場所を選ばないプロフェッショナルな通話。 ディスカッションに集中。 重要なポイントを効率的に確認
場所を選ばない明瞭なコミュニケーションで、クライアントとの対話を強化。 ミーティング後の詳細を記録し、レビューすることができます。
場所を問わず、明確なチームコミュニケーション 説明責任と効率的な行動追跡を促進
プロフェッショナルなコンサルテーションを、最高の明瞭さと安全性で体験してください。 包括的な通話記録から、あらゆる対話から実用的な洞察を導き出します。
“Atlassian staff working at home have benefitted from the Krisp service since early in the pandemic. Since our Team Anywhere announcement, we have sought ways to make remote and hybrid working more effective, and Krisp's ability to screen background noise from calls and recordings has been invaluable to many staff.”
“With a nice noise-canceling headset, you can remove those background noises coming from your side of the call for yourself, BUT, you still have to deal with the other sides of the calls, and Krisp lets you filter out those noises as well. No more Dog Barking in the background!”
“Krisp mutes the noise I don't want going into my call and always allows me to be heard. I have crying kids in the background, noisy house stuff, noises from my computer and none of them ever get on the call. Bonus points for being able to mute the backgrounds of others on the call if their environment is noisy.”
“Krisp works exceptionally well. Once set up, it is a pretty seamless experience and automatically detects whichever software I'm using. Nobody on the other line can ever hear the background noise from my end, and people have commented that it sounds like I'm "in a library" or a studio.”
“Life saver for WFH employees.
Krisp allows me to work from home where there are dogs barking, laundry running, and people going about their daily activities - yet their noise is blocked so I can appear professional and not be a distraction on video calls.”
“AI noise cancellation works as advertised, even in the noisiest environments. Runs seamlessly in the background. Easy to toggle on/off and adjust settings from the taskbar corner on windows. The two-way noise cancellation is a huge benefit, eliminating the distracting background noises of your non-krisp-using coworkers.”
Krispは、Zoom、Meet、Teamsなどのコミュニケーションアプリと連動します。 デバイスとオンライン・コミュニケーション・プラットフォーム間の「スマート」なレイヤーとして機能し、バックグラウンド・ノイズを除去し、録音、書き起こし、ミーティング・メモをキャプチャします。