Imagine running a well-oiled machine where every task is executed precisely and consistently. Sounds ideal, right? Whether you’re a startup founder or a seasoned manager, having clear and effective standard operating procedures recorded in an SOP template is vital to achieving this.


Standard operating procedure templates outline the steps and procedures organizations need to follow. They’re essential for addressing common operational challenges such as collaboration difficulties and low productivity. You can use them both in Word, Excel, Google Docs, or PDF formats.


Let’s discuss the SOP template meaning, look at a free SOP example, and answer questions like “How to write an SOP template?” and “What is an SOP format?” Importantly, let’s see how using an AI Meeting Assistant can enhance your SOP template writing and transform your workflow and business processes.

Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs): What Is a SOP Template?
Standard Operating Procedure template

Standard operating procedures (SOPs) are step-by-step instructions that detail how organizations should perform specific tasks through standard procedures.


These procedures can include production and prototyping, data collection and analysis, document filing, quality control, customer complaint management, and testing. And an SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) template aims to make these processes unique and distinct.


Specifically, these internal documents serve as a guide for teams to learn or relearn tasks. Importantly, you can rely on board meeting minutes or all-hands meetings to collect the necessary information for your SOP template.

Why You Need a SOP Template
standard operating procedure benefits

SOP templates are game-changers for any organization as they help ensure consistency, efficiency, and quality. 


Specifically, these templates standardize processes, such as administration and hiring, make training more effortless, and keep everything compliant to tackle everyday challenges.


As a result, standard operating procedure templates improve workflow quality, boost efficiency, foster accountability, and keep your operations smooth and successful.


Moreover, these internal documents help companies deliver results faster, eliminate ambiguity, reduce errors, and avoid miscommunication among team members.


Now, let’s discuss each benefit in detail.

SOP Template Benefits

Did you know that nearly 80% of small businesses keep their doors open the first year, and about 50% continue operating for at least five years, as the Bureau of Labor Statistics states?


So, successfully managing your business operations helps you avoid closing your doors. And implementing well-crafted templates can truly transform how your business runs.


Let’s take a closer look at the benefits of standard operating procedure templates:

  • Process Consistency 

Without standardized procedures, different team members may perform the same task, ending up with inconsistent results. However, SOP templates ensure everyone follows a precise and uniform set of instructions without repeating the same tasks in various ways.


Challenge Example: Handling customer complaints inconsistently in a customer service department can affect the company’s reputation.


Solution: Such a template for handling customer complaints ensures that all representatives follow the same protocol. And this results in a consistent and positive customer experience.

  • Training New Hires

Onboarding new people requires time and resources. Thankfully, the clear guidelines and step-by-step instructions in SOP templates streamline training processes.


Challenge Example: New hires in a tech company should understand their responsibilities quickly to become productive.


Solution: Such a template for software developers helps the new hire learn the tasks independently and efficiently through detailed instructions. And this leads to faster integration and improved productivity.

  • Compliance with Laws and Regulations

Many industries have strict regulatory requirements that must be followed. SOP templates ensure that all processes are compliant with relevant laws and standards.


Challenge Example: A healthcare provider must adhere to stringent patient care and documentation laws. Let’s take the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). It regulates the healthcare providers’ field when it comes to patient privacy.


Solution: Such templates for patient intake and care ensure that all procedures follow healthcare regulations. And this reduces the risk of violations and penalties.

  • High-Quality Standards

Quality control ensures customer satisfaction and business success. Thankfully, SOP templates enable businesses to perform tasks correctly and consistently, reducing errors and improving quality.


Challenge Example: In a tech company, developers must follow a uniform checklist to test software updates to reduce errors and enhance reliability.


Solution: Such a template for quality control ensures consistency by providing standardized testing procedures to maintain high-quality standards. As a result, all products meet the company’s quality standards before release.

  • Efficiency and Productivity

Disorganized processes can result in wasted time and resources. SOP templates provide clear and efficient workflows to streamline operations.


Challenge Example: Software development teams usually struggle with repetitive and time-consuming code deployment processes.


Solution: An SOP template for code deployment outlines an efficient and repeatable process. And this saves time and increases productivity.

  • Enhanced Accountability and Performance Management

Lack of clear guidelines makes it challenging to hold team members accountable for their performance. Thankfully, SOP templates set clear expectations and task completion standards.


Challenge Example: Sales teams usually take varying approaches to closing deals. And this makes it difficult to track performance and identify areas for improvement.


Solution: Such a template for the sales process standardizes their approach, making it easy to evaluate performance and provide targeted training.

  • Knowledge Retention

When leaving, experienced employees take valuable knowledge with them. The good news is that SOP templates help capture and retain this knowledge within companies.


Challenge Example: When key IT staff members resign, they leave behind undocumented procedures for system maintenance.


Solution: Such a template for system maintenance ensures that all critical procedures are documented and accessible. Thus, it helps preserve valuable knowledge.

When to Write an SOP Template?

“It is impossible to improve any process until it is standardized. If the process is shifting from here to there, then any improvement will just be one more variation that is occasionally used and mostly ignored.


One must standardize, and thus stabilize the process before continuous improvement can be made,” said Masaaki Imai, a Japanese organizational theorist and management consultant.


So, here are several critical times when writing an SOP template is vital to achieve improvement:


  • When introducing new procedures or technologies.
  • During the development of training programs for new hires.
  • When carrying out compliance audits to ensure all processes meet regulatory requirements.
  • When making process improvements to refine existing procedures.


For instance, a tech company introducing a new software tool might create such a template to guide employees through the setup and software use. Such guidance will ensure a smooth transition.

Types of SOP Templates
standard operating procedure types

Standard operating procedure templates can be categorized into main types based on their purpose and scope within companies.


As management consultant Joseph M. Juran said, “Without a Standard, there is no logical basis for decision-making or taking action.” So, how should you structure different SOPs for better decision-making?

Technical SOPs

These templates provide detailed instructions for performing specific technical tasks or operations. They are typical of IT, engineering, manufacturing, and laboratory settings.



  • Include step-by-step instructions.
  • Often list specialized equipment or software.
  • Require technical knowledge to understand and execute.
  • Ensure precise and accurate task completion.


Example: Let’s take a technical template for checking and adjusting laboratory equipment. It details each step to ensure employees calibrate the equipment properly and provide consistent results.

Administrative SOPs

These templates include guidelines for office tasks, such as filing documents or scheduling meetings. As a result, they help maintain consistency in day-to-day operations and ensure efficient and standardized administrative processes.



  • Focus on office procedures and workflows.
  • Include guidelines for tasks such as filing, scheduling, and communication.
  • Streamline administrative functions and improve productivity.
  • Ensure compliance with organizational policies.


Example: An administrative template for handling incoming mail includes steps for sorting, logging, and distributing mail to the appropriate departments.

Operational SOPs

These templates include procedures for daily business operations, such as opening and closing a retail store. Such a template for SOP ensures consistency and effectiveness in operational activities, aligning them with the organization’s goals and standards.



  • Apply to daily business operations.
  • Include processes such as production, quality control, and customer service.
  • Improve efficiency, safety, and quality. Help train new employees and maintain high
  • operational standards.


Example: An operational template for opening and closing a retail store details various tasks. These include preparing the cash register, stocking shelves, conducting inventory checks, and securing the premises at the end of the day.

Safety SOPs

These templates include safety and health-related instructions and protocols. They’re essential in manufacturing, construction, laboratories, and healthcare.



  • Include detailed, easy-to-understand steps regarding specific safety and emergency procedures.
  • List relevant safety regulations and standards, responsibilities, and roles.
  • Include Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) guidelines to minimize risks that can cause serious workplace injuries and illnesses.
  • List instructions for documenting safety checks, incidents, and maintenance activities.


Example: A tech company safety template guides the staff through setting up new computers to ensure an identical and efficient setup.

How to Write a SOP Template? SOP Template Examples
how to write standard operating procedures

“A company can seize extraordinary opportunities only if it is very good at the ordinary operations,” said investor and businessman Marcel Telles. And knowing how to create an SOP template is vital in successfully conducting ordinary operations.


So, what does a good SOP look like?


  • Header: Add the title, document number, and version to identify the task or process.
  • Purpose: Define the template intent, keeping it under two sentences.
  • Scope: Mention the individuals and processes involved.
  • References and Supporting Documents: Include necessary documents or references to help understand and execute the process effectively.
  • Information: Add consultations with experienced employees for detailed information.
  • Definitions: Explain terminology to your audience and spell out abbreviations or acronyms.
  • Roles and Responsibilities: Define the roles of those executing the process.
  • Procedure or Steps: Divide the process into clear and concise steps necessary for accomplishing the procedure objective.
  • Details: Add necessary information, like required materials or safety precautions.
  • Reviews and Tests: Record the changes made to the procedure, reviews, and tests.
  • Approval Signature: This section, typically found on the back page or at the end of a document, isn’t required for all SOPs. The author, reviewer, or leader involved in the template creation may provide approval signatures.

Standard Template for SOP

Here is a standard SOP example template. It’s straightforward, easy to follow, and ideal for routine procedures that require precise and concise instructions.

Standard Template for Standard Operating Procedures

Title: [Procedure Title]

Purpose: Describe the SOP’s purpose and what it aims to achieve.

Scope: Define its, including who it applies to and any limitations.

Responsibility: List the individuals or roles responsible for implementing and maintaining the SOP.


1: [First step description]

  • Details: [Specific details or sub-steps required]

2: [Second step description]

  • Details: [Specific details or sub-steps required]

3: [Third step description]

  • Details: [Specific details or sub-steps required]

References: List documents, tools, or resources referenced in the template.

Revision History:

Revision Number Date Description of Change Approved By

1.0 2024-01-01 Initial release [Name]

1.1 2024-02-01 Minor updates [Name]

Example of a Standard Template for Standard Operating Procedures

Title: Customer Complaint Handling

Purpose: To ensure all customer complaints are handled consistently and efficiently to maintain customer satisfaction

Scope: This SOP applies to all customer service representatives

Responsibility: Customer service team leader and representatives


  1. Receive Complaint:
  • Greet the customer and listen to their complaint.
  1. Verify Details:
  • Confirm customer details and document the complaint.
  1. Resolve Issue:
  • Offer solutions according to company policy.
  1. Follow-Up:
  • Ensure the customer remains satisfied with the results.

References: Customer Service Manual, Complaint Log.

Revision History:

Revision Number Date Description of Change Approved By

1.0 2024-01-01 Initial release John Williams


SOP Formal Template

Here is a formal sample SOP template. It’s more detailed and ideal for complex procedures that require thorough documentation.

Formal Template for Standard Operating Procedures

Company Name

Title: [Procedure Title]

Document Number: [SOP Number]

Effective Date: [Date]

Revision Number: [Revision Number]

Prepared By: [Name/Position]

Reviewed By: [Name/Position]

Approved By: [Name/Position]


  1. Purpose: State the SOP’s purpose and its objectives.
  2. Scope: Define the SOP’s boundaries, specifying who it applies to and any exclusions.
  3. Definitions: Provide definitions of terms and acronyms used in the template.
  4. Responsibilities: Outline all individuals’ responsibilities in the procedure.
  5. Procedure:

1: [Title of Step 1]

  • Description: [Detailed description of the first step]
  • Responsible Party: [Role responsible for this step]

2: [Title of Step 2]

  • Description: [Detailed description of the second step]
  • Responsible Party: [Role responsible for this step]

3: [Title of Step 3]

  • Description: [Detailed description of the third step]
  • Responsible Party: [Role responsible for this step]
  1. References: List documents, tools, or resources referenced in the template.
  2. Appendices: Include additional information, charts, or forms needed for the procedure.
  3. Revision History:

Revision Number Date Description of Change Prepared By Reviewed By Approved By

1.0 2024-01-01 Initial release Jane Smith John Williams Alice Brown

1.1 2024-02-01 Updated procedure Jane Smith John Williams Alice Brown

Example of a Formal Template for Standard Operating Procedures

Company Name

Title: Equipment Maintenance

Document Number: SOP-1234

Effective Date: 2024-01-01

Revision Number: 1.0

Prepared By: Jane Smith, Maintenance Supervisor

Reviewed By: John Williams, Operations Manager

Approved By: Alice Brown, Plant Manager


  1. Purpose: To ensure all equipment is adequately maintained to prevent breakdowns and ensure safety.
  2. Scope: This template applies to all maintenance personnel and covers all equipment used in the facility.
  3. Definitions:
  • PM: Preventive Maintenance
  • CM: Corrective Maintenance
  1. Responsibilities:
  • Maintenance Supervisor: Oversees the maintenance schedule and ensures compliance.
  • Technicians: Perform maintenance tasks as per the SOP.
  1. Procedure:

1: Schedule Maintenance:

  • Description: Create a maintenance schedule for all equipment.
  • Responsible Party: Maintenance Supervisor

2: Perform Preventive Maintenance:

  • Description: Conduct routine checks and services according to the schedule.
  • Responsible Party: Technicians

3: Document Maintenance Activities:

  • Description: Record all maintenance activities in the logbook.
  • Responsible Party: Technicians
  1. References:
  • Maintenance Manual
  • Equipment Manufacturer Guidelines
  1. Appendices:
  • Appendix A: Maintenance Log Template
  • Appendix B: Safety Checklist
  1. Revision History:

Revision Number Date Description of Change Prepared By Reviewed By Approved By

1.0 2024-01-01 Initial release Jane Smith John Williams Alice Brown

1.1 2024-02-01 Updated procedure Jane Smith John Williams Alice Brown

How to Create an SOP Template with Krisp to Boost Productivity

Accelerated digital transformation is here to stay. And AI Meeting Assistant Krisp is an ever-faster technological development that can help you with this transformation.

Krisp is designed with productivity and efficiency in mind to enable faster and hassle-free meeting recording and note-taking.


As customers highlight, Krisp doesn’t have many bells and doesn’t. This Meeting Assistant works on Windows, Mac, Linux, iOS, and Android. It currently processes over 75 billion minutes of voice conversations monthly.


Finally, Krisp is compatible with all video conferencing platforms or apps, including Zoom, Google Meet, and Microsoft Teams.

How to Create an SOP Template with Krisp

“Krisp goes beyond improving conversation quality. Our analytics capabilities provide valuable insights, allowing users to gain a deeper understanding of their communication patterns, track speaking habits, and identify areas for improvement.


This data-driven approach empowers individuals and businesses to optimize their communication skills and achieve greater efficiency,” says serial tech entrepreneur and Krisp’s co-founder Arto Minasyan.


Krisp helps you solve SOP challenges that businesses often face. How?

Records Without Distractions

Krisp’s Meeting Recording records your discussions online. You can save them for future reference and include them in your SOP template. The best part is that Krisp’s flagship Noise-Cancellation technology eliminates background noise, voice, and echo to provide unmatched audio quality.

Transcribes in Real-Time with 96% Accuracy

Krisp’s Note-Taking Transcribes online discussions in real time and in multiple languages. So, you can include what matters most in your template. Don’t worry about missing information: grab your coffee and let Krisp take meeting notes. What users like most is the exceptional accuracy of unlimited transcriptions.

Summarizes Meticulously

Krisp’s meticulous and objective Summary captures key discussion details for your document. Moreover, Krisp’s Summaries ensure accurate and comprehensive SOP documentation. So, save valuable time and say goodbye to information overload and errors. 

Gathers the Information in a Template

Collect the most essential information using a customized template, choosing your preferred SOP format. Your document will have a consistent and professional appearance, and you’ll save time and effort when creating SOPs.


As a result, you can enjoy:

  • Accelerated strategy and solution building, analyses, and planning
  • Enhanced Communication to avoid disrupting efficiency
  • Consistency, ensuring everybody follows the same procedures to reduce errors and improve quality
  • Easy training of new employees without extensive hands-on training
  • Compliance to meet industry regulations and standards through quickly and easily gathered documentation
  • Productivity and efficiency through streamlined operations to save time and resources
  • Accountability through clear guidelines that facilitate the identification and correction of standard procedures.


Free Sop Templates

free Word templates

How to create SOP in Word, Google Docs, Excel, and PDF? These are readily available formats that aid in standardizing procedures across your organization. These templates are free, easy to use, and ensure consistency, compliance, and efficiency in your operations.


Here is a standard format you can use for your Word, Excel, Google Docs, or PDF SOP templates: 


[Name of the Company]

[Street Address of the Company]

[Phone Number of the Company or Department]

[Version # of document]

Written by: [Name of SOP writer]

Approved by: [Name of approver]

Date: [MM/DD/YYYY]


Purpose [Briefly describe the reason you’re creating the SOP and include information about the procedure]


Application [Describe who this document applies to and under what circumstances]


Definitions [Define the unknown words or acronyms to help the reader understand this SOP]


Procedure steps [Describe the procedure step and mention the known hazards or difficulties]






Resources [Add resources to help the reader execute the procedure safely and effectively]

SOP Template Word
template Excel

Microsoft Office Templates offers free options to download or use in Microsoft Word. They’re versatile, easy to edit, suitable for text-heavy documents, and can include formatting elements such as images and tables.


  • Click “New” on the “File” tab.
  • Find “Available Templates” to use a built-in free SOP template Word.
  • Or click “Sample Templates,” then pick the template you want, and click “Create.”
  • Create your document and enjoy a SOP template Word free download.

SOP Template Excel

Such templates in Excel format are ideal for data entry, calculations, or tracking. They can include data visualization tools, such as tables and charts. Namely, you can use Excel templates from Microsoft Office or customize free downloadable templates in Excel. Consider using the above-mentioned standard format for your document.

SOP Template PDF
PDF template in Adobe

Such templates in PDF format are best for documents to be shared in a read-only format. They feature consistency and can’t be altered easily. You can create free SOP templates in PDF format by visiting and downloading them easily.

SOP Template Google Docs
Google Docs templates

Such templates in Google Docs are ideal for collaborative editing and real-time updates. You can access them from any device with internet access. Moreover, multiple users can work on the document simultaneously.


You can get them from the Google Docs Template Gallery. The latter contains free templates you can use and customize within Google Docs.


An SOP template is a preformatted document that outlines the steps and procedures for an organization’s specific tasks.


Specifically, it addresses operational needs, including administrative and technical tasks. As a result, organizations achieve operational excellence and move forward successfully. It helps organizations improve consistency, efficiency, and quality in operations.


Using AI Meeting Assistant Krisp, you can enhance the management of operational processes. This AI-powered Meeting Recorder and Note-Taker transcribes your online discussions with exceptional accuracy. So, Krisp ensures your template includes only the most relevant information.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is There a SOP Template in Word?
Yes, there are such templates in a structured Word format. They make creating, editing, and standardizing processes within your organization easy.
Does Excel Have a SOP Template?
Yes, Excel offers such templates. These templates help document and standardize procedures. So, you can use them to easily track, manage, and analyze data for consistent and efficient operations within your organization.
Does Google Docs Have a SOP Template?
Yes, Google Docs offers such templates. They provide a collaborative platform for creating, editing, and sharing standardized procedures, ensuring consistency and efficiency within your organization.
What Are the Three Types of SOP Templates?
The three types of SOPs are technical, administrative, and operational. They help companies create tailored procedures to address specific operational needs. These templates ensure consistency, efficiency, and operation quality, leading to better performance and success.