Have you ever wondered how to keep a conversation going, whether in a personal setting or a professional one? It can be hard to always engage in meaningful dialogue, especially when conversations stall or hit awkward pauses.


Knowing how to maintain a smooth flow will be beneficial if you are trying to build rapport with clients or keep a discussion lively with friends.


In this article, we’ll explore 10 actionable tips for keeping conversations engaging. These tips can help you connect more effectively and ensure discussions are productive and enjoyable in any context.



  • Ask open-ended questions to encourage deeper conversations.
  • Practice active listening to show engagement and maintain flow.
  • Find common ground to build rapport and make the conversation more relatable.
  • Use humor and new topics to revive stalled or boring discussions.
  • Be mindful of body language and tone to enhance connection and keep the dialogue comfortable.

Why Do You Need To Maintain Conversation Flow?


Maintaining conversation flow is essential for building strong relationships, especially in professional settings. When a conversation moves smoothly, it creates a positive and engaging atmosphere where ideas, concerns, and insights can be exchanged naturally. 


This is especially important in areas like onsite or remote sales closing jobs, customer service, and leadership, where effective communication is key to achieving successful outcomes.


Maintaining the conversation flowing helps:


  • Build Trust and Rapport: A fluid conversation helps establish trust, making the other person feel valued and heard, which is crucial for fostering long-term relationships.
  • Enhance Problem-Solving: When conversations flow easily, it’s easier to address issues and brainstorm solutions, leading to more productive discussions.
  • Keep Engagement High: Whether in sales or client meetings, keeping the conversation going ensures both parties stay engaged, leading to better outcomes.
  • Reduce Misunderstandings: A smooth conversation flow helps prevent miscommunication and confusion by allowing for continuous clarification and follow-up.

Actionable Tips to Keep A Conversation Going

Tip 1: Start with Open-Ended Questions


Open-ended questions are an effective way to keep conversations engaging because they:


  • Encourage detailed responses.
  • Invite the other person to share more insights.
  • Avoid simple “yes” or “no” answers, leading to richer dialogue.

How to Ask Open-Ended Questions


  • Begin questions with “how,” “what,” or “why.”
  • Focus on topics that allow for exploration and explanation.
Instead of… Try… 
Are you satisfied with your current solution? What challenges are you facing with your current solution?
Do you like our product? How has our product helped you improve your workflow?


You can practice conversations by analyzing previous virtual calls with clients or your team. If you use Krisp’s AI meeting assistant, you can easily access meeting notes and transcription. 


It will make it more productive for you to go over the meeting transcript and identify situations where the conversation was going nowhere and ask yourself how you could improve your skills to avoid that. 



Tip 2: Practice Active Listening

Active listening is essential for keeping conversations flowing and ensuring the other person feels heard and understood. It involves focusing fully on the speaker, rather than just waiting for your turn to talk. By practicing active listening, you can respond thoughtfully and keep the conversation engaging.

Key Elements of Active Listening

  • Maintain eye contact (in-person or video calls).
  • Acknowledge what’s being said with nods or short verbal cues like “I see” or “That makes sense.”
  • Avoid interrupting or jumping to conclusions.
  • Ask clarifying questions to show understanding.


Common Phrases That Show Active Listening


Speaker: “Our customer service team is struggling with response times.”

Listener: “It sounds like response times are a major pain point. What do you think is causing the delays?”


Speaker: “We’ve had issues with our software’s performance.”

Listener: “I understand. When do you typically notice performance issues, during peak hours or random times?”


Tip 3: Find Common Ground


Finding common ground is a great way to keep conversations engaging and create a stronger connection. When you discover shared interests, experiences, or goals, the conversation becomes more relatable, and the other person feels more understood. This is particularly important in sales or professional settings, where building rapport is key to maintaining productive dialogue.


How to Find Common Ground:

  • Listen for shared experiences: Pay attention to topics or challenges you both have experienced.
  • Ask questions about mutual interests: Inquire about hobbies, industry trends, or relevant professional experiences.
  • Show empathy: Relate to their situation by sharing a similar experience or understanding.


Let’s take a look at an example of a situation where a sales specialist provides context into finding common ground to keep the conversation going.


“I understand how crucial it is to improve customer experience. I’ve seen other companies in your industry face similar issues, and they benefited from streamlining their communication processes.”

Tip 4: Avoid Monopolizing the Conversation


A healthy conversation is a two-way street. Avoid monopolizing the dialogue by giving the other person space to speak and share their thoughts. When you dominate the conversation, it can make the other person feel unheard, leading to disengagement. Ensuring balance fosters a more open and productive dialogue, especially in business or sales settings where collaboration is key.

How to Avoid Monopolizing the Conversation:

  • Pause regularly: Give the other person opportunities to respond or share their perspective.
  • Ask follow-up questions: Encourage the other person to elaborate on their thoughts or ideas.
  • Be mindful of time: Keep your responses concise and relevant to avoid overwhelming the discussion.
  • Acknowledge their contributions: Reflect on their points to show that you value their input.


Instead of… Try… 
Talking for several minutes about your product’s features Asking: “What features are most important to you in a solution like this?”
Sharing multiple solutions before getting feedback. Saying, “How does that solution sound to you? Does it address the challenges you’re facing?”

Tip 5: Be Mindful of Body Language

Body language plays a crucial role in keeping conversations engaging, especially during in-person or video interactions. Non-verbal cues like eye contact, posture, and facial expressions convey interest and attentiveness. Being mindful of your body language can make the other person feel more comfortable and understood, helping the conversation flow naturally.

Key Aspects of Positive Body Language:

  • Maintain eye contact: It shows you’re focused on the speaker and engaged in the conversation.
  • Nod and smile appropriately: These gestures signal agreement and encourage the speaker to continue.
  • Avoid crossing your arms or appearing closed off: Keep an open posture to show you’re approachable and interested.
  • Lean slightly forward: This indicates you actively listen and engage in the discussion.


Tip 6: Mirror and Match the Tone


Mirroring and matching the tone of the person you’re speaking with helps build rapport and make the conversation feel more natural. By aligning with the other person’s energy, pace, and language, you create a sense of familiarity and comfort, which encourages a smoother flow of communication. This technique is especially useful in sales and professional settings, where establishing connection is key.

How to Mirror and Match the Tone

  • Match their energy level: If the person is upbeat and enthusiastic, respond with a similar level of energy. If they’re more reserved, adopt a calm and composed tone.
  • Use similar language: Pay attention to the type of words they use and try to reflect them in your responses.
  • Pace your speech: Adjust your speaking speed to align with theirs—if they speak slowly and deliberately, do the same; if they’re more fast-paced, match that energy.
  • Mirror body language: Subtly reflect their gestures and posture to create a sense of connection.


Tip 7: Use Humor (When Appropriate)


Using humor, when done appropriately, can help break the ice and make conversations more relaxed and engaging. A well-placed joke or lighthearted comment can diffuse tension, create rapport, and make the interaction feel more personal. However, it’s essential to ensure that the humor is suitable for the context and the relationship with the other person.


How to Use Humor Appropriately:


  • Keep it light: Stick to neutral, lighthearted jokes or comments that aren’t likely to offend.
  • Read the room: Make sure the other person is receptive to humor before cracking a joke.
  • Stay professional: In formal or business settings, ensure your humor stays appropriate and aligns with the tone of the conversation.


Tip 8: Don’t Overthink Responses


Overthinking your responses can lead to awkward pauses and disrupt the natural flow of conversation. Instead of worrying about finding the perfect thing to say, focus on being present and authentic. By responding naturally, you keep the conversation fluid and engaging, making the other person feel comfortable and heard.

How to Avoid Overthinking Responses

  • Stay in the moment: Focus on what the other person is saying instead of pre-planning your response.
  • Trust your instincts: Allow your genuine reactions to guide the conversation.
  • Be concise: Aim for clear, straightforward responses rather than overcomplicating your thoughts.
  • Don’t fear pauses: Natural pauses are a part of any conversation. Use them to think, but don’t let them drag on.


Tip 9: Embrace Pauses When Necessary


Pauses in a conversation are natural and can enhance communication. Embracing pauses allows you and the other person time to reflect on what has been said, ensuring thoughtful responses. Sometimes, pauses can indicate that it is ideal to end the meeting. 

Why Pauses Are Important


  • Gives time to think: Pauses provide space for both parties to process information and formulate better responses.
  • Prevents rushing: Avoids the urge to fill silence with unnecessary comments, leading to more thoughtful discussions.
  • Encourages active listening: Pausing shows that you’re carefully considering what the other person has said, fostering deeper engagement.

How to Use Pauses Effectively

  • Pause after asking a question: Give the other person time to answer without rushing them.
  • Take a moment before responding: This shows you’re giving their words genuine consideration.
  • Use pauses to emphasize key points: A well-timed pause can add weight to important points in a conversation.


Tip 10: Introduce A New Topic When the Conversation Stalls


When a conversation starts to lose momentum or reach a natural conclusion, introducing a new topic can help reignite the discussion. Shifting the conversation to a related or fresh topic not only keeps the dialogue alive but also shows that you’re engaged and interested in maintaining the interaction.

How to Introduce a New Topic

  • Find a natural segue: Look for a connection between the current topic and a new one.
  • Ask about their interests: Switch gears by asking about something relevant to their work or hobbies.
  • Introduce a trending topic: Mention current events, industry trends, or recent news that might interest the other person.

Bonus: A Practical Example of How To Keep A Conversation Going


Scenario: A sales representative, Alex, is speaking with a potential client, Chris, about their company’s software solution. The conversation is starting to stall, but Alex uses some conversational techniques to keep it engaging.

Alex: “So, Chris, what challenges are you currently facing with your existing software solution?”


Chris:“It works okay for the most part, but we’re experiencing some performance issues during peak hours.”


(The conversation starts to slow down as Chris doesn’t elaborate further.)


Alex  (uses Tip 1: Start with Open-Ended Questions): “That’s understandable. Could you tell me more about how those performance issues are impacting your team’s productivity? I’d love to see where we can help improve things.”


Chris: “Well, it’s mostly affecting the customer support team. When the system slows down, they can’t handle calls as efficiently, and that creates a backlog.”


Alex:“That makes sense. A smooth customer support operation is critical. I’d like to know more about the tools you’re currently using. Have you thought about implementing any new technologies, like AI-driven solutions, to help optimize the process?”


(The conversation starts to slow again as Chris ponders the question.)


Alex: (uses Tip 10: Introduce a New Topic) “Speaking of AI, our software includes AI tools that can help predict system bottlenecks and optimize your workflows before any issues arise. How do you feel about AI solutions in your operations? It could be a game changer for preventing those bottlenecks you’re experiencing.”


Chris: “That’s interesting. We haven’t implemented AI yet, but it’s something we’ve been considering. How would it work in our case?”

(The conversation picks up again as they move into discussing AI solutions in more detail.)

This scenario shows how Alex, the sales representative, uses Tip 1 (open-ended questions) to dive deeper into the client’s challenges and Tip 10 (introducing a new topic) to shift the conversation toward AI solutions, keeping the dialogue productive and relevant to the client’s needs.


Frequently Asked Questions


What can I say to keep a conversation going?
Ask open-ended questions like, “What’s been the highlight of your week?” or “What do you enjoy most about your work?” to invite detailed responses.
How to continue a dry conversation?
Find common ground or introduce a new topic by asking, “Have you heard about [related topic]?” or “What do you think about [trending issue]?.
How to keep a conversation going over text?
Use emojis, ask light-hearted questions, or share interesting links or memes that invite a response, like, “What’s your favorite movie right now?”.
How do you keep a boring conversation going?
Introduce humor or switch to a more engaging topic with something like, “Speaking of [related subject], have you ever tried [something interesting]?“.