polly offer highly realistic text-to-speech capabilities, providing natural-sounding voices and extensive language support.
Is there any free Speech-to-Text API?
Yes, several providers offer free tiers or open-source options. For instance, OpenAI’s Whisper is available for free and supports multiple languages, making it accessible for small-scale applications and testing.
Is Google Text-to-Speech API free?
Google Text-to-Speech API offers a free tier with limited usage, making it accessible for small-scale applications and testing. For larger-scale use, paid plans are available with more features and higher usage limits.