Have you ever wanted to make your virtual meetings more efficient and accessible? Google Meet transcription is the solution. The transcription feature converts your virtual meetings into real-time, written records, whether you’re a professional streamlining meeting notes, a student capturing lecture details, or a team leader enhancing accessibility. In this article, we’ll explore the benefits, setup process, and best practices for using this tool, and how Krisp can further enhance your transcription experience.

Why Do You Need a Google Meet Transcript?

Having a Google Meet transcript can significantly enhance your virtual meeting experience. Here’s how:

  • Improved accessibility: Transcripts make meetings more inclusive for participants with hearing impairments or language barriers.
  • Accurate record-keeping: They provide a precise account of what was discussed, assisting in meeting minutes, project documentation, and ensuring accountability.
  • Easy reference and review: Transcripts allow team members to quickly revisit key points and action items without the need to rewatch entire meetings.
  • Enhanced productivity: With clear records, you can simplify follow-up actions and ensure everyone is on the same page.

How to use Transcription in Google Meet

Using transcription in Google Meet is straightforward and can greatly enhance your meeting experience. Follow these steps to get started:

Step 1: Join or Start a Meeting

Open Google Meet and join an existing meeting or start a new one.

Step 2: Access the Transcription Feature

Click on the three vertical dots (More options) at the bottom-right corner of the screen.

Google Meet Transcription


Step 3: Enable Transcription

Select “Turn on captions” from the menu. This activates the transcription feature, displaying real-time captions at the bottom of the screen.

Step 4: Adjust Caption Settings

You can customize the caption language by clicking on “Caption settings” and selecting the preferred language.

Step 5: Viewing and Saving Transcriptions

To save the transcription for future reference, you may need to use third-party tools or browser extensions, as Google Meet does not currently offer a built-in saving feature.

Step 6: Use Third-Party Tools

For more advanced transcription features, consider integrating third-party tools like Krisp AI Meeting Assistant, which can provide additional functionalities such as noise cancellation, AI meeting notes, summaries, action items and meeting recordings.

Best Practices for Accurate Google Meet Transcriptions 

You never want to spend extra time editing and tweaking clumsy automated transcription, do you? It is a daunting process and can kill productivity especially if you have a series of meetings to report on and transcribe. Here we have curated a list of transcription best practices to follow:


  • Speak clearly and at a moderate pace

Articulate your words and avoid speaking too quickly to help the transcription software accurately capture your speech.


  • Use a high-quality headset/microphone

Invest in a good-quality headset or a microphone to minimize background noise and improve the clarity of your voice.


  • Minimize background noise

Choose a quiet location for your meetings. Use noise-canceling tools like Krisp to further reduce any unwanted sounds.

  • Ensure a stable internet connection

A stable internet connection helps in maintaining the quality of the audio and video, which in turn aids in accurate transcription.


  • Position your microphone properly

Keep your microphone at an appropriate distance from your mouth—neither too close nor too far—for optimal sound capture.


  • Mute when not speaking

Encourage participants to mute their microphones when not speaking to reduce background noise and interruptions.


Build-in Google Meet Transcription vs Third-Party Apps

When it comes to transcribing your Google Meet sessions, you have two main options: using the built-in transcription feature or opting for third-party apps. Each has its advantages and limitations. Here’s a comparison to help you decide which option is best for you:

Built-in Google Meet Transcription


Ease of use:
The built-in feature is straightforward to enable and use directly within Google Meet.

Seamless integration: Since it’s a native feature, it works smoothly without the need for additional software.

No extra cost: Utilizing this feature does not require any additional expense.


Limited features:
The built-in transcription offers basic functionalities and lacks advanced features such as noise cancellation, speaker identification, meeting summarization based on the transcript.

Google Workspace account required: Only available for users with a paid Google Workspace account.

Accuracy: Depending on the clarity of speech and background noise, the accuracy may vary.

No saving option: Currently, Google Meet does not provide a built-in option to save or export transcriptions for later use.

Third-Party Apps ( Krisp AI Meeting Transcription)


Enhanced accuracy:
Krisp uses advanced algorithms and AI to provide more accurate transcriptions.

Additional features: Krisp offers features such as noise cancellation, speaker identification, and the ability to save and export transcriptions.

Customization: Third-party apps often provide more customization options to suit specific needs.


: Many third-party transcription services require a subscription or one-time payment.

Setup required: These apps may require additional setup and integration with Google Meet.

Compatibility issues: Not all third-party apps may work with Google Meet, potentially requiring troubleshooting.

Krisp seamlessly operates with all the virtual meeting tools including Google Meet. 

Feature Google Meet Transcription Krisp AI Meeting Assistant
Cost Requires Google Workspace account Free Unlimited Transcriptions
Accuracy Good High accuracy with advanced AI
Automatic Summarization
AI-Generated Action Items
Additional Features Basic transcription Noise cancellation, AI meeting summaries, action items, call recording
Works with Any App Limited to Google Meet Yes, compatible with any video conferencing app


How to Transcribe Google Meet Meetings for Free with Krisp

Krisp’s AI Meeting Assistant offers a robust solution for transcribing Google Meet meetings. Here’s how to utilize Krisp for transcription:

Step 1: Download and install Krisp

Ensure it’s set up on your device and integrated with Google Meet.

Step 2: Select Krisp as your audio input and output

Before joining the meeting, choose Krisp as your microphone and speaker in the Google Meet settings.

Step 3: Enable the AI Note Taker feature 

In Krisp, activate the AI Note Taker to start transcribing the meeting. Just as you’d get a Teams meeting transcription without recording, the same applies to Google Meet:  Simply start or join your meetings as you usually do, and Krisp automatically jumps into action.

Step 4: Access and share transcripts 

Once the meeting is over, you can access the transcript directly in your Krisp account’s web dashboard.


How does Krisp Enhance Google Meet Transcription 


Choosing Krisp for transcription offers several advantages:

  • Superior accuracy: Utilizes advanced AI for high transcription accuracy, even in noisy environments.
  • Free Unlimited Transcriptions: Krisp works independently of your Google Meet account, offering flexibility for all users.
  • Advanced features: Includes generating summaries, identifying action items, and providing advanced noise cancellation, enhancing the overall meeting experience.

In sum

Google Meet transcription provides a seamless way to capture real-time written records of your meetings, ensuring key points are easily referenced and everyone is aligned. While the built-in transcription feature offers basic functionality, third-party tools like Krisp enhance the experience with advanced capabilities such as noise cancellation, speaker identification, and improved accuracy. 


By following the outlined steps and best practices, you can optimize transcription in your Google Meet sessions, benefiting professionals, students, and team leaders alike. Explore the enhanced transcription features of Krisp to elevate your virtual meeting experience and ensure maximum productivity and efficiency.


Frequently Asked Questions

Does Google Meet have transcription?
Yes, Google Meet provides a transcription feature, but it’s limited to users with a Google Workspace account and lacks advanced functionalities.

Do you need an extension to transcribe on Google Meet?
No, you don’t necessarily need an extension. While Google Meet has its own transcription service, using Krisp’s AI Note Taker feature can provide higher accuracy, additional features, and better privacy without the need for extensions.

Where are Google Meet transcripts stored?
Transcripts made using Google Meet’s built-in feature are stored in the meeting organizer’s Google Drive in the same folder as the meeting recording.

How to turn on transcription in Google Meet?
You need to click the three vertical dots (More options) at the bottom-right corner, then select “Turn on captions.

How to stop transcription in Google Meet?
You need to click the three vertical dots (More options) again and select “Turn off captions.

Can you transcribe on Google Meet?
Yes, you can enable real-time captions, which act as a form of transcription. Or you can use Krisp for more advanced features like meeting notes, summaries, and noise cancellation for higher-quality transcripts.

What is the transcription app for Google Meet?
While Google Meet has built-in captioning, third-party apps like Krisp provide advanced transcription features.