Do you want to transform your Google Calendar into a visual masterpiece? Google Calendar Color Schemes are what you need. They can turn your daily schedule into an organized and aesthetically pleasing tool.


From Google Calendar color schemes hex codes to aesthetic color schemes, we’ll cover everything in this guide. Moreover, we’ll discuss the best color schemes for Google Calendar.


Finally, we’ll reveal how Meeting Assistant Krisp.AI can help you further enhance your virtual meetings, supercharging your productivity.

Google Calendar Themes: What Are Google Calendar Color Schemes?
google calendar color schemes and themes

Google Calendar themes refer to the overall appearance of your calendar, such as a dark or light mode. Color schemes for Google Calendar pertain to the color-coding of events within the calendar.


Specifically, the themes change the look and feel of the interface. And color schemes change how you visually organize your tasks.


Both can be used to create a personalized, efficient planning tool. Such strategic use of colors enhances productivity, distinguishes between tasks, and makes your routine vibrant.

What Do the Different Colors of Google Calendar Mean?

color psychology

The color palette of Google Calendar color schemes is diverse. Specifically, an aesthetic Google Calendar color scheme helps create a visually pleasing, harmonious look that balances form and function.


So, opt for colors that help distinguish between tasks, simultaneously offering a cohesive and attractive palette. As a result, you can make your calendar visually soothing yet functional.


  • Muted tones for a calm and organized feel: For example, Muted Blue: #708090 (Slate Gray), Muted Green: #556B2F (Olive Drab)
  • Soft Neutrals for a calm and soothing feel: For instance, Soft Beige: #F5F5DC (Beige), and Soft Taupe: #D2B48C (Tan)
  • Warm Pastels for a gentle feel and inviting warmth: For example, Warm Pastel Peach: #FFDAB9 (Peach Puff), and Warm Pastel Yellow: #FFFACD (Lemon Chiffon)

Why Google Calendar Schemes Are Important? The Purpose of Color Schemes

Color isn’t just about making your calendar look pretty. Google Calendar Color Schemes help you visually organize and manage your time more effectively. How?


They allow you to assign specific colors to different events, meetings, or tasks. As a result, they transform your calendar into a dynamic and intuitive time-management system.


So, the primary purpose of Google Calendar Color Schemes is to categorize your schedule in a way that is easy to interpret at a glance.


For instance, you might choose one color for work-related events, another for personal appointments, and a different one for social activities. This color-coding system helps you quickly identify what your day, week, or month looks like without needing to read every entry.


  • Google Calendar Schemes Boost Productivity: When you assign specific colors to tasks, events, or categories, it becomes easier to manage your time effectively.


Let’s look at the color psychology behind the colors affecting productivity. For example, you can use blue for work meetings, green for personal tasks, and red for urgent matters. This way, you can quickly identify what’s on your plate.


  • Color Scheme Customization Boosts Efficiency: Using color schemes in your Google Calendar isn’t just about aesthetics. Color-coding your tasks creates a visual hierarchy, helping you prioritize tasks more efficiently and effectively.


For instance, the color psychology behind light colors says that these help reflect more light, reducing the need for artificial lighting.


  • The Right Color Scheme Also Reduces Stress: Switching between tasks gets easier when your brain starts associating certain colors with specific activities.


Did you know green is a soothing color for stress reduction and increased harmony? Moreover, peaceful blue helps manage stress and brings calm.

Adding Google Calendar Color Schemes Extension to Your Chrome
google calendar colors

You can add a Google Calendar Color Schemes extension to Chrome to enhance and personalize your time-management experience.

  1. Install the extension and click its tab on the top bar of Chrome.
  2. Use your Google account to log in to “Add More Colors to Calendar.”
  3. Create an event in your Google Calendar.
  4. The event popup will allow you to change the event color.
  5. Tap on the color selector and click the “+” at the bottom of the default Google Calendar colors.
  6. Choose your preferred colors from the selector and click “Apply.”
  7. Save the event created.
  8. Share your Google Calendar with others by clicking the three dots on the right and opening the Settings and Sharing option.
  9. For sending your Google Calendar event, create the event, add the event details, invite guests, save and send the invite.
  10. To delete your Google Calendar event, open the Calendar, choose the event you want to delete, and delete it.

What Are Hex Codes Google Calendar Color Schemes?
hex codes

Hex codes refer to the six-character alphanumeric codes representing specific colors in Google Calendar color schemes, web design, and digital platforms.


You can customize event colors and calendars within Google Calendar using these codes. As a result, you can have greater control over the visual organization of your schedule.


A hex code begins with a “#” symbol, followed by numbers from zero to nine and letters from A to F. These numbers and letters correspond to red, green, and blue (RGB). For example, the hex code “#FFFFFF” represents white, and “#000000” is black.

Using Hex Codes for Google Calendar Customization

As you can see, hex codes offer a deeper customization of Google Calendar. And such customization is helpful for those who want their calendars to align with company branding, personal preferences, or specific accessibility needs.


For instance, users can choose colors that are easier to distinguish for colorblind people. Specifically, people with protanopia are red-blind, those with deuteranopia are green-blind, and people with tritanopia are blue-blind.


To use hex codes in Google Calendar:

  1. Go to Your Calendar and Click on an event or calendar title.
  2. Choose the “Custom Color” option under the color menu.
  3. Input your desired hex code to apply the exact color.

Some standard hex codes you can pick for different events:

  • Red (#FF0000): Often used for urgent or high-priority events.
  • Blue (#0000FF): A calming color often used for meetings or appointments.
  • Green (#00FF00): Typically used for completed tasks or health-related events.

Customizing Google Calendar Color Schemes
google calendar color customization

Does Google Calendar have a distinct color option? Google Calendar offers default and custom color options. You can choose from 11 preset colors or create custom colors to fit your needs better.


So, the answer to “Is it Possible to Customize Google Calendar?” is “Yes.” If you’re interested in “How Do I Get More Google Calendar Colors?”:


  • Click on an event and select a color from the dropdown menu.
  • Assign a unique color to each calendar if you have multiple calendars. For instance, use one color for work, one for personal use, and one for a side project. This will help you distinguish your calendars easily.
  • Be consistent to get the most out of Google Calendar Color Schemes. Namely, assigning specific colors to recurring events can help create a routine and stick to your schedule without a challenge. For example, use blue for meetings, green for deadlines, and red for critical personal tasks.

How Can You Change the Color Scheme in Google Calendar?
change color scheme in google calendar

Two top questions regarding Google Calendar Color Schemes are “How do I change my Google Calendar scheme?” and “How to choose the right Color Scheme?”


Choosing the most suitable color scheme depends on personal preference and effectiveness. For example, some people prefer a minimalist approach with a few colors, while others go all out with a rainbow of shades.


The trick is to find a balance that works for you. Here are steps to choose your color scheme:


  • Understand Your Needs: Consider how many categories you have and how often you check your calendar.
  • Rely on Color Psychology: Use the right tones based on color psychology. Did you know white is usually used for simplicity and black for formality?
  • Consider Visibility: Ensure your chosen colors are easily distinguishable, even in different lighting conditions.
  • Test and Adjust: Don’t hesitate to tweak your color scheme if something needs to be fixed. Your color scheme should evolve with your needs.

Best Google Calendar Color Schemes to Consider
best colors in google calendar

Here are some of the best color scheme options you can adopt and modify:

1.    Google Calendar Color Schemes Green

Do you enjoy nature-inspired themes? A green color scheme can create a refreshing and calming aesthetic.


  • Green for Productivity, Health, and Balance: Shades of green like sage, mint, or forest green help organize tasks effectively. Thus, it’s an ideal choice for work-related tasks or wellness activities.

2.    Google Calendar Color Schemes Pastel

The Pastel Google Calendar Scheme is ideal for users who prefer a less intense, more calming look.


  • Pastels for a Gentle and Relaxing Interface: Soft, light colors like lavender, baby blue, and pale pink significantly reduce the visual stress of a cluttered calendar. Simultaneously, they keep your calendar organized.

3.    Pinterest Google Calendar Color Schemes

Pinterest Google Calendar Color Schemes are another option to consider. Here, you can choose popular Pinterest colors to give a curated look to your Google Calendar.


  • Color Pallet Ideas on Pinterest for Different Looks: Consider a mix of soft pastels, bold neutrals, or color-blocked sections that mirror the minimalist and stylish look. This scheme combines style with functionality, making your calendar feel creative and modern.

4.    Professional and Personal Balance

This color scheme visually separates your work and personal life, offering balance and clarity. As a result, you can easily differentiate between career obligations and personal events, navigating your calendar without confusion.


  • Bold, Vibrant Colors for Professional Tasks: For instance, blue or red are great for deadlines and meetings.
  • Softer, Lighter Shades for Personal Activities: For example, green, lavender, or pale yellow are ideal for health and fitness.

5.    Priority-Based Scheme

A priority-based color scheme organizes your tasks based on urgency or importance. This system helps you instantly recognize what needs immediate attention. Simultaneously, it streamlines your task management and improves productivity.


  • High Priority Tasks: Red
  • Medium Priority Tasks: Orange or yellow
  • Low Priority Tasks: Blue or green

6.    Minimalist Approach

A minimalist color scheme uses fewer colors and is ideal for those who prefer simplicity. Specifically, neutral tones like white and beige reduce visual clutter. They provide a clean, uncluttered interface and a sleek, modern design that doesn’t overwhelm the eyes while maintaining functionality.


  • Meetings: Grey
  • Tasks: Light blue
  • Deadlines: Dark blue
  • Personal: Beige

Customizing Google Calendar Color Schemes Isn’t Enough: Use Krisp to Enhance Your Meetings
Meeting Assistant Krisp

Undoubtedly, Google Calendar Color Schemes turn your calendar into a magic tool for managing your time, tasks, and meetings. However, you need more to ensure your online meetings are organized for maximum efficiency.


That’s where Krisp.AI comes into play. This intelligent Meeting Assistant is a powerful Noise-Canceling and Note-Taking app designed to streamline workflow and boost creativity.


By the way, did you know noise has colors? For instance, white noise masks other sounds like Krisp does with its Noise Cancellation feature.

Unmatched Noise Cancellation in Real Time

Imagine having a meeting where you can focus entirely on the discussion without the distraction of background noise. How? Krips’s Noise Cancellation feature ensures meetings with crystal clear communication.


Users note that Krisp’s background noise suppression algorithm is ten times better than the ones built into its competitors. So, you can easily take spontaneous calls in loud locations. Krisp blocks background noise from getting to the other person and can block their background noises from getting to you.

Automatic Meeting Recording With Best-in-Class Audio

Krisp’s Meeting Recording feature records your online discussions using the best audio quality available. This intelligent Meeting Assistant is equipped with excellent speaker recognition.


Krisp.AI syncs seamlessly with your Google Calendar Color Schemes after downloading and installing the Krisp app. Moreover, Krisp can be set to activate automatically during meetings scheduled on Google Calendar.

Meticulous Transcriptions and Error-Free Summaries

Krips’s Note Taking feature transcribes meetings in real time so you can concentrate on what matters most during meetings instead of taking manual notes. TIME’s top pick for note-taking apps that don’t use an in-meeting bot offers excellent usability and 96% accuracy.


Then, Krisp, the leader in Productivity Voice AI, provides Meeting Summaries free from errors. You can save your Meeting Transcriptions and Summaries to revisit and review them later.


Moreover, you can save your AI Meeting Notes in customizable templates. As a result, you enjoy enhanced meeting discussions and brainstorming and increased productivity.



Final Word

Customizing Google Calendar with color schemes enhances visual appeal and functionality, aligning with personal or professional preferences. Mastering these color schemes boosts productivity and organization, making task management more effortless.


Additionally, AI tools like the Krisp Meeting Assistant complement the process by canceling background noise, recording meetings, and taking exceptionally accurate notes during online sessions. Thus, Krisp further enhanced efficiency and effectiveness.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Do I Get More Google Calendar Colors?
For more Google Calendar colors, use third-party browser extensions like “Custom Calendar Backgrounds” or “Colorize.” Alternatively, integrate the Google Calendar API to create custom colors or use different calendars for more color-coded events.
Is Google Calendar Color Coded?
Yes, Google Calendar is color-coded. Each calendar and event can be assigned different colors. This helps users visually distinguish between events, tasks, and appointments for better organization and clarity.
Can You Change Google Calendar Color Scheme?
You can change the Google Calendar color scheme by selecting different colors for individual calendars and events. Additionally, browser extensions allow further customization with unique themes and color options.
What Happened to Google Calendar Colors?
Google Calendar colors remain available, but recent updates may change their appearance or offer fewer default options. Users can still customize event colors or use extensions for enhanced color choices.
What Happened to Google Android Calendar Color Schemes?
Google Android Calendar’s color schemes have shifted with updates, offering fewer preset colors. However, users can still assign colors to calendars and events, with third-party apps providing more customization options.
How Do I Change the Theme of Google Calendar?
To change Google Calendar’s theme, use browser extensions like “Custom Calendar Backgrounds” for custom themes because Google Calendar itself doesn’t offer native theme changes. On Android, system-wide dark mode adjusts the calendar’s appearance to a darker theme.