Have you ever found yourself in a Scrum meeting that feels disorganized or drags on too long? A well-structured Scrum meeting agenda is the key to keeping things on track and ensuring your team gets the most out of these daily standups. Without a clear plan, discussions can easily lose focus, and important details might get overlooked. But when you have a solid agenda in place, your Scrum meetings can be productive, quick, and focused on moving the project forward.


In this article, we’ll explore how to create an effective Scrum meeting agenda that keeps your team aligned, solves blockers, and ensures tasks get done. Plus, we’ll show you how Krisp AI Assistant can help streamline the process by automatically capturing notes and action items—so you can focus on the discussion, not scribbling down details. Ready to take your Scrum meetings to the next level? Let’s dive in.


Key Takeaways


  • A well-structured Scrum meeting agenda keeps meetings focused and productive.
  • Include progress updates, blockers, next steps, and action items in your agenda.
  • Set time limits for each topic to ensure the meeting stays within 15 minutes.
  • Involve the entire team to encourage collaboration and transparency.
  • Focus on solving blockers to keep the project moving forward.
  • Krisp AI Assistant can automatically take notes, track tasks, and help keep your Scrum meetings on track.
  • Using Krisp AI Assistant saves time and ensures that no details or action items are missed.


Why You Need a Scrum Meeting Agenda


Let’s be honest—meetings can easily get out of hand without a plan, and Scrum meetings are no exception. You’ve probably been in those meetings where everyone is talking, but by the end, it feels like nothing really got done. That’s where having a solid agenda comes into play.


An agenda is like a roadmap for your Scrum meeting. It keeps things on track, ensures everyone gets a chance to share their updates, and helps the team stay focused on what really matters. Instead of spending time figuring out what to talk about, you can dive straight into the important stuff—progress updates, blockers, and the next steps.


Plus, with an agenda, you can manage time more effectively. Nobody likes a meeting that drags on, right? When you know exactly what’s on the table, you can make sure each topic gets the attention it needs without going overboard. The result? Shorter, more focused meetings that leave everyone feeling clear about what’s next.


Core Elements of a Scrum Meeting Agenda

Alright, let’s talk about what actually goes into a Scrum meeting agenda. The whole point of these meetings is to keep everyone aligned, solve problems, and move forward. So, what do you need to cover to make sure that happens? Here are the key elements you should always include:


1. What’s been done since the last meeting?


This is the time for quick updates. Everyone shares what they’ve accomplished since the last Scrum meeting. It’s not about going into too much detail, just a high-level overview of progress. Think of it as the team’s way of saying, “Hey, here’s where I’m at!”


2. What’s blocking progress?


This is a big one. Every team member needs to bring up any blockers they’re facing. Whether it’s a technical issue, a resource they’re missing, or something external, this is the moment to raise it. The goal here is for the team to come together and figure out how to solve these problems. The faster you remove blockers, the faster the team can move forward.


3. What’s next?


Now, let’s talk about what’s coming up. Each person should quickly outline what they plan to work on next. This part keeps everyone in sync, so no one is left wondering who’s doing what. It’s all about clarity and making sure the team stays aligned on goals.


4. Collaboration or feedback requests


Sometimes, someone needs help or input from another team member. Maybe it’s feedback on a design or assistance with a tricky coding issue. Scrum meetings are the perfect place to raise these requests, so team members can plan to collaborate after the meeting.


5. Actionable next steps


Before wrapping up, it’s important to make sure everyone knows their next steps. Who’s doing what? What’s the deadline? Krisp AI Assistant can make this even easier by capturing these action items automatically, so no one has to scramble to jot them down or remember later. Pretty handy, right?


Tips for Creating a Scrum Meeting Agenda

So, you’ve got the basics of a Scrum meeting down, but how do you make sure your agenda works like a well-oiled machine? Here are a few tips to keep your Scrum meetings efficient, engaging, and—most importantly—not a waste of time.


1. Keep It Short and Sweet


Scrum meetings are meant to be quick. We’re talking about 15 minutes or less. The key is to stay focused. Don’t let the conversation drift into long discussions or problem-solving mode. If something needs a deeper dive, set it aside for a follow-up meeting. An agenda helps you stick to the plan and avoid getting off track.


2. Set Time Limits for Each Topic


A good Scrum meeting agenda doesn’t just list what you’ll talk about—it sets boundaries. Give each part of the meeting a time limit. For example, 3 minutes for progress updates, 5 minutes for blockers, and so on. This helps ensure the meeting doesn’t run over time, and everyone knows when to wrap up their points.


3. Involve the Whole Team


Your agenda should make room for everyone’s input. Scrum meetings are all about collaboration, so give each team member time to share. And don’t be afraid to shake things up—rotate who leads the meeting, or ask for different perspectives. When everyone’s involved, the team feels more connected and motivated.


4. Focus on Blockers


Blockers are the reason you’re holding these meetings in the first place—to keep things moving forward. So, give blockers extra attention on your agenda. Ask specific questions like, “What’s preventing you from finishing your task?” or “How can the team help?” This way, you can tackle problems head-on and resolve them quickly.


5. Use Krisp AI Assistant for Note-Taking and Action Items


Keeping track of what’s said during a Scrum meeting can be a challenge, especially when things move fast. But that’s where Krisp AI Assistant comes in. It automatically takes notes, records action items, and tracks who’s accountable for what. That means less scrambling to remember details later and more focus on getting things done.


6. Review and Adjust


Your Scrum meeting agenda isn’t set in stone. As your team evolves, so should your meetings. After a few sprints, take a step back and ask, “Is this working for us?” Maybe some sections need more time, or perhaps there’s a part of the agenda that no longer adds value. Be flexible and adjust your agenda as needed.



Sample Scrum Meeting Agenda Template


Now that you know what makes a great Scrum meeting agenda, let’s put it all together with a sample template. You can use this as a starting point and adjust it based on your team’s needs. Remember, the goal is to keep it simple, focused, and efficient.

Here’s a sample agenda that you can follow:


Scrum Meeting Agenda (15 minutes)

A brief hello to get everyone on the same page. No need to dive deep—just a quick “How’s it going?” or “Any quick updates before we start?”

  • Progress Updates (5 minutes)

Each team member shares what they completed since the last meeting.


“I finished the front-end development for the login page.”

•“I resolved the issue with the server timeout.”

  • Current Blockers (5 minutes)

Now’s the time to address any obstacles slowing down progress. The team should focus on removing these blockers to keep everything moving.



•“I’m stuck on the API integration—it’s not pulling data correctly.”

•“I’m waiting on design assets from the marketing team.”

  • Next Steps (3 minutes)

Everyone outlines what they’ll be working on before the next Scrum. This helps ensure that everyone knows their role moving forward.



“I’ll start testing the new user dashboard.”

•“I’m going to research a fix for the integration issue.”

  • Action Items Recap and Close (1 minute)

Wrap up the meeting by reviewing the action items and who is responsible for what. Krisp AI Assistant can automatically capture these tasks for you, so you don’t have to worry about missing anything.



“John will handle API integration, and Sarah will focus on testing the user dashboard.”


Pro Tip: Use Krisp AI Assistant

Let Krisp AI Assistant handle the note-taking and track action items automatically, so you can focus on the discussion instead of scribbling notes.


How Krisp Can Improve Your Scrum Meetings


Let’s face it—Scrum meetings are all about quick updates, problem-solving, and keeping the team on track. But sometimes, staying organized and remembering every detail can be a challenge. That’s where Krisp AI Assistant comes in to save the day.


1. Automatic Note-Taking


Ever find yourself frantically scribbling down notes during a meeting, only to realize you missed something important? With Krisp AI Assistant, you don’t have to worry about that anymore. It automatically takes notes throughout the meeting, capturing all the key points, tasks, and action items.
So, instead of being stuck in note-taking mode, you can focus on what really matters—solving blockers and planning the next sprint.


2. Task Tracking Made Easy


At the end of every Scrum meeting, there’s always a list of things to do. But who’s doing what? With Krisp AI, you don’t have to guess. It tracks all action items and assigns them to the right team members. 

Plus, you’ll have a neat summary of tasks and responsibilities after the meeting. No more worrying about who’s supposed to handle that integration fix or design tweak!




3. Stay on Time and On Topic


Scrum meetings are meant to be fast, but it’s easy for discussions to go off track. Krisp AI helps you stick to the agenda by keeping a record of time spent on each topic and ensuring that the meeting stays focused. That way, your team can get back to work faster and with a clear plan in mind.


4. Better Collaboration


When everyone’s clear on what’s been discussed and what’s coming next, it’s easier for the team to collaborate and move forward. Krisp AI Assistant ensures that no detail is missed, making it easier for everyone to stay aligned, collaborate efficiently, and hit those sprint goals.


With Krisp AI Assistant by your side, your Scrum meetings can run smoother, be more organized, and—most importantly—help your team deliver better results, faster. Ready to give it a try?





What is the agenda of the Scrum meeting?
The Scrum meeting agenda typically includes progress updates, blockers that need to be resolved, and next steps for the team. It’s designed to keep everyone aligned and focused on moving the project forward.
What to discuss in a Scrum meeting?
 In a Scrum meeting, team members discuss what they’ve accomplished since the last meeting, any obstacles or blockers they’re facing, and what they’ll work on next. The goal is to keep everyone aligned and identify any issues that need attention.
How do you organize a Scrum meeting?
To organize a Scrum meeting, set a clear agenda that includes progress updates, blockers, and next steps. Keep the meeting short (around 15 minutes), ensure everyone has a chance to speak, and use tools like Krisp AI Assistant to capture notes and action items.